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Credit Card Invoice Interface Summary

This program creates invoices for your credit card issuers in the Payables Open Interface tables. This program selects all records for a given date range in AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS with a status of at least Validated. The program will not select any statuses that you have specifically excluded from payment in the Credit Card Programs window. Also, the program will not select any records that have been previously selected by the program. If you choose to summarize the transactions, the system will create a single invoice for each unique CCID and Tax Name combination. In addition, if you summarize the transactions, the report will display only the Line, Account, and Amount.

After this program creates invoices in the Payables Open Interface tables, they can be imported into Payables for approval and payment.

Program Submission


You submit the Credit Card Invoice Interface Summary from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Program Parameters

Card Program. If you want to limit the import to a single card program, enter the card program name.

Include Transactions From/To. If you want to limit transfer to transactions within a particular posted date range, enter the date range.

Summarize Transactions by Account. Enter Y if you want to create one record in AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE for each for each code combination ID. Enter N if you want to create one record in AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE for each record in AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS. If you summarize the records, the report will not display the following Headings: Transaction Date, Employee, Card Number, and Merchant Name.

Selected Program Headings

Invoice Number. Payables concatenates the unique identifier with the invoice date.

Invoice Amount. Total invoice amount.

Invoice Currency. Currency of the invoice.

Card Issuer. Name of supplier that issued the credit card. The invoice is created for this supplier.

Payment Site. Supplier payment site.

Line. Transaction line number.

Employee. Employee in your organization who is the credit card holder for the transaction.

Card Number. Credit card number to which the transaction was charged.

Merchant Name. Merchant that recorded the transaction.

Account. GL account to which you will charge the transaction amount. This account was built by the Credit Card Transaction Validation and Exception Report.

Amount. Amount of the transaction.

Invoice Line Count. Total number of transaction lines for the invoice.

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