Two sets of configurable properties set the behavior of the Deployment Template fault tolerance mechanism and the frequency of status checks for components.

As described in the previous section, the Deployment Template polls on a regular interval to check if a started component is running, stopped, or failed. A set of four properties is available to configure each component for how frequently the Deployment Template polls for status while the component is running. Because each property has a default value, you can use only those properties that are important to you.

The polling properties are as follows:

Here is an example configuration for a long-running Forge component that typically takes 8 hours to complete:

<forge id="Forge" host-id="ITLHost">
    <property name="numStateBackups" value="10"/>
    <property name="numLogBackups" value="10"/>

    <property name="standardPollingIntervalMs" value="60000"/>
    <property name="slowPollingIntervalMs" value="600000"/>
    <property name="minWaitSeconds" value="28800"/>
    <property name="maxMissedStatusQueriesAllowed" value="10"/>

The result of this configuration would be that for the first 8 hours (minWaitSeconds=28800), Forge’s status would be checked every 10 minutes (slowPollingIntervalMs=600000), after which time the status would be checked every minute (standardPollingIntervalMs=60000). If a status check fails, a maximum of 10 consecutive retries will be attempted, based on the standardPollingIntervalMs setting.

Keep in mind that these values can be set independently for each component.

Fault tolerance and polling interval values can also be set for these utilities:

You set the new values by adjusting the BeanShell script code that is used to construct and invoke the utility. You adjust the code by using these setter methods from the EAC Toolkit's Utility class:

If you do not use any of these methods, then the utility will use the default values listed in the two previous sections.

For example, here is a default utility invocation in the CAS crawl scripts:

// create the target dir, if it doesn't already exist
mkDirUtil = new CreateDirUtility(CAS.getAppName(), 
   CAS.getEacHost(), CAS.getEacPort(), CAS.isSslEnabled());
mkDirUtil.init(Forge.getHostId(), destDir, CAS.getWorkingDir());;

You would then add these methods before calling the run() method, so that the code would now look like this:

// create the target dir, if it doesn't already exist
mkDirUtil = new CreateDirUtility(CAS.getAppName(), 
   CAS.getEacHost(), CAS.getEacPort(), CAS.isSslEnabled());
mkDirUtil.init(Forge.getHostId(), destDir, CAS.getWorkingDir());

Alternatively, if your utility was defined in your AppConfig.xml like this:

<copy id=”MyCopy” src-host-id=”ITLHost” dest-host-id=”MDEXHost” recursive=”true”>

You would add the same type of lines as above, before calling the run() method; for example:


For more information on the Utility methods, see the Javadocs for the EAC Toolkit package.

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