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Forecast Template Rows Window Reference

Forecast Template Rows Window - Source Type Characteristics

The following figure displays characteristics, such as required or optional, of the applicable fields for each source type you can enter in the Forecast Template Rows window.

Cash Management -- Cash Forecasting Forecast Template Rows Window
Row Number R R R R R R R R R R R R R
Source R R R R R R R R R R R R R
Description O O O O O O O O O O O O O
Organization O O O O       O O O O    
Set of Books Name D D D D R R R D D D D    
Payroll Name               O          
Discount R                        
Pay Group O               O        
Payment Priority O               O        
Supplier Type O               O        
Payment Method   O           O          
Bank Account   O   O       O          
Method   R   R       D          
Roll Forward Type   H   H       R          
Roll Forward Period   H   H       R          
Receipt Method       O                  
Profile Class     O                    
Include Disputes?     O                    
Budget Name         R                
GL Account         R R R            
Encumbrance Type             R            
Lead Time                 R R R    
Authorization Status                 O O      
Sales Order Status                     R    
Sales Order Date Type                     R    
External Source Type                         R
Forecast Selection Criteria Descriptive Flexfield                         O
Descriptive Flexfield O O O O O O O O O O O O O
  (blank)=Not applicable API=AP Invoices GLE=GL Encumbrances
  D=Display only APP=AP Payments OEO=Sales Orders
  R=Required O=Optional H=Required if Method is Historical ARI=AR Invoices ARR=AR Receipts GLB=GL Budgets GLC=GL Cash Position PAY=Payroll Name POP=Purchase Orders POR=Purchase Requisitions
  F=Optional if Method is Future UDI/O=User-defined Inflow/Outflow OII/O=Open Interface Inflow/Outflow

Forecast Template Rows Window Reference

Use this section along with the Source Type Characteristics table on the previous page to create forecast templates. You can create multiple forecast templates with a wide variety and combination of source types. The fields described below allow you to control the search for data by entering source type information, or by leaving a field blank.

Description. (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria. You can choose to display or hide this field in the Cash Forecast Amounts window when you are updating or viewing a cash forecast.

Organization. (Optional) An organization that you want to forecast on for the chosen source type. You can have multiple instances of a source type in your forecast, each for a different organization, or one instance to represent all organizations. Leave this field blank to collect source data for all organizations.

The Organization field is applicable when multiple organizations are implemented, and for the following source transactions: AP Invoices, AP Payments, AR Invoices, AR Receipts, Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, and Sales Orders. Cash Management automatically displays the corresponding organization's Set of Books Name for these source types.

The Organization field is also applicable when the source type is Payroll Name. In this case, the Organization is actually the Business Group, and the list of values displays appropriate Business Groups for Oracle Payroll.

Set of Books Name. The name of the set of books is required for the GL Budgets, GL Cash Position, and GL Encumbrances source types. The set of books name defaults, and is not updatable, if you entered an organization in the previous field.

Note: If you are creating a forecast by GL periods across multiple organizations or sets of books, all organizations' sets of books must use the same accounting calendar. You select an accounting calendar when you submit a forecast by GL Period.

Payroll Name. (Optional) Indicates the name of the Payroll to include in the cash forecast. Leave this field blank to collect source data for all payrolls.

Discount. Indicates whether to include discounts, and how to calculate the expected cash activity date for the AP Invoices source type. Choose from the following:

Pay Group. (Optional) A user-defined Payables QuickCode that allows grouping of suppliers for payment. You can limit AP Invoices and Purchase Orders to those belonging to a certain pay group.

Payment Priority. (Optional) A number, between 1 (high) and 99 (low), that represents the lowest priority of payment for AP Invoices and Purchase Orders. For example, if you enter 15, Cash Management includes all invoices or purchase orders with a payment priority between 1 and 15.

Supplier Type. (Optional) A user-defined Payables QuickCode that allows supplier classification for AP Invoices and Purchase Orders.

