Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 1.5






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Managing Schema Objects

This chapter describes how to use Schema Manager to administer schema objects in your database. This chapter assumes that you have read Chapter 7, "Overview of the Database Tools" and are familiar with the interface elements of the database tools.

With Schema Manager, you can create, alter, or drop schema objects such as clusters, database links, execution plans, PL/SQL, sequences, snapshots, snapshot logs, synonyms, tables, and views.

The topics in this chapter are:

Starting Schema Manager

To start Schema Manager, click on the Schema Manager icon in the Administrator Console or choose Schema Manager from the Tools menu.


You can change the database connection with the Change Database Connection option in the File menu. For information, see Application Menus on page 7-8.

After Schema Manager successfully connects to a database, the schema navigator displays on the left side of Schema Manager window. The navigator consists of a series of schema object containers, one for each type schema object contained in the main Schema Objects folder. The name of the connected database is displayed next to the Schema Objects folder.

The display on the right side of the window is determined by the objects selected on the left side of the screen. The right side may contain a multi-column scrolling list, property sheet.

For general information, see:

An example of a Schema Manager window is shown in Table 11-1, "Schema Manager Window".

Figure 11-1 Schema Manager Window

Schema Menus

Schema Manager includes four standard menus, File, View, Log, and Help, plus the Object menu. The Object menu contains the following menu options:


Creates a new schema object.

Create Like

Creates a new schema object based on the currently selected object in the tree list.


Removes the selected schema object in the tree list.

Show Dependencies

Displays database objects that rely on a selected schema object and any objects that the selected schema object relies on.

Grant Privilege on

Grant object privileges to a user or role.

Create Synonym for

Creates a new synonym for a schema object.

Create Index on

Allows you to quickly create indexes on tables and clusters selected from the tree list.


Removes a partition from a table.

Drop Storage: Deallocates space previously used by the partition and make that space available for use by other schema objects.

Reuse Storage: Specifies that space previously used by the partition.remains allocated to the partition. This space is only available for inserts and updates to the same partition.

Local Indexes

Make Unusable: Marks the local index partitions corresponding to a table partition unusable.

Rebuild Unusable: Rebuilds all unusable local index partitions corresponding to a table partition. This operation is not parallelized.


Converts a partition into a non-partitioned table by exchanging the data segments.


Split an existing partition into multiple partitions (Oracle8)

Enqueue (context-sensitive: queue selected in navigator)

Start the selected queue for enqueue and dequeue.

Dequeue (context-sensitive: queue selected in navigator)

Stop the selected queue for enqueue and dequeue.

Schema Folders

The Schema folder contains all database objects pertinent to database schema. Specific schema object types are listed alphabetically under the Schema Object folder.

Alternatively, you can view the navigator by specific schemas defined within the connected database rather than by schema type. To view the navigator by defined schemas, select By Schema from the View menu. All schemas defined in the database are listed alphabetically in the navigator as containers. You expand the specific schema folder in the navigator to view the complete list of schema object types defined for that schema.

Schema Property Sheets

There are two property pages that are used in several schema object property sheets. They are available when Advanced UI Mode is selected from the View menu. The common property sheets are as follows:

Schema Object Property Sheet: Storage Page

The Storage page allows you to specify database storage parameters for a particular schema object. Schema Manager provides two methods for defining storage parameters:

The Storage page layout and options depend on the method chosen.



Initial Size: Size of the object's first extent. You can enter a value, the minimum being the size of one data block. The default value is the size of five data blocks.

Next Size: Size of the next extent to be allocated to the object. The default value is the size of five datablocks. The smallest permissible value is the size of one datablock.

Increase Size by: Percent by which each extent grows (after the second extent) compared to the previous extent.

Minimum Number: Total number of extents allocated when a segment is created. The default value is one. You can enter a value of one or greater.

Maximum Number: Total number of extents, including the first, that an Oracle database can allocate for the object. There are two extent options available, Unlimited and Value.

Space Usage

% Free: Percentage of space in each of the object's data blocks that is reserved for future updates to the object. You can enter values from 0 to 99.

% Used: Minimum percentage of used space that an Oracle database maintains for each data block of the object. A block becomes a candidate for row insertions when its used space falls below the % Used value. You can enter a value from 1 to 99. The default value is 40.

Number of Transactions

Initial: Initial number of transaction entries allocated within each data block allocated to the object. You can enter a value from 1 or 2(for clusters and indexes) to 255.

Maximum: Maximum number of concurrent transactions that can update a data block allocated to the object. You can enter a value from 1 to 255.


Lists: Number of free lists for each of the free list groups for the table, cluster, or index. You can enter a value of one or greater. The default value is one.

Groups: Number of groups of free lists for a table, cluster, or index. You can enter a value of one or greater. The default value is one.

Auto Calculation

Size characteristics of table

Initial # rows: number of rows in the indexed table. Schema Manager uses the number of rows to determine the size of the first extent.

Growth rate: expected table growth rate in rows/unit of time. Enter the number of rows, then select day, week, month, or year from the drop-down list. Schema manager uses the growth rate to determine the size (in bytes) of the next extent.

Insert Activity

Determines the percentage of space to leave free for updates and insertions within each of the index's data blocks.

High: sets the percentage of reserved space for index updates to 40 percent.

In Ascending Order: available when Insert Activity is High, specifies that the index be created in ascending order. When selected, the percentage of space reserved for updates and insertions is set to 5 percent.

Low or None: sets the percentage of reserved space for index updates to 40 percent.

Schema Object Property Sheet: Options Page

When checked, specifies parallel execution of an operation.

Degree: The degree of parallelism for an operation on a single instance.

Instances: Maximum number of instances allowed to participate in parallel query processing.

Array Types Folder

An array is an ordered set of data elements, of all the same datatype, with size corresponding to the number of elements in the array. Arrays can be of variable size (VARRAY). When defining an array type, you specify the maximum size. Creating an array type does not allocate space; it defines a datatype which you can use as

For detailed information on using VARRAYs, see Oracle8 Server Application Developer's Guide.

Array Types Multi-column List

The Array Types multi-column list displays when the Array Types folder is selected from the navigator. The multi-column list contains the following columns:

Schema (not displayed if specific schemas are selected in the Navigator)

Schema to which the array type belongs.

Array Type Name

Name of the array type.


Maximum number of elements allowed in a variable array of the type currently being defined/edited.

Element Type Schema

Schema to which the datatype (for individual elements within the array) belongs.

Element Type Name

Name of the datatype (for individual elements within the array).

Creating an Array Type

To create an array type:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu. The Create Object dialog box appears.

  1. Select Array Type from the Create Object list.

  2. Click OK. The Array Type property sheet appears.

  3. Enter the requisite information.

  4. Click Create.

Array Types Property Sheet: General Page

This single-page property sheet allows you to define the requisite attributes for an array type.


Name of the variable array type.


Schema to which the variable array type belongs.


Maximum number of elements allowed in a variable array of the type currently being defined/edited.

Datatype: Specifies the datatype for elements in the variable array.

Schema: Schema to which the datatype belongs. When a datatype is defined as one of the built-in types (for example, VARCHAR2), schema does not apply. <NONE> is displayed in this case.

Type: Datatype of the element(s) in the array.

Length: Number of bytes allowed for values defined in the column (for CHAR, VARCHAR2, NUMBER, RAW datatypes).

Precision (for NUMBER datatype): Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If CHAR is selected in the Datatype drop-down list, you may specify length. If VARCHAR2 or RAW is selected, you may specify a length. If NUMBER is selected, you may specify a length, a length and a precision, or neither.

User defined object will be a reference: Specifies that the elements contained in the variable array be a REF. This option is only available if a user-defined datatype is selected from the Type drop-down list.

Create Like Array Type

To create an array type with parameters that are identical to an existing type:

  1. Select an existing array type from the Navigator.

  1. Choose Create Like from the Object menu. The Array Type property sheet appears with the appropriate parameters filled in.

  2. Specify a new array type name and modify, if necessary, any property sheet parameters.

  3. Click Create.

Editing an Array Type

To edit an existing array type:

  1. Select an array type from the Navigator.

  1. Modify the size, element type, or element schema as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Clusters Folder

The Clusters folder consolidates information about clustered tables.

A cluster is a group of tables that share the same data blocks because they share common columns. Clustered tables are often joined in queries.

Clusters Multi-column List

The Clusters multi-column list displays when the Clusters folder is selected from the navigator. The Clusters multi-column list contains the following columns:


Name of the schema to which the cluster belongs. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the cluster.


Type of cluster (index or hash).


Tablespace in which the cluster is stored.

Creating a Cluster

To create a new cluster:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu. The Create Object dialog box appears.

  1. Select Cluster from the Create Object list.

  2. Click OK. The Create Cluster property sheet appears.

The Cluster property sheet contains the following pages:

Cluster Property Sheet: General Page

This page allows you to define the cluster name, type, and cluster key column attributes. The General page contains the following:


Name of the cluster being defined.


