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Supplier Payables Options

Use this region to enter defaults for the Suppliers window. These values then default to the Supplier Site, and then to the invoice. You can override these defaults at any time.

Pay Date Basis. The Pay Date Basis default for each new supplier you enter. The Pay Date Basis for a supplier defaults to the new supplier sites you enter for the supplier. You can override the default for each supplier and supplier site.

Terms Date Basis. The date that Payables uses as the payment terms start date when Payables calculates the due and discount date for invoice scheduled payments.

Pay Group. The Pay Group you want to assign to any new suppliers you enter. You can choose any Pay Group you have defined in the Payables QuickCodes window.

Bank Charge Bearer. If you use the Bank Charges feature, indicate whether you or your supplier will pay for any bank charges associated with payments to your suppliers. If your suppliers pay, indicate whether your suppliers use the standard or negotiated rate. This value will default to all new suppliers you enter. You can override this value at the supplier and supplier site. See also: Bank Charges.

Invoice Currency. The currency that you use as a default for each new supplier you enter.

Combined Filing Program. Enable this option if you are using 1099 Combined Filing Program reporting. When you submit the 1099 tape, Payables will produce K records for all tax regions participating in the Combined Filing Program that have qualifying payments.

Attention: If you use magnetic media to file your tax information with the Internal Revenue Service and you are not participating in the Combined Filing Program, do not enable this option. The Internal Revenue Service may return your 1099 magnetic tape if the tape contains K records.

Use Pay Site's Tax Region. You can enable this option only if you enable the Combined Filing Program Payables option.

Enable this option if you want to use a 1099 supplier's tax region as the default tax region. If you enable this option, Payables uses the 1099 supplier site's region as the default tax region for the invoice distributions. You can override this default region for each invoice distribution in Distributions window.

Do not enable this option if you do not want to use a supplier site's tax region as the default tax region. You must then enter the default tax region you want to use for all invoices in the next field, the Income Tax Region Name field.

The default you choose here determines how many K records Payables will produce on your 1099 tape. Payables produces one K record for each tax region. If you are participating in the Combined Filing Program, Payables forwards your 1099 qualifying payment information to all the tax regions that participate in the Combined Filing Program. If you enable this option, you may have as many K records as you have different supplier tax regions.

If you choose a default Income Tax region in the next field, you may have only one K record. This would be a K record for that one default tax region. Of course, you can always override the default tax region for each invoice distribution. In this case, Payables will then produce additional K records on your 1099 tape, one K record for each tax region. Payables only produces K records for tax regions that participate in the Combined Filing Program and that you have entered (either as a default or manually) on a paid distribution for a 1099 supplier. You can also choose to have your 1099 payment information forwarded to only one tax region regardless of which region your 1099 suppliers do business from. You do this by entering a value in the following Income Tax Region Name field.

Income Tax Region. You can enter this field only if you enable the Combined Filing Program Payables option and did not enable the Use Pay Site's Tax Region option. Enter the tax region you wish to use as the default for the invoice distributions of your 1099 suppliers. You can override this default region for each invoice distribution.

See Also


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