3.2 CLI Commands

This section describes all of the documented commands available via the CLI.

3.2.1 backup

Triggers a manual backup of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


backup [ --json ]


Use the backup command to initiate a backup task outside of the usual cron schedule. The backup task performs a full backup of the Oracle PCA as described in Section 1.6, “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Backup”. The CLI command does not monitor the progress of the backup task itself, and exits immediately after triggering the task, returning the task ID, its initial status, its progress and start time. This command must only ever be run on the active management node.

You can use the show task command to view the status of the task after you have initiated the backup. See Example 3.21, “Show Task” for more information.


The following table shows the available options for this command.




Return the output of the command in JSON format


Example 3.3 Running a backup task

PCA> backup
Task_ID                           Status  Progress Start_Time          
-------                           ------  -------- ----------          
9605d0980c974ee38ef7de8eb6220d74  RUNNING        0 06-02-2014 07:20:32 
1 row displayed
Status: Success

3.2.2 diagnose

Performs various diagnostic checks against the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance for support purposes.


diagnose { ilom | software } [ --json ]


Use the diagnose command to initiate a diagnostic check of various components that make up Oracle PCA.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ ilom | software }

Specify the type of diagnostic check that should be performed as the command target. The ilom diagnostic checks that the ILOM for each component is accessible on the management network. The software diagnostic triggers the Oracle PCA software acceptance tests.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Example 3.4 Running the ILOM Diagnostic

PCA> diagnose ilom
Checking ILOM health............please wait..

IP_Address      Status          Health_Details
----------      ------          --------------   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   OK   OK   Faulty          Mon Nov 25 14:17:37 2013  Power    PS1 (Power Supply 1) 
                                A loss of AC input to a power supply has occurred. 
                                (Probability: 100, UUID: 2c1ec5fc-ffa3-c768-e602-ca12b86e3ea1, 
                                Part Number: 07047410, Serial Number: 476856F+1252CE027X, 
                                Reference Document: http://www.sun.com/msg/SPX86-8003-73)   OK   OK   OK   OK   OK   Not Connected   OK   OK   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected   Not Connected
27 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 3.5 Running the Software Diagnostic

PCA> diagnose software
PCA Software Acceptance Test runner utility
Test -    701 - OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 Heartbleed bug Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    785 - PCA package Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1083 - Mgmt node xsigo network interface Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    787 - Shared Storage Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    973 - Simple connectivity Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1078 - Test for ovs-agent service on CNs Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1079 - Test for shares mounted on CNs Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1080 - ovs-log check Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    788 - PCA services Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    789 - PCA config file Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1300 - All compute nodes running Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1318 - Check support packages in PCA image Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    928 - Repositories defined in OVM manager Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1107 - Compute node xsigo network interface Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1316 - PCA version Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -   1117 - Network interfaces check Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    824 - OVM manager settings Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    927 - OVM server model Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    925 - PCA log Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    926 - Networks defined in OVM manager for CNs Acceptance [PASSED]
Test -    822 - Compute node network interface Acceptance [PASSED]
Status: Success

3.2.3 delete

The delete command can be used to delete a failed configuration task from the configuration error database.


delete { config-error } id [ --confirm ] [ --json ]

where id is the identifier for the configuration error for the item that you wish to delete from the database.


Use the delete command to remove a configuration error or a task from the respective database. This is a destructive operation and you are prompted to confirm whether or not you wish to continue, unless you use the --confirm flag to override the prompt.

Once a configuration error has been deleted from the database, you may not be able to re-run the configuration task associated with it. To obtain a list of configuration errors, use the list config-error command. See Example 3.15, “List All Configuration Errors” for more information.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ config-error | task }

The command target to perform the delete operation against.


