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Multiple Oracle Alert Installations with Response Processing

Oracle Alert can process responses to alert messages generated from different Oracle Alert installations. By uniquely identifying each message that is associated with a response set, Oracle Alert can determine which response set a message is linked to, and perform the appropriate response actions.

Multiple Oracle Alert Installations

Depending upon the complexity of your system, you may choose to have multiple Oracle Alert installations. If your applications reside in different databases, you may want to install Oracle Alert in each database. You can then define periodic and event alerts to monitor application transactions in each database.

Maintaining separate Oracle Alert installations can help you enhance your system's security. If, for example, you maintain your organization's human resources applications in a separate database, you can install Oracle Alert to monitor exceptions in that database.

Message Handles

Oracle Alert automatically attaches a message handle - a unique identifier - to each message that is associated with a response set. A message handle is composed of a number that identifies the Oracle Alert installation where the message originated, and a number that identifies the message itself. The format of a message handle as it appears in an alert message is:

Message #:<Oracle Alert installation number.message number>

For example:

Message #: 2.347

The message handle is visible to the message recipient as a number in the lower left hand corner of the message.

Note: You define your Oracle Alert installation number in the Response Processing alternative region of the Oracle Alert Options form. Each Oracle Alert installation must be assigned a unique number. See: Defining Response Processing Options.

How the Response Processor Uses Message Handles

Each Oracle Alert installation has a defined response mail account. This definition resides in the Oracle Office Options alternative region of the Oracle Alert Options form. See: Defining Oracle Office Accounts.

Note: You can also define a single response mail account to be the response mail account for several Oracle Alert installations.

Each response account you define has three folders that it uses to process responses: the Inbox folder, the Reviewed folder, and the Reviewed_OK folder. When the Response Processor runs, it looks in the Inbox folder and moves all the messages it finds to the Reviewed folder, one at a time. Once the messages are in the Reviewed folder, Oracle Alert looks for messages that contain message handles.

Attention: A respondent must use Reply-with-Original or Forward to include the original message with her or his response, for Oracle Alert to locate the message handle and interpret the response.

If a response account receives a response generated by a different Oracle Alert installation, that Response Processor will ignore the response because the message handle references a different Oracle Alert installation. The Response Processor moves the response back to the Inbox until the correct Response Processor recognizes the message handle and processes the appropriate response actions.

See Also

Defining a Response Processing Alert

How Oracle Alert Checks Alerts

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