Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 1.5







A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


ABORT mode, B-29
acknowledging events
Event menu, 5-12
Event window, 5-9, 5-23
Active Jobs page, 4-6
add a group to a map
Map menu, 3-6
adding privileges to a role, 9-18
adding privileges to a user, 9-12
adding roles to a user, 9-12
adding subroles to a role, 9-18
additional administration utilities, 1-9
additional services folders
Navigator tree, 2-2, 2-3
administration task
Navigator objects, 2-15
Administrator Toolbar, 1-7
application and float styles, 1-15
customize, 1-14
database list, 1-14
exiting, 1-15
menu options, 1-14
online help, 1-15
status of the default database, 1-15
setting up in Event system, 5-24
Advanced Mode
View menu, 1-11
Advanced mode, 7-14
Advanced Queuing, 11-33
down, 5-4
intelligent, 6-2
out of sync with Console, 6-10
process, 6-2
UpDown Node event, 5-4
Alert event, 5-31
Alter Rollback Segment property sheet
about, 8-17
Storage page, 8-18
Application Pending Notifications
Daemon Manager, 6-6
apply (register) an event set, 5-19
applying edits, 10-11
ARCH background process
starting, B-5
Archive Full event, 5-33
ARCHIVE LOG command, B-6
about, B-3
ALL option, B-5
LIST option, B-4
NEXT option, B-5
START option, B-5
STOP option, B-5
Archived Logs Property Sheet
General Page, 12-16
Record Page, 12-16
archiving redo log files
about, B-3
archive location, B-4
device written to, B-5
re-archiving, B-5
stopping, B-5
Array Type
about, 11-7
create like, 11-9
editing, 11-10
Array Type property sheet, 11-9
Array Types, about, 11-7
audience for this guide, xxvi
Auto Extend page, 8-13
Available Destinations list
Job system, 4-11


background processes
startup after abnormal termination, B-30
backing up a tablespace, 12-43
Backup Manager
menus, 12-33
starting, 12-2
Backup Manager, about, 7-5
Backup menu, 12-33
Backup Set Property Sheet
Channels Page, 12-23
Parameters Page, 12-23
Backup Set/Image Copy Property Sheet
Schedule Page, 12-23
Backup Tablespace Wizard
about, 12-43
Backup Wizard, 12-20
BackupSet Property Sheet
General Page, 12-22
Basic mode, 7-14
Broadcast Message task, 4-22
Buffer Cache event, 5-38