Name of the schema containing the cluster. The drop-down list contains all schemas available in the current database.


Name of the tablespace to which the cluster will belong.


An estimate of the total amount of space required to store the average number of rows associated with each cluster key value or hash value (kilobytes or megabytes)

Type: Index Cluster

When selected, indicates that an index is specifically defined for the cluster.

Type: Hash Cluster

When selected, indicates that related rows are stored in the same data block.

Hashkeys: Maximum number of unique hash values that can be generated by the hash function.

Hash Function: Specify that Oracle's internal hash function use the current function (Default) or bypass the Oracle internal hash function and specify a SQL expression.

Cluster Key Columns

Column: Name of the column


The following buttons appear when creating a new cluster.

New: Displays the Column Details dialog box.

Edit: Displays the Column Details dialog box for the cluster key column selected in the list.

Remove: Deletes a cluster key column that is selected in the list.

Column Details Dialog Box

Note: This dialog box displays when you click on the New or Edit button.


Name of the table column being defined or edited. You can specify a valid Oracle identifier as the name of the column. This field is disabled for columns that have already been defined in the database.


Column's Oracle datatype. See Oracle Server SQL Reference for specific information on Oracle datatypes.

You can select one of the following items: CHAR, VARCHAR2, NUMBER, RAW, DATE, ROWID, MLSLABEL

Length: Number of bytes allowed for values defined in the column (for CHAR, VARCHAR2, NUMBER, RAW).

Precision (for NUMBER datatype): Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If CHAR is selected in the Datatype drop-down list, you may specify length. If VARCHAR2 or RAW is selected, you may specify a length. If NUMBER is selected, you may specify a length, a length and a precision, or neither.


Maximum size for values of a given datatype. For specific information on datatypes, see Oracle Server SQL Reference.

Precision (Visible when Datatype is Number)

For Number datatypes, value specifies the precision (total number of digits). Precisions values can range from 1 to 38.

Create Like Cluster

To create a cluster with parameters that are identical to an existing cluster:

  1. Select a cluster from the clusters multi-column list.

  1. Choose Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Cluster property sheet appears with the appropriate parameters filled in.

  2. Specify a new cluster name and modify (if necessary) any property sheet parameters.

  3. Click Create.

Editing a Cluster

To edit an existing cluster:

  1. Select a specific cluster in the navigator. The Clusters property sheet appears with the current parameters.

  1. Modify the parameter entries as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Database Links Folder

The Database Links folder contains database links defined within the connected database.

A database link allows you to access a remote database. For information about database links, see Oracle Server SQL Reference.

Database Links Multi-column List

The Database Links multi-column list displays when the Database Links folder is selected in the navigator. The list contains information about the status of links defined within the connected database. For information about database links, see Oracle Server Concepts.

The columns of the Database Links list are described below:


The name of the schema containing the link. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.

Database Link

The name of the database link.


The name of the user the database connects as when connecting to the remote database.


SQLNet connect string to the host.


Date on which the link was created.

If you view the navigator by schema, a Database Links folder appears in an alphabetical list of all schema objects under each schema in the navigator. When the Database Links folder is selected, the multi-column list is displayed.

Creating a Database Link

To create a new database link:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Database link from the list in the Create Object dialog box. This object will be selected by default if the Database Links folder is selected in the navigator.

  2. Click OK. The Create Database Link property sheet appears.

  3. Define the parameters of the new database link.

  4. Click Create.

The Database Link property sheet consists of a single General page:

Database Link Property Sheet: General Page

The General page contains the following information:


The name of the database link being defined. You can specify any valid Oracle identifier.


Specifies that the database link be available to all users (public) or only the owner (private).

Connection Details

Current User (Oracle 8 only): Need to do determine function.

Connected User: Specifies that the database link use the username and password of the user accessing the database link.

Fixed User

Username: Username used to connect to the remote database. If the Username field is left blank during the creation process, the newly defined link acquires the username of the person accessing the remote database.

Password: Password used to connect to the remote database. If the Username and Password fields are left blank, the database link uses the username password of the person accessing the database link.

Service Name: Database specification of a remote database.


Checks the validity of the Username, Password, and Service Name when a database link is created. This button is only available when altering an existing database link.

Creation Date

Displays the date of database link creation. By default, the current date is displayed.

Create Like Database Link

To create a database link with parameters that are identical to an existing database link:

  1. Select a specific link from the database link multi-column list.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Database Link property sheet appears with same connection details and service name as the original link.

  2. Enter a new name and modify any parameters (if necessary).

  3. Click Create.

Viewing a Database Link

To look at the parameters for an existing link:

Select a specific database link from the navigator. A property sheet with the link's current parameters is displayed. The property sheet is nearly identical to the Create Database Link property sheet with the following exceptions:

Functions Folder

The Functions folder contains an alphabetical list of functions defined within the database.

A function is a PL/SQL subprogram that executes an operation and returns a value at the completion of the operation. A function can be either built-in or user-named. For information about functions, see Oracle Server SQL Reference.

Functions Multi-column List

The Functions multi-column list displays when the Functions folder is selected in the navigator. The list contains information about the status of links defined within the connected database.

The columns of the Functions list are described below:


Name of the schema containing the function. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the function.


Date on which the function was created.

Last Modified

Date the function was last modified.


Current status of the function (Valid or Invalid).

Creating a Function

To create a new function:

  1. Choose Create from the Schema Manager Object menu.

  1. Select Function from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Function property sheet appears.

  2. Fill in the requisite parameters and enter the PL/SQL source for the function.

  3. Click Create.

The property sheet contains a single General page.

Function Property Sheet: General Page

The General page consists of the following information:


Name of the function being defined.


Name of the schema containing the function. The drop-down list contains all schemas available in the current database.


Recompile the PL/SQL source for the function so that it can be stored and executed from within the database.


Created: Date the function was originally created.

Last Modified: Date the function was last modified.


Current status of the Function (valid or invalid).

Show Errors: Displays the Error Message dialog box listing the errors encountered while trying to compile the function source. This button is only enabled when the function status is invalid. For detailed error message information pertaining to PL/SQL, see the Oracle Server Messages Manual.


Function SQL statements or PL/SQL constructs.

Create Like Function

To create a function with parameters and code that is identical to an existing function:

  1. Select a function from the function's multi-column list.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Function property sheet appears with parameters PL/SQL source identical to the original function.

  2. Enter a new Name.

  3. Click Create.

Altering a Function

To alter an existing function:

  1. Select a specific function from the navigator. A property sheet with the function's current parameters and source code displays.

  1. Modify the parameters and/or PL/SQL source as necessary.

  2. Click Apply after changing the desired parameters to recompile the function and save the changes.

Note: To change the parameters and any code modifications back to their original setting, click Revert.

Indexes Folder

The Indexes folder contains table indexes defined within the database. An index is an optional structure associated with a table, used by Oracle to locate rows of that table quickly and can be used to guarantee that every row is unique. For information about indexes, see the Oracle Server SQL Reference, or the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference .

Indexes Multi-column List

The Indexes multi-column list appears when you select the Indexes folder in the navigator. This multi-column list contains the following information:


Name of the schema. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the index.

Table Owner

Owner of the table for which the index is created.


Table for which the index is created.

Table Type

Type of table (table or cluster).


Status of the table (Valid or Invalid).

When you view the navigator by schema, an Indexes folder appears listing all available schema in alphabetical order. Selecting the Indexes folder displays a multi-column list of indexes contained in the parent schema.

Creating an Index

To create a new index:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu

  1. Select Indexes from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Index property sheets appear.

  2. Enter the requisite parameter values.

  3. Click Create.

The Create Index property sheet consists of up to three pages:

Note: You can also call up the Index property sheet by selecting a table from the navigator and choosing Create Index On from the Object menu.

Index Property Sheet: General Page

The General page of the index property sheet allows you to define an index on one or more columns of a table or a cluster. The General page consists of the following information:


Name of the index. When creating an index you can specify a valid Oracle identifier


Schema in which the index will be defined. The default schema for a new index is the user's default schema. When creating an index link, you can also select any schema defined in the connected database from the Schema drop-down list.


Name of the tablespace to which the index belongs.

Index On

Table/Cluster: Specifies whether the index is to be placed on a table or cluster.

Schema: Drop-down list displaying available schema to which the index can belong.

Table: Drop-down list displaying all available tables belonging to the selected schema.

Index Type (Oracle 8 only): Specifies whether a partitioned index is local (equi-partitioned with the underlying table) or global (patitioning defined explicitly when you create the index). Partitioning of global indexes must be maintained manually.

Table Spreadsheet

To add a column to the index, click on the desired column in the spreadsheet. The order of the column appears in the Order column.

To remove a column from the index click on the desired column entry in the spreadsheet. The column are automatically reordered.


Unique: Specifies that the value of the column (or combination of columns) in the table to be indexed must be unique.

