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The Response Processor

The Response Processor (ALPPIM) is the Oracle Alert concurrent program that processes responses to an alert message. The Response Processor runs according to the schedule you define in the Response Processing alternative region of the Oracle Alert Options form. You define the Response Processor's start time, end time, and check intervals. If you do not define a response processing schedule, the Response Processor runs every day at midnight. See: Defining Response Processing Options.

Attention: If you change the response processor interval in the Oracle Alert Options form, you need to restart the Response Processor in the Schedule Alert Programs form. Oracle Alert submits the Response Processor to the concurrent manager once for each response account according to the new schedule.

How the Response Processor Interprets Responses

Each Oracle Alert installation has a defined Response Mail Account. This definition resides in the Oracle Office Options alternative region of the Oracle Alert Options form. See: Defining Oracle Office Accounts.

Each Oracle Office response account has three electronic folders that it uses to process responses: the Inbox folder, the Reviewed folder, and the Reviewed_OK folder. When the Response Processor runs, it looks in the Inbox folder and moves all the messages it finds to the Reviewed folder. Once the messages are in the Reviewed folder, the Response Processor looks for messages that contain message handles. For Oracle Alert to recognize a message in the Inbox folder of the response account as a response message, that message must contain a message handle. If the recipient used Reply-with-Original or Forward to include the original message with her or his response, then Oracle Alert can locate the message handle and interpret the response.

Once Oracle Alert recognizes a message by its message handle, it reads the response and tries to match the first word or the first 30 continuous characters of the response to any of the defined valid responses. If Oracle Alert finds that the actual response matches a valid response, then it performs the actions defined for that valid response. Once Oracle Alert performs the actions for that valid response, it closes the response so that no other responses are processed for that message, then moves the message to the Reviewed_OK folder.

If the actual response does not match any of the valid responses in that response set, Oracle Alert performs the actions associated with the invalid response, but leaves the message in the Reviewed folder. Oracle Alert performs the invalid response actions each time it receives an invalid response within the follow-up days specified in the original message action. After the number of follow-up days have passed, Oracle Alert performs the no response follow-up actions for each outstanding response.

If Oracle Alert never receives a response to the alert message, it performs the no response follow-up actions for each unreturned message once the number of response days has passed, and closes responses for all messages in that response set.

Each time the Response Processor completes, the Inbox of Oracle Alert's response account is empty.

Note: Oracle Alert provides you with a precoded alert that you can use to purge the Reviewed and Reviewed_OK mail folders. See: Oracle Alert Precoded Alerts.

   To activate or deactivate the Response Processor:

Note: If you change the Response Processor interval in the Oracle Alert Options form, use the Schedule Alert Programs form to restart the Response Processor.

See Also

Overview of Response Processing

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