Catalog, 15-7
Catalog window, 15-3, 15-7
Chain Row event, 5-41
Channels Property Sheet
General Page, 12-17, 12-30
Limits Page, 12-18, 12-31
channels, creating, 12-30
CHAR datatype
displaying in line mode, B-21
in line mode, B-26
Chunk Small event, 5-34
Cluster Property Sheet
General Page, 11-11
editing, 11-13
Clusters folder
about, 11-10
Clusters Multi-column List, 11-10
Clusters, creating, 11-10
Column Details, 11-12
command buttons
dialog box, 7-13
property sheet, 7-16
command history
about, 13-10
and Worksheet menu commands, 13-12
retrieving a command from, 13-12
Command History dialog box, 13-10
@ command, B-2
ARCHIVE LOG command, B-3
CONNECT command, B-6
DESCRIBE command, B-9
DISCONNECT command, B-11
EXECUTE command, B-11
executing, 13-8
executing in SQL worksheet, 13-6
EXIT command, B-12
PRINT command, B-13
RECOVER command, B-13
REMARK command, B-17
SET command, B-18
SHOW command, B-25
SHUTDOWN command, B-29
SPOOL command, B-30
STARTUP command, B-31
VARIABLE command, B-35
commands (Server Manager)
@ command, in a SQL Worksheet, 13-13
@@ command, 13-14, B-3
programs, setting characteristics of, B-18
in scripts, B-17
forcing, 10-17
common services
and agents, 1-6
Enterprise Manager, 1-6
Enterprise Manager, 1-6
Communication Daemon, 6-4
Enterprise Manager, 1-6
communication daemon
parameters, 6-7
populating Navigator, 2-3
composite job, 4-3
instances, multiple, B-33
mail services, 5-14
modem, 5-14
paging services, 5-14, 5-28
CONNECT command
about, B-6
INTERNAL option, B-7
user SYS, B-7
Connect dialog box, 1-23
connect string
Enterprise Manager, 1-19
as SYSOPER or SYSDBA, 1-24
File menu item, 7-9, 13-4
Navigator menu item, 2-6
service name, 1-24
to a database, 1-23
to a database instance in the Navigator, 2-6
to a repository, 1-19
connecting to a database, B-6
changing, in a SQL Worksheet, 13-9
multiple, 1-25
customize layout, 1-11
Enterprise Manager, 1-3
File menu, 1-11
Help menu, 1-12
menus, 1-10
user preferences, 1-25
using menus, 1-10
context-sensitive menus
Navigator, 1-10, 2-7
using, 7-11
using in the Navigator, 1-10
Controlfile Object and Property Sheet, 12-37
copying tree objects
Navigator, 2-16
CPU Utilization event, 5-43
event set, 5-13
job, 4-8
map, 3-6
or modify a job, 4-9
or modify an event set, 5-14
specified object type in the Navigator, 2-5
Create Cluster property sheet, 11-10
Create Datafile
General Page, 8-12
Create Datafile property sheet
Auto Extend page, 8-13
Create Index property sheet
Storage page, 11-19
create like
profile, 9-23
role, 9-17
user, 9-11
Create Like Cluster
create like, 11-12
Create package body property sheet
General page, 11-27
Create Procedure property sheet
General page, 11-32
Create Profile property sheet, 9-21
profile name, 9-21
Create Redo Log Group property sheet
about, 12-44
Create Redo Log Member property sheet
about, 12-45
create refresh group property sheet
General page, 11-42
Snapshot page, 11-42
Create Role property sheet
General page, 9-17
Create Rollback Segment property sheet, 8-16
about, 8-15
create sequence property sheet
General page, 11-45
Create Snapshot Log property sheet
Storage page, 11-48
Create Snapshot property sheet
Cluster page, 11-51
General page, 11-50
Storage page, 11-50
Create Synonym property sheet
General page, 11-54
Create Table property sheet
Column Details property sheet, 11-61
General page, 11-58
Storage page, 11-58, 11-61
Create Tablespace
Extents page, 8-7
General page, 8-6
Create Trigger property sheet
General page, 11-64
Timing page, 11-65
Create User property sheet, 9-8
about, 9-6
adding quotas, 9-10
Default Roles page, 9-10
General page, 9-7
Privileges page, 9-8
Roles/Privileges page, 9-8
Create View property sheet
General page, 11-68
Creating a Channel, 12-30
disconnect and closing cursors, B-11
opened at CONNECT, B-8
customize and manage network views
Map system, 3-6


Daemon Manager
configuration parameters, 6-7
menu, 6-10
Data Dictionary Cache event, 5-39
Data Gatherer events, 5-44
Data Manager
context-sensitive menus, 14-4
Export wizard, 14-4
Import wizard, 14-5
Load wizard, 14-6
menus, 14-3
starting, 14-2
window, 14-3
Data Manager, about, 7-5
changing connections, 13-9
mounting, 10-9, B-32
opening, 10-9, B-33
recovering from SQL worksheet, 13-9
shutting down, 10-8
database administration applications
DBA, 1-12
Database Fault Management Events, 5-31
database files
recovering, B-13
Database folder
mounting a database, 10-9
opening a database, 10-9
shutting down a database, 10-8
database instance property sheet
accessing from a map, 3-5
Database Link
create like, 11-15
database link folder
creating a database link, 11-14
Database Link Property Sheet
General Page, 11-14
Database Links folder
about, 11-13
Database Links Multi-column List, 11-13
Database menu, 12-34
database name
at startup, B-31
Database Performance Management Events, 5-37
Database Property Sheet
Information Page, 12-9, 12-36
Status Page, 12-8, 12-36
Database Resource Management Events, 5-35
Database Space Management Events, 5-33
database tools, 1-7
application folders, 7-3
folders, 7-3
quitting, 7-9
database tools and utilities, 1-7
about, 7-2
dialog boxes, 7-12
property sheets, 7-14
Databases folder
Navigator tree, 2-2
Datafile Limit event, 5-35
adding, 8-10
altering, 8-14, 8-15
creating, 8-12
creating like, 8-14, 8-15
multi-column list, 8-12
renaming, 8-12
Datafiles folder
about, 8-11
altering a datafile, 8-14
create like datafile, 8-14
Datafiles Property Sheet
General Page, 12-12
DATE datatype
in line mode, B-22, B-26
database administration application, 1-7
DBA mode, B-32
DBA privilege, 1-20, B-32
DBA tools
menus, 7-8
Deinstall Product Task, 15-28
group, 3-6
Delete option
Daemon Manager, 6-10
removing job or event operations, 6-10
Delete Package Task, 15-30
DESCRIBE command, B-9
archive, B-6
overriding default, B-6
dialog box
about, 7-12
command buttons, 7-13
dialog boxes, 7-12
between SQL*DBA and Server Manager, C-1
DISCONNECT command, B-11
disconnecting, B-11
Navigator menu item, 2-6
discovered nodes
saving a list, 1-21
discovering services
communication daemon, 1-4, 2-3
Navigator, 2-8
SQL*Net network, 2-3
problems, 2-13
discovery cache
Enterprise Manager, 1-6
providing network information, 1-6
Disk Full event, 5-42
Disk I/O event, 5-37
Distribute Package Task, 15-31
distribution host
and the software distribution process, 15-11
definition, 15-11
drag and drop
Navigator, 2-16
Navigator objects, 2-2
opening, 7-16
Dump Full event, 5-33


