Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 1.5






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Managing Instances and Sessions

This chapter describes how to use Instance Manager to manage instances and sessions. With Instance Manager, you can start up and shut down a database, view and edit the values of initialization parameters, resolve in-doubt transactions, and manage users' sessions. This chapter assumes that you have read Chapter 7, "Overview of the Database Tools" and are familiar with the interface elements of the database tools.

This chapter contains information on the following topics:

Starting Instance Manager

To start Instance Manager, click on the Instance icon in the Launch Palette or choose Instance Manager from the Console Tools menu.

After Instance Manager has successfully connected to a database, the Initialization parameters, Stored Configurations, In-Doubt Transactions, and Sessions folders display in a tree list on the left side of the Instance window. These folders are contained in the database folder which displays the name of the database the application is currently connected to.

The display on the right side of the window is determined by the objects selected on the left side of the screen. The right side may contain a multi-column scrolling list, property sheet, or dialog box.

An example of an Instance Manager window is shown in Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1 Instance Manager

For general information, see:

Instance Manager Menus

Instance Manager includes the three standard menus, File, View, and Help, plus the Database, Sessions, Transactions, and Configuration menus. The options for each of these menus are described below. For information on the standard menus, see Application Menus on page 7-8.

Database Menu

The Database menu provides access to all options pertaining to Oracle instance startup and shutdown.


Displays the Startup dialog box that provides startup options and parameter file/configuration selection for instance startup.


Displays the Shutdown Options dialog box that provides standard options for instance shutdown.


Mounts an Oracle database to an instance that has been started.


Opens an Oracle database that has been mounted but currently is not open.

Archive Log

Toggles ARCHIVELOG mode on or off. If the database is mounted and open, Instance Manager displays the Shutdown Options dialog box allowing you to shut down the database before changing the ARCHIVELOG mode. If the database is not mounted, Instance Manager asks if you want to open the database in a mounted state.

Automatic Archival

Toggles automatic archiving of online redo log files on or off.


Changes to archive log mode only affects the current instance. For permanent changes, you must edit the initialization parameter file.

Manually Archive

Allows you to manually archive online redo log files.

Current: Archive the current online redo log file group and force a log switch.

All: Archive all redo log file group that is full but has not been archived.

Next: Archive the next archive redo log file group that is full but has not been archived.

Sessions Menu

The Sessions Menu provides access to all options that apply to database session management.


Disconnects any session that is selected from the Sessions container in the tree list.

Immediate: Kills the selected session immediately.

Post Transaction: Wait until all database transactions are complete before killing the selected session.


Restricts database access only to those users with the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege.

Allow All

Permits database access to all users.

Transactions Menu

The Transactions menu provides access to all options that apply to in-doubt transactions.

Force Commit

Commits any transaction selected from the In-Doubt Transactions folder in the tree list.

Force Rollback

Rolls back any transaction selected from the In-Doubt Transactions folder in the tree list.

Configuration Menu

The Configuration menu allows you to manage any configurations selected from the Stored Configurations folder in the tree list.


Deletes any configuration selected from the tree list.

Export to File

Exports any configuration selected from the tree list to an ASCII file.


If you alter an object contained in another object, all instances of the object in the database are changed.

Database Object

Database Object

The database object displays the name of the target database. When selected, the database property sheet displays providing you with information regarding database status and archive mode. This property sheet contains the following information.

Database Property Sheet: Status Page

The Status page contains information about the status of the current database, database version, and any installed options. This page also allows you to change the state of the database by selecting one of the Database State options and clicking Apply.

Database State

Shutdown: Database down.

Instance Started: Instance started but no database mounted.

Database Mounted: Database mounted but not open.

Database Open: Database mounted and open.

Database Version

Database version and any installed options.

Attention: If the database is not running, the message "ORACLE not available" is displayed.

Database Property Sheet: Information Page

The Information page contains displays the current state of redo log archival and the system global area (SGA).

Archive Information

Log Mode: Specifies whether the connected database is in ARCHIVELOG mode or NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Last SCN Archived: The last system change number that was archived. The SCN uniquely identifies the last committed database transaction.

Archive Destination: Specifies the destination where the archive log files are to be created. If you are archiving to disk, it is recommended that a dedicated disk with sufficient storage be used.

Archive Format: Specified the naming convention for the archived log files. ARC, appended with the log sequence number (%S) and the thread number (%T), is used to form a unique filename for the archive redo log.

