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New Supplier/New Supplier Site Listing

Use the New Supplier/New Supplier Site Listing to review your new suppliers or new supplier sites. Payables provides detail information for each supplier or supplier site including who entered it, the pay group, terms, creation date, and whether a site is a pay site.

Report Submission

You submit this listing from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Report Parameters

Start Date. Payables includes suppliers or supplier sites created on or after the Start Date.

List Suppliers or Sites?

Selected Report Headings

Creation/Last Update Date. The date that you entered/last updated a new supplier or supplier site.

Created/Last Update By. The username of the person who entered/last updated a new supplier or supplier site.

See Also

Entering Suppliers

Suppliers and Supplier Sites Window Reference

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

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