Confirm flag for destructive command. Use this flag to disable the confirmation prompt when you run this command.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Example 3.6 Removing a Configuration Error

PCA> delete config-error 87
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success

Example 3.7 Removing a Task

PCA> delete task 1182919afe584c508fd87b02211d6760
Are you sure [y/N]:y
Status: Success

3.2.4 list

The list command can be used to list the different components and tasks within the Oracle PCA. The output displays information relevant to each component or task. Output from the list command is usually tabulated so that different fields appear as columns for each row of information relating to the command target.


list { compute-node | config-error | management-node | network-cloud | opus-port | storage-cloud | task | wwpn-info } [ --json ] [ [ --sorted-by SORTEDBY | --sorted-order SORTEDORDER ] ] [ [ --filter-column FILTERCOLUMN | --filter FILTER ] ]

Where SORTEDBY is one of the table column names returned for the selected command target, and SORTEDORDER can be either ASC for an ascending sort, or DESC for a descending sort. See Section, “Sorting” for more information.

Where FILTERCOLUMN is one of the table column names returned for the selected command target, and FILTER is the text that you wish to match to perform your filtering. See Section, “Filtering” for more information.


Use the list command to obtain tabulated listings of information about different components or activities within the Oracle PCA. The list command can frequently be used to obtain identifiers that can be used in conjunction with many other commands to perform various actions or to obtain more detailed information about a specific component or task. The list command also supports sorting and filtering capabilities to allow you to order information or to limit information so that you are able to identify specific items of interest quickly and easily.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ compute-node | config-error | management-node | network-cloud | opus-port | storage-cloud | task | wwpn-info }

The command target to list information for.

[ --json ]

Return the output of the command in JSON format

[ --sorted-by SORTEDBY ]

Sort the table by the values within a particular column in the table, specified by replacing SORTEDBY with the name of the column that should be used to perform the sort.

[ --sorted-order SORTEDORDER ]

Used to specify the sort order, which can either be ASC for an ascending sort, or DESC for a descending sort. You must use the --sorted-by option in conjunction with this option.

[ --filter-column FILTERCOLUMN ]

Filter the table for a value within a particular column in the table, specified by replacing FILTERCOLUMN with the name of the column that should be used to perform the sort. You must use the --filter option in conjunction with this option.

[ --filter FILTER ]

The filter that should be applied to values within the column specified by the --filter-column option.


When the target of the list command is either management-node or compute-node, the Node_State column is used to show the software completeness of a node through the provisioning process. It does not indicate the system status of a node.


Example 3.8 List all management nodes

PCA> list management-node
Management_Node IP_Address    Node_State    ILOM_MAC             ILOM_State    Master
--------------- ----------    ----------    --------             ----------    ------
ovcamn06r1   RUNNING       00:10:e0:0f:5b:59    running            
ovcamn05r1   RUNNING       00:10:e0:0f:8e:fb    running       Yes  
2 rows displayed
Status: Success

Example 3.9 List all compute nodes

PCA> list compute-node
Compute_Node  IP_Address    Node_State  ILOM_MAC            ILOM_State     
------------  ----------    ----------  --------            ----------     
ovcacn13r1  DEAD        00:10:e0:46:9c:59   initializing_stage_wait_for_ovm
ovcacn14r1   RUNNING     00:10:e0:46:9e:45   running        
ovcacn11r1  DEAD        00:10:e0:0f:57:93   initializing_stage_wait_for_ovm
3 rows displayed
Status: Success

Example 3.10 List Network Clouds

PCA> list network-cloud

Cloud_Name                          Trunkmode    Description          
----------                          ---------    -----------          
vm_public_vlan                      True         2014-07-12 02:11:27  
mgmt_public_eth                     True         2014-07-12 02:09:42  
mgmt_pvi                            False        2014-07-12 02:08:38  
vm_private                          False        2014-07-12 02:10:35  
discovered-network-cloud            False                             
5 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 3.11 List ports on each Oracle Switch ES1-24 using a Filter

Note that the CLI uses the internal alias for an Oracle Switch ES1-24, referencing an 'opus' switch or port.