Bitmap: Specifies that the index is to be created as a bitmap rather than as a B-tree. This option does not apply when creating a global partitioned index.

Sorted (Default): If deselected, indicates to Oracle that rows are stored in the database are in ascending order and therefore do not have to be sorted when creating the index.

Recoverable: Specifies that the creation of the index will be logged in the redo log file.

Create Like Index

To create an index with parameters that are identical to an existing index:

  1. Select a index from the multi-column list.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Index property sheet appears with the appropriate parameters filled in.

  2. Enter a new name and modify the parameter settings (if necessary).

  3. Click Create to close the property sheet and create the new index.

Altering an Index

To alter an existing index:

  1. Select a specific index from the navigator. A property sheet with the index's current parameters displays.

  1. Modify the property sheet parameters as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Object Types Folder

The Object Types folder consolidates information about user-defined datatypes (object types) within the connected database. Object types are schema objects that can represent real-world entities, such as a purchase order used by an inventory control application.

Object Types Multi-column list

The Object Type multi-column list displays when the Object Types folder is selected in the Navigator. The list contains the following columns:


Schema to which the object type belongs. Column is not displayed if an individual schema is selected in the Navigator.

Object Type Name

Name of the object type.


Whether or not the object type is incomplete (NO-object type has at least one attribute or method) or complete (YES-object type has no attributes or methods).

Number of Attributes

Total number of attributes that are defined for the object type.

Number of Methods

Total number of methods defined for the object type.

Creating an Object Type

To create a new object type:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu. The Create Object dialog box appears.

  1. Select Object Type from the Create Object list.

  2. Click OK. The Object Types property sheet appears.

  3. Click Create after defining the requisite parameters in the property sheet.

Object Types Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to specify the name of the object type and the schema within which to create it. Object types are abstractions of real-world entities, such as a purchase order. You have the option of defining either an incomplete (no attributes or methods specified) or a complete object type.


Name of the user-defined object type.


Schema in which the object is to reside.

Show Errors/Hide Errors

Opens or closes the Error Messages dialog box. This button is available when the object status is invalid.


Multi-column list displaying all currently defined attributes.

Add: Displays the Object Type Attribute property sheet allowing you to define a new object attribute. Newly created attributes appear in the multi-column list.

Edit: Displays the Object Type Attribute property sheet allowing you to modify the attribute selected in the multi-column list.

Remove: Deletes the attribute selected in the Attributes multi-column list.


Multi-column list displaying all available object methods.

Add: Displays the Object Type Method property sheet allowing you to define a new method for the object. Newly created methods appear in the Methods multi-column list.;

Edit: Displays the Object Type Method property sheet allowing you to modify a method selected in the multi-column list.

Remove: Deletes the method selected in the Attributes multi-column list.

Adding Attributes to Object Types

To add attributes to an object type:

  1. Select an existing object type from the Navigator, or create a new object type.

  1. From the Object Type property sheet, click Add in the Attributes area. the Object Attribute property sheet displays.

  2. Enter the requisite information and click OK. The new attribute appears in the Attribute multi-column list.

  3. Click Apply or Create.

Object Attribute Property Sheet: General Page

This page allows you to define the attributes of a user-defined object. Attributes are built-in types or other user-defined types which model the structure of real world entities. Attributes are the variables that form the data structure of a user-defined object.

Attribute Name

Name of the object attribute.

Object Schema

Schema containing the object to which the attribute belongs.

Object Name

Name of the object to which the attribute belongs.


Schema: Attributes's datatype schema. When an attribute is defined as one of the built-in types (for example, VARCHAR2), schema does not apply. Hence, <NONE> is displayed.

Type: Attribute datatype. The drop-down list displays all standard Oracle built-in types. If a schema containing user-defined types is selected, these types also appear in the list.

Length: Number of bytes allowed for values defined in the column (for CHAR, VARCHARZ, NUMBER, RAW).

Precision (for NUMBER datatype): Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If CHAR is selected in the Datatype drop-down list, you may specify length. If VARCHAR2 or RAW is selected, you may specify a length. If NUMBER is selected, you may specify a length, a length and a precision, or neither.

User defined object will be a reference (REF): Specifies that the attribute be a REF datatype. A REF datatype allows the attribute to "refer" or point to an object stored elsewhere. This option is only available if a user-defined datatype is selected from the Type drop-down list.

Editing or Removing Object Attributes

You can edit or remove an attribute from an object type by selecting the desired attribute in the method multi-column list and clicking on Edit (to bring up the Object Method property sheet) or Remove to delete the selected method.

Adding Methods to Object Types

To add methods to an object type:

  1. Select an existing object type from the Navigator, or create a new object type.

  1. From the Object Type property sheet, click Add in the Methods area. the Object Method property sheet displays. Enter the requisite parameters and click OK. The new method appears in the Method multi-column list.

  2. Click Apply (edit mode) or Create (create mode).

The Object Method property sheet consists of the three pages:

Object Method Property Sheet: General Page

The object method property sheet allows you define functions or procedures written in PL/SQL and stored in the database.

Method Name

Name of the method being created.

Object Schema

Schema of the object to which the method belongs.

Object Name

Name of the object to which the method belongs.

Method Type

Drop-down list allows you to select one of four possible types: Procedure, Function, Map Function, or Order Function. Method type selection determines which fields are active in the Return Type area.

Parameters: An editable spreadsheet allowing you define method input parameters (one parameter per row).

Name: Name of the parameter.

Schema: Schema to which the parameter belongs. If a built-in datatype is selected, <NONE> is displayed. Built-in types are common to all schemas.

Type: Datatype of the parameter. Drop-down list displays all built-in datatypes in addition to any user-defined types belonging to the selected schema.

Ref: Indicates whether the parameter is a reference. The field is enabled if the selected datatype can be referrenced.

Direction: Specifies the behavior of method. There are three modes: IN (default-allows you to pass values to the subprogram being called), OUT (allows you return values to the caller of a subprogram), and IN OUT (allows you to pass initial values to the subprogram being called and return updated values to the caller).


New additions (defined but not yet created) are graphically identified by a hand with a plus sign. After selecting an entry in the spreadsheet, you can use the context-sensitive menu (right mouse button) to drop the selected parameter.

Return Type: Allows you to specify the datatype of the result being returned from the defined method.

Schema: Schema to which the return value type belongs.

Type: Datatype of the return value.

User defined object will be a reference: Specifies that the method return value be a REF datatype. This option is only available if a user-defined datatype is selected from the Type drop-down list.

Object Method Property Sheet: Body Page

This page allows you to define/edit the PL/SQL code which makes up the various methods of the object type body. An empty object type body (which includes its heading and the keyword END;) is automatically provided. Within the edit area, you specify the individual headings and bodies of the various methods that belong in the object type body.

Object Method Property Sheet: Pragma Page

This page allows you to set method restrictions (pragma)denying member functions read/write access to database tables, packaged variables, or both. Changes made to pragma on this page override the settings specified at the object type level. Pragma are processed when the method is compiled. See the Oracle8 PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference for more information on user-defined exceptions.

Override Default Method restrictions (Pragma): When selected, overrides object type settings and allows you to choose any or all of the following restrictions for the method currently being defined or edited:

Writes No Database State (WNDS): Does not modify database tables.

Writes No Package State (WNPS): Does not modify packaged variables.

Reads No Database State (RNDS): Does not query database tables.

Reads No Package State (RNPS): Does not reference packaged variables.

Editing or Removing Object Methods

You can edit or remove methods from an object type by selecting the desired method in the method multi-column list and clicking on Edit (to bring up the Object Method property sheet) or Remove to delete the selected method.

Package Bodies Folder

The Package Bodies folder consists of a list of package bodies defined within the connected database. Package bodies are organized by schema within the Package Bodies folder.

A package consists of two parts: the specification and the body. The package body defines all constructs (public and private) of the package while the specification declares all public constructs. For information about package bodies, see Oracle Server SQL Reference, or the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.

Package Bodies Multi-column List

The Package Bodies multi-column list displays when the Package Bodies folder is selected in the navigator. The list contains all package bodies defined within the connected database.

The columns of the package bodies list are described below:


Name of the schema containing the package body.

Package Body

Name of the package body.


Date on which the package body was created.

Last Modified

Date on which the package body was last modified.


Current status of the package body (Valid or Invalid).

Creating a Package Body

To create a new package body:

  1. Choose Create from the Schema Manager Object menu.

  1. Select Package Body from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Package Body property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the Name, Schema and PL/SQL source for the package body.

  3. Click Create to compile the package body and close the property sheet.

The Package Body property sheet contains a single General page.

Package Body Property Sheet: General Page

The General page consists of the following information:


Name of the package body being defined.


Name of the schema containing this package body. The drop-down list contains all schemas available in the current database.


Recompile the PL/SQL source for the package body so that it can be stored and executed from within the database.


PL/SQL source code for the package body.


Created: Date the package body was originally created.

Last Modified: Date the package body was last modified.


