By default, the enecerts utility produces the eneCert.pem certificate (used by all clients and servers to specify their identity when using SSL) and the eneCA.pem Certificate Authority (CA) certificate (used by all clients and servers that wish to authenticate the other endpoint of a communication channel).

If you have your own CA certificate and private-key files, you can use the --CAkey and --CAcert flags to generate the eneCert.pem certificate. The private-key file (.key extension) is used to digitally sign the public key that is generated by the enecerts utility. Both flags must be used for this operation.

The syntax for the --CAkey flag is:

--CAkey private-key

where private-key is your own .key file with the private key for the CA that should be used to sign the generated certificate.

The syntax for the --CAcert flag is:

--CAcert cert-pem

where cert-pem is your CA certificate (.pem extension). This file is the same type of file as the default eneCA.pem CA certificate.

For example, the following Windows command creates a signed certificate file using your own CA certificate and private-key files:

enecerts --CAkey myCA.key --CAcert myCA.pem

You would then use the resulting eneCert.pem certificate and your CA file (myCA.pem in the example) to configure SSL for your Guided Search components. If you have multiple machines in your deployment, you must also copy these files to the other machines.

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