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Open Return Detail Report

The Open Return Detail Report reviews detailed information about open Return Material Authorizations (RMAs), including line reference, credit-to invoice, expected, received and accepted quantities. A return must be booked to appear in this report.


In the Order Entry Reports window, enter Open Return Detail Report in the Request Name field.


When you request an Open Return Detail Report, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides you with the following parameters. If you leave any of the non-required parameters blank, this report includes returns that meet your other parameter criteria.

Sort By

You can sort this report by Customer, Return Number, or Return Type (order type). The default value is Customer.

Customer Oracle Order Entry/Shipping sorts this report by customer, return number, return line number, and then option number.
Return Number Oracle Order Entry/Shipping sorts this report by return number, return line number, and then option number.
Return Type Oracle Order Entry/Shipping sorts this report by order type, customer, return number, return line number, and then option number.

Return Type

Choose the order type for the returns that you want printed in this report. If you leave this parameter blank, this report includes all order types that have a category of Return and that meet your other parameter criteria.

Salesrep Name

Choose the salesperson that you want printed in this report.

Customer Name

Choose the customers whose returns you want printed in this report.


Choose the item that you want printed in this report.

Item Display

Choose Description or Flexfield depending on whether you want the item name or description to be printed in this report under the Item column heading. The default value is Description.

Return Number

Choose the return number(s) for the returns you want printed in this report.

Return Date

Choose the return date range for the returns you want printed in this report.

Include Credit Only Returns

Choose Yes if you want to print only returns that include credits to the customer. The default value is No.

See Also

Overview of Returns

Defining Order Types

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