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Defining a Response Processing Alert

You must complete the following tasks in the order listed to define a response processing alert:

   To define a response processing alert:

Suggestion: Include in your alert Select statement all the outputs you need to create the alert message action that solicits a response. Also make sure you include all the outputs you need to create the actions to the valid and invalid responses you plan to define.

Note: You do not have to save history to use response processing, but you can save history for your response processing alerts. See: Response Processing History.

   To create a message action that solicits a response:

Your response to this mail note will be processed
electronically.  For successful processing, you must:
- Include this note in your reply by using your mail 
system's Reply With Original feature.
- Make your actual response EXACTLY like ONE of the 
following; however, you should replace the question mark 
(?) with the value you want to specify.
Choose one of the following responses:

   To create the response actions:

Note: You can define response actions only as detail level actions.

Suggestion: You can create actions for Oracle Alert to take when it receives a response it does not recognize, or when it does not receive a response at all. For example, define a message action that tells the recipient that Oracle Alert did not understand their response.

   To define an action set for a response processing alert:

   To create a response set for a response processing alert:

Attention: Response variables and outputs cannot have the same names. When you define a response variable, Oracle Alert verifies that the name you assign does not conflict with any defined output names. Oracle Alert displays an error message if your response variable name conflicts with an output name.

   To define the possible responses to a message action:

Attention: Your response must not include a blank line, so limit your response to one paragraph. Oracle Alert interprets a blank line as the end of the response.

Note: Including a response variable in your response text is optional.

	Reorder QUANTITY="?" 

Note: You can also choose the original alert message action as an Invalid Response Action to resend the original message that asks for a response.

   To attach the response set to the alert message action:

   To delete a response set:

Note: You also cannot delete a response set if it has outstanding responses.

See Also

Creating a Periodic Alert

Creating an Event Alert

Creating Alert Actions

Creating an Action Set for an Alert

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