Current status of the package body (valid or invalid).

Show Errors/Hide Errors: Opens or closes the Error Messages dialog box. This button is available when the package body status is invalid.

Create Like Package Body

To create an package body with parameters that are identical to an existing one:

  1. Select a package body from the navigator.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Package Body property sheet appears.

  2. Enter a Name and modify property sheet parameters and/or PL/SQL source (if necessary).

  3. Click Create to compile the package body and close the property sheet.

Editing a Package Body

To edit an existing package body:

  1. Select a package body in the navigator. The Package Body property sheet appears with the Name and Schema fields greyed out.

  1. Modify the PL/SQL source.

  2. Click Apply to recompile the source code and commit the changes.

Packages Folder

The Package folder consists of a list of all packages defined within the connected database. Packages within this folder are organized by schema.

A package is a group of related procedures and functions, together with cursors and variables they use, stored together in the database for continued use as a unit. For information about packages, see Oracle Server SQL Reference, or the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference .

Packages Multi-column List

The Packages multi-column list appears when the Packages folder is selected in the navigator. The list contains information about:


Name of the schema containing the package. This column is not displayed when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the package.


Date on which the package was created.

Last Modified

Date on which the package was last modified.


Current status of the package (valid or invalid).

Creating a Package

To create a new package:

  1. Choose Create from the Schema Manager Object menu.

  1. Select Package from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Package property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the Name, Schema and PL/SQL source for the package. For more information on creating packages, see Oracle PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.

  3. Click Create to compile the package source and create the new package.

The Package property sheet consists of a single General page.

Packages Property Sheet: General Page

The General page consists of the following information:


Name of the package being defined.


Name of the schema containing this package. The drop-down list contains all schemas available in the current database.


Recompile the PL/SQL source for the package so that it can be stored and executed from within the database.


Created: Date the package was originally created.

Last Modified: Date the package was last modified.


Current status of the package (valid or invalid).

Show Errors/Hide Errors: Opens or closes the Error Messages dialog box. This button is available when the package status is invalid.


PL/SQL source code for the package.

Create Like Package

To create an package with parameters that are identical to an existing package:

  1. Select a package from the navigator

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Package property sheet appears with the appropriate information filled in.

  2. Enter a name and modify the PL/SQL source (if necessary).

  3. Click Create to compile the source and create the package.

Editing a Package

To edit an existing package's PL/SQL source:

  1. Select a specific package in the navigator. A property sheet with the package's current parameters is displayed.

  1. Modify the source code.

  2. Click Apply to compile the source code and commit the changes.

Procedures Folder

The Procedures folder consists of a list of all procedures defined within the connected database. Procedures in the navigator are organized by schema.

A procedure groups a set of SQL and PL/SQL statements together to perform a specific task. For more information on procedures, see Oracle Server SQL Reference, Vol. II, or the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.

Procedures Multi-column List

The Procedures multi-column list appears when the Procedures folder is selected in the navigator. The list contains the following information:


Name of the schema containing the procedure. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the procedure.


Date the procedure was originally created.

Last Modified

Date the procedure was last modified.


Current status of the procedure (Valid or Invalid).

Creating a Procedure

To create a new procedure:

  1. Choose Create from the Schema Manager Object menu.

  1. Select Procedure from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Package property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the Name, Schema, and SQL or PL/SQL source code.

  3. Click Create to compile the source code and create the procedure.

The property sheet consists of a single General page.

Procedures Property Sheet: General Page

The General page consists of the following information:


Name of the procedure being defined.


Name of the schema containing this procedure. The drop-down list displays the names of all available schemas.


Recompile the PL/SQL source for the procedure so that it can be stored and executed from within the database.


PL/SQL source code for the procedure.


Current status of the procedure (valid or invalid).

Show Errors: Displays the Error Message dialog box listing the errors encountered while trying to compile the function source. This button is only enabled when the function status is invalid.


Created: Date the procedure was originally created.

Last Modified: Date the procedure was last modified.

Create Like Procedure

To create an procedure with parameters that are identical to an existing one:

  1. Select a procedure from the multi-column list.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Procedure property sheet appears with the appropriate parameters filled in.

  2. Enter a new name and modify the procedure source code (if necessary).

  3. Click Apply to compile the code and create the new procedure

Altering a Procedure

To alter an existing procedure:

  1. Select a procedure in the navigator.The Procedure property sheet appears with the current parameters and source code.

  1. Modify the procedure source code.

  2. Click Apply to recompile the source and commit the changes.

Queue Tables

Advanced Queuing allows you to defer execution of a database request. After a request for work is entered, advanced queuing defers processing of that request until the requestor completes the task or process or transaction that created the request. For more information about Advanced Queueing, see the Advanced Queueing chapter in the Oracle Server Application Developer's Guide.

Queues Multi-column List

Selecting Queue Tables from the tree list displays multi-column list containing all queues in the database organized by schema. The columns are defined as follows:


Name of the schema containing the queue. The column is not displayed if an individual schema is selected.

Queue Name

Valid queue identifier.

Queue Table

Table (data repository containing one or more set of queues) created using the DBMS_AQADM package.


Normal (Reply): An application server can communicate through queues.

Exception: If an application server is unable to process a queue message, it is ENQUEUED to an exception queue to be processed by another application server.


Enabled or Disabled. Ability to add a queue message onto a queue specified by a user.


Enabled or Disabled. Ability to remove a queue message from a queue specified by a user.

User Comment

Textual description of queue function.

Creating a Queue Table

To create a queue table:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Queue Table from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Queue Table property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite queue table information.

  3. Click Create.

The Queue Table property sheet consists of the three pages:

Queue Table Property Sheet: General Page

Queue tables are database tables in which queues (repository for messages) are stored. This property sheet allows you to create queue tables.


Name of the queue table to be created.


Schema in which queue table is to reside.

User Comment

User-specified description of the queue table. This comment is added to the queue catalog.


Tablespace in where the queue table is created.

Payload Type

Specifies the type of user data to be stored in the queue table (queue datatype). Queue table datatypes consist of the standard object types (Oracle-defined or user-defined). In addition the RAW datatype has been added, permitting queue tables to handle large objects (LOBs). Although LOBs can hold up to 4 gigabytes of RAW binary data, the size of the payload is limited to 32 KB.

Raw: Specifies that the queue table store payloads of type RAW. When the RAW datatype is selected the LOB Storage property sheet appears in addition to the General and Storage property sheets.

Object: Specifies that the queue table store conventional object type payloads. Datatypes can be either Oracle-defined or user-defined. The following drop-down lists are active when Object is selected:

Schema: Schema containing the user-defined type.

Type: Payload datatype to be stored in the queue table.


Allow Subscriber: Permits a single message to be consumed by multiple consumers. (one-to-many). When this option is selected, a Subscribers page appears within the Queue property sheet.

Allow Message Group: Permits one or more messages belonging to a single queue to be grouped into set that can only be consumed by one user at a time (many to one). Message grouping allows you to segment complex messages into simple messages.

Sort List

Specifies the columns to be used as the sort key in ascending order. The allowed column names are Priority (priority) and Enqueue Time (enq_time). You click on a column entry to select it. If both columns are selected, then the first column selected (Order 1) defines the most significant order.


If no order is specified, all queues in the queue table are sorted according to the enqueue time in ascending order.

Queue Table Property Sheet: Lob Storage

This page allows you to set parameters for large object (LOB) storage within the queue table. This page displays when RAW is selected as the payload type for a queue table (Queue Table: General page) or if a selected queue table heirarchically contains a user-defined object type with LOB attributes.

All (queue table creation only)

Applies LOB storage characteristics to all data segments within the queue table

Specific (queue table creation only)

Allows you to explicitly indicate the tablespace and storage characteristics for each LOB. The drop-down list displays existing LOBs.


LOB column name.

Data Segment

Tablespace: Drop-down list displaying all tablespaces within current database. Selection determines the tablespace in which the LOB data segment is to reside.

Data Segment Storage: Standard storage parameter page allowing you to define specific data segment storage parameters.

Enable LOB storage in row: Specifies that the LOB value is stored in the row (inline) if its length is less than approximately 4000 bytes minus system control information (default value).

Number of blocks of LOB data that will be accessed at one time (CHUNK): Integer representing the unit of LOB allocation and manipulation by Oracle. This unit of LOB storage is calculated as the specified integer multiplied by the data block size.

Percent of LOB storage space to be used as old versions of LOB pages (PCTVERSION): Integer representing the maximum percentage of overall LOB storage space used for creating new versions of the LOB. The default value is 10.

LOB cache (On/Off): Specifies whether LOB data should be cached. Caching is off by default. You should turn LOB caching On if LOB data will be accessed frequently.

Generate full redo of LOB data pages (LOGGING): When selected, specifies that the LOB storage characteristics will logged in the redo log file. This option is only available if LOB cache Off.

