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Overview of Response Processing

Oracle Alert can process responses to your alert messages. When Oracle Alert receives a response to a specific alert message, it automatically performs the actions you define. Optionally, respondents can supply values that Oracle Alert uses to perform these actions. Response processing lets you automate routine user-entry transactions, streamlining your organization's operations.

Note: You must have an installation of Oracle Office and define at least one mailbox in Oracle Office if you want to use response processing. Within that response processing mailbox, you must also create two folders called Reviewed and Reviewed_OK. See: Specifying Oracle Alert Options.

Basic Business Needs

While using Oracle Alert, you should be able to:

Major Features

User-Definable Responses

Oracle Alert lets you define the valid responses that a recipient of an alert message can send back to Oracle Alert. If you define responses for an alert message, Oracle Alert includes the valid responses in the message, so that one of them can serve as a template for the recipient's actual response.

Response Actions

Oracle Alert lets you define actions that it performs automatically when it receives a particular response to an alert message. You can define actions that execute a SQL statement or operating system script, submit a concurrent program request, or send an electronic mail message.

Response Variables and Response Variable Values

Oracle Alert lets you define responses that may include response variables whose values are provided by the responder. Oracle Alert uses these response variable values when performing the actions associated with the response.

No Response Follow-Up Actions

Oracle Alert lets you define follow-up actions that Oracle Alert takes if the message recipient does not respond. Oracle Alert waits for a response to an alert message for the number of days you specify. If Oracle Alert receives no response within that time period, then Oracle Alert automatically initiates the follow-up actions.

See Also

Defining a Response Processing Alert

Multiple Oracle Alert Installations with Response Processing

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