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Credit Card Transaction Validation and Exception Report

Use this program to validate the credit card transactions you import from your card issuer. This program identifies exceptions such as undefined credit card numbers, invalid transaction or posted currency codes, and invalid credit card codes. This program also builds the default GL accounts for the transactions based on options you selected when setting up your credit card programs and credit card profiles. This program populates all foreign keys and validates foreign key values in the table. The program creates a report that lists all transactions that could not be validated, and all validated transactions. In addition, it creates default accounting distributions for all records in AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES for which the CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FLAG is 'Y.'

You can also use this report to review existing accounting distributions for transactions that have already been validated.

The status of a transaction after the successful completion of the Credit Card Transaction Validation and Exception Report is contingent upon the Employee Notification Method (ENM) and Manager Notification Method (MNM) setting in the Credit Card Profiles window. If both the notification settings are set to None, then the transaction status is automatically set to Approved. If neither Employee Verification nor Notification is required, but Manager Notification or Approval is required, then the transaction status is set to Verified. For all other combinations of these settings, the transaction status is set to Validated.

  ENM = None ENM = Verification or Notification
MNM = None Approved Validated
MNM = Approval or Notification Verified Validated

Program Submission


You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Program Parameters

Card Program. The name of the card program for which you want to validate credit card transactions.

Include Transactions From/To. If you want to limit validation to transactions within a particular posted date range, enter the date range. If you enter a date range, the report selects all transactions where the value for AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES.POSTED_DATE is within the date range.

Selected Report Headings

Rejection Reason. For each transaction, the program checks for the following rejections in the following order. For each record, the program stops searching when it finds a rejection, and it prints that rejection on the report.

Card Number. Credit card number to which the transaction was charged.

Employee. Employee in your organization who is the credit card holder.

Card Profile. Card profile assigned to the credit card.

Post Date. Date the merchant posted the transaction.

Date. Date of the transaction.

Reference Number. Unique number for the transaction, assigned by the card issuer.

Merchant Name. Merchant that recorded the transaction.

Account. Default GL account to which you will charge the transaction. For details on how Payables builds the GL account, see: Default Account Template.

Currency. Currency of the credit card program. The posted currency of all transactions you load for a card program should match the credit card program currency.

Amount. Transaction amount, in the credit card program currency.

Card Transaction Count. Total number of transactions recorded for the credit card during the date range you specified when you submitted the report.

Card Transaction Total. Total amount of transactions recorded for the credit card during the date range you specified when you submitted the report.

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