After you modify an application configuration, you collect all of the files and artifacts for the application definition and store them in the application's <app dir> directory, so they can be replicated to the other environments. This requires collecting files from various locations, including the Deployment Template's<app dir> directory, the Workbench, and arbitrary locations used by the application's scripts.

Running the script results in collecting and storing all of the artifacts in subdirectories under <app dir>, such as /config, /control, /test-data, data/state, and data/incoming.

A sample collection script, collect-app.bat, is shown below. You can write a similar script to fit your Endeca environment. This particular sample is provided as reference only.

set app=wine
set wbench=localhost:8006
call %~dp0..\config\script\set_environment.bat
xcopy /y %~dp0\..\data\complete_index_config %~dp0\..\config\pipeline
set templ=%~dp0\..\config\templates
mkdir %templ%

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