PCA> list opus-port --filter-column=Dest_Port --filter=Net\ Mgt

Dest     Dest_Port  Hostname        Key        OPUS     RACK  RU   Src_Port  Type            
----     ---------  --------        ---        ----     ----  --   --------  ----            
22       Net Mgt    ovcasw22r1      OPUS-1-9   OPUS-1   1     22   9         switch          
19       Net Mgt    ovcasw19r1      OPUS-1-10  OPUS-1   1     19   10        switch          
PDU-A    Net Mgt    ovcapoPDU-Ar1   OPUS-1-20  OPUS-1   1     0    20        power           
15       Net Mgt    ovcasw15r1      OPUS-2-9   OPUS-2   1     15   9         switch          
20       Net Mgt    ovcasw20r1      OPUS-2-10  OPUS-2   1     20   10        switch          
PDU-B    Net Mgt    ovcapoPDU-Br1   OPUS-2-20  OPUS-2   1     0    20        power           
16       Net Mgt    ovcasw16r2      OPUS-3-10  OPUS-3   2     16   10        switch          
PDU-A    Net Mgt    ovcapoPDU-Ar2   OPUS-3-20  OPUS-3   2     0    20        power           
20       Net Mgt    ovcasw20r2      OPUS-4-10  OPUS-4   2     20   10        switch          
PDU-B    Net Mgt    ovcapoPDU-Br2   OPUS-4-20  OPUS-4   2     0    20        power           
16       Net Mgt    ovcasw16r3      OPUS-5-10  OPUS-5   3     16   10        switch          
PDU-A    Net Mgt    ovcapoPDU-Ar3   OPUS-5-20  OPUS-5   3     0    20        power           
20       Net Mgt    ovcasw20r3      OPUS-6-10  OPUS-6   3     20   10        switch          
PDU-B    Net Mgt    ovcapoPDU-Br3   OPUS-6-20  OPUS-6   3     0    20        power           
14 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 3.12 List all tasks

PCA> list task

Task_ID                           Status  Progress Start_Time          
-------                           ------  -------- ----------          
1cab8b9ed7d74bf2a9f930de888d896b  FAILURE      100 06-01-2014 21:00:02 
01980f4ba1df4f669cef7a449fd0f435  FAILURE      100 06-01-2014 21:00:01
2 rows displayed
Status: Success

Example 3.13 List Storage Clouds For External Fibre Channel Storage

PCA> list storage-cloud

Cloud_Name                          Description          
----------                          ----------- 
Cloud_D                             Default Storage Cloud ru15 port2 - Do not delete or modify 
Cloud_A                             Default Storage Cloud ru22 port1 - Do not delete or modify 
Cloud_C                             Default Storage Cloud ru15 port1 - Do not delete or modify 
Cloud_B                             Default Storage Cloud ru22 port2 - Do not delete or modify 
4 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 3.14 List WWPNs To Configure External Fibre Channel Storage

PCA> list wwpn-info
WWPN                     vHBA     Cloud_Name     Server       Type  Alias                                   
-------------            ----     -----------    ---------    ----- --------------                          
50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:00  vhba01   Cloud_A        ovcamn05r1   MN    ovcamn05r1-Cloud_A                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:02  vhba01   Cloud_A        ovcamn06r1   MN    ovcamn06r1-Cloud_A                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:04  vhba01   Cloud_A        ovcacn07r1   CN    ovcacn07r1-Cloud_A                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:06  vhba01   Cloud_A        ovcacn08r1   CN    ovcacn08r1-Cloud_A                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:01  vhba02   Cloud_B        ovcamn05r1   MN    ovcamn05r1-Cloud_B                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:03  vhba02   Cloud_B        ovcamn06r1   MN    ovcamn06r1-Cloud_B                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:05  vhba02   Cloud_B        ovcacn07r1   CN    ovcacn07r1-Cloud_B                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:91:07  vhba02   Cloud_B        ovcacn08r1   CN    ovcacn08r1-Cloud_B                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:06  vhba03   Cloud_C        ovcacn08r1   CN    ovcacn08r1-Cloud_C                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:04  vhba03   Cloud_C        ovcacn07r1   CN    ovcacn07r1-Cloud_C                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:02  vhba03   Cloud_C        ovcamn06r1   MN    ovcamn06r1-Cloud_C                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:00  vhba03   Cloud_C        ovcamn05r1   MN    ovcamn05r1-Cloud_C                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:07  vhba04   Cloud_D        ovcacn08r1   CN    ovcacn08r1-Cloud_D                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:05  vhba04   Cloud_D        ovcacn07r1   CN    ovcacn07r1-Cloud_D                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:03  vhba04   Cloud_D        ovcamn06r1   MN    ovcamn06r1-Cloud_D                      
50:01:39:70:00:4F:F1:01  vhba04   Cloud_D        ovcamn05r1   MN    ovcamn05r1-Cloud_D                      
16 rows displayed
Status: Success

