Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 1.5






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Managing Backup and Recovery

This chapter describes how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Backup Manager to administer your database backup and recovery environment. Backup Manager consists of three subsystems: Oracle8 Recovery Manager, Operating System Backup, and Enterprise Backup Utility. Subsystem availability depends on the version database you are attempting to back up. For Oracle7 databases, you can select Operating System Backup or the Enterprise Backup Utility. For Oracle8 databases, you can select Operating System Backup or Oracle8 Recovery Manager. All backup subsystems use wizards to simplify and automate backup and recovery tasks. Briefly, the three subsystems are:

At any time, you can change to a different backup subsystem by choosing Change Backup Subsystem from the File menu.

For more information on backup and recovery strategies, see your Oracle Backup and Recovery Guide. For more information on Recovery Manager, see the Oracle8 Server Backup and Recovery Guide.

Starting Backup Manager

Before attempting to start Backup Manager, make sure the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console is running and that the job and event system is fully functional. Select a target database from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console's Navigator. Then click on the Backup Manager icon in the Applications Launch Palette, or choose Oracle Backup Manager from the Console Tools menu.

Attention: Backup Manager requires connecting to the target database as SYSDBA. By default, this role is selected during login. If your target database is not configured for remote operation, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide.

You can change the database connection with the Change Database Connection option in the File menu. You can also change backup subsystems by choosing Change Backup Subsystem from the Backup Manger File menu.

After Backup Manager has successfully connects to the target database, the Backup Subsystem dialog displays. The following figure shows the backup subsystem options available when connecting to an Oracle8 database.

Figure 12-1 Backup Subsystem Dialog

If you are running this application against an Oracle8 target database for the first time, Backup Manager displays a dialog box asking where backup information will be maintained. You can use either a Recovery Catalog or the target database control file. For information regarding the pros and cons of using a recovery catalog rather than a control file, see the Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide.

If you are using Backup Manager for the first time, a dialog displays asking whether you wish to use a recovery catalog or a control file. See the online help for that dialog for more information. You must select one option before proceeding.

As shown in the following sections, each backup subsystem, once started, is very similar in appearance to one another. Only menus and options change.

Backup Manager: Oracle8 Recovery Manager Subsystem

This backup subsystem provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface to Recovery Manager, an Oracle utility you use to back up, restore, and recover database files. Recovery Manager starts Oracle server processes on the database to be backed up or restored (the target database). These Oracle server processes actually perform the backup and restore. For example, during a backup, the server process reads the files to be backed up, and writes the files out to your tertiary storage device.

Note: Making backups to tertiary media, such as tape, requires vendor-supplied media management software that can interface with Oracle. Oracle calls the media management software routines to back up and restore datafiles to an from media controlled by the media management software.

Recovery Catalog

Recovery Manager capabilities are extended when used with a recovery catalog, a repository of information that is used and maintained by Recovery Manager.

The recovery catalog contains the following information:

Because most of this information is also available from the target database's control file, you have the option of using the control file instead of creating a recovery catalog. This operational mode is appropriate for small databases. However, Oracle recommends using a recovery catalog. If the controlfile is lost, the databse cannot be recovered.

Important: The recovery catalog and the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository should not reside in the target database (database to be backed up) because the database can not be recovered in the mounted state. If you loose any data, you will need the recovery catalog for full recovery. However, the recovery catalog can reside in the same database as your Oracle Enterprise Manager repository. Oracle recommends placing the recovery catalog in a separate tablespace. As with any important data, you backup your recovery catalog regularly.

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for complete information on setup and configuration.

Registering a Database with the Recovery Catalog

  1. Enter the requisite login information: user=RMAN, password=RMAN (or any user you create to access the database with the recovery catalog).

  1. From the Catalog menu, select Use Recovery Catalog.

  2. From the Catalog menu, select Register. You are asked if you wish to register the target database in the recovery catalog. Click Yes.

    At this point, the database registration is sent as a job to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Job system.

  3. Select the Jobs object in the tree list. The Jobs property sheet displays showing the current status of the registration job.

  4. From the Jobs property sheet, make sure that the job completed successfully.

When the job completes successfully, your backup and recovery environment is configured. If the job does not succeed, certain functions ( those requiring a recovery catalog) will be unavailable. For more information on recovery catalog maintenance, Recovery Manager, and backup and recover strategies, see the Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide.

Oracle8 Recovery Manager Subsystem User Interface

After selecting Oracle8 Recovery Manager from the Subsystem selection dialog box, the Backup Manager window appears.

Figure 12-2 Backup Manager: Oracle8 Recovery Manager Subsystem

Oracle8 Recovery Manager Menu Options

Backup Manager using the Oracle8 Recovery Manager subsystem includes four standard menus, File, View, Log, and Help. It also includes the Backup, Recover, Catalog, Database, and Channel menus. For information on the standard menus, see Application Menus on page 7-8.

Backup Menu

Backup Set

Allows you to define a backup set for a selected object in the tree or multi-column list. Selected objects must consist of the same type (datafiles or archivelogs).

Image Copy

Allows you to define an image copy of the selected object. An image copy contains a single input file (datafile or control file).

Backup Controlfile to Trace

Allows you to back up the target database control file by writing SQL commands to the target database's trace file to recreate the controlfile if it is lost and no backup of the ifle is available..

Backup Wizard

Simplifies the job of backing up a database, tablespaces, datafiles, or archivelogs using an intelligent Wizard to guide you through the backup process.

Recover Menu


Restore the selected database objects in the tree or multi-column list. Restoring a datafile or tablespace requires that these objects be offline, or that the database be closed or in a mounted or unmounted state.


Switch the datafile copy into a current datafile. Media recovery is required after switching the datafile.


Recover the selected object in the tree list.

Error Status

Displays Needs Recovery status for datafiles.

Restore Wizard

Starts the Restore Wizard that guides you through the restore, rename, and recover processes.

Catalog Menu


Re-synchronizes the Recovery Catalog for the target database. The recovery catalog must be periodically resynced from the target database in order to ensure the catalog is up-to-date. The recovery catalog is not updated automatically when a log switch occurs or when an log is archived. Also, any structural changes to the target database would require re-synchronization of the Recovery Catalog.