Create Like Queue Table

To create another queue table with parameters that are identical to an existing queue table:

  1. Select an existing sequence from the Navigator.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Queue Table property sheet displays.

  2. Enter a name and modify the property sheet parameters as necessary.

  3. Click Create.

Altering a Queue Table

To alter an existing sequence:

  1. Select a specific queue table in the navigator. A property sheet with the table's current parameters is displayed.

  1. Modify the property sheet parameters as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Creating a Queue

To create a queue:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Queue Table from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Queue Table property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite queue table information.

  3. Click Create.

The Queue property sheet consists of two pages:

Queue Property Sheet: General Page

A queue is a repository for messages. This property sheet allows you to define one of two types of queues: A user queue (Normal), or an exception queue.


Name of the queue to be created.


Schema where the queue table containing the queue is located.


Queue table containing the queue.

User Comment

User-specified description of the queue. The comment will be added to the queue catalog.

Queue Type

Normal: Specifies that the queue be a user queue for normal message processing.

Exception: Specifies that the queue be an exception queue. Exception queues handle messages that for some reason cannot be retrieved and processed.


Enabled: Specifies that ENQUEUE should be enabled on this queue.

Disabled: Disables enqueuing for this queue.


A queue cannot be stopped if there are outstanding transactions against the queue.


Enabled: Specifies that DEQUEUE should be enabled on this queue.

Disabled: Disables dequeuing for this queue.

Note: Only dequeue operations are allowed for exception queues.


Max Retries: Number of times a dequeue with the REMOVE mode can be attempted on a message. A message is moved to an exception queue when the Max Retries limit is reached. By default, the limit is set to zero, meaning no retry is allowed.

Delay: Specifies the delay time before a message is scheduled for processing again after an application rollback. You use the drop-down list to select the time units (seconds, minutes, hours, or days). By default, the delay time is set to zero, meaning the message can be retried as soon a possible.

Message Retention

Retention Time: The time a message will be retained in the queue table after being dequeued from the queue. By default, the time is set to zero, i.e., not retained.

Queue Property Sheet: Subscribers Page

This page allows you to add subscribers to the queue in addition to scheduling the propagation of messages from a queue to a destination identified by a specific database link. The Subscribers page only appears if an associated queue table had been created with the Allow Subscriber option.

List of Subscribers

An editable spreadsheet allowing you to define the queue subscribers. The spreadsheet consists of three columns:

Name: Consumer of a message.


For Oracle release 8.0.3, you can only define a name for a subscriber.

Address: Protocol-specific address of the message recipient. By default, the address is of the form SCHEMA.QUEUE

DBLINK: Database link associated with the message consumer.

To add a subscriber name, click on the desired cell to activate the cursor and type in the desired name, address, and database link. Entries may consist of up to 30 characters.

To remove an entry from the list, click on the spreadsheet button located to the immediate left of the name. Right click on the spreadsheet button to display the context-sensitive menu. Select Delete.


You can perform standard editing functions (cut, copy, past, delete) by selecting the text in the spreadsheet and right clicking to display the context-sensitive menu.

List of Schedules

An editable spreadsheet allowing you to schedule the propagation of messages to a specific destination.

DB Link: Drop-down list displaying all database links (destinations) defined in the current database. You can unschedule a queue from a destination by clicking on the spreadsheet button to the immediate left of the database link, and then using the right mouse button to display the context-sensitive menu. Select Unschedule.


If no database link is selected, the destination is set to the local database. Messages will be propagated to other queues within the local database.

Schedule (for): Displays the current schedule for the selected database link.

Start Time: Specifies the initial start time for the propagation window for messages from the source queue to the destination.

Next Time: Date function to compute the start of the next propagation window from the end of the current window. If this field is left blank, propagation will be stopped at the end of the current window. For example, to start the window at the same time every day, Next Time should be specified as `SYSDATE + 1 - duration/86400'.

Duration: Specifies the duration of the propagation window in seconds, minutes, or hours. Leaving the Duration field blank specifies that the propagation window remain open until the propagation is unscheduled.

Latency: Specifies the minimum wait (seconds, minutes, or hours) in the propagation window for a message to be propagated after it is enqueued.

Create Like Queue

To create another queue with parameters that are identical to an existing queue table:

  1. Select an existing sequence from the Navigator.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Queue property sheet displays.

  2. Enter a name and modify the property sheet parameters as necessary.

  3. Click Create.

Altering a Queue

To alter an existing sequence:

  1. Select a specific queue table in the navigator. A property sheet with the table's current parameters is displayed.

  1. Modify the property sheet parameters as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Refresh Groups Folder

The Refresh Group folder contains all refresh groups defined within the connected database. Within the folder, refresh groups are organized by schema.

A refresh group consolidates multiple snapshots and allows you to easily refresh two or more snapshots to a single point in time.

For information about refresh groups, see Oracle Server Distributed Systems, Volume II: Replicated Data.

Refresh Groups Multi-column List

The Refresh Groups multi-column list appears when the Refresh Groups folder is selected in the navigator. The list contains the following information:


Name of the schema containing the refresh group. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the refresh group. Refresh group names must follow the same naming conventions as tables.


Identification number of the refresh group.

Next Date

Next date the refresh will occur.


Function used to calculate the next time to refresh the snapshots in the group.

Creating a Refresh Group

To create a new refresh group:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Refresh Group from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Refresh Group property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite information.

    To add a snapshot to the refresh group, select an item from the Available list and click the Up arrow. The snapshot appears in the In Group list.

    To remove a snapshot from the refresh group, select an item in the In Group list and click the Down arrow.

  3. Click Create.

The Refresh Group property sheet consists of two pages:

Refresh Group Property Sheet: General Page

The General page consists of the following information:


Name of the Refresh group.


Name of the schema containing the refresh group.


Refreshes the current refresh group immediately.


When checked, marks a job as broken so Oracle will not attempt to execute the job.

Delete group when last member deleted

Upon deleting the last refresh group member, the refresh group is automatically deleted.


Next Date: Next date that you want a refresh to occur.

Interval: Function used to calculate the next time to refresh the snapshots in the refresh group.

Continue refresh despite conflicts: Select this option if you want the refresh to proceed even if there are outstanding conflicts logged in the DefError table for the snapshot's master. This option is active for updatable snapshots only.

Push changes from snapshot to master before refresh: Selected by default, this option allows you to push changes from the snapshot to its associated master before refreshing the snapshot. Otherwise, these changes may appear to be temporarily lost. This option is active for updatable snapshots only.

Rollback Segment

Use default rollback segment: When selected, the default rollback segment is used. Segment name and Segment Schema are greyed out.

Segment Name: Name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing snapshots.

Segment Schema: Name of the schema containing the rollback segment.

Refresh Group Property Sheet: Snapshots

The Snapshot page consists of the following information:

In Group

Scrolling list containing all snapshots in the refresh group.


Scrolling list containing all available snapshots.

Create Like Refresh Group

To create a refresh group with parameters that are identical to an existing one:

  1. Select a refresh group in the navigator.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Refresh Group property sheet appears with the appropriate parameters filled in.

  2. Enter a name and modify any parameters (if necessary).

  3. Click Create.

Altering a Refresh Group

To alter an existing refresh group:

  1. Select a specific refresh group in the navigator. A property sheet with the refresh group's current parameters displays.

  1. Modify the property sheet entries as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Sequences Folder

The Sequence folder contains all sequences stored within the connected database. Sequences are organized by schema.

A sequence is a database object used to generate a serial list of unique numbers for numeric columns of a database's tables. Sequences simplify data entry in a multi-user system by automatically generating unique numerical values for the rows of a single table or multiple tables. For information about sequences, see Oracle Server Concepts and Oracle Server Administrator's Guide.

Sequences Multi-column List

The Sequences multi-column list displays when the Sequences folder is selected in the navigator. The list contains sequences defined within the connected database. For information about sequences, see the Oracle Server SQL Reference.

The columns of the Sequences multi-column list are described as follows:


Name of the schema containing the sequence. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the sequence.

Minimum Value

Smallest permissible value for the sequence.

Maximum Value

Largest permissible value for the sequence.


Incremental value for the sequence (value may be positive or negative).

Recent Value

Most recent value of the sequence.


Indicates whether or not the sequence should continue to generate values after reaching its minimum or maximum value (Yes or No).


Indicates whether or not the sequence numbers should be generated in order of request (Yes or No).

Cache Size

Number of values to be preallocated and stored by the database.

Creating a Sequence

To create a new sequence:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Sequence from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Sequence property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite sequence information.

  3. Click Create.

The property sheet consists of a single General page.

Sequences Property Sheet: General Page

The General page contains the following information:


Name of the sequence being defined. During the Create operation, you can specify a valid Oracle identifier as the name of the sequence.


Schema in which the sequence is defined. The default schema for a new sequence is the user's default schema. During the Create operation, you can choose a schema from those defined in the connected database from the drop-down list.

