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Placing Demand

Place demand to communicate current or future product needs to Oracle Inventory and other manufacturing products for forecasting and planning purposes. Depending on your business practices, you may place demand on-line at order entry, in the background after order entry, on-line during scheduling, or only as the item is being released for shipment. Additionally, you may want some items always to require an ATP check before demand is placed. You can implement a combination of these approaches depending on the item or order type.

If you want to place demand either on-line or in the background, you define your items with the item attribute OE Transactable set to Yes. If you additionally want to check ATP each time the item is demanded, you need to set the item attribute Check ATP to Yes. If you are demanding configurations (models with options), you also need to set the item attribute ATP Components to Yes at the appropriate levels in a model bill of material to ensure that Order Entry/Shipping finds all the items in the configuration whose availability you want checked.

Once you successfully place demand for an order, line, or detail, Order Entry/Shipping passes the information to Oracle Inventory and to Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning. A demanded item can be reserved for another order.

   To place demand on-line:

   To place demand using the Demand Interface:

See Also

Overview of Order Scheduling

Scheduling an Order or Order Line

Simultaneous Online and Batch Demand

Demand for Check ATP Items

Item Attributes Used by Order Entry/Shipping

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