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Automatic Capture from Order Entry

Oracle Service, in conjunction with Oracle Order Entry/Shipping, populates your installed base as you process customer orders to keep it consistent with actual sales of products and services. As you enter orders in Order Entry/Shipping, you can enter installation details for each product, such as installation addresses, contacts, and logical groupings (systems). You can also define relationships between the new product being shipped out and existing products in the installed base by indicating whether the new product is an upgrade or replacement. In addition, you can indicate service programs to sell along with each product, with coverage dates, prices, and discounts to apply, and then track them in the installed base.

Service Interface

Using Order Entry/Shipping's order cycles and the Service Interface cycle action, you can determine the point in the order process at which order details are passed to Oracle Service. Based on the order data, Oracle Service's Autocreate Installed Base program adds customer products to the installed base and links existing customer products for product upgrades, revision updates, and replacements.

The Service Interface program processes each sales order line that represents a serviceable product or support service, including the options you select for pick-to-order models, and makes the information available to the Autocreate Installed Base program. Note that the Service Interface program does not process included items, nor does it process subassemblies and components that are part of your product unless they are sales order lines. However, Autocreate Installed Base looks up Order Entry/Shipping data directly and brings non-shippable included items into the installed base, either after the order status reaches the point specified by the profile option OE: Included Item Freeze Method or after the line associated with the included items has been scheduled, whichever occurs first.

Update Shipping

When you ship products and run the Update Shipping program, Order Entry/Shipping passes shipping information to Oracle Service. This information may comprise quantities, lot and serial numbers, and revisions of shippable items (including shippable included items). Based on this data, the Autocreate Installed Base program updates customer product information in your installed base. Serial control, lot control, and revision control are item attributes that you can set in Oracle Inventory as you define items.

Receivables Interface and AutoInvoice

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping interfaces with Oracle Receivables to invoice sales orders that involve serviceable products, service programs, support activities, field service, service requests, and repairs.

See Also

Order Cycles

Service Interface

Capturing Serviceable Products During Order Entry

Update Shipping Information

Defining Items

Receivables Interface

Importing Transactions Using AutoInvoice

Submitting a Charge As a Sales Order

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