Type: Ascending

When selected, sequence values increase from the initial value towards the maximum value. This is the default setting when creating a sequence.

Type: Descending

When selected, the sequence values decrease from the initial value towards the minimum value.


Minimum: Minimum allowed value of the sequence. When creating a sequence, this field is initially blank. If this field is blank when you select the Create button, a default value of one for an ascending sequence or -1026 for a descending sequence will be used.

Maximum: Maximum value of a sequence. When creating a sequence this field is initially blank. If left blank when the Create button is selected, a default value of 1027 for an ascending sequence and -1 for a descending sequence will be used.

Increment: Interval by which the sequence increases or decreases. When creating a sequence, this field is initially blank. If left blank when the Create button is selected, a default value of 1 is used. Only positive integers are accepted in this field.

Decrement: Interval by which the sequence decreases. When creating a sequence, this field is initially blank. If left blank when the Create button is selected, a default value of 1 is used. Only positive integers are accepted in this field.

Initial: The starting value of the sequence. If the field is blank when the Create button is selected, a default value of the sequence's minimum will be used for an ascending sequence. For a descending sequence, a default value of the sequence's maximum value is used.

Recent: The most recent value of the sequence. This field is active when altering an existing sequence.


Cycle Values: When checked, specifies that the sequence should continue to generate values after reaching its minimum or maximum value. For ascending sequences, the minimum value is generated after the maximum is reached. For descending sequences, the maximum value is generated after the minimum is reached. If Cycle Values is not checked, the sequence will stop generating values when it reaches its minimum or maximum. When creating a sequence, this checkbox is unchecked by default.

Order Values: When checked, specifies that the sequence numbers are to be generated in order of request. When creating a sequence, this checkbox is unchecked by default.

Cache Size: Number of values to be pre-allocated and stored by the database. There are three options:

Create Like Sequence

To create another sequence with parameters that are identical to an existing sequence:

  1. Select an existing sequence from the navigator.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Sequence property sheet displays.

  2. Enter a name and modify the property sheet parameters as necessary.

  3. Click Create.

Altering a Sequence

To alter an existing sequence:

  1. Select a specific sequence in the navigator. A property sheet with the sequence's current parameters is displayed.

  1. Modify the property sheet parameters as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Snapshot Logs Folder

The Snapshot Logs folder contains a list of all snapshot logs created in the connected database.

A snapshot log is a table associated with the master table of a snapshot. The snapshot log contains information about changes made to its associated master table. The information in the snapshot log is used to refresh the snapshot.

Snapshot Logs Multi-column List

The Snapshot Logs multi-column list displays when the Snapshots folder is selected in the navigator. The multi-column list contains snapshot log information defined within the connected database. For information about snapshot logs, see Oracle Server Concepts.

The columns of the Snapshots multi-column list are described as follows:


Name of the schema containing the snapshot log. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.

Log Table

Name of the table storing the ROWID and timestamp of rows updated in the master table.

Log Trigger

Name of the AFTER ROW trigger on the master table.

Master Table

Name of the table associated with the snapshot log.

Creating a Snapshot Log

To create a new snapshot log:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Snapshot Log from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Snapshot Log property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the necessary property sheet information.

  3. Click Create.

The Snapshot Logs property sheet consists of two pages:

Snapshot Logs Property Sheet: General Page

The General page contains the following:

On Master Table

Schema: Name of the schema to which the master table belongs. The drop-down list displays all schemas available to the user.

Table: Name of the master table. The drop-down list displays all tables belonging to the selected schema.


Tablespace to which the snapshot log belongs.

Log Table

Name of the table that stores the ROWID and timestamp of rows updated in the master table.

Log Trigger

Name of the AFTER ROW trigger on the master table that tells Oracle to insert the ROWIDs and timestamps of inserted, updated, and deleted rows into the master snapshot log.

Current Snapshots:

The number of snapshots associated with the snapshot log.

Create Like Snapshot Log

To create a snapshot log with parameters that are identical to an existing log:

  1. Select an existing snapshot log from the navigator.

  1. Choose Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Snapshot Log property sheet appears.

  2. Enter a name and modify the property sheet entries (if necessary).

  3. Click Create.

Altering a Snapshot Log

To alter an existing snapshot log:

  1. Select a specific snapshot log in the navigator. A property sheet with the log's current parameters displays.

  1. Modify the property sheet parameters.

  2. Click Apply.

Snapshots Folder

The Snapshot folder contains of a list of all snapshots defined within the database.

A snapshot is a read-only copy of a master table located on a remote node. It is periodically refreshed to reflect changes made to the master table. A snapshot can be queried, but not updated; only the master table can be updated.

Snapshots Multi-column List

The Snapshots multi-column list displays when the Snapshots folder is selected in the navigator. The list contains all snapshots defined within the connected database.

The columns of the snapshots list are described below:


Name of the schema containing the snapshot. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the snapshot.

Master Owner

Owner of the snapshot's master table.

Master Table

Name of the master table.

Master Link

Database link to the master site.

Last Refresh

Date of the last refresh (at the master site).


Type of refresh for automatic refreshes: Complete, Fast, or Force.

Creating a Snapshot

To create a new snapshot:

  1. Choose Create from the Schema Manager Object menu.

  1. Select Snapshot from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Snapshot property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite information.

  3. Click Create.

The property sheet consists of four pages:

Snapshot Property Sheet: General Page

The General page contains the following:


Name of the snapshot being defined. During the Create operation, you can specify a valid Oracle identifier as the name of the sequence.


Name of the schema containing the snapshot. The drop-down list contains all available schemas within the connected database.


Name of the tablespace to which the snapshot belongs.

Refresh Type

Type of refresh for automatic refreshes: Complete, Fast, or Force.

Complete: Specifies a refresh that executes the subquery.

Fast: Specifies a refresh using only the updated data stored in the snapshot log associated with the master table.

Force: Specifies a fast refresh if one is possible or a complete refresh if fast refresh is not possible.

Start Date: Date snapshot refresh is to begin.

Next Date: Expression that calculates the interval at which the snapshot is updated.


When selected, indicates that the snapshot is updatable. When used in conjunction with the Replication Option, updates are propagated to the master.

Snapshot Subquery

Snapshot query executed by Oracle when you create the snapshot. Results of the query are placed in the snapshot. (Create only)

Snapshot Property Sheet: Cluster Page

The Cluster page allows you to define the cluster to which a snapshot belongs. This property sheet contains the following:


Cluster to which the snapshot belongs. The drop-down list displays all clusters contained within the selected schema.

Column Name: Name of the column to be used as part of the snapshot. Click Add to add the column name to the Snapshot Columns list.

Snapshot Columns: Scrolling list of all columns added to the snapshot. Use the Up/Down arrows to reorder the list of columns (column order must match the order in the cluster).

Remove: Deletes the selected snapshot column from the list.

Create Like Snapshot

To create a snapshot with parameters that are identical to an existing snapshot:

  1. Select an existing snapshot from the navigator.

  1. Choose Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Snapshot property sheet appears.

  2. Enter a name and modify the property sheet parameters (if necessary).

  3. Click Create.

Editing a Snapshot

To edit an existing snapshot:

  1. Select a snapshot in the navigator. A property sheet with the snapshot's current parameters displays.

This property sheet is similar to the Create Snapshot property sheet except that the Subquery entry field is replaced by the following information:


Associated AFTERROW trigger on the master table.


Associated snapshot log.

Master Info

Owner: Name of the schema to which the snapshot belongs.

Table: Name of the master table.

Link: Database link to the database where the master table resides.

Can Log

Whether or not the snapshot can be logged.

Ref. Group

Associated refresh group.

Last Refreshed

Date the snapshot was last refreshed.

  1. Modify the property sheet parameters as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Synonyms Folder

The Synonyms folder contains a list of all synonyms defined within the connected database.

A synonym is an alias for a table, view, sequence, procedure, function, package or another synonym.

Synonyms Multi-column List

The Synonyms multi-column list displays when the synonyms folder is selected in the navigator. The list summarizes information for synonyms defined within the connected database.

The columns of the Synonyms multi-column list are described as follows:


Name of the schema containing the synonym. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the synonym.

Object Owner

Owner of the original database object.


Name of the original database object.


Database link to the the original schema object (e.g. table, view, snapshot).

Creating a Synonym

To create a new synonym:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Synonym from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Synonym property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite information.

  3. Click Create.

The Create Synonym property sheet contains a single General page.

Synonym Property Sheet: General Page

The General page consists of the following information:


Name of the synonym.


Name of the schema containing the synonym. The drop-down list contains all available schemas within the connected database.

As Alias For

Local Database/Remote Database: Allows you to create a synonym from an object on a local database or an accessible database on the network.

Object Type (Local)/DB Link (Remote): Drop-down list containing available database object types (tables, snapshots, etc.) for local databases. If Remote Database is selected the field label changes to DB Link. In this case, the drop-down list contains all database links defined for the current instance.

