Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: May 2015

Migrating a Domain From the OpenBoot PROM or a Domain That Is Running in the Kernel Debugger

Performing a domain migration requires coordination between the Logical Domains Manager and the Oracle Solaris OS that is running in the domain to be migrated. When a domain to be migrated is running in OpenBoot or in the kernel debugger (kmdb), this coordination is not possible. As a result, the migration attempt fails.

When a domain to be migrated is running in OpenBoot, you will see the following message:

primary# ldm migrate ldg1 system2
Migration is not supported while the domain ldg1 is in the 'OpenBoot Running' state
Domain Migration of LDom ldg1 failed

When a domain to be migrated is running in the kernel debugger (kmdb), you will see the following message:

primary# ldm migrate ldg1 system2
Migration is not supported while the domain ldg1 is in the 'Solaris debugging' state
Domain Migration of LDom ldg1 failed