Edit menu, 13-5
elapsed timing, B-24, B-28
configuring, 5-27
Event Management system, 5-1
Enterprise Manager
components, 1-2
connect string, 1-19
database administration, 1-7
installing, 1-19
introduction, 1-2
launch palettes, 1-13
Oracle releases supported by, 1-2
privileges needed to use, 1-20
quitting, 1-11
repository, 1-19
starting, 1-19
starting up, 1-19
toolbars, 1-13
destination requirements, 5-20
numeric pager event Ids, 5-45
set, 5-3
Event History page
Event window, 5-10
Event Management, 5-1
categories of events, 5-6
configuring paging services, 5-28
creating an event set, 5-14
defining administrators, 5-24
Enterprise Manager, 1-5
fault management, 5-6
introduction, 5-1
menu, 5-12
modifying a registered event set, 5-19
modifying an event set, 5-14
Oracle events, 5-31
parameter settings, 5-17
performance management, 5-7
process, 5-2
registering an event set, 5-19
resource management, 5-7
space management, 5-7
types of events, 5-6
viewing a registered event set, 5-19
viewing an event set, 5-11
window, 5-8
Event Set Library page
Event window, 5-11
predefined event sets, 5-11
Event Set Management property sheet
creating an event, 5-13
modifying a new event, 5-13
creating an event set, 5-17
group, 3-13
Job Scheduling, 4-15
Map, 3-9
Navigator, 2-17
registering an event, 5-22
EXCLUSIVE mode, B-33
EXECUTE command, B-11
EXIT command, B-12
exiting an application, 7-9
exiting Enterprise Manager, 1-11
container in Navigator, 2-15
map objects, 3-4
possible delays with a container, 2-15
predefined task, 14-6
a full database to a file, 14-6
data to a file, 14-4
objects to a file, 14-6
owners to a file, 14-6
tables to a file, 14-6


Fault Management events, 5-6
fetching rows in a query
setting MAXDATA, B-23
File menu, 13-4
DBA tools, 7-8
Navigator, 2-4
Navigator tree, 2-6
filtering folders
Navigator, 2-18
fixit job, 4-3, 5-1
creating, 4-10
events, 5-16
removing, 5-16
submitting, 5-16
with events, 5-1
folder pull-down menus
about, 7-5
folder tabs, 7-16
opening, 7-4
pull-down menu, 7-5
FORCE option, B-32
forcing the retry of operations
Daemon Manager, 6-10
altering, 11-18
create like, 11-17
Function Property Sheet
General Page, 11-17
Functions folder
about, 11-16
creating a function, 11-16


General page
job, 4-10
add or delete, 3-11
bitmap background, 3-12
create, 3-10
example, 3-13
job destination, 4-11
modify, 3-12
user-defined, 3-3
Groups folder
Navigator tree, 2-2


