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Oracle EDI Gateway Documentation Updates

This document contains important information. Please read this document for the latest additions to your user's guide.

Overview of Data File Structure

The last row of the first table in this section currently reads:

Instead, it should read:

See: Overview of Data File Structure.

Control Record Layout

The table in this section should be replaced with the following text and table:

Except for the Outbound Ship Notice / Manifest and the Outbound Invoice, all other transactions begin with one standardized control record, number 0010. The table that follows does not pertain to the Outbound Ship Notice / Manifest and the Outbound Invoice:

Seq. Data Element Length Position Sample Inbound Transaction Sample Outbound Transaction
01 Translator Code (short) 25 1-25 A1-ACME-2 A1-ACME-1
02 Key 1: (may be truncated) 22 26-47 1234567890123456789012 64564522
03 Key 2: 22 48-69  
04 Key 3: 22 70-91  
05 Record Number 4 92-95 0010 0010
06 Record Layout 2 96-97 CT CT
07 Record Qualifier 3 98-100 CTL CTL
08 Communication Method 2 101-102 ED ED
09 Test Flag 1 103 P T
10 Document ID 6 104-109 POI POO
11 Document Type 5 110-114 STAND BLANK
12 Document Purpose Code 2 115-116 OR CH
13 Document Code (full) 35 117-151 1234567890123456789012345 64564522
14 Translator Code (full) 30 152-181 A1-ACME-2 A1-ACME-1
15 TP Location Code External 35 182-216 AC7654 AC9832
16 Trading Partner Description 76 217-290 ACME CORP ACME INC
17 TP Reference 1 74 291-370 1234
18 TP Reference 2 80 371-451 9875
19 Transaction Date/Time 15 451-465 19970616 230723 19970626
20 Transmission Run ID 15 466-480 534342
21 Control Number 1 (external) 10 481-490 654
22 Control Number 2 (external) 10 491-500 897
23 Control Number 3 (external) 10 501-510 3423

For the Outbound Ship Notice / Manifest and the Outbound Invoice transactions, the following section must be appended:

Control Record Layout for the Outbound Ship Notice / Manifest and the Outbound Invoice

Record 0010 is the common control record to be used by both the EDI Gateway and the EDI translator for trading partner identification and processing rules. It includes information identifying the transaction type, transaction date and time, trading partner code, EDI document being transmitted, and whether it is a test or production transaction. This record is 600 characters long. The common control record layout is illustrated in the following table:

Seq. Data Element Length Position Sample Inbound Transaction Sample Outbound Transaction
01 Translator Code (short) 25 1-25 A1-ACME-2 A1-ACME-1
02 Key 1: (may be truncated) 22 26-47 1234567890123456789012 64564522
03 Key 2: 22 48-69  
04 Key 3: 22 70-91  
05 Record Number 4 92-95 0010 0010
06 Record Layout 2 96-97 CT CT
07 Record Qualifier 3 98-100 CTL CTL
08 Communication Method 2 101-102 ED ED
09 Test Flag 1 103 P T
10 Document ID 6 104-109 POI POO
11 Document Type 5 110-114 STAND BLANK
12 Document Purpose Code 2 115-116 OR CH
13 Document Code (full) 35 117-151 1234567890123456789012345 64564522
14 Translator Code (full) 30 152-181 A1-ACME-2 A1-ACME-1
15 TP Location Code External 35 182-216 AC7654 AC9832
16 Trading Partner Description 71 217-287 ACME CORP ACME INC
17 TP Reference 1 74 288-367 1234
18 TP Reference 2 80 368-447 9875
19 Transaction Date/Time 15 448-462 19970616 230723 19970626
20 Transmission Run ID 15 463-477 534342
21 Control Number 1 (external) 10 478-487 654
22 Control Number 2 (external) 10 488-497 897
23 Control Number 3 (external) 10 499-507 3423

Control Record (0010)

The first sentence currently reads:

Instead, it should read:

The table currently contains two columns, Length and Position. Disregard these two columns.

Row 01, second column currently reads:

Instead, it should read:

See: Control Record Layout.

Record Key (1-100)

In the first table, first row, second column, the text currently reads:

Instead, it should read:

See: Record Key (1-100).

Changing the Data File

Step 5 currently reads:

Instead, the number of bytes should be "600."

See: Changing the Data File

Overview of Code Conversion

Use of Two Standards in Code Conversion

Please append the following to this section:

Separate Tables for Inbound and Outbound Transactions

If required, set up separate code conversion tables for inbound and outbound transactions.

Code Conversion Value for Outbound Transactions

Assume that values in external 1 have one standard, such as ASC X12, and that values in external 2 have a second standard, such as EDIFACT. Both external 1 and external 2 are available in the data file for the EDI translator to choose the one required for the given trading partner.


UOM-OUT Unit of Measure

Search Key

1 2 3 4 5

Internal Value Description External Value
      1 2 3 4 5
  EACH each EACH PC      
  PC piece PC EA      
PH per hundred PH PH      

Code Conversion Value for Inbound Transactions

Assume that values in external 1 use both sets of standards, ASC X12 and EDIFACT.

This is necessary for the following reasons:

The only a problem with this if both standards have a different internal code for their standard code. Several external values may point to the same internal value, as business needs require.

Alternatively, search keys by trading partner could be set up, although this would require many table entries.


UOM-IN Unit of Measure

Search Key

1 2 3 4 5

Internal Value Description External Value
      1 2 3 4 5
  EACH each EA        
  EACH each PC        
PH per hundred PH        

See: Overview of Code Conversion.