Automatic Archival: Allows you to specify that redo log files be automatically archived. To enable Automatic archiving upon instance startup, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_START initialization parameter to TRUE. This option is enabled when the connected database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode.

SGA Information

Database Buffers: Size of the database buffer cache (in bytes).

Fixed Size: Memory allocated to the area of the SGA that contains general information about the state of the database and the instance. No user data stored here (in bytes).

Redo Buffers: Size of the redo log buffer (in bytes).

Variable Size: Memory allocated to variable size data structures (in bytes).

Database Property Sheet: Resource Limit Page

The page allows you to instantly view resource settings in the Initialization Parameter file versus current usage.

Resource Name

Name of the initialization parameter.

Current Utilization

Current level usage of the initialization parameter.

Max Utilization

Highest recorded usage of the initialization parameter.

If you want to change any of the settings, select the Initialization Parameter container in the Navigator and edit the parameters from the Initialization Parameters property sheet. For a detailed description of the parameters, see your Oracle Server Reference manual.

Starting Up a Database

To start up an instance:

  1. Select the Database folder. The Database property sheet appears.

  1. Go to the Status page and select the desired startup option.

  2. Click Apply.

Alternatively, you can access the Startup page of the Database property sheet by choosing Startup from the Database menu. For Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 1.3.6, startup of an Oracle8 database using Instance Manager is not permitted.


Before starting up a release 7.1 or later database, you must connect as SYSDBA or SYSOPER. For information about connecting as SYSDBA or SYSOPER, see your Oracle Server Documentation. For release 7.0, you must be connected as INTERNAL before starting up the database. For information about starting up a database, see your Oracle Server Administrator's Guide.

Shutting Down a Database

To shut down a database:

  1. Select the Database folder. The Database property sheet appears.

  1. Select the Shutdown option.

  2. Click Apply.

Alternatively, you can access the Shutdown page of the Database property sheet by choosing Shutdown from the Database menu. For Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 1.3.6, shutdown of an Oracle8 database using Instance Manager is not permitted.

If you are shutting down a remote database, make sure you have a local copy of the INIT<SID>.ORA file or a stored configuration before attempting to restart the database.

Other applications create separate connections when you start them. When performing a shutdown in normal mode, remember to close these database connections, or the shutdown will not complete.


Before shutting down a release 7.1 or later database, you must connect as SYSDBA or SYSOPER. For information about connecting as SYSDBA or SYSOPER, see the Oracle7 Server Documentation Addendum. For release 7.0, you must be connected as INTERNAL before shutting down the database. For information about shutting down a database, see the Oracle Server Administrator's Guide for your database release.

Mounting or Opening a Database

If you have previously started an instance without mounting the database, you can mount the database by choosing Mount from the Database menu or selecting the desired option from the Status page of the Database property sheet. The Mount menu command mounts the database in exclusive mode, allowing the database to be mounted by only one instance at a time.

If you have previously mounted a database, you can open the database by choosing Open from the Database menu or selecting the desired option from the Database property sheet: Status page. The database is opened and is accessible to all users.

Initialization Parameters Folder

Initialization parameters specify the operational characteristics of a database. Instance Manager allows you view and edit these parameters. When you select the Initialization Parameters icon in the tree list, the Initialization Parameter property sheets appear.

Initialization Parameters Property Sheet

The Initialization Parameters property sheets consist of two basic and two advanced pages each with a multi-column scrolling list containing information about the parameters defined in the initialization parameter file used to start up your instance.

You can sort the Initialization list on each of the columns by clicking on the column heading. You can edit the values of parameters that can be updated.


In order to start up or shut down a remote database, the INIT<SID>.ORA file must reside on both the local (Console) and remote (remote database) systems. The INIT<SID>.ORA file on both machines must be identical.

Initialization Parameters Property Sheet: Basic Tuning Page

The Basic Tuning property sheet contains all initialization parameters that are considered essential for basic database operation.

Property sheet columns are defined as follows:

Parameter Name

Name of the initialization parameter.


An editable field displaying the current value of the initialization parameter while the database is running. To modify a parameter, select the desired Value field, change the parameter, then click apply. Instance Manager prompts you if database shutdown is required and if you wish to save the changes as a Stored Configuration.

See the Oracle Server Reference manual for specific information about initialization parameters.

Initialization Parameters Property Sheet: Instance Specific Page

The Instance Specific property sheet contains initialization parameters that pertain to a specific Oracle instance. Normally, these parameters will differ from one database to another.