Help menu, 7-10
Help system
using, 1-8, 1-12, 7-11
Host Folders icon, 15-4
host name, B-7


Image Copy Property Sheet
General Page, 12-25
Schedule Page, 12-26
IMMEDIATE mode, B-30
predefined task, 14-6
a full database from a file, 14-6
data from a file, 14-5
tables from a file, 14-6
user objects, 14-6
altering, 11-21
create like, 11-20
Index Property Sheet
General Page, 11-19
Indexes folder
creating an index, 11-19
Indexes Multi-column List, 11-18
in-doubt transactions
forcing a commit, 10-17
forcing a rollback, 10-17
Initialization Parameters
about, 10-9
Initialization parameters
displaying, B-27
initialization parameters
editing, 10-10
INIT.ORA file, B-32
Install Package Task, 15-26
Enterprise Manager, 1-19
Intelligent Agent, 6-2
Instance Manager, about, 7-6
connecting, 1-23, B-6
default, B-26
displaying current, B-26
multiple, sharing a database, B-33
shutting down, B-29
starting, B-31
Intelligent Agent, 1-6, 6-2
Enterprise Manager, 1-6
with events, 5-4
IP address
listening address, 6-8


alter, 4-8
composite, 4-3
create, 4-8
manage, 4-8
modify, 4-8
view, 4-8
Job History page, 4-7, 4-8
Job Library, 4-7
job output
Progress Page, 4-15
Job Scheduling, 4-1
credential preference, 4-3, 4-12
destination requirements, 4-11
Enterprise Manager, 1-4
example, 4-15
Failed to Authenticate User error, 4-3
General page, 4-10
job destination, 4-10
job destinations, 4-11
job name, 4-10
job tasks, 4-11
job type, 4-10
managing jobs, 4-4
menu, 4-8
saving history, 4-8
scheduling jobs, 4-4
scheduling process, 4-2
task parameters, 4-12
window, 4-5
Job Scheduling system, 15-21
Job system
and the software distribution process, 15-18
tasks used with Oracle Software Manager, 15-18
Jobs Property Sheets
Backup Manager, 12-19


Navigator, 2-19


launch palettes, 1-13
launching a database tool, 1-22
from a map, 3-5
from the Console, 2-4
from the Navigator, 1-4
Navigator, 2-4
with the right-mouse button, 2-4
Library Cache event, 5-39
line mode
about, A-1
entering commands in, A-2
entering PL/SQL in, A-2
entering SQL in, A-2
running scripts from, A-2
Server Manager, 1-8
starting, A-2
using, A-2
list of saved maps
Map menu, 3-6
LIST option, B-4
Listener Fault Management Events, 5-44
Listeners folder
Navigator tree, 2-2
Listening Address
communication parameter, 6-8
data from an external file, 14-6
Lock Limit event, 5-35
Log menu, 7-10
log sequence numbers
for manual archiving, B-5
listing, B-4
overriding, B-6
LOG_ARCHIVE_START parameter, B-6
ARCHIVE LOG command, B-5
Logfile menu, 12-6
login information, 1-25


configuring, 5-27
mail engine
event system notification, 5-27
Management Information Base (MIB)
with SNMP, 6-3
manipulation of the objects
in the Navigator, 2-15
Manual Backup Operations, 12-22
Map, 3-1
bitmap background, 3-10
create, 3-2
creating with dragging and dropping, 3-2
customized views, 3-1
example, 3-9
expanding objects, 3-4
modify, 3-8
status of objects, 3-4
types of views, 3-3
user-defined views, 3-3
window, 3-2
mail engine, 5-27
Maximum Extents event, 5-33
Console, 1-10
context-sensitive, 7-11
context-sensitive, using, 7-11
File menu, 1-11, 7-8
folder pull-down, about, 7-5
Help menu, 1-12, 7-10
Job, 4-8
Security Manager, 9-3
View, 1-11
View menu, 7-9
changing settings, 5-14
event set, 5-13
group, 3-6
map, 3-6
registered events, 5-13
tools, 1-9
utilities, 1-9
shared databases, B-34
mounting a database, B-32
multiple database connections, 1-25
multiple tasks
submitting a job, 4-9
Navigator, 2-2