Reset the Recovery Catalog for the target database. You must reset the recovery catalog if the target database had been previously opened with the RESETLOGS option.


Register the target database with the Recovery Catalog. .

Connect string

Allows you to define the connect string to the Recovery Catalog.

Use Recovery Catalog

Use the Recovery Catalog or V$views for database backup and recovery.

Report Wizard

Simplifies the job of creating detailed analysis reports for the target database. Reports include: Files requiring backup, unrecoverable files, obsolete files, and the database schema at a point in time.

Stored Script

Allows you to create or access user-defined scripts consisting of Recovery Manager commands. These scripts are stored in the recovery catalog.

Database Menu


Shuts down the target database.


Starts a target database instance.

Switch Logfile

Switches the current redo log group.

Force Checkpoint

Triggers a checkpoint. Note: After a checkpoint has been triggered, the redo in the redo log files is no longer useful for crash/instance recovery.

Add Log Group

Creates a new redo log group.

Drop Log Group

Deletes the selected redo log group.

Add Log Member

Adds a logfile to a redo log group.

Drop Log Member

Deletes the selected redo logfile member.

Channel Menu


Allows you to create a new channel definition.

Create Like

Allows you to create a new channel with the same connection properties as the selected channel.


Deletes the selected channel.

Tree List Objects and Containers

Database Object

The database object displays the name of the target database. When selected, the database property sheet displays providing you with information regarding database status and archive mode. This property sheet contains the following information.

Database Property Sheet: Status Page

The Status page contains information about the state of the current database, database version, and any installed options. This page also allows you to change the state of the database by selecting one of the Database State options and clicking Apply.

Database State

Shutdown: Database closed.

Instance Started: Instance started but not mounted.

Database Mounted: Database mounted but not open.

Database Open: Database mounted and open.

Database Version

Database version and any installed options.

Attention: If the database is not running, the message "ORACLE not available" is displayed.

Database Property Sheet: Information Page

The Information page contains displays the current state of redo log archival and the system global area.

Archive Information

Log Mode: Specifies whether the connected database is in ARCHIVELOG mode or NOARCHIVELOG mode. To easily switch log modes, you can use Oracle Instance Manager.

Last SCN Archived: The last system change number that was archived. The SCN uniquely identifies the last committed database transaction.

Archive Destination: Specifies the destination where the archive log files are to be created. If you are archiving to disk, it is recommended that a dedicated disk with sufficient storage be used.

Archive Format: Specified the naming convention for the archived log files. The following variables are appended to form a unique archive file name.

Automatic Archival: Allows you to specify that redo log files be automatically archived. To enable Automatic archiving upon instance startup, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_START initialization parameter to TRUE. This option is enabled when the connected database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode.

SGA Information

Database Buffers: Size of the database buffer cache (in bytes).

Fixed Size: Memory allocated to the area of the SGA that contains general information about the state of the database and the instance. No user data stored here (in bytes).

Redo Buffers: Size of the redo log buffer (in bytes).

Variable Size: Memory allocated to variable size data structures (in bytes).

Controlfile Object

The controlfile object represents the controlfile of the target database. When selected from the tree-list, the control file property sheet displays.This property sheet displays all available control files used by the target database. The multi-column list displays the name and location of the control file as well as its status.

Tablespace Containers, Multi-column Lists and Property Sheets

Tablespace Container

The Tablespaces object type container contains each tablespace in the database arranged alphabetically in a tree list. A particular tablespace can be expanded to show each of its datafiles.

Multi-column List for the Tablespaces Container

When you select the Tablespaces container in the tree list, a multi-column list displays on the right. This list includes a row for each tablespace in the database. The columns of the list are:


Name of the tablespace.


Backup status of the tablespace: Active (an online backup of this tablespace is currently in progress), Not Active (no online backup of this tablespace is currently in progress); or Offline.

Size (M)

Total size in megabytes of the datafiles that comprise the tablespace.

Used (M)

Amount of actual storage used.

Tablespace Property Sheet: General Page

The Tablespace property sheet allows you to alter the status of the tablespace selected in the tree list. After you select In addition, all datafiles contained within the tablespace are displayed.


The name of the selected tablespace.


Indicates the current status of the selected tablespace and also allows you to change the status. The following options are available:

Online: Places the selected tablespace online.

Offline: Takes the selected tablespace offline. When this option is selected, a dropdown list appears to the right allowing you to select the following priorities:

Normal: Used if no error conditions exist for any of the datafiles of the tablespace.

Temporary: Used if there are error conditions for one or more datafiles of the tablespace.

Immediate: Note: You cannot take a tablespace offline immediately if the database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Read Only: Makes the selected tablespace read-only to prevent further write operations on the datafiles in the tablespace. A tablespace should be backed up before being made read only.


A scrolling multi-column list displaying all datafiles contained within the tablespace. For each datafile, the full name and path, size (K), date and time of the last backup, whether the datafile needs to be backed up, and any datafile errors are displayed.

Datafiles Container, Multi-column Lists and Property Sheets

The Datafiles object type container contains all datafiles in the target database. Selecting an individual datafile from the tree list displays its property sheet.

Datafiles Multi-column List

When you select the datafiles container, a multi-column list displays containing the following columns:


Full path and name of the datafile.


Tablespace to which the datafile belongs.


Recovery Manager error, if any.

Needs Recovery

Status as to whether the datafile requires recovery.

File Status


Size (K)

Size of the datafile in kilobytes.

Datafiles Property Sheet: General Page

The General page lets you view general information such as name, location, and size of the selected datafile. This page also allows you to change the online/offline status of the selected datafile.


Full path and name of the selected datafile. This field is read-only.


Tablespace to which the datafile belongs. This field is read-only.


The current datafile online/offline status is selected. You can change the status of the datafile by clicking on the desired option and then clicking the Apply button

Size (K bytes)

Datafile size in kilobytes.

Backups Page

The Backup page lists all backup sets or image copies ever taken for the selected datafile.


Date and time of the backup.

Backup Type

Indicates whether or not the backup is a BACKUP SET or an IMAGE COPY. Note: Datafile backup sets may also contain a controlfile backup.