See Initialization Parameters Property Sheet: Basic Tuning Page on page 10-9 for an explanation of page columns.

Initialization Parameters Property Sheet: Advanced Tuning Page (Advanced UI mode)

The Advance Tuning property sheet lists initialization parameters that normally fall beyond the realm of day-to-day database administration. Normally, these parameters are used for performance monitoring or system tuning.

See Initialization Parameters Property Sheet: Basic Tuning Page on page 10-9 for an explanation of page columns.

See your Oracle Server Tuning Guide for database tuning information.

Initialization Parameters Property Sheet: Derived Page

The Derived property sheet, which appears when Instance Manager is run in Advanced UI mode, lists initialization parameters that normally fall beyond the realm of day-to-day database administration. Normally, these parameters are used for performance monitoring, or system tuning.

See Initialization Parameters Property Sheet: Basic Tuning Page on page 10-9 for an explanation of page columns.

See your Oracle Server documentation for database tuning information.

Editing Initialization Parameters

To edit any initialization parameter:

  1. Select a specific parameter from any initialization parameter list.

  1. Enter a new value. Some fields in the list consist of drop-down menus.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. You can also click Save to save your changes as a Stored Configuration.

Applying non-dynamic initialization parameter changes requires that the database first be shut down. Regardless of whether you choose to shut down the database, Instance Manager asks if you wish to save the current set of parameters as a configuration file. See Stored Configurations on page 10-11 for more information.


While modifying initialization parameters, nothing is written to the initialization parameter file INIT.ORA. Export the changes to a file by selecting Export to File from the Configuration menu.

Resetting Edits

You can cancel any changes you have made to the parameter values with the Reset command button. Reset only cancels changes you made since the last Apply.

Applying Edits

You can save edits you make to parameter values by using the Apply command button. Any changes you make appear in the New Value column of the initialization parameter list except where parameters are dynamic. Whenever you apply an edit, the following actions occur:

Stored Configurations

Stored configurations allow you to create multiple database startup configurations without the need to track files initialization parameter files (INIT<SID>.ORA). Stored configurations exist in the registry and not as external files.

Stored Configuration Folder

Clicking on the Stored Configurations folder in the tree list displays the stored configuration multi-column list. This list consists of the following columns:

Configuration Name

User-specified name for the stored configuration.


User-specified description of the new stored configuration.

Creating a Stored Configuration

To create a stored configuration:

  1. Click Save from one of the initialization parameter property sheets (Basic Tuning, Instance Specific, Advanced Tuning, or Derived). The Save Configuration property sheet appears.

  1. Enter a configuration name.

  2. Enter any comments you wish to appear in the Comments column of the Stored Parameters mulit-column list.

Stored Configuration Property Sheet

Once a stored configuration is created, it appears in the tree list within the Stored Configurations folder. Selecting an individual stored configuration displays an initialization parameter property sheet containing a single page listing all parameters of the stored configuration. See Initialization Parameters Property Sheet on page 10-9. for explanatory information.

Editing a Stored Configuration

To edit a stored configuration:

  1. Select an existing stored configuration from the Stored Configuration folder in the tree list. A single property sheet containing a list of initialization parameters appears. The parameters for stored configurations, are not categorized into Basic Tuning, Instance Specific, Advance Tuning, and Derived.

  1. Select the desired initialization parameter.

  2. Enter a new value.

  3. After making the desired change(s):

    • To apply the edit, click Apply. Instance Manager prompts you if database shutdown is required.
    • To save the edit to a configuration file, click Save. You can either overwrite the selected stored parameter or specify that the changes be saved to a new stored configuration.

Deleting Parameters from a Stored Configuration

To delete an initialization parameter from a stored configuration:

  1. Select the desire parameter from the initialization parameter property sheet.

  1. Choose Delete from the context-sensitive menu.

Adding a Parameter to a Stored Configuration

To add an initialization parameter to a stored configuration:

  1. Select the desired stored configuration from the tree list.

  1. Enter the name of the new initialization parameter in one of the blank entry fields.

  2. Enter the startup value for the initialization parameter.

  3. Click OK.

Note: For a full list of initialization parameters and permissible values, see your Oracle Server Reference Manual.

Creating a File from a Stored Configuration

Stored configurations are stored in the Windows NT registry. Hence, configurations created on a specific Windows server are only available on that machine. If you wish to make a configuration available to other machines, Instance Manager allows you to export stored configurations to an ASCII file.