Navigator, 2-1
connecting to a database, 2-6
Enterprise Manager, 1-4
example, 2-17
filtering, 2-4
filtering folders, 2-18
keystrokes, 2-19
manipulating objects, 2-15
menu, 2-5
multi-selection, 2-2
new view, 2-6
objects, 1-4
splitting the tree, 2-4, 2-6
user-defined map groups, 3-3
window, 2-2
navigator objects
manipulating, 7-4
Navigator window, 15-3, 15-4
Net I/O event, 5-38
network, 15-19
container, 2-2
encryption, 6-3
estblishing communication, 15-19
flow of information, 15-19
specifying service names, 1-24
Networking Polling Timer
communication parameter, 6-8
new view
Navigator tree, 2-6
NLS environment, 6-3
Node Fault Management Events, 5-41
Node Heartbeat Interval
communication parameter, 6-9
Node Heartbeat Timer
communication parameter, 6-9
Node Performance Management Events, 5-43
Node Space Management Events, 5-42
Nodes folder
Navigator tree, 2-2
NORMAL mode, B-30
NUMBER datatype
in line mode, B-23, B-27
Number of Cached Connections
communication parameter, 6-8
Number of Worker Threads
communication parameter, 6-9


object lists
about, 7-4
refreshing, 7-9
selecting from, 7-11
sorting, 7-12
Object Type property sheet, 11-22
Object Types
about, 11-21
adding attributes, 11-23
adding methods, 11-24
online help, 1-8, 1-12, 7-11
accessing, 1-8
online redo log files
re-archiving, B-5
opening a database, B-33
Operation and Notification Queries folder, 6-6
Operation Retry Timer
communication parameter, 6-9
Oracle Client Software Manager (OCSM), 15-6
Oracle Daemon Manager, 6-6
Oracle DB Fault
event profile, 5-12
Oracle DB Resource
event profile, 5-12
Oracle DB UpDown
event profile, 5-12
Oracle Enterprise Manager, job system, 15-18
Oracle Enterprise Manager/Oracle Software Manager network, 15-19
establishing communication, 15-19
flow of information, 15-19
Oracle events, 5-31
Oracle Expert, 1-9
Oracle File Packager, 15-12
Oracle Host UpDown
event profile, 5-12
Oracle Installer, 15-28
Oracle Listener UpDown
event profile, 5-12
Oracle Lock Manager, 1-9
Oracle Multi-Protocol Interchange
and Communication Daemon, 6-4
Oracle Parallel Servers
administering, 1-2
Oracle Performance Pack, 1-9
Oracle Remote Operations
and Communication Daemon, 6-4
Oracle Secure Network Services (SNS)
and Communication Daemon, 6-4
Oracle Server releases
supported by Enterprise Manager, 1-2
Oracle Software Manager, 15-1
and Oracle Enterprise Manager, 15-19
Catalog window, 15-8
distribution host, 15-11
drag and drop behavior, 15-9
Host Folder Properties, 15-5
Host Folders, 15-4
Hosts folder, 15-4
network, 15-19
Oracle Home Properties, 15-6
Oracle Homes folder, 15-4
Preferences, 15-8
Product Properties, 15-6
release, 15-7
Releases folder, 15-4
response file, 15-17
software package, 15-7
Software Packages folder, 15-4
World folder, 15-4
Oracle Tablespace Map, 1-9
Oracle TopSessions, 1-9
Oracle Trace, 1-9
oratab, 2-6
event scripts, 5-3
job scripts, 4-2
Output Dialog box
Job Scheduling, 4-15
Outstanding Events page
Event system, 5-9


