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How Oracle Alert Checks Alerts

Oracle Alert checks your database for the exceptions you want to know about using several concurrent programs:

Oracle Alert also maintains a history of all alert checks done by these concurrent programs so that you can see a complete record of alert checks performed for your alert.

See Also

Reviewing Alert Check History

Overview of Concurrent Processing

Overview of Oracle Alert Concurrent Programs

Concurrent managers are components of the Oracle Alert concurrent processing facility that monitor and run time-consuming, non-interactive tasks without tying up your terminal. Whenever you submit a concurrent request in Oracle Alert, such as checking an on-demand alert, a concurrent manager processes that request in the background, letting you perform an unlimited number of tasks simultaneously.

The concurrent manager processes the following concurrent programs for Oracle Alert:

Periodic Alert Scheduler Resides in the concurrent queue and runs every 24 hours at 12 AM, when it submits requests for all periodic alerts that are scheduled to run during the next 24 hours
Check Periodic Alert Submits a request to the concurrent manager when you check an on demand alert
Check Event Alert Submits a request to the concurrent manager when an insert or an update to an event table occurs
Response Processor When active, the Response Processor resides in the concurrent queue and runs according to the interval you define. It checks the response mail account for responses to alert message actions, and performs the appropriate response actions.
If for some reason you need to inactivate or activate the concurrent manager, you can use the Schedule Alert Programs form.

Before you use the Schedule Alert Programs form for the first time, make sure you specify the following in the More Options alternative region of the Oracle Alert Options form:

   To activate or deactivate the concurrent manager:

Note: You can activate or deactivate the concurrent manager on the current date only.

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