Schema: Drop-down list containing all available schemas for the current instance (local databases). If Remote Database is selected, the schema name must be typed in explicitly.

Object: Drop-down list containing all available database objects for the selected schema.

Create Like Synonym

To create another synonym with parameters that are identical to an existing synonym:

  1. Select an existing synonym from the navigator.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Like property sheet is displayed.

  2. Enter a name.

  3. Click Create.

Viewing a Synonym

To view the parameters of an existing synonym, select a synonym in the navigator. A property sheet with the original synonym's current parameters displays.

Table Types Folder

A nested table is an unordered set of data elements, all of the same datatype. This property sheet allows you to define a nested table type. This table type can be used as

Table Types Multi-column List

The Table Types multi-column list displays when the Table Types folder is selected from the navigator. The multi-column list contains the following columns:

Schema (not displayed if specific schemas are selected in the Navigator)

Schema to which the table type belongs.

Array Type Name

Name of the table type.

Element Type Schema

Schema to which the datatype (for elements within a nested table) belongs.

Element Type Name

Name of the datatype (for elements within a nested table).

Creating a Table Type

To create a new table type:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Table Type from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Table Types property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite sequence information.

  3. Click Create.

The Table Types property sheet consists of a single General page.

Table Types: General Page

The General page consists of the following elements:


Table type name.


The schema to contain the table type.

Show Errors/Hide Errors

Opens or closes the Error Messages dialog box. This button is active when the table type status is invalid.


Specifies the datatype for elements of the nested table.

Schema: Scheme to which the datatype belongs.

Type: Datatype of the element(s) in the nested table.

Length: Number of bytes allowed for values defined in the column (for CHAR, VARCHARZ, NUMBER, RAW datatypes).

Precision (for NUMBER datatype): Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If CHAR is selected in the Datatype drop-down list, you may specify length. If VARCHAR2 or RAW is selected, you may specify a length. If NUMBER is selected, you may specify a length, a length and a precision, or neither.

User defined object will be a reference (for user-defined types): Specifies that an object of the table datatype be a REF. This option is only available if a user-defined datatype is selected from the Type drop-down list.

Create Like Table Type

To create a table type with parameters that are identical to an existing table type:

  1. Select an existing table type from the navigator.

  1. Choose Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Table Type property sheet appears.

  2. Enter a name and modify the property sheet parameters (if necessary).

  3. Click Create.

Editing a Table Type

To alter an existing table type:

  1. Select a specific table type from the navigator. A property sheet with the table type's current parameters displays.

  1. Modify the datatype as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Tables Folder

The Tables folder contains a list of all tables defined within the connected database.

As the basic unit of storage in a relational database management system, a table represents entities and relationships, and consists of one or more units of information (rows), each of which contains the same kinds of values (columns). For information about tables, see Oracle Server Concepts.

Tables Multi-column List

The Tables multi-column list displays when the Tables folder is selected in the navigator. The list summarizes information for tables defined within the connected database.

The columns of the Sequences multi-column list are described as follows:


Name of the schema in which the table is defined. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the table.


Name of the tablespace to which the table belongs.


Number of rows in the table. (Shown only if the cost-based optimizer is disabled.)

Note: Entries in the Rows column only appear if ANALYZE has been run against the table. For more information on the ANALYZE command, see Oracle Server SQL Reference.

Creating a Table

To create a new table:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Table from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The New Table dialog box appears. From here, you can choose to create a new table using either the Table Wizard or manually using the Create Table property sheet.

    The Table Wizard is a rule-based series of dialogs that guide you the process of creating a table. See Oracle Enterprise Manager online help for more information about the Table Wizard.

  2. Enter the requisite property sheet information.

  3. Click Create.

The Create Table property sheet contains the following pages and dialog boxes:

Table Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to define or view the primary attributes of a table such as column definitions, schema in which the table resides, or query used to populate a new table. The General page contains the following information:


Name of the table being defined. During the Create operation, you can specify a valid Oracle identifier as the name of the table.


Schema in which the table is defined. The default schema for a new table is the user's default schema. During the Create operation, you can choose a schema from those defined in the connected database via the drop-down list.


Tablespace to which the table belongs.

Define Columns/Define Query/Object Table

This area of the property page changes according to the option selected.

Define Columns

An editable spreadsheet allowing you to edit or add columns to a database table. The columns of this spreadsheet consist of Column (name), Datatype, Default, Nulls? and Cluster Column. New additions (defined but not yet created) are graphically identified by a hand with a plus sign. After selecting an entry in the spreadsheet, you can use the context-sensitive menu (right mouse button) to carry out standard editing functions (cut, copy, paste, delete).

The spreadsheet consists of 10 columns:

Name: Name of the table column being defined or edited. You can specify a valid Oracle identifier as the name of the column. This field is disabled for columns that have already been defined in the database.

Schema: Schema containing the desired datatype. If a built-in datatype is selected (for example, VARCHAR2), schema does not apply and <NONE> is displayed.

Datatype: Drop-down list of user-defined object types contained within the selected schema.


If a user-defined datatype is selected, the nested table dialog appears automatically. If you close the Nested Table dialog but need to access it again at a later time, you can call up the dialog by clicking on the spreadsheet button to the immediate left of the Column Name and then use the right mouse button to call up the context-sensitive menu. Select Nested Tables

Length: Number of bytes allowed for values defined in the column (for CHAR, VARCHARZ, NUMBER, RAW).

Precision (for NUMBER datatype): Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If CHAR is selected in the Datatype drop-down list, you may specify length. If VARCHAR2 or RAW is selected, you may specify a length. If NUMBER is selected, you may specify a length, a length and a precision, or neither.

Ref?: When checked, indicates the column is a reference to a row in an object table (type Ref).

Nulls?: When checked, indicates that the column being defined is not permitted to contain null values.

Default Value: An expression that serves as the default value for this column in any rows for which the INSERT statement omits a value for the column.

Scope Schema: Schema containing the table to be referenced. Cell is active when Ref? is checked.

Scope Table: Table being referenced. Cell is active when Scope is checked.

Define Query

When selected, a scrolling editable text area appears allowing you to enter a SQL query to be used to populate the table. A query does not have to be specified (Create mode only).

Object Table

When selected, allows you to create an object table utilizing user-defined object types.

Schema: Schema containing the user-defined object type.

Object Type: Name of the user-defined object type. Upon selecting an object type, the Nested Table dialog is automatically displayed if there are any aggregated nested tables that for the selected object type. Note: VARRAY, Nested Table, or built-in types are not displayed.

Nested Tables: Displays the Nested Tables dialog box allowing you to create a storage table for each nested table column. The button is active when a user-defined object type is selected.

Object Type Spreadsheet: An editable spreadsheet displaying the attributes of the selected user-defined type. The spreadsheet consists of the following columns:

  • Name: Attribute name. Cell is not editable.
  • Datatype: Datatype of the attribute and schema containing that datatype. Cell is not editable.
  • Nulls: When checked, indicates that the column being defined is not permitted to contain null values.
  • Default Value: An expression that serves as the default value for this column in any rows for which the INSERT statement omits a value for the column.
  • Scope: When checked, allows you to restrict the scope of the reference to a single table. Cell is active when Ref is checked.
  • Schema: Schema containing the table to be referenced. Cell is active when Scope is checked.
  • Table: Table being referenced. Cell is active when Scope is checked.
Table Property Sheet: Constraints Page

The Constraint page allows you to define or edit integrity constraints for a table. This page contains the following information.

Constraints on Table

An editable spreadsheet containing the following columns:

Name: Name of the table constraint being defined. To define a new constraint, you can enter a valid Oracle identifier as the name of the constraint. If no name is entered, a default name will be assigned by the database. This field is disabled if the column has already been defined in the database.

Type: The type of constraint. The drop-down list displays available constraint types: UNIQUE, PRIMARY, FOREIGN, CHECK.

Disable: Indicates that the constraint should be disabled (checked) or enabled (`x') when the constraint is created. Click on the spreadsheet cell to toggle this setting.

Referenced Schema: Schema referenced by the foreign key in the constraint being defined. The drop-down list displays all available schema for the database. This list is active only when FOREIGN is selected as the constraint type.

Referenced Table: Table referenced by the column being defined. This drop-down list displays all tables contained within the Referenced Schema.

Cascade on Delete: When checked, indicates that rows will automatically be removed from the child table if they reference values contained in the referenced key column of rows being removed from the parent table. You toggle this setting by clicking on the desired spreadsheet cell. This control is disabled if a query is defined at Create time or if the column has already been defined in the database.

Check Condition: Check constraint to be included in the table constraint currently being defined.

You can enter the text of the check constraint in this spreadsheet cell or a valid expression. For more information see the Oracle Server SQL Reference for your server release.

Constraint Definition

An editable spreadsheet displaying both table and referenced columns.

Table Columns: Column on which the constraint is to be placed. The drop-down list displays all columns in the table. This cell is active for UNIQUE and PRIMARY key constraints. If you are defining an object table, this will be a list of all attributes of the object type the object table is defined on.

