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Audit Options

You specify whether Payables transfers audit information for the accounting distributions it transfers to the GL_INTERFACE table. If you want to create detail accounting distributions you must maintain audit information.

The GL_INTERFACE table stores both accounting information and audit information. The GL_INTERFACE table is a temporary table, and is cleared after you transfer the information to your general ledger.

If you choose to maintain audit information, Payables creates one accounting distribution for each invoice and payment, and records the following audit information for the invoice and payment transactions:

If you do not maintain audit information, Payables summarizes the accounting distributions by combining all distributions with the same account combination into one journal entry line.

You can set an audit default for each transaction type in the Payables Options window, and can override defaults for most transaction types when you submit the Payables Transfer to General Ledger program. However, Payables always maintains audit information for your expense and cash transaction types. Maintaining audit information is optional for liability, discount taken, gain or loss, cash clearing, and rounding transactions.

If you use General Ledger and submit Journal Import, the accounting information populates the General Ledger GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS, and the GL_JE_LINES tables. The audit information populates the General Ledger GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table. If you choose to retain audit information, you can choose to import detail or summary journal entries. If you do not import audit information, you can import only summary journal entries.

Table 1 - 12 - Table 1 - 17 detail the audit information stored in GL_INTERFACE columns Reference21-Reference30 for expense, liability, cash, discount, realized gain/loss, future payment, cash clearing, rounding, and encumbrance lines.

Attention: General Ledger Users: These columns in GL_INTERFACE map directly to Reference1-Reference10 in GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES as accounting and audit information flows from Payables to General Ledger.

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