Example 3.15 List All Configuration Errors

PCA> list config-error
ID        Module                      Host             Timestamp           
--        ------                      ----             ---------           
87        Management node password      Thu Aug 21 02:45:42 2014
84        MySQL management password    Thu Aug 21 02:44:54 2014
2 rows displayed
Status: Success

3.2.5 reprovision

The reprovision command can be used to trigger reprovisioning for a specified compute node within the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


reprovision { compute-node } node [ --json ] [ --mac MAC ] [ --force ]

where node is the compute node name for the compute node that should be reprovisioned, and MAC is the MAC address of the network interface that the ILOM is available at.


Use the reprovision command to reprovision a specified compute node. The provisioning process is described in more detail in Section 1.4, “Provisioning and Orchestration”.

The reprovision command triggers a task that is responsible for handling the reprovisioning process and exits immediately with status 'Success' if the task has been successfully generated. This does not mean that the reprovisioning process itself has completed successfully. To monitor the status of the reprovisioning task, you can use the list task and show task commands. You can also monitor the log file for information relating to provisioning tasks. The location of the log file can be obtained by checking the Log_File parameter when you run the show system-properties command. See Example 3.20, “Show System Properties” for more information.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ compute-node }

The command target to perform the reprovision operation against.


Return the output of the command in JSON format.

--mac MAC

The ILOM MAC address.


Force reprovisioning of a compute node in the case where provisioning has already successfully completed. You can only force reprovisioning on a compute node that does not have any virtual machines running.


Example 3.16 Reprovisioning a Compute Node

PCA> reprovision compute-node ovcacn11r1
Status: Success

3.2.6 rerun

Triggers a configuration task to re-run on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


rerun { config-task } id [ --json ]

where id is the identifier for the configuration task that must be re-run.


Use the rerun command to re-initiate a configuration task that has failed. Use the list config-error command to view the configuration tasks that have failed and the associated identifier that you should use in conjunction with this command. See Example 3.15, “List All Configuration Errors” for more information.

You can use the show task command to view the status of the task after you have triggered it to run. See Example 3.21, “Show Task” for more information.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ config-task }

The command target to perform the rerun operation against.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Example 3.17 Re-run a configuration task

PCA> rerun config-task 84
Status: Success

3.2.7 set

Sets the value for a system property on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


set { system-property } { ftp_proxy | http_proxy | https_proxy | log_count | log_file | log_level | log_size } value [ --json ]

where value is the value for the system property that you are setting.


Use the set command to set the value for a system property on the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


The set system-property command only affects the settings for the management node where it is run. If you change a setting on the active management node, using this command, you should connect to the passive management node and run the equivalent command there as well, to keep the two systems synchronized. This is the only exception where it is necessary to run a CLI command on the passive management node.

You can use the show system-properties command to view the values of various system properties at any point. See Example 3.20, “Show System Properties” for more information.


Changes to system-properties usually require that you restart the service for the change to take effect. To do this, you must run service ovca restart in the shell of the active management node after you have set the system property value.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ system-property }

The command target to perform the set operation against.


Return the output of the command in JSON format


Example 3.18 Changing the location of the pca.log file

PCA> set system-property log_file /mnt/filer/logs/pca.log
Status: Success


Log configuration through the CLI is described in more detail in Section 7.2, “Setting the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Logging Parameters”.