Indicates whether a backup of the datafile is full or incremental. Levels range from 0 to 4. Levels one to four are user-defined and allow you to set up different levels of incremental backups. For example, you might set up the following backup scheme:


Incremental backups can only be performed with the Oracle Enterprise Edition, not the Workgroup Server.

For explicit information on using levels in your backup environment, see the Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide.


User-defined name representing one or more backup sets or image copies. The maximum length of a tag is 30 characters.


Full path and name of a datafile.

Redo Log Groups Container, Multi-column Lists, and Property Sheets

Redo Log Group Containers

The Redo Log Groups object type container contains each redo log group of the database. A particular redo log group can be expanded to show its redo log members contained within a Redo Log Members object type container.

Redo Log Groups Multi-column List

When you select the Redo Log Groups object type container in the tree list, a multi-column list displays on the right. This list includes a row for each redo log group in the database. The columns of the list are:


Group number of the redo log group.


Thread number used in Parallel Server environments. For single instance environments, the thread number is set to one.


Sequence number of the redo log group.

Size (K)

Space allocated in kilobytes to the redo log group.


Logging status of the redo log group: Current, Active, or Inactive.


Indicates whether the redo log group has been archived. YES or NO.


System Change Number for the first change recorded in the redo log group.

Time of Low SCN

Date and time of the low SCN.

Redo Log Group Property Sheet: General Page

The Redo Log Group property sheet allows you to create a new redo log group, or view the parameters of an existing redo log group. The Create Redo Log Group property sheet includes these elements:

Group #

Displays the redo log group number that Oracle Enterprise Manager has automatically generated for this new redo log group. (For example, if redo log groups 1 and 2 already exist for the database, 3 appears by default in the Group # box.)


Used in Parallel Server environments, indicates the thread associated with a redo log group. For single instance environments, this number is set to one.


Use Existing File(s): Allows reuse of an existing file(s).

New File(s) Size: Allows you to specify the size of the new Redo Log Group file(s) (Kilobytes or Megabytes).

Current Members

Displays the current members of this redo log group.

The Current Members box is empty when the Create Redo Log Group property sheet first displays. After you add a new member to this redo log group, the new member then appears in this box.


Remove the redo log group member that is selected in the Current Members box.

New Member

Name of the new member.


Displays a standard Open dialog box, from which you can select the redo log file you want to enter in the New Member box.

Redo Log Member dialog

The Redo Log Member dialog allows you to view an existing or add a new redo log member to a redo log group in the target database.


Filename of the new member of the redo log group shown in the Group box. When creating a new redo log member, this field is editable.


Redo log group to which the redo log member belongs. When creating a new redo log member, you can select from all groups available in the target database using the drop-down list.

Use Existing File (Create Only)

When selected, specifies that Oracle Backup Manager reuse an existing file.

New File (Create Only)

When selected, specifies that Oracle Backup Manager create a new file.

Archived Logs Container, Property Sheets, and Multi-column lists

The Archived Logs Container displays the all archived logs for the target database.

Archived Logs Multi-column List

When you select the Archived Logs container, a multi-column list displays containing the following columns:

Archived Log Name

Full path and name of the archive log.

First Time

Archive date and time for the first member in the redo log group.

Next Time

Archive date and time for the next member in the redo log group.


Status as to whether the archived log file will be deleted upon backup.

Archived Logs Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to view parameters for the selected archived redo log file.


Full path and name of the archived redo log file.

Thread No.

Numeric archived redo logfile identifier used for parallel server environments. Thread numbers are used to identify archived redo logfiles belonging to a specific instance. A default value of 1 is used for single instance environments.

Log Sequence No.

Unique numeric identifier for the selected archived redo log file. During media recovery, Oracle applies redo log files in ascending order by using the log sequence number of the necessary archived and online redo log files.

Size (K Bytes)

Physical size of the redo log file in kilobytes.

Backed Up

Status as to whether the selected redo log file has been backed up

Archived Logs Property Sheet: Record Page

The Record page allows you to view the time stamp and system change number of the selected archived log.

Starts At

Date: Archive date and time for the first member in the redo log group.

System Change No.: Low SCN for the first member of the redo log group.

Ends At

Date: Archive date and time for the last member of the redo log group.

System Change No.: High SCN for the last member of the redo log group.

Channels Container

A channel establishes a connection from the Oracle8 Recovery Manager subsystem to the target database for backup or restore operations. Multiple channels can be created to allow multiple backup sets or file copies to be read or written in parallel by a single job. Important: Backup in parallel can only be performed with Oracle Enterprise Edition and not the Workgroup Server.

Note: At least one channel must exist before performing backup or restore operations.

Channels Multi-column list

When you select the Channels folder, a multi-column list displays the following columns:

Channel Name

Name of the user-defined channel.



Default Device

Status as to whether the channel is selected as the default channel for the target database.

Channels Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to create, view, or modify a channel.

Note: At least one channel must exist before performing backup or restore operations.

Channel Name

User-specified name of the channel.

Default Channel for this database

When checked, specifies that the current channel be used by default whenever the currently connected target database is accessed.

Channel available for all databases

When checked, makes the current channel available to any target database.

Channel Type

Drop-down list allowing you to select from one of the following device types:

Format: Unique backup set name. The following parameters can be used

Destination (active when Channel Type is set to Disk): Drive and path where backup sets are stored.

Channels Property Sheet: Limits Page

The Limits page allows you to set the limits for any backup or copy operation. For any setting, you move the slider bar to change the its value. The middle number on the scale changes according to the position of the slider bar.

Maximum Capacity (Mb)

When checked, it allows you set the maximum number of megabytes that a backup operation can write to a single backup piece.

Maximum Read Rate (Kb/s)

When checked, it allows you to control the number of blocks per second read by a backup or copy operation from or to any input datafile. Controlling the read rate ensures that a backup or copy operation does not consume excessive disk bandwidth, which can degrade online performance.

Maximum Open Files

When checked, it allows you to control the maximum number of input files that a backup operation can have open simultaneously. Setting maximum number of open files is particularly useful when backing up a large number of archivelogs into a single backup set.

Jobs Object

The jobs object contains all backup, restore, and recovery jobs that have either been submitted, have already been run, or are currently stored in the job library.