create like, 11-30
editing, 11-30
Package Bodies folder
about, 11-26
creating a package body, 11-27
Package Bodies Multi-column List, 11-26
Package Body
create like, 11-28
editing, 11-28
Packages folder
about, 11-28
creating a package, 11-29
Packages Multi-column List, 11-29
Packages Property Sheet
General Page, 11-29
page tabs, 7-14
pages, 7-14
communication settings, 5-30
configuration, 5-28
GSM protocol, 5-29
numeric event Ids, 5-45
pager type, 5-29
settings, 5-28
TAP protocol, 5-29
Paging Rate event, 5-43
Paging Services Configuration
Event menu, 5-14
parameter files (INIT.ORA files)
specifying alternate, B-32
communication daemon, 6-7
Daemon Manager, 6-7
events, 5-16
jobs, 4-12
Parameters Page
job, 4-12
CONNECT command, B-7
Performance Management events, 5-6
performance monitors, 1-9
checking node with pending operations, 6-11
platform-specific installation documentation, 6-2
Pre-defined Profiles
Event system, 5-12
preferred credentials
connecting in a map, 3-5
connecting to a database, 2-15
Console, 1-25
PRINT command, B-13
needed to use Enterprise Manager, 1-20
system, 1-20
Privileges page, 9-8
Probe event, 5-32
job or event operations, 6-10
Navigator discovery, 2-13
altering, 11-32
create like, 11-32
Procedures folder
about, 11-31
creating a procedure, 11-31
Procedures Multi-column List, 11-31
Process Limit event, 5-36
create like, 9-23
Profile Container
about, 9-20
Profile Dependencies
showing, 9-24
altering, 9-24
assigning to a user, 9-25
creating, 9-21
Profiles folder
altering a profile, 9-24
creating a profile, 9-21
removing a profile, 9-25
setting characteristics of, B-18
Progress page
job, 4-14
Property sheet
Create Tablespace, 8-6
property sheet
command buttons, 7-16
property sheet, in-doubt transaction, 10-17
property sheets, 7-14
about, 7-14
page tabs, 7-14
pages, 7-14
purpose of this guide, xxvi


Queue Tables
about, 11-33
creating, 11-34
adding subscribers, 11-38
creating, 11-37
Queues Folder, 11-33
Queues folder
about, 11-33
Queues Multi-column List, 11-33
Quick Edit Tablespace property sheet
General page, 8-9
quitting an application, 7-9
quitting Enterprise Manager, 1-11
Quotas page, 9-8


RECOVER command, B-13
Recover Property Sheet
General Page, 12-28
RECOVER command, B-13
SQL worksheet and, 13-9
Recovery Catalog, 12-3
maintaining, 12-29
registering, 12-4
redo log files
archiving, B-4
listing range of, B-4
re-archiving, B-5
redo log group
adding new, 12-44
redo log group member
adding to an existing redo log group, 12-45
Redo Log Group Property Sheet, 12-40
General Page, 12-14
Redo Log Groups container
about, 12-13, 12-39
multi-column list, 12-39
property sheet, 12-40
Redo Log Members container
property sheet, 12-41
refresh command
using, 7-9
Refresh Group
altering, 11-43
Refresh Group folder
creating a refresh group, 11-41
Refresh Groups folder
about, 11-40
Refresh Groups Multi-Column List, 11-41
Register User at Startup
communication parameter, 6-9
registered destination
map objects, 3-4
registering events
Event menu, 5-13
Registrations page
Event window, 5-10
related publications, xxxii
and the software distribution process, 15-12
definition, 15-12
Releases Catalog window, 15-7
REMARK command, B-17
a split page in the Navigator, 2-6
job with Remove menu item, 4-8
problems with a job, 4-8
problems with an event, 5-13
registered events, 5-13
removing privileges from a role, 9-20
removing privileges from a user, 9-14
removing roles from a user, 9-14
removing subroles from a role, 9-20
Report Wizard, 12-21
connecting to, 1-19
creating and upgrading, 1-20, 1-21
dropping, 1-21
Enterprise Manager, 1-5
information, 1-6
tables, 1-5
unique username, 1-20
Repository Manager Wizard, 1-21
resetting defaults, B-23
resetting edits, 10-11
Resource Management events, 5-6
Response File Generator, 15-34
Restore and Recover Operations, 12-26
Restore Property Sheet
Channels Page, 12-27
General Page, 12-26
Rename Page, 12-27
Restore Wizard, 12-21
right mouse button
Navigator tree, 2-7, 2-16
used in the Navigator, 1-10
right-mouse button
Related Tools menu, 2-4
create like, 9-17
Role Container
about, 9-15
altering, 9-18
creating, 9-16
DBA and RESOURCE, 9-13
Roles folder
adding privileges or roles to a role, 9-18
altering a role, 9-18
creating a role, 9-16
removing a role, 9-18
removing privileges or subroles from a role, 9-20
forcing, 10-17
Rollback folder
about, 8-15
altering a rollback segment, 8-17
creating a rollback segment, 8-15
object list, 8-15
pending offline, 8-19
placing rollback segment online, 8-19
removing a rollback segment, 8-18
taking rollback segment offline, 8-19
rollback segments
altering, 8-17
creating, 8-15
placing online, 8-19
removing, 8-18
taking offline, 8-19
rolling forward, B-13
Run DBA Script task, 4-19
Run OS Command task, 4-22
Run SQL*Plus task, 4-18
Run Tcl Script task, 4-23
running scripts
@ command, 13-13, B-3
@@ command, 13-14, B-3


