Most application configuration settings can be shared among all environments, but a few are environment-specific. These settings should be removed from the AppConfig.xml file and stored in a separate file. That way, each environment will have its own custom file of environment-specific settings that is not changed during synchronization.

Environment-specific settings typically include an application's name, file system paths, host addresses in the environment, and the definition of MDEX processes known as the Dgraph cluster.

To create a custom.xml file:

Here is a sample custom.xml file to use a general reference when creating your own file.

- <!-- 
     # Global variables

- <app appName="wine" eacHost="ConfigMig1" eacPort="8888" dataPrefix="wine" sslEnabled="false" lockManager="LockManager">
- <!-- 
     # Servers/hosts
     # The "webstudio" host and its "webstudio-report-dir" directory use
     # predefined names to inform Workbench where it should look for reports
     # for this application. 
  <host id="ITLHost" hostName="ConfigMig1" port="8888" /> 
  <host id="MDEXHost" hostName="ConfigMig1" port="8888" /> 
- <host id="webstudio" hostName="ConfigMig1" port="8888">
- <directories>
  <directory name="webstudio-report-dir">./reports</directory> 
- <!-- 
     #Dgraph Cluster
- <dgraph-cluster id="DgraphCluster" getDataInParallel="true">
  <dgraph ref="Dgraph1" /> 
- <!-- 
     # Dgraphs
- <dgraph id="Dgraph1" host-id="MDEXHost" port="15000">
- <properties>
  <property name="restartGroup" value="A" /> 
  <property name="updateGroup" value="a" /> 
- <!-- 

     # LogServer
- <logserver id="LogServer" host-id="ITLHost" port="15010">
- <properties>
  <property name="numLogBackups" value="10" /> 
  <property name="targetReportGenDir" value="./reports/input" /> 
  <property name="targetReportGenHostId" value="ITLHost" /> 

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