When the Jobs object is selected in the tree list, Jobs property sheets are displayed.

Jobs Property Sheets

Active Jobs

The Active Jobs page contains a summary of the active jobs that have been submitted to the Oracle Enterprise Manager job system and are not yet completed. You cannot modify these jobs.

Job Name

Name of the job.


Execution status of the job. Status may be one of the following:

Next Execution Time

Date and time of the job start time.

Job Type

Backup or Restore.

Job History

The Job History page contains a list of previous job activities, such as multiple executions of a job. These are jobs that have been submitted to an agent and have executed successfully or unsuccessfully. This page also lists deleted jobs. You cannot modify these jobs.

Job Name

The name of the job.


Status of job is one of the following:

Execution Start Time

Time when the job started or was deleted. Because the order of agent notifications may vary, it is possible that the Console receives a completed or failed notification before a running notification. If this happens, the start time displays Unknown.

Execution End Time

Time when the job finished, failed, or was deleted.

Job Library

The Job Library page displays jobs created and saved using either the Backup or Restore Wizard. This is useful if you want to submit the same job at different times or if you want to make minor modifications to an existing job without having to redefine it from scratch using one of the Wizards.

Double-click on an entry in the Job Library list to start the associated Wizard with the stored parameters already set. You can either submit the job, or modify the settings and save it again.

Job Name

Application generated name of the job.

Job Description

Application generated description of the job.

Oracle8 Recovery Manager Wizards

The Oracle8 Recovery Manager wizards guide you through complex tasks, allowing you to concentrate on high-level strategies for managing your backup and recovery environment.

Backup Wizard

The Backup Wizard allows you to select from a variety of backup operations. To start the Backup Wizard, select Backup Wizard from the Backup menu. The type of backup you select determines which procedure the Backup Wizard guides you through. The following backups types are available:

For more information on backups and related strategies, see the Oracle8 Server Backup and Recovery Guide. Refer to the Oracle Backup Manager online help for a detailed user interface information.

Restore Wizard

The Introduction page of the Restore Wizard allows you to select from the following types of restore operations:

The type of restore you select determines which procedure the Restore Wizard guides you through.

Depending on the status of the target database (ARCHIVELOG, NOARCHIVELOG, mounted and open, or mounted only), some options will be disabled.

Refer to Oracle Backup Manager online help for a detailed information.

Report Wizard

The Report Wizard allows you to submit a job that generates backup reports. The results of the report are viewed by double clicking on the job entry in the Job History page of the Jobs property sheet. The Job Output dialog displays with the report results. You can use the Report wizard to generate reports for the following backup issues:


Files requiring backup and Files which are unrecoverable reports should be generated on a regular basis to ensure that the necessary backups are available to perform recovery, and to ensure that the recovery can be performed within a reasonable length of time.

Manual Backup Operations

In addition to the automated backup procedures you can perform using the Backup Wizard, Oracle8 Recovery Manager subsystem also allows you to manually perform specific backup tasks such as creating a backup set or an image copy.

Creating a Backup Set

A backup set is a backup of one or more Oracle files, where files are multiplexed together. These files are called backup pieces. Files within a backup set must be extracted using a restore operation.

To create a backup set:

  1. Select a tablespace or datafile from the tree list.

  1. Choose Backup Set from the Backup menu. The BackupSet property sheet appears.

BackupSet Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to specify the backup level, a tag, and whether or not the control file is backed up. To backup a range of datafiles, use the Backup Wizard.

Choose an incremental backup level

Click on the up or down arrow to specify a backup level. Backup Manager allows you to specify up to five levels of backup: 0: full backup, 1-4: incremental backup

Enter or choose a tag

Optionally, you can specify a tag by entering a character string of less than 30 characters. You can also use the drop-down list box to select an existing tag.

Defining a tag gives you a symbolic way to refer to a collection of image copies or backup sets. You can also use tags to specify specific input files to a restore or switch.

Include control file with this backup

Select this option if you want the control file backed up with the backup set.

Backup Set Property Sheet: Channels Page

The Channels page allows you to select the channel(s) used for the current backup set.

Choose channel type

Drop-down list allowing you to select one of the following channel types:

Selected channels

List of channels selected for use by the current backup.

To remove an entry from the Selected channels list, double-click on the entry.

Available channels

List of available channels for use by the current backup.

To add an entry to the Selected channels list, double-click on the Available channels entry.


Multiple selection of channels is only supported with the Oracle Enterprise Edition.

Backup Set Property Sheet: Parameters Page

The Parameters page allows you to set storage parameters for the current backup set.

Max. Files per Backup Set

When selected, it allows you to set the maximum number of files that can be placed in a single backup set. If the number of files selected for the current backup exceed this number, multiple backup sets are created. In addition, multiple channels, if defined and available, will also be used.

Backup Set/Image Copy Property Sheet: Schedule Page

The Schedule page allows you to schedule the execution of a backup or image copy.


Drop-down list allowing you to select the frequency of backup or image copy execution. The choices are Immediately, Once, On Interval, On Day of Week, and On Date of Month.

Note: If you choose a day, such as 31, that is not in a month, the job will not be run in that month.

Start Execution

Choose the first date and time that you want the task executed. This is the starting time for any task scheduled on an interval.

End Execution

Choose the last date and time that you want the task executed. This option does not apply if you chose the Immediately or Once execution options.

Time Zone

Select the time zone from the pull-down list. The choices are Agent, Console, and GMT.

Note: Only the Agent time zone is available with this release.

Creating an Image Copy

An image copy contains a single file (datafile, archivelog, or control file) that you can use as-is to perform recovery.

To create an image copy:

  1. Select the desired object in the tree list.

  1. Choose Image Copy from the Backup menu. The ImageCopy property sheet appears.

Image Copy Property Sheet: General Page

The General Page allows you to enter the requisite information for a complete image copy of a datafile, or control file. An image copy is a direct copy of the selected input file that contains no header or trailer blocks.

Image copy backups can be written only to disk. No compression is used. Restoring a file with an image copy involves substituting the image copy for the actual file.


The drive and/or full path to the directory where you store image copies. The filename of the selected input file is used by default. The default backup directory is defined by the default channel for the target database.


Use the drop-down list to select an available channel.