Payment Method. (Optional) The method of payment for the source type. The list of values depends on the source type:

Bank Account. (Optional) The bank account whose transactions you want to include in the cash forecast. The list of values depends on the source type:

Method. Specifies cash-flow transactions as forward- or backward-looking for AP Payments, AR Receipts, and Payroll Name. For the Payroll Name source type, this field defaults to Historical since Payroll Name forecasts can only be based on historical payments.

Roll Forward Type and Roll Forward Period. (Required only when you choose Historical in the Method field) The combination of these fields determines the number of days, months, or accounting periods to roll forward to calculate the expected cash activity date for AP Payments, AR Receipts, and Payroll Name. Roll Forward Type choices include: Day, Month, and Period.

For example, the Roll Forward Type of Month with the Roll Forward Period of 2 rolls forward all past transactions for 2 months. So, the transaction date of July 19, 1997 yields an expected cash activity date of September 19, 1997.

Receipt Method. (Optional) The user-defined Receivables choices for how customers' invoices can be paid for AR Receipts.

Profile Class. (Optional) The Receivables customer category based on credit information, payment terms, currency limits, and correspondence types for AR Invoices.

Include Disputes?. (Optional) A check box to indicate inclusion of disputed amounts for AR Invoices. Items or amounts may be marked as 'in dispute' when a customer disagrees about the outstanding balance for an item.

Budget Name. The name of a budget for the GL Budgets source type. A budget represents a collection of estimated amounts for a range of accounting periods.

Attention: The forecast period type must be GL Periods for the GL Budgets source type.

GL Account. The appropriate General Ledger Account for GL Budgets, GL Cash Position, and GL Encumbrances.

Encumbrance Type. An encumbrance category, for the GL Encumbrances source type, allowing you to track anticipated expenditures according to your purchase approval process and to more accurately control planned expenditures.

Attention: The forecast period type must be GL Periods for the GL Encumbrances source type.

Lead Time. The number of days that need to be added to the transaction date to calculate the projected cash transaction date for Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, and Sales Orders. The value must be a positive whole number, or zero.

Authorization Status. (Optional) Indicates the status of Purchase Orders and Purchase Requisitions to include in the cash forecast. Choices include: Approved, In Process, Incomplete, Pre-Approved, Rejected, Requires Reapproval, and Returned.

Sales Order Status. Indicates the status of Sales Orders to include in the cash forecast.

Sales Order Date Type. Indicates the type of date field used for Sales Orders to include in the cash forecast. (The expected cash activity date to use when calculating lead times.)

External Source Type. Indicates the external forecast source type if the Source is Open Interface Inflow or Open Interface Outflow. The list of values is from the Context field of the Forecast Selection Criteria Descriptive Flexfield.

Forecast Selection Criteria. The descriptive flexfield that indicates the external forecast source type criteria based on the External Source Type you entered in the previous field for Open Interface Inflow or Open Interface Outflow sources. The list of values is from the Forecast Selection Criteria Descriptive Flexfield you created during setup of the Forecasting Open Interface.

See Also

Discounts (Oracle Payables User's Guide)

Payment Region of the Suppliers and Supplier Sites Windows (Oracle Payables User's Guide)

Defining Bank Accounts (Oracle Payables User's Guide)

Payment Methods (Oracle Receivables User's Guide)

Defining Customer Profile Classes (Oracle Receivables User's Guide)

Placing an Item in Dispute (Oracle Receivables User's Guide)

Defining Accounts (Oracle General Ledger User's Guide)

Defining Budgets (Oracle General Ledger User's Guide)

Defining Encumbrance Types (Oracle General Ledger User's Guide)

Defining a Payroll (Oracle Payroll User's Guide)

Defining Payment Methods for the Enterprise (Oracle Payroll User's Guide)

Labor Costs in Oracle HRMS (Oracle Payroll User's Guide)

Representing the Employer: The Business Group (Oracle Payroll User's Guide)

Overview of Setting Up

Forecasting Open Interface

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