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Invoices Awaiting Automatic Receipt

Use this report to review a list of transactions that have been designated for automatic receipt application (i.e., that have been assigned an automatic payment method). You can review all transactions that are in different stages of the creation process. These stages include creating, approving, and formatting. Receivables does not display transactions that have been confirmed, or approved for automatic receipt with a receipt class of Require Confirmation set to No, in this report.

Receivables will also display transactions that started but did not complete, the creation, approval, or formatting process in this report.

The column heading of the amount column in this report will change dynamically depending upon the status being displayed. It will display as Balance Due for transactions with a status of Available for Automatic Receipt. It will display as Amount Applied for transactions with any other status.

Report Parameters

Order By: Choose the option you want Receivables to use to sort your information from the following:

Summarize: Enter Yes to print summary information. Receivables only displays receipt batch and due date information.

Status: Choose one of the following Invoice statuses to include in your report:

Available for Automatic Receipt Include all transactions with an automatic payment method. Guarantees will not be included because they cannot have a payment method assigned to them.
Creation Completed Include all transactions that have been selected for automatic receipt.
Approval Completed Include all transactions that have been approved for automatic receipt. These transactions must have a payment method assigned to them with a receipts class of Require Confirmation set to Yes.
Format Completed Include all transactions that have been formatted but not yet confirmed and have been assigned a payment method with a receipt class of Require Confirmation set to Yes.
Deletion Completed Include all transactions that have been deleted.
Started Creation Include all transactions that were submitted for automatic receipt creation, but did not complete the creation process.
Started Approval Include all transactions that were submitted for automatic receipt approval, but did not complete the approval process.
Started Format Include all transactions that were submitted for automatic receipt formatting, but did not complete the format process.
Started Deletion Include all transactions that were submitted for deletion.

See Also

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Automatic Receipts

Receivables Standard Reports

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