Example 3.19 Configuring and unconfiguring an HTTP proxy

PCA> set system-property http_proxy http://proxy.example.com:8080
Status: Success

PCA> set system-property http_proxy ''
Status: Success


Proxy configuration through the CLI is described in more detail in Section 7.1, “Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Updates”.

3.2.8 show

The show command can be used to view information about particular objects such as tasks, rack layout or system properties. Unlike the list command, which applies to a whole target object type, the show command displays information specific to a particular target object. Therefore, it is usually run by specifying the command, the target object type and the object identifier.


show { cloud-wwpn | network-cloud | rack-layout | storage-cloud | system-properties | task | vhba-info } object [ --json ]

Where object is the identifier for the target object that you wish to show information for. The following table provides a mapping of identifiers that should be substituted for object, depending on the command target.

Command TargetObject Identifier
cloud-wwpnStorage Cloud Name
network-cloudNetwork Cloud Name
rack-layoutRack Name
storage-cloudStorage Cloud Name
taskTask ID
vhba-infoCompute Node Name

Note that you can use tab completion to help you correctly specify the object for the different command targets. You do not need to specify an object if the command target is system-properties.


Use the show command to view information specific to a particular target object, identified by specifying the identifier for the object that you wish to view. The exception to this is the option to view system-properties, for which no identifier is required.

Frequently, the show command may display information that is not available using the list command in conjunction with its filtering capabilities.


The following table shows the available options for this command.



{ cloud-wwpn | network-cloud | rack-layout | storage-cloud | system-properties | task | vhba-info }

The command target to show information for.

[ --json ]

Return the output of the command in JSON format


Example 3.20 Show System Properties


This command only displays the system properties for the management node where it is run. If the system properties have become unsynchronized across the two management nodes, the information reflected by this command may not apply to both systems. You can run this command on either the active or passive management node if you need to check that the configurations match.

PCA> show system-properties

Log_File             /var/log/ovca.log    
Log_Level            DEBUG                
Log_Size (MB)        50                   
Log_Count            25                   

Status: Success

Example 3.21 Show Task

PCA> show task 8efc92ef13504dacaa3870348d2a54d7

Task_Name            backup               
Status               SUCCESS              
Progress             100                  
Start_Time           06-27-2014 09:00:01  
End_Time             06-27-2014 09:00:01  
Pid                  107429               
Result               0                    

Status: Success 

Example 3.22 Show Rack Layout

PCA> show rack-layout x3-2_base

Index Static Sub_Type   Type            Units      
----- ------ --------   ----            -----      
    0      1 pdu1       pdu             [0]        
    1      1 head2      storage         [4, 3, 2, 1] 
    2      1 head1      storage         [4, 3, 2, 1] 
    3      1 jbod       storage         [4, 3, 2, 1] 
    4      1 jbod       storage         [4, 3, 2, 1] 
    5      1 mgmt2      management      [5]        
    6      1 mgmt1      management      [6]        
    7      0 None       compute         [7]        
    8      0 None       compute         [8]        
    9      0 None       compute         [9]        
   10      0 None       compute         [10]       
   11      0 None       compute         [11]       
   12      0 None       compute         [12]       
   13      0 None       compute         [13]       
   14      0 None       compute         [14]       
   15      1 xsigo2     xsigo           [18, 17, 16, 15] 
   16      1 xsigo2     xsigo           [18, 17, 16, 15] 
   17      1 xsigo2     xsigo           [18, 17, 16, 15] 
   18      1 xsigo2     xsigo           [18, 17, 16, 15] 
   19      1 ibsw2      ibswitch        [19]       
   20      1 ibsw1      ibswitch        [20]       
   21      1 opus1      opus            [21]       
   22      1 xsigo1     xsigo           [25, 24, 23, 22] 
   23      1 xsigo1     xsigo           [25, 24, 23, 22] 
   24      1 xsigo1     xsigo           [25, 24, 23, 22] 
   25      1 xsigo1     xsigo           [25, 24, 23, 22] 
   26      0 None       compute         [26]       
   27      0 None       compute         [27]       
   28      0 None       compute         [28]       
   29      0 None       compute         [29]       
   30      0 None       compute         [30]       
   31      0 None       compute         [31]       
   32      0 None       compute         [32]       
   33      0 None       compute         [33]       
   34      0 None       compute         [34]       
   35      0 None       compute         [35]       
   36      0 None       compute         [36]       
   37      0 None       compute         [37]       
   38      0 None       compute         [38]       
   39      0 None       compute         [39]       
   40      0 None       compute         [40]       
   41      0 None       compute         [41]       
   42      0 None       compute         [42]       
43 rows displayed