To create a stored configuration file:

  1. Select a stored configuration from the tree list.

  1. Choose Export to File from the Configuration menu. You can also call up this option from the context-sensitive menu from the stored configuration in the tree list. A standard file Save As dialog box appears.

  2. Specify the desired file information and click OK.

Deleting a Stored Configuration

To delete a stored configuration:

  1. Select the desired configuration from the tree list.

  1. Choose Remove from the Configuration menu. Instance Manager asks if you want to remove the stored configuration.

  2. Click Yes.

Sessions Folder

The Session list contains information about the users connected to the database. You can sort the Sessions list on each of the columns by clicking on the column heading.

Sessions Multi-column List

When you click on the Sessions folder in the tree list, the Sessions multi-column list displays. The list consists of the following columns:

Session ID

Session identifier


Whether a session is ACTIVE or INACTIVE


Oracle USERID associated with the session.

Schema Name

Schema name associated with the user.

OS User

Operating system user name.


Operating system terminal name.

Machine Name

Operating system machine through which the user is connected.


Executable running through the session.

Sessions Property Sheet

The Sessions property sheet consists of a single General page. Columns of the Session list are described below:

Session ID

Session identifier.

Serial #

Session serial number, used to uniquely identify a session. In combination with the SID, guarantees that session-level commands are applied to the correct session in the event that the session ends and another session begins with the same session identifier.


Whether a user session is active or inactive.


Oracle username associated with the session.

Schema Name

Schema name associated with the user.


Program you are currently running.

OS Information

User: Operating system username.

Terminal: Operating system terminal name.

Machine: Operating system machine through which the user is connected.

Disconnecting a User's Session

To disconnect a user's session:

  1. Select the session to disconnect from the Sessions multi-column list.

  1. Choose Disconnect Immediate or Post-Transaction from the Session menu.


When you disconnect a session, the session is not actually terminated until the user tries to execute a database operation.

Restricting or Allowing Sessions

To make the database accessible only to users with the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege, choose Restrict from the Session menu. Only users with the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege are allowed to connect. Users already connected are not affected.

To make the database accessible to all users, choose Allow All from the Database menu. All users with the CREATE SESSION system privilege are allowed to connect.

See Chapter 9, "Managing Database Security" for more information regarding roles and privileges.

In-Doubt Transactions Folder

The In-Doubt Transactions folder contains information about distributed transactions that failed in the PREPARED state. You can sort the Transactions list on each of the columns by clicking on the column heading.

Additional Information: For information about distributed transactions, see the Oracle Server Concepts.

In-Doubt Transactions Multi-column List

The columns of the In-Doubt Transactions list are described below:

Global ID

Global identifier for the transaction.

Local ID

Identifier on the local database for the transaction.


The state of the transaction: collecting, prepared, committed, heuristic commit, or heuristic abort.


Suggested action: C (Commit), R (Rollback), or null (no advice).

Commit Comment

Comment given with the COMMENT clause of the COMMIT WORK command.

In-doubt Transactions Property Sheet

The In-Doubt Transactions property sheet displays information about distributed transactions in which a commit was interrupted by a system, network, or any failure resulting from external factors.

Local ID

Name of the node that references data on other nodes to complete its part in the distributed transaction.

Global ID

Name of the node where the distributed transaction originates. The database application issuing the transaction is directly connected to this node.


State of the in-doubt transaction: collecting, prepared, committed, forced commit, forced rollback.


Suggested resolution: C for commit, R for rollback, null for states not requiring immediate action.

Date/Time Information

Failure Time: Date and time of transaction failure.

Last Automatic Retry: Last attempt by the RECO (recover) background process to resolve the transaction discrepancy.

Last Manual Force: Date and time of the last forced rollback or commit.

Commit Comment: Optional text entry field. Contents of this field are displayed

Forcing a Commit or Rollback

To commit an in-doubt transaction:

  1. Select the In-Doubt Transactions folder in the tree list. This displays the In-Doubt Transactions multi-column list.

  1. Select the transaction to be committed from the In-Doubt Transactions multi-column list.

  2. Choose Force Commit from the Transaction menu.

To roll back an in-doubt transaction:

  1. Select the In-Doubt Transactions folder in the tree list to display the In-Doubt Transactions multi-column list.

  1. Select the transaction to be rolled back from the multi-column list

  2. Choose Force Rollback from the Transaction menu.


You cannot roll back an in-doubt transaction to a savepoint.


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