Before performing an image copy, you must define at least one channel.

Enter or choose a tag

Optionally, you can specify a tag by entering a character string of less than 30 characters. You can also use the drop-down list box to select an existing tag.

Defining a tag gives you a symbolic way to refer to a collection of image copies or backup sets. You can also use tags to specify specific input files to a restore or switch.

Image Copy Property Sheet: Schedule Page

See Backup Set/Image Copy Property Sheet: Schedule Page on page 12-23 for a detailed description.

Managing Restore and Recover Operations

In addition to the automated restore and recover procedures you can perform using the Restore Wizard, you can manually restore and recover database objects.

To restore an individual tablespace or datafile:

  1. Select a tablespace or datafile from the tree list.

  1. Choose Restore from the Recover menu. The Restore property sheet displays.

Restore Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to specify the type of restore operation performed by Backup Manager.

Select restore method

Allow Rman to choose the best available backup set.: Selected by default, this option allows Backup Manager to select automatically the most recent backup set or file copy available.

Restore to Tag: When selected, allows you to select the backup set or file copy using the files' tag. Select the desired tag using the drop-down list. If backup sets or file copies are found with the same tag, the tag with the most recent timestamp is selected.

Recover object after restore

When selected, recovery is automatically performed after the restore operation.

Restore Property Sheet: Rename Page

The Rename page allows you to restore the selected datafile(s) to a new location. When datafiles are restored to a new location, they are considered datafile copies. For this reason, a switch is automatically performed.

Original Name

The full path and filename of the selected datafile(s). This field is not editable.

New Name

Enter a new filename and/or a new path.

You can copy all or sections of the Original Name entry and paste it into the New Name field by highlighting the desired text and selecting the desired action from the pop-up menu.

Restore Property Sheet: Channels Page

The Channels page allows you to select the channel(s) used for the current restore operation.

Choose channel type

Drop-down list allowing you to select one of the following channel types:

Selected channels

List of channels selected for use by the current restore operation.

Arrow buttons

Use the left arrow button to add channels selected in the Available channels box to the list of channels in the Selected channels box.

Use the right arrow button to remove channels selected from the Selected channels box to the list of channels in the Available Channels box.

Double-clicking on a channel in either box performs the same operation the arrow keys perform -----it transfers the channel from one box to the other.

Available channels

List of available channels for use by the current restore operation.

To convert a copy of a datafile into a currently used datafile:

  1. Select a datafile from the tree list.

  1. Choose Switch from the Recover menu. A Switch prompt appears. Click OK. The Switch Datafile property sheet appears.

Switch Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to convert a copy of a datafile into a datafile used by the target database. When a switch is performed, the datafile copy is registered with the controlfile, thus making it a datafile that can be accessed by the database.


When selected, a drop-down list allows you to select the datafile copy you wish to make current via the datafiles' tag.


When selected, allows you to select from a list of available datafile copies. The multi-column list displays the following file attributes:

To recover a tablespace or datafile:

  1. Select a tablespace or datafile from the tree list.

  1. Choose Recover from the Recover menu. The Recover property sheet appears. The Oracle8 Recovery Manager subsystem recovers the selected database object to the most recent date and time possible.

Recover Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to select the channel for recovery of the selected object in the tree list. This property sheet consists of the following:

Choose channel type

Drop-down list allowing you to select one of the following channel types:

List of channels selected for use by the current recover operation.

To remove an entry from the Selected channels list, double-click on the entry.

Available channels

List of available channels for use by the current recover operation.

To add an entry to the Selected channels list, double-click on the Available channels entry.

Displaying Datafile Errors:

If any errors exist within the target database's datafiles, you can display their current recovery status by performing the following actions:

  1. Select the datafile in question from the tree list.

  1. Choose Error Status from the Recover menu. The Error Datafiles dialog box appears.

Error Datafiles Dialog Box

The Error Datafiles dialog box appears automatically if a problem is found with one or more datafiles.


The full path and name of the datafile.


Name of the tablespace to which the datafile belongs.


Error, if any, generated by the Recovery Manager utility. See the Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide for more information.

Needs Recovery

Datafile status as to whether the datafile needs recovery. Depending on the type error, the column may be blank.

File Status

Recovery status for the datafile. In most cases, RECOVERY will be the default entry.

Maintaining the Recovery Catalog

The recovery catalog must contain current information about the target database at all times. To facilitate recovery catalog maintenance, the Catalog menu consolidates all tasks required to keep the recovery catalog up-to-date. See Catalog Menu on page 12-6

Database Operations

Primary database operations such as startup, shutdown, switching a logfile, adding or deleting a log group or member are consolidated in the Database menu. For more information on these functions see Database Menu on page 12-7.

Creating a Channel

A channel establishes a connection from the Oracle8 Recovery Manager subsystem to the target database for backup or restore operations. Multiple channels can be created to allow multiple backup sets or image copies to be read or written in parallel by a single job.

To create a new channel:

Choose Create from the Channel menu. The Create Channel property sheet appears.

Channels Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to create, view, or modify a channel. A channel establishes a connection from Backup Manager to the target database for backup or restore operations. Multiple channels can be created to allow multiple backup sets or file copies to be read or written in parallel by a single job.

Note: At least one channel must exist before performing backup or restore operations.

Channel Name

User-specified name of the channel.

Default Channel for this database

When checked, specifies that the current channel be used by default whenever the currently connected target database is accessed.

Channel available for all databases

When checked, makes the current channel available to any target database.

Channel Type

Drop-down list allowing you to select from one of the following device types:

Format: Unique backup set name. The following parameters can be used

Destination (active when Channel Type is set to Disk): Drive and path where backup sets are stored.

Channels Property Sheet: Limits Page

The Limits page allows you to set the limits for any backup or copy operation. For any setting, you move the slider bar to change the its value. The middle number on the scale changes according to the position of the slider bar.

Maximum Capacity (Mb)

When checked, it allows you set the maximum number of megabytes that a backup operation can write to a single backup piece.

Maximum Read Rate (Kb/s)

When checked, it allows you to control the number of blocks per second read by a backup or copy operation from or to any input datafile. Controlling the read rate ensures that a backup or copy operation does not consume excessive disk bandwidth, which can degrade online performance.

