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Item Attributes Used by Order Entry/Shipping

This section identifies all the inventory item and bill of material attributes relevant to Oracle Order Entry/Shipping and describes how they are used. Several of these attributes are not effective unless you have specific Oracle applications fully installed. Use the following table as a quick reference to see which applications make an attribute relevant to your use of Oracle Order Entry/Shipping.

Inventory Item Attribute Oracle Inventory Oracle Bills of Material Oracle Purchasing Oracle Receivables
Accounting Rule       X
Assemble to Order X X    
ATP Components X      
ATP Rule X      
BOM Allowed        
BOM Item Type X X    
Check ATP X      
Cost of Goods Sold Account        
Customer Ordered Item        
Customer Orders Enabled        
Default Shipping Organization        
Internal Ordered Item     X  
Internal Orders Enabled     X  
Inventory Item X      
Invoice Enabled       X
Invoiceable Item       X
Invoicing Rule       X
Lot Control X      
OE Transactable        
Payment Terms       X
Pick Components        
Picking Rule X      
Primary Unit of Measure        
Reservation Control X      
Revision Control X      
RMA Inspection Status X      
Sales Account       X
Serial Number Control X      
Ship Model Complete        
Shippable Item        
Stock Locator Control X      
Stockable X      
Subinventory Restrictions X      
Tax Code        
Transactable X      

Bill of Material Item Attribute Oracle Inventory Oracle Bills of Material Oracle Purchasing Oracle Receivables
Basis   X    
Check ATP X      
Include on Shipping Documents        
Mutually Exclusive Options   X    
Required for Revenue       X
Required to Ship        


Depending on the item attribute, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping looks either in the Item Validation Organization or the Shipping Warehouse (organization) to retrieve the value of an item attribute. The Item Validation Organization is defined by the OE: Item Validation Organization profile option.

Item Validation Organization

The following item attributes are taken from the organization specified in the OE: Item Validation Organization profile option.

Inventory Item Attributes

Shipping Warehouse

The following item attributes are taken from the organization specified in the Warehouse field of a sales order's schedule detail line or the Receiving Warehouse of a return line.

Inventory Item Attributes

The following item attributes are not retrieved directly by Oracle Order Entry/Shipping and are included as reference information:

Bill of Material Item Attributes

All Bill of Material item attributes are taken from the organization specified in the OE: Item Validation Organization profile option.

Bill of Material Item Attributes

Inventory Item Attributes

The values you enter for these attributes in the Define Item window are stored in the MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS table in the columns stated to the right of the attribute name. The attribute grouping name is listed below each attribute.



Enter an accounting rule. Accounting rules identify special revenue recognition rules for an item, such as recognizing revenue over time.

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses item accounting rules when interfacing order transactions to Oracle Receivables. Unique item rules can take precedence over the order accounting rules in certain cases.

See Also

Integrating Oracle Order Entry with Oracle Receivables, Oracle Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales and Service Open Interfaces Manual, Release 11



Choose Yes to identify this item as one that is generally built in response to sales order demand; a final assembly work order to build the finished product is created based on the sales order details.

An item cannot have the Pick Components attribute set to Yes and this attribute set to Yes at the same time. The BOM Item Type attribute can be set to Model, Option class, or Standard.



Choose Yes to include, in ATP inquiries, additional components in the bill of material for this item. These components are included in ATP checking if Check ATP for the component is set to Yes.



Enter a user-defined ATP (available to promise) rule. ATP rules define supply and demand sources, time-fence parameters, and available-to-promise calculation methods. You can give your ATP rules meaningful names, such as ATO ATP Rule.

If there is no ATP rule for the item, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses the organization's default ATP rule.



Choose Yes to define a bill of material for an item or to assign the item as a component on a bill.



Choose one of the following options. These options describe bill of material types. Oracle Bills of Material controls bill functionality based on this type. You must enter a value if BOM Allowed is Yes.

Model This is a model bill. This item's bill of material lists option classes and options available when you place an order for the model item.
Option Class This item's bill of material contains a list of related options. Option classes are used to group like options together.
Option classes are used to group like options together. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping does not allow ordering of classes outside a model. This type cannot be used if you do not have Oracle Bills of Material installed.
Planning This item's bill of material contains a list of items and planning percentages. A planning item can represent a product family or demand channel. Its bill of material facilitates master scheduling and/or material planning. The total of the component planning percentages on a planning bill can exceed 100%.
Oracle Order Entry/Shipping does not allow ordering of Planning bills. This type cannot be used if you do not have Oracle Bills of Material installed.
Standard Any item that can have a bill or be a component on a bill except planning, model, or option class items. Standard items include purchased items, subassemblies, or finished products.
Items ordered using internal sales orders must have this BOM item type.



Choose Yes to check available to promise information when placing demand for a sales order. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping does not place demand for the sales order line item if insufficient quantity exists for the item, according to ATP.

Cost of Goods Sold Account COST_OF_SALES_ACCOUNT


Identifies the Cost of Goods Sold Account (COGS) for the item. An item's COGS Account can be used as a source for one or more segments of the COGS Account dynamically generated by Oracle Order Entry/Shipping when shipment information is interfaced to Oracle Inventory. The account you enter must be a valid general ledger account. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays the COGS Account specified on the organization parameters as the default.

