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Invoice Audit Listing by Voucher Number

Use this report to review your invoices with assigned sequential voucher numbers. Either you or Payables can assign a unique, sequential number to an invoice during invoice entry, if you enable the Sequential Numbering profile option.

Payables sorts this report by voucher number.

Report Submission

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Report Parameters

Sequence Name. Enter the name of the sequence for which you want to review invoices and their voucher numbers.

Voucher Number From/To. Payables includes all invoices with voucher numbers including and between the Voucher Number From and Voucher Number To that you enter.

Selected Report Headings

Voucher Number. Voucher number for each invoice that uses the sequence name you specified and with a voucher number within the range you specified.

Creation Date. Date on which a voucher number was assigned to an invoice. Payables uses the invoice date when automatically assigning sequential voucher numbers to invoices.

Status. Status of each voucher number: Entered, Not Entered, or Deleted.

Category. Document category for the invoice to which a voucher number is assigned.

Paid. Payment status for each invoice:

See Also

Voucher Numbers

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

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