Maximum Open Files

When checked, it allows you to control the maximum number of input files that a backup operation can have open simultaneously. Setting maximum number of open files is particularly useful when backing up a large number of archivelogs into a single backup set.

Creating Stored Scripts

The stored script capability of Oracle8 allows you to store a sequence of Recovery Manager commands within the the recovery catalog for execution at a later time. This allows you to plan, develop, and test a set of commands for backing up, restoring, and recovering the database. Each stored script relates to only one database.

To create a stored script:

  1. Choose Stored Script from the Catalog menu. The Open Stored Script dialog box displays.

  1. Click on the Create New button. The RMAN script dialolg displays.

  2. Enter the desired RMANcommands or click Import to import the text from an ASCII file. Conversely, clicking Export will export the contents of this dialog to an ASCII file for backup purposes, or use with other databases.

Backup Manager: Operating System Backup Subsystem

This backup subsystem provides you with an easy-to-use backup tool for backing up and recovering Oracle7 databases. You can also use the Operating System Backup subsystem for limited backup and recovery operations on Oracle8 databases.

Operating System Backup User Interface

After selecting Operating System Backup from the Subsystem selection dialog box, the Backup Manager window appears.

Figure 12-3 Backup Manager: Operating System Backup

Backup Manager Menu Options

Backup Manager includes four standard menus, File, View, Logfile, and Help. It also includes the Backup, Recover, and Logfile menus. For information on standard application menus, see Application Menus on page 7-8

Backup Menu

The Backup menu includes the following items:

Begin Online Backup

Prepares the selected tablespace for an online backup.

When you choose Begin Online Backup, two columns of the Tablespaces multi-column list indicate that fact: the Backup Status column changes to "Active,"and the Online Backup Started column shows the data and time the backup was started.

The Begin Online Backup menu item is enabled when an individual tablespace is selected, that tablespace is online, and the backup status of that tablespace is not currently active.

End Online Backup

Notifies the database that the online backup is complete.

When you choose End Online Backup, two columns of the Tablespaces multi-column list indicate that fact: the Backup Status column changes to "Not Active,"and the Online Backup Started column no longer contains any information for that tablespace.

The End Online Backup menu item is enabled when an individual tablespace is selected, that tablespace is offline, and that tablespace is currently being backed up.

Place Tablespace Online

Places the selected tablespace online.

The Place Tablespace Online menu item is enabled when an individual tablespace is selected, and that tablespace is offline.

Take Tablespace Offline

Places the selected tablespace online.

The Place Tablespace Offline menu item is enabled when an individual tablespace is selected, and that tablespace is online.

Backup Tablespace Wizard

Allows you to create and submit jobs for backing up the tablespaces of the database. Jobs can be saved to the job library for future execution.

Backup Control File

Displays the Backup Control File dialog box, from which you can enter the name and directory location of the backup control file for the database.

Recover Menu

The Recover menu contains the following items:


Recover the selected object in the tree list.

Recover Wizard

Starts the Recovery Wizard that guides you through the recovery processes.

Database Menu

The Database menu contains the following items:

Shutdown Database

Shuts down the database.

Startup Database

Starts up the database.

Restrict Sessions

Makes the database accessible only to users with the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege. Users already connected are not affected.

Allow All Sessions

Makes the database accessible to all users with the CREATE SESSION system privilege.

Switch Logfile

Allows you to switch redo log groups. Choosing Switch Logfile automatically enables the next redo log group to become the current redo log group.

Force Checkpoint

Forces a checkpoint. During a checkpoint, all modified database buffers are written to the appropriate datafiles.

Add Log Group

Creates a new redo log group for the database.

Drop Log Group

Allows you to remove a redo log group from the database.

The Drop Log Group menu item is enabled when an individual redo log group container is selected.

Add Log Member

Allows you to create a new member for an existing redo log group.

Drop Log Member

Allows you to remove a redo log file from a redo log group.

The Drop Log Member menu item is enabled when an individual redo log file is selected.

Database Object

The database object displays the name of the target database. When selected, the database property sheet displays providing you with information regarding database status and archive mode. This property sheet contains the following information.

Database Property Sheet: Status Page

The Status page contains information about the status of the current database, database version, and any installed options. This page also allows you to change the state of the database by selecting one of the Database State options and clicking Apply.

Database State

Shutdown: Database down.

Instance Started: Instance started but not mounted.

Database Mounted: Database mounted but not open.

Database Open: Database mounted and open.

Database Version

Database version and any installed options.

Attention: If the database is not running, the message "ORACLE not available" is displayed.

Database Property Sheet: Information Page

The Information page contains displays the current state of redo log archival and the system global area.

Archive Information

Log Mode: Specifies whether the connected database is in ARCHIVELOG mode or NOARCHIVELOG mode. For information on switching database archive modes, see Oracle 7 Server Administrator's Guide.

Last SCN Archived: The last system change number that was archived. The SCN uniquely identifies the last committed database transaction.

Archive Destination: Specifies the destination where the archive log files are to be created. If you are archiving to disk, it is recommended that a dedicated disk with sufficient storage be used.

Archive Format: Specified the naming convention for the archived log files. ARC, appended with the backup set number (%S) and the backup stamp number (%T), is used to form a unique filename for the backup set.

%P Backup Piece Number-This value starts at 1 for each backup set and is incremented by 1 as each backup piece is created.
%S Backup Set Number- This value is a control file counter that is incremented for each backup set. The counter value starts at 1 and is unique for the lifetime of the control file.
%T Backup Stamp-This value indicates the number of seconds since a fixed reference date/time (currently midnight of January 1, 1988).

Automatic Archival: Allows you to specify that redo log files be automatically archived. To enable Automatic archiving upon instance startup, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_START initialization parameter to TRUE. This option is enabled when the connected database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode.

SGA Information

Database Buffers: Size of the database buffer cache (in bytes).

Fixed Size: Memory allocated to the area of the SGA that contains general information about the state of the database and the instance. No user data stored here (in bytes).

Redo Buffers: Size of the redo log buffer (in bytes).

Variable Size: Memory allocated to variable size data structures (in bytes).