Referenced Columns: Columns (unique or primary key) referenced by a foreign key in a referential integrity constraint. The drop-down list displays all columns available in the referenced table.

Table Property Sheet: Cluster Columns

The Cluster Columns page (active when creating a new table) allows you to associate database cluster key columns with columns in a newly created table.


Drop-down list displaying all clusters available in the schema selected on the General page of the Table property sheet.

Table Column : Drop-down list displaying all columns in the new table.

Cluster Column: Cluster key columns contained within the selected cluster.

To clear the Table Column entries, reselect the current cluster from the drop-down list.

Dropping a Constraint on a Table

To drop a constraint from a table:

  1. Using the left mouse button, click on the entry select button located to the immediate left of an individual row in the Constraints on the Table spreadsheet.

  1. Click the right mouse button to display the pop-up menu.

  2. Select Drop to delete the constraint, or Drop with Cascade to tell Oracle to drop the constraint and maintain referential integrity by also removing dependent foreign key values if a referenced primary or unique key value is removed.

Removing a Constraint Definition (Create mode only)

To remove a constraint definition:

  1. Using the left mouse button, click on the entry select button located to the immediate left of an individual row in the Constraints on the Table spreadsheet. The table columns or referenced columns appear in the Constraint Definition spreadsheet.

  1. In the Constraint Definition spreadsheet, select the desired constraint by clicking on the entry select button located to the immediate left of an individual row in the Constraint Definition spreadsheet.

  2. Click the right mouse button to display the pop-up menu.

  3. Select Remove.

Create Like Table

To create a new table with parameters that are identical to an existing table:

  1. Select a table from the navigator and then select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Table property sheet appears with all parameters filled in except Table (name), based on the values from the selected table.

  1. Click Create to create the table and close the property sheet.

Altering a Table

To alter an existing table:

  1. Select a table in the navigator. A property sheet with the table's current parameters displays.

  1. Modify the parameters as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Triggers Folder

The Triggers folder contains a list of triggers defined within the connected database.

A trigger is a stored PL/SQL procedure that is implicitly executed when an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is issued against the associated table or view. For more information about using triggers, see Oracle Server Administrator's Guide for your server release.

Triggers Multi-column List

The Triggers multi-column list displays when the Triggers folder is selected in the navigator. The list summarizes information for all triggers defined within the connected database.

The columns of the Triggers multi-column list are described as follows:


Name of the schema containing the trigger. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the trigger.




Triggering statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).

Table Owner

Owner of the table with which the trigger is associated.


Name of the table with which the trigger is associated.

Creating a Trigger

To create a new trigger:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select Trigger from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create Triggers property sheet appears. The Create Trigger property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite information.

  3. Click Create.

The property sheet consists of two pages:

Trigger Property Sheet: General Page

The General page allows you to define the primary characteristics of a trigger such as the name of trigger, schema to which the trigger belongs, and the trigger body. This page contains the following information:


Name of the trigger being defined.


Schema in which the trigger is to be defined. The default schema for a new trigger is SYSTEM.

Trigger On

Table/View: When selected, allows you to create a trigger on a table or a view.

Schema: Drop-down list displaying all available schema in the database. This field specifies the schema that contains the table.

Name: Drop-down list displaying all available tables or views in the selected schema. This field specifies the name of the table on which the trigger is to be created. Triggers on SYS schema tables cannot be created.

Replace if Exists

When selected, indicates that a trigger is to be recreated (if it already exists) without dropping, recreating and regenerating object privileges previously granted.


When checked, indicates that a trigger is enabled.

During a Create operation, this control is checked and disabled. It is not checked and enabled if a trigger is disabled.

Trigger Body

Defines the PL/SQL block that Oracle executes to fire the trigger.

Trigger Property Sheet: Timing Page

The Timing page allows you to specify the conditions that initiate a trigger. This page contains the following information:

Triggering Statement

Fire Trigger:

Insert: When checked, indicates that Oracle fire the trigger whenever an INSERT statement adds a row to a table.

Delete: When checked, indicates that Oracle fires the trigger whenever a DELETE statement removes a row from a table.

Update of Columns: Indicates that Oracle fires the trigger whenever an UPDATE statement changes a value in a column selected in the multi-select list. It is only enabled and populated when the Update checkbox is selected.

Trigger for Each Row

When checked, designates the trigger to be a row trigger. Oracle fires a row trigger once for each row that is affected by the triggering statement and meets the optional trigger constraint defined in the Condition field. When not checked, the trigger is a statement trigger and is fired only once when the triggering statement is issued (assuming the optional trigger constraint is met).


You can use correlation names in the PL/SQL block and WHEN clause of a row trigger to refer specifically to old and new values of the current row. The default correlation names are OLD and NEW.

Condition : Specifies the trigger restriction.

The trigger restriction contains a SQL condition that must be satisfied for Oracle to fire the trigger. This condition must contain correlation names and not a query. You can only specify a trigger restriction for a row trigger. Oracle evaluates this condition for each row affected by the triggering statement. See the Oracle SQL Reference manual for more information.

Create Like Trigger

To create a new trigger with parameters that are identical to an existing trigger:

  1. Select a trigger in the navigator.

  1. Select Create Like from the Object menu. The Create Trigger property sheet appears with all parameters filled in, except the name, based on the values from the selected table.

  2. Click Create.

Altering a Trigger

To alter an existing trigger:

  1. Select a trigger in the navigator. The Trigger property sheet with the selected trigger's current parameters displays.

  1. Modify the trigger body or triggering statement as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.

Altering a trigger only affects values generated after the alter is performed.

Views Folder

The Views folder contains a list of all views defined within the connected database.

A view is a custom tailored presentation of the data in one or more tables and can also be thought of as a stored query. Views do not actually contain or store data; rather, they derive their data from the tables on which they are based, called base tables. Base tables can in turn be actual tables or can themselves be views. Views can be queried, updated, inserted into, and deleted from, with restrictions. All operations performed on a view actually affect the base tables of the view. For information about views, see Oracle Server Concepts.

Views Multi-column List

The Views multi-column list displays when the Views folder is selected in the navigator. The list summarizes information for tables defined within the connected database.

The columns of the Views multi-column list are described as follows:


Name of the schema containing the view. This column is not shown when viewing a particular schema.


Name of the view.


Current status of the view (Valid or Invalid).

Creating a View

To create a new view:

  1. Choose Create from the Object menu.

  1. Select View from the list in the Create Object dialog box. The Create View property sheet appears.

  2. Enter the requisite information.

  3. Click Create.

The Create View property sheet consists of two pages:

View Property Sheet: General Page

The General page contains the following information:


Name of the view being defined. During a Create operation, you can specify a valid Oracle identifier as the name of the view.


Schema in which the view should be defined. The default schema for a new view is the user's default schema.

Query Text

Identifies columns and rows of the table(s) that the view is based on. A view's query can be any SELECT statement without the ORDER BY or FOR UPDATE clauses. Its select list can contain up to 254 expressions.

View Property Sheet: Advanced Page

The Advance page allows you to specify options or place constraints on the view. This page consists of the following:


Replace if Exists: When checked, specifies that the view is to be recreated, if it already exists, without dropping, recreating, and regenerating object privileges previously granted on it.

Force: When checked, specifies that the view is to be created regardless of whether the view's base tables exist or the owner of the schema containing the view has privileges on them.

Read Only: When checked, specifies that no deletes, inserts or updates can be performed through the view.


Specifies the name assigned to the CHECK OPTION constraint.

With Check Option: When checked, specifies that inserts and updates performed through the view must result in rows that the view query can select.

The CHECK OPTION cannot make this guarantee if there is a subquery in the query of this view or any view on which this view is based.

If you omit this identifier, Oracle automatically assigns the constraint a name of the form: SYS_Cn, where n is an integer that makes the constraint name unique within the database.

As Object

Allows you to create an object view.

Schema: Schema containing the object type.

Object Type: List of user-defined object types contained within the selected schema.

Object ID: Allows you to specify the attributes of the object type that will be used as a key to uniquely identify each row in the object view.

Default: Specifies that the intrinsic object identifier of the underlying object table or object view be used to uniquely identify each row.

Specify Attributes: Allows you to specify attributes of an object type from which the object view is to be created. You can specify the unique order of the table columns using the two-column spreadsheet. Table columns correspond to the top-level attributes of the object type.

Create Like View

To create a new view with parameters that are identical to an existing view:

  1. Select a view from the navigator.

  1. Choose Create Like from the Object menu. The Create View property sheet appears with all parameters filled in except the view name.

  2. Enter a new name and modify any parameters (if necessary).

  3. Click Create.

Altering a View

To alter an existing view:

  1. Select a view in the navigator. A property sheet with the view's current parameters displays.

  1. Modify the query text or other property sheet parameters as necessary.

  2. Click Apply.


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