event history, 5-10
job history, 4-7, 4-8
SQL worksheet, 13-12
and manage jobs, 4-4
execution of a job, 4-13
job, 4-4
Schema Manager, about, 7-6
Schema Menus, 11-3
Schema Objects folder
about, 11-5
running, B-3
running from line mode, A-2
running from SQL worksheet, 13-13
Security Manager, about, 7-7
SELECT command
Send Us Your Comments, xxiii
altering, 11-46
create like, 11-46
Sequences folder
about, 11-43
creating a sequence, 11-44
Sequences Multi-Column List, 11-43
Server Manager
line mode operation, 1-8
starting, 1-8
Server Manager Line Mode
platforms, A-1
Server Manager/LineMode
about, A-1
SET, B-24
SHOW, B-27
Service Discovery, 1-4, 2-3
Navigator menu option, 2-6
Service Discovery Timer
communication parameter, 6-8
Service Name, 1-25
service name
in window titles, 1-25
specifying, 1-24
Service Type, 1-25
services and agents, 6-1
Session Limit event, 5-36
Sessions folder
about, 10-14
disconnecting user session, 10-15
restricting sessions, 10-16
SET command
about, B-18
INSTANCE option, B-26
setting a bitmap background
Map menu, 3-7, 3-8, 3-10, 3-12
setting up administrators, 5-24
shared disk systems
mounting shared, B-34
shared mode
database, B-34
short-cut menu, 1-10
SHOW command, B-25
Show SQL button, 7-16
showing SQL statements, 7-16
shrinking a rollback segment, 8-18
SHUTDOWN command, B-29
Shutdown Database task, 4-20
Shutdown Listener task, 4-25
shutting down a database, 10-8, 12-42
signal flag
on map objects, 3-4
mail engine, 5-27
create like, 11-51
editing, 11-52
Snapshot folder
creating a snapshot, 11-50
Snapshot Log
altering, 11-49
create like, 11-48
Snapshot Log folder
creating a snapshot log, 11-47
Snapshot Log property sheet
General page, 11-48
Snapshot Logs folder
about, 11-47
Snapshot Logs Multi-column List, 11-47
Snapshots folder
about, 11-49
Snapshots Multi-column List, 11-49
and agents, 6-3
software distribution process, 15-10
about, 15-10
creating releases, 15-12
creating software packages, 15-15
specifying distribution hosts, 15-11
using the Oracle Enterprise Manager job system, 15-18
Software Manager, 15-1
Software Manager, about, 7-7
software package
and the software distribution process, 15-15
definition, 15-15
Software Packages Catalog window, 15-7
Space Management event, 5-6
specifying service names, 1-24, 1-26
split (new) view
Navigator, 2-6
splitting the Navigator tree, 2-4, 2-6
new view, 2-6
SPOOL command, B-30
long lines of text, B-31
spooling multiple log files, B-6
spreadsheets, 7-15
DBA tools, 7-15
listening address, 6-8
showing generated, 7-16
SQL error
job task, 4-19
SQL statements
showing, 7-16
SQL Worksheet
about, 13-2
connecting from, 13-9
Edit menu, 13-5
entering commands, 13-7
executing commands, 13-8
executing commands in, 13-6
File menu, 13-4
input pane, 13-7
recovering a database, 13-9, 13-12
running scripts from, 13-13
starting, 13-2
using, 13-2
Worksheet menu, 13-5
SQL worksheet
saving work, 13-12
SQL Worksheet, about, 7-8
SQL*DBA and Server Manager
differences, C-1
SQL*Net network
services, 2-3
starting Enterprise Manager, 1-19
starting up a database, 10-7, 12-42
STARTUP command, B-31
Startup Database task, 4-20
Startup Listener task, 4-25
of a map object, 3-4
of a registered event set, 5-3
Storage Manager, about, 7-7
stored configurations, 10-11
adding parameters, 10-13
creating, 10-12
creating a file from, 10-13
deleting, 10-13
editing, 10-12
stored configurations property sheet, 10-12
Stored Scripts, creating, 12-31
summary of the pending jobs
Active Jobs page, 4-6
supported Oracle releases, 1-2
Swap Full event, 5-42
Switch Property Sheet
General Page, 12-28
Synonyms folder, 11-18
about, 11-53
creating a synonym, 11-53
Synonyms Multi-column List, 11-53
SYS username
role, 3-5
SYSDBA roles
connect as, 1-24
role, 3-5
connect as, 1-24
SysStat Table Delta event, 5-40
SysStat Table event, 5-40
System Global Area (SGA)
displaying, B-28