Controlfile Object and Property Sheet

The controlfile object represents the controlfile of the target database. When selected from the tree-list, the control file property sheet displays.This property sheet displays all available control files used by the target database and also displays the name and location of the control file as well as its status.

Tablespace Container, Multi-column List, and Property Sheets

The Tablespaces object type container contains each tablespace in the database arranged alphabetically in a tree list. A particular tablespace can be expanded to show each of its datafiles.

When you select:

Tablespaces Multi-column List

When you select the Tablespaces object type container in the tree list, a multi-column list displays on the right. This list includes a row for each tablespace in the database. The columns of the list are:


Name of the tablespace.

Size (M)

Total size in megabytes of the datafiles that comprise the tablespace.

Backup Status

Backup status of the tablespace: Active (an online backup of this tablespace is currently in progress), Not Active (no online backup of this tablespace is currently in progress); or Offline.

Online Backup Started

Date and time the online backup of this tablespace started. If this column is empty, no online backup of this tablespace is currently in progress.

Tablespace Property Sheet: General Page

The Tablespace property sheet allows you to alter the status of the tablespace selected in the tree list. In addition, all datafiles contained within the tablespace are displayed.


The full path and name of the selected tablespace.


Indicates the current status of the selected tablespace and also allows you to change the status. The following options are available:


A scrolling multi-column list displaying all datafiles contained within the tablespace. For each datafile, the full name and path, size (K), date and time of the last backup, whether the datafile needs to be backed up, and any datafile errors are displayed.

Redo Log Group Container, Multi-column List, and Property Sheet

The Redo Log Groups object type container contains each redo log group of the database. A particular redo log group can be expanded to show its redo log members contained within a Redo Log Members object type container.

When you select:

For information about managing redo log groups, see the Oracle Server Concepts, the Oracle Server Administrator's Guide, and the Oracle Server SQL Reference.

Redo Log Groups Multi-column List

When you select the Redo Log Groups object type container in the tree list, a multi-column list displays on the right. This list includes a row for each redo log group in the database. The columns of the list are:


Group number of the redo log group.


Sequence number of the redo log group.

Size (K)

Space allocated in kilobytes to the redo log group.


Logging status of the redo log group: Current, Active, or Inactive.


Indicates whether the redo log group has been archived. YES or NO.


System Change Number for the first change recorded in the redo log group.

Time of Low SCN

Date and time of the low SCN.

Redo Log Members Multi-column List

When you select the Redo Log Members object type container in the tree list, a multi-column list displays on the right. This list includes a row for each redo log member in the redo log group. The columns of the list are:

Member Filename

Filename and directory path for the redo log member.


Group number of the redo log group to which this redo log member belongs.

File Status

Status of this redo log member: In Use, Invalid (the file is inaccessible), Stale (the contents of the file are incomplete), or Deleted (the file is no longer in use).

Group Status

Status of the redo log group to which this redo log member belongs: Current, Active, or Inactive.


Indicates whether this redo log member has been archived: YES or NO.

Redo Log Group Property Sheet

When you select a particular redo log group in the tree list, a property sheet for this redo log group displays on the right. The items of this property sheet are:

Group #

Displays the redo log group number for this redo log group.

Use Existing File(s)

Click this button to allow Oracle Enterprise Manager to use existing file(s).

New File(s) Size

Click this button in order to specify the size of the new Redo Log Group file(s).

KM Bytes

If you click the New File(s) Size button, enter the new file(s) size in the Bytes box and click K (default) to specify that the new file(s) size is in kilobytes, or M to specify that the new file(s) size is in megabytes.

Current Members

Displays the filenames and directory paths for the redo log members of this redo log group.


Disabled in this property sheet.

New Member

Enter a new member for this redo log group in the New Member box.


Click the Browse button to display the Open dialog box, from which you can select the redo log file you want to enter in the New Member box.


Adds a new redo log member to this redo log group.

The Add button is enabled when you enter a new redo log member in the New Member box.

Redo Log Member Property Sheet

When you select a particular redo log member in the tree list, a property sheet for this redo log member displays on the right. The items of this property sheet are:


Enter the new filename of the redo log group member.


Displays the redo log group to which the redo log member belongs.

Selected Backup Manager Tasks

This section covers the following topics:

Shutting Down the Database

To shut down the database, choose Shutdown Database from the Backup menu. The Shutdown property sheet appears.

Attention: Before shutting down a release 7.1 or later database, you must connect as SYSDBA or SYSOPER. Before shutting down a release 7.0 database, you must connect as INTERNAL.

The items of the Shutdown property sheet are described below:

Shutdown Options

Normal: Shuts down the database in normal mode.

Immediate: Shuts down the database in immediate mode. (This is the default.)

Abort: Shuts down the database in the abort mode.

Transactional (Oracle8): Provides a specified length of time (Timeout) in which to complete transactions before shutdown occurs. If the Timeout filed is left blank, shutdown does not occur until the last database transaction is complete.

Shut Down

Click this button to shut down the database in the mode you have selected.

Other applications create separate connections when you start them. When performing a shutdown in normal mode, remember to close these windows, or the shutdown will not complete.

Starting Up the Database

To start up the database, choose Startup Database from the Backup menu. The Startup property sheet appears.

Before starting up a release 7.1 or later database, you must connect as SYSDBA or SYSOPER. Before starting up a release 7.0 database, you must connect as INTERNAL.

The items of the Startup property sheet are described below:

Startup Options

Force: Forces an instance to start regardless of the operating circumstances.

Restrict: Starts an instance in restricted mode. Connections are limited to those users who have been granted the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege.

Parallel: Allows multiple instances to access a single database concurrently.

No Mount: Starts up the instance and mounts the database. The database is accessible only to database administrators.

Mount: Mounts a database upon instance startup. The database is accessible only to database administrators.

Mount and Open: Starts up the instance, and mounts and opens the database.

Don't Use Stored Parameters (checkbox)

This checkbox only appears when initialization parameters are stored in the repository. If visible and not checked, a new INIT.ORA file will be created.

Parameter File

Name of the parameter file used to start the instance.

If you do not specify a parameter file, Oracle Enterprise Manager looks for the parameter file in the default location on your local machine. For information about the default location for the parameter file, see your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.

Browse: Displays the standard Open dialog box, allowing you to locate the parameter file.