Status: Success

Example 3.23 Show the Ports and VNICs in the mgmt_public_eth Network Cloud

PCA> show network-cloud mgmt_public_eth

Cloud_Name       mgmt_public_eth      
Trunkmode        True                 
Description      2014-07-12 02:09:42  
Ports            ovcasw22r1:5:1, ovcasw22r1:4:1, ovcasw15r1:5:1, ovcasw15r1:4:1 
Vnics            ovcacn27r1-eth5, ovcacn13r1-eth5, ovcacn14r1-eth5, ovcacn09r1-eth5, 
                 ovcacn36r1-eth5, ovcamn06r1-eth5, ovcacn29r1-eth5, ovcacn07r1-eth5, 
                 ovcacn12r1-eth5, ovcacn30r1-eth5, ovcacn42r1-eth5, ovcacn40r1-eth5, 
                 ovcacn10r1-eth5, ovcacn28r1-eth5, ovcacn41r1-eth5, ovcamn05r1-eth5, 
                 ovcacn38r1-eth5, ovcacn34r1-eth5, ovcacn37r1-eth5, ovcacn11r1-eth5, 
                 ovcacn26r1-eth5, ovcacn39r1-eth5, ovcacn35r1-eth5 

Status: Success

Example 3.24 Show the Storage Cloud

PCA> show storage-cloud Cloud_A

Cloud_Name       Cloud_A              
Description      Default Storage Cloud ru22 port1 - Do not delete or modify 
Ports            ovcasw22r1:12:1, ovcasw22r1:3:1 
vHBAs            ovcacn11r1-vhba01, ovcacn29r1-vhba01, ovcacn12r1-vhba01, 
                 ovcacn09r1-vhba01, ovcacn14r1-vhba01, ovcacn28r1-vhba01,
                 ovcacn08r1-vhba01, ovcacn30r1-vhba01, ovcacn26r1-vhba01, 
                 ovcacn13r1-vhba01, ovcacn27r1-vhba01, ovcacn31r1-vhba01, 
                 ovcacn10r1-vhba01, ovcamn06r1-vhba01, ovcamn05r1-vhba01 

Status: Success

Example 3.25 Show the WWPNs for a particular Storage Cloud

PCA> show cloud-wwpn Cloud_A

Cloud_Name       Cloud_A              
WWPN_List        50:01:39:70:00:58:91:1C, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:1A, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:18, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:16, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:14, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:12, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:10, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0E, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0C, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:0A,
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:08, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:06, 
                 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:04, 50:01:39:70:00:58:91:02, 

Status: Success

Example 3.26 Show the vHBA configuration for a Compute Node

PCA> show vhba-info ovcacn10r1

vHBA_Name      Cloud        WWNN                      WWPN                      
-------------  -----------  -------------             -------------             
vhba03         Cloud_C      50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:04   50:01:39:70:00:58:B1:04   
vhba02         Cloud_B      50:01:39:71:00:58:91:05   50:01:39:70:00:58:91:05   
vhba01         Cloud_A      50:01:39:71:00:58:91:04   50:01:39:70:00:58:91:04   
vhba04         Cloud_D      50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:05   50:01:39:70:00:58:B1:05   
4 rows displayed

Status: Success

3.2.9 start

The start command is non-functional in this release, but is reserved for future use. Attempting to run this command returns an error notifying you that the feature is disabled.

3.2.10 stop

The stop command is non-functional in this release, but is reserved for future use. Attempting to run this command returns an error notifying you that the feature is disabled.