Inbound Purchase Order (850 / ORDERS)

Please add the following section after the "Interface Tables" section:

Error Detection, Reporting, Correction, and Recovery

See the Oracle Financials Open Interfaces Manual, Release 11 for details regarding the OrderImport Open Interface table layout and import program business rules for validation, defaults, and derivations.

See: Inbound Purchase Order (850 / ORDERS)

Inbound Ship Notice / Manifest (856 / DESADV)

Prerequisite Setup in Oracle Purchasing

The documentation currently reads:

Instead, it should read:


Receiving Open Interface, Oracle Manufacturing and Distribution Open Interfaces Manual, Release 11.

Inbound Ship Notice / Manifest (856 / DESADV)

Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice (857)

Prerequisite Setup in Oracle Purchasing

The documentation currently indicates that there are no setup steps in Purchasing.

Instead, it should read:


Receiving Open Interface, Oracle Manufacturing and Distribution Open Interfaces Manual, Release 11.

Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice (857)

Outbound Payment Order / Remittance Advice (820 / PAYORD, REMADV)

Interface Table, Extension Table, and View Names

Please append the following section:

Important Codes

Seq. Data Element Record No. Pos. Len. Payables Definition Valid Codes
Account / Bank Level:
1 EDI Transaction Handling (BPR01 / DE305) 1000 10 25 Required if electronic payment Code designating the action to be taken by all parties C: payment accompanies remittance D: make payment only I: remittance information only U: split payment and remittance
2 EDI Payment Method (BPR01 / DE591) 1000 60 25 Required if electronic payment Code used to designate the actual funds transfer method ACH: Automatic Clearing House BACS: Bankers Automatic Clearing System BOP: Financial Institution Option CWT: Clearing House Inter-bank Payment System (CHIPS) Funds / Wire transfer FEW: Federal Reserve Fund / Wire Transfer Repetitive FWT: Federal Reserve Fund / Wire Transfer non-repetitive SWT: Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) ZZZ: Mutually defined
3 EDI Payment Format (BPR05 / DE812) 1000 80 25 Required if electronic payment Code identifying the payment format to be used CCD: Cash Concentration / Disbursement (CCD) (ACH) CCP: Cash Concentration / Disbursement plus addenda (CCD) (ACH) CTP: Corporate Trade Payment (CTP) (ACH) CTX: Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) (ACH) PPD: Prearranged Payment and Deposit (PPD+) (ACH) PPP: Prearranged Payment and Deposit plus addenda (PPD+) (ACH)
4 Bank Branch Type (BPR06 / DE506) (needs code conversion) 1000 100 25 Required if electronic payment Code identifying the type of identification number of Depository Financial Institution (DFI) ADA: American Bank Association (X12 has code 01) CHIPS: (X12 had code 03) SWIFT: (X12 has code 02)
5 EDI ID Number (for bank site). Not needed in the EDI Gateway. 1000 150 30 Not required    
Payment / Supplier Level:
6 EDI Remittance Method 1010 30 25 Not required   EDI to payer's bank EDI to payee bank EDI to payee EDI to third party Do not route
7 EDI Remittance Instruction 1010 40 80 Not required   Free form text
8 EDI Payment Method       Required Code to indicate EFT, electronic, wire, or check. The EDI Gateway only extracts those marked "electronic." Check Clearing Electronic Wire
9 EDI ID Number (for supplier site). Not needed in the EDI Gateway 1020 30 30 Not required    

See: Outbound Payment Order / Remittance Advice (820 / PAYORD, REMADV)

Overview of Trading Partners

EDI in a Multi-Organization Environment

The sentence on extracting data from multi-organization environments currently reads:

Instead, it should read:

Separate Transactions by Location

Please append the following text:

The following table is a sample of separating transactions into different locations by sending trading partner:

Sending Trading Partner Receiving Trading Partner
Sending trading partner Assume items must be booked to different organizations Send to EDI mailbox and functional group (determined by location for the transaction) Receiving trading partner (separate each location into separate files for processing in the EDI Gateway) Organization Note
External location code 'ABC-A' for 11 State St., Chicago IL Enter orders for items A, B, and C Mailbox 123456; functional group 90 Internal location code 'XYZ-1' for 11 State St., Chicago IL 'A' for this location The EDI translator writes data from EDI mailbox 123456 with functional group 90 to the file for organization 'A' for the EDI Gateway
External location code 'ABC-B' for 11 State St., Chicago IL Enter orders for items X, Y, Z Mailbox 123456; functional group 91 Internal location code 'XYZ-2' for 11 State St., Chicago IL 'B' for this location The EDI translator writes data from EDI mailbox 123456 with functional group 91 to the file for organization 'B' for the EDI Gateway

The following table is a sample of separating transactions into different electronic envelopes or functional groups by sending trading partner:

Sending Trading Partner Sending EDI Translator Receiving EDI Translator
  Electronic envelope (X12 ISA or UN/EDIFACT UNB) Functional group (X12 GS or UN/EDIFACT UNB)  
Transaction in location 'ABC-A' in their application 123456789 12345 Writes data from this functional group to file for organization 'A' processing
Transaction in location 'ABC-B' in their application 123456789 98765 Writes data from this functional group to file for organization 'B' processing

Test and Production Environments

The first paragraph currently reads:

Instead, it should read as follows:

Test Transaction to Production Environment

This section applies only to the Inbound Ship Notice / Manifest (856 / DESADV) and Inbound Shipping and Billing Notice (857) transactions.

See: Overview of Trading Partners

Defining Trading Partner Data

In step 4, the bullet that reads:

Instead, this should read:

See: Defining Trading Partner Data

Provide Additional Values

The paragraph that currently begins with the following sentence:

This should read:

See: Provide Additional Values.

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