Click this button to start up the database.

Backing Up Tablespaces of the Database

To create a backup job script in order to back up one or more tablespaces of the database, choose Backup Tablespace Wizard from the Backup menu. The Backup Tablespace Wizard displays.

It is best to create a separate backup job script for each database you plan to back up, as it is highly unlikely that the data structures of any two databases would match.

The Backup Tablespace Wizard includes four pages that you complete in order to create a backup job script, which you can then run from the Job subsystem of the Console. For more information about the Backup Wizard, see Backup Manager online help.

Performing Recovery

The Recovery Wizard automates the recovery process. The Introduction page of the Recovery Wizard allows you to select from the following types of recovery operations:

The type of recovery you select determines which procedure the Recovery Wizard guides you through.

Depending on the status of the target database (ARCHIVELOG, NOARCHIVELOG, mounted and open, or mounted only), some options will be disabled.

Refer to Oracle Backup Manager online help for a detailed information.

Adding a New Redo Log Group

To create a new redo log group, choose Add Log Group from the Logfile menu. The Create Redo Log Group property sheet appears.

Group #

Displays the redo log group number that Oracle Enterprise Manager has automatically generated for this new redo log group. (For example, if redo log groups 1 and 2 already exist for the database, 3 appears by default in the Group # box.)

You can change this default group number if you want.

Use Existing File(s)

Click this button to allow Oracle Enterprise Manager to reuse existing file(s).

New File(s) Size

Click this button in order to specify the size of the new Redo Log Group file(s).

KM Bytes

If you click the New File(s) Size button, enter the new file(s) size in the Bytes box and click K (default) to specify that the new file(s) size is in kilobytes, or M to specify that the new file(s) size is in megabytes.

Current Members

Displays the current members of this redo log group.

The Current Members box is empty when the Create Redo Log Group property sheet first displays. After you add a new member to this redo log group, the new member then appears in this box.


Click this button to remove the redo log group member that is selected in the Current Members box.

New Member

Enter a new member for this redo log group in the New member box.


Click this button to display the Open dialog box, from which you can select the redo log file you want to enter in the New Member box.


Click this button to add the new member for this redo log group that you entered in the New Member box.


Click this button to create the new redo log group.

Adding a New Member to an Existing Redo Log Group

To create a new member for an existing redo log group, choose Add Log Member from the Logfile menu. The Create Redo Log Member property sheet appears.


Enter the filename of the new member of the redo log group shown in the Group box.


From this box, select the redo log group to which you want to add a new member.

Use Existing File

Click this button to specify that Oracle Enterprise Manager reuse an existing file.

New File

Click this button to specify that Oracle Enterprise Manager create a new file.

Backup Manager: Enterprise Backup Utility Subsystem

The following information pertains to Enterprise Backup Utility installation and configuration.

The user interface for Enterprise Backup Utility subsystem is similar to Oracle8 Recovery Manager and Operating System Backup subsystems discussed earlier in this chapter. Hence, many of the operational characteristics are identical. For specific information on Enterprise Backup Utility installation, features, and functionality, see the Enterprise Backup Utility documentation.

Figure 12-4 Enterprise Backup Utility

Attention: The current version of Enterprise Backup Utility is not compatible with Oracle8 databases. This backup subsystem is comes standard with Oracle Release 7.3.4. It can also ordered separately.

You will also find EBU in the 7.3.3 bundle on UNIX platforms.

When installation is complete, there will be an 'obackup' directory in your oracle home.

Creating an Enterprise Backup Utility Catalog

A catalog database is analogous to an Oracle 8 recovery catalog: it is a set of tables on a separate database.

  1. Make sure the SQLNET connect string is setup in your tnsnames.ora and verify you can connect to this catalog database from your target database and from Oracle Enterprise Manger. You can use sqlplus system/manager@connectstring. You can also use Server Manger Line Mode.

  1. Create the Enterprise Backup Utility catalog schema with OBackup on the target database system.

Attention: EBU_HOME replaces OBK_HOME beginning with version 2.2.

setenv OBK_HOME $ORACLE_HOME/obackup 

Where ORACLE_HOME is the home you installed Enterprise Backup Utility when you ran orainst.

  1. Add the following lines to your ~/.login (or target database system):

setenv OBK_HOME $ORACLE_HOME/obackup 
set path=($path $OBK_HOME/bin) 

  1. Enter the following at the OS command line (or target database system):

source ~/.login
cd $OBK_HOME/lib
cd $ORACLE_HOME/obackup/bin
obackup -upgrade 

Attention: Beginning with version 2.2, you can specify 'ebu' in place of 'obackup', although 'obackup' may still be used for backwards compatibility. If you specify 'obackup', OBK_* environment variables are used. If you specify 'ebu', EBU_* environment variables are used.

Note: Specifying an Enterprise Backup Utility upgrade (obackup -upgrade) installs the tables if not already present.

You will be prompted for the catalog connect string (username/password@connect, which you can enter one at a time or use the above syntax, just like sqlplus).

If you created your own catalog database, enter something like obk/obk@your_connect_string. It will then ask you for the SYS password so it can create the user you entered. Once it creates the user, it will connect to the catalog db as that user and create the tables and other requisite schema objects.

For more information on installation, see the Enterprise Backup Utility Administration Guide.

Configuring the PC for Enterprise Backup Utility

  1. From the OEM console, click on the target database where you just installed Enterprise Backup Utility and then select Backup Manager from the Tools menu or from the Tools palette.

  1. Select Enterprise Backup Utility from the Subsystem Selection dialog box.

  2. Then from the Settings menu, select Catalog Connect String and enter the same catalog connect string you gave to Enterprise Backup Utility. This connect string should be configured in the tnsnames.ora file on this PC the same way you configured it on the target database.

  3. Now you can hit the Backup toolbar button. The first time you do this, it will detect that the target database is not registered with EBU, and it will pop up a Register dialog box.

  4. Enter the target database's Parameter File (init.ora), or let it default (for UNIX systems), then press OK.

  5. Click on the Jobs node in the tree on the left side and check the job status of the REGISTER job.

  6. Once it completes successfully, you can click on the Backup toolbar button again and this time it should come up with the Backup Wizard.


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