altering, 11-63
create like, 11-63
dropping constraints, 11-62
Removing a Constraint Definition, 11-62
Table Property Sheet
Cluster Columns, 11-62
Table Types
about, 11-55
creating, 11-55
DESCRIBE command, B-10
Tables folder, 11-57
creating a table, 11-57
Tables Multi-column List, 11-57
editing, 8-9
menu, 8-3
Tablespace container
multi-column list, 8-5, 12-13
Tablespace containers
about, 12-10, 12-37
Tablespace Dependencies
displaying, 8-8
Tablespace folder
about, 8-5
Tablespace Property Sheet
Extents Page, 8-7
General Page, 8-6, 12-10, 12-38
dropping, 8-9
adding a datafile to, 8-10
adding rolback segments, 8-10
backing up, 12-43
creating, 8-6
making read-only, 8-11
making writeable, 8-11
placing online, 8-10
recovering, B-13
taking offline, 8-10
Tablespaces container
multi-column list, 12-10, 12-37
Tablespaces folder
taking tablespace offline, 8-10
tape drive
spooling multiple log files, B-6
task parameters
Job system, 4-12
event scripts, 5-3
job scripts, 4-2
script examples, 4-23
scripts executed by agents, 6-3
listening address, 6-8
communication parameter, 6-8
redirecting output, B-24
third-party applications
notifications, 6-6
third-party events
creating, 5-15
with job task, 4-24
CPU and elapsed, B-24, B-28
tnsnames.ora, 2-6, 2-10, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14
icons, 1-13
options, 1-13
Tools menu, 1-12
topology file
topo_ops.ora, 1-4, 2-3
committing at disconnect, B-11
Transactions folder
about, 10-16
forcing a commit, 10-17
forcing a rollback, 10-17
object list, 10-16
Transparent Network Substrate (TNS)
and Communication Daemon, 6-4
altering, 11-67
create like, 11-66
Triggers folder
about, 11-63
creating a trigger, 11-64
Triggers Multi-column List, 11-63
job and event operations, 6-10


UpDown (Database) event, 5-32
UpDown (Listener) event, 5-44
UpDown (Node) event, 5-41
create like, 9-11
User Blocks event, 5-32
User Limit event, 5-37
user preferences
jobs, 4-3, 4-12
when running jobs, 4-3, 4-12
user-defined groups
in the Navigator, 2-4
job destinations, 4-11
Navigator tree, 2-4
user-defined map views
creating, 3-3
Username, 1-25
usernames, B-7
menu, 9-3
altering, 9-11
assigning profile to, 9-25
creating, 9-6
Users Folder
about, 9-5
Users folder
adding privileges or roles to a user, 9-12
altering a user, 9-11
creating a user, 9-6
dropping a user, 9-12
removing privileges or roles from a user, 9-14, 9-15


VARIABLE command, B-35
altering, 11-70
create like, 11-69
View menu, 7-9
Views folder
about, 11-67
creating a view, 11-67
Views Multi-column List, 11-67


window titles, 1-25
Catalog, 15-7
Navigator, 15-4
Releases Catalog, 15-7
Software Packages, 15-7
Worksheet menu, 13-5
World folder icon, 15-4

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