Customer Ordered Item CUSTOMER_ORDER_FLAG


Choose Yes to allow the item to be ordered only by external customers. You can add any customer orderable items to price lists in Oracle Order Entry/Shipping.

If you enter Yes, you can temporarily exclude an item from being ordered by setting Customer Orders Enabled to No.

Customer Orders Enabled


Choose Yes to indicate that the item is currently customer orderable. Yes means that you can specify this item on the Sales Orders window in Oracle Order Entry/Shipping, if Customer Ordered Item is also Yes.

You can initially define an item with Customer Ordered Item set to Yes and Customer Orders Enabled set to No. This means prices can be defined for the item, but no orders can be placed for it.

This attribute can be automatically assigned by changing the Item Status attribute (General Information group).

Default Shipping Organization DEFAULT_SHIPPING_ORG


Identifies the primary shipping organization for an item. This is the organization that defaults to the Sales Orders window if 'Item' is the source attribute of the Warehouse object in the standard value rule set for the order. This organization defaults to the Returns window if a receiving warehouse is not defined on the customer or order type.

Internal Ordered Item INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG


Choose Yes to allow an item to be ordered on an internal requisition.

Yes means that you can temporarily exclude an item from being ordered on an internal requisition by setting Internal Orders Enabled to No.

Only items with BOM Item Type set to Standard can be defined as Internal Ordered Items. You can enter internal sales orders in Oracle Purchasing using the Enter Requisitions window.



Choose Yes to indicate that you can currently order an item internally. Yes means that you can specify the item on an internal requisition, if Internal Orders Enabled is also Yes.

If you enter Yes for Internal Ordered Item, you can temporarily exclude an item from being ordered on an internal requisition by choosing No.



Choose Yes to stock and transact this item in Oracle Inventory. Choosing Yes allows you to set the Stockable item attribute.



Choose Yes to activate an item for invoicing in Oracle Receivables. If you enter Yes for Invoiceable Item, you can temporarily exclude an item from being invoiced by choosing No.



Choose Yes to allow an item to appear on an Oracle Receivables invoice. If you enter Yes, you can temporarily exclude an item from invoicing by setting Invoice Enabled to No.

For ATO configurations, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping considers the base model's item attributes of Invoiceable Item and Invoice Enabled to see if it should consider passing invoice information to Oracle Receivables for each order line in the configuration.



Enter an invoicing rule. Invoicing rules determine which period you will send an invoice when you recognize revenue over time (using accounting rules).

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses item invoicing rules when interfacing order transactions to Accounts Receivable. Unique item rules take precedence over the order invoicing rules in certain cases.

See Also



Choose one of the following:

Full lot control Track inventory balances by lot number. This means that you must specify a lot number for the item whenever you issue the item from or receive it to inventory.
No lot control Do not establish lot control for the item. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays this option as the default.

Attention: If the profile option OE: Reservations is set to Yes, you can specify a lot at order entry or scheduling, or let Pick Release use the Inventory picking rules to determine the lot when the order is picked. If the profile option is set to No, you must enter a lot at ship confirmation.

You can establish lot number control only for an item that has no quantity on hand.



Choose Yes to indicate whether demand can be placed for an item by Oracle Order Entry/Shipping, and whether shipment transactions for the item are interfaced to Oracle Inventory. Most items with the attribute Shippable Item set to Yes will also have OE Transactable set to Yes. For items you do not ship, you may still want to set OE Transactable to Yes if you use the items in forecasting or planning. If you also want to reserve the item, set the attribute Reservation Control to Reservable.

Attention: See also the Transactable attribute.



Indicates whether an item has a bill of material with options, classes, or included items that are picked from finished goods inventory. Pick-to-order items and models must be set to Yes. Assemble-to-order items and models and regular items (without a bill of material) must be set to No.

Choose one of the following:

No Item does not have a bill of material, or is an ATO (Assemble to Order) item.
Yes Item has a bill of material with components that are picked from finished goods inventory.



Enter the picking rule for the item. Picking rules define the sources and prioritization for subinventories, lots, revisions and locators used when the item is pick released by Oracle Order Entry/Shipping.

Picking rules are defined in Oracle Inventory and a unique one can be assigned to each item, or one generic picking rule can be assigned for the organization. If subinventory, lot or revision is assigned before pick release, the assigned one is used, rather than the picking rule. If only subinventory was specified on an item that also has lot control, then Pick Release uses the picking rule to assign the lot.

Primary Unit of Measure PRIMARY_UOM_CODE


Identifies the primary unit of measure for the item. This attribute represents the stocking and selling unit of measure for this item. Each organization can have a different primary unit of measure for the same item. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping can default the item unit of measure to your order line, based on your standard value rules.

Oracle Inventory bases any necessary conversion on this unit of measure.

Reservation Control RESERVABLE_TYPE


Choose one of the following options:

Not reservable You cannot create a material reservation for this item.
Reservable You can create a material reservation for this item. Reservations can only be created when you have enough available inventory to support the reservation. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays this option as the default.

Attention: Reservation control for a subinventory overrides the type of reservation control you establish for an item. In other words, if an item is reservable but a subinventory is not, the