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Defining Boilerplate Message Text

You can use the Message Elements alternative region of the Oracle Alert Options form to define constant text that you want to appear in your message actions.

   To define constant text in your message actions:

Message Action Header Standard text that appears in the beginning of every message action you define in Oracle Alert. (Oracle Alert does not add a header to a message action that is an external file.)
Message Action Footer Standard text that Oracle Alert appends to the end of every message action you define in Oracle Alert. (Oracle Alert does not append a footer to a message action that is an external file.)
Response Text Standard text that instructs your message recipients how to respond to alert messages. Oracle Alert appends this text to every message it sends that is associated with a response set. After appending this text to the end of the message, Oracle Alert lists the valid responses defined for the message. Oracle Alert supplies you with default Response Text; you can use this default text or modify it to create your own.
Returned Message Header Standard text that lets respondents know that their reply to an alert message was not understood, and that they must reply again. Oracle Alert adds this text to the beginning of every Return Original Message invalid response action. Oracle Alert supplies default Returned Message Header text; you can use this default text or modify it to create your own.
Note: If you edit the text for the Message Action Header, Message Action Footer, or Response Text options, messages that you reconstruct using the Review Alert Actions window will show the current text, not the version of the text that was sent with the original message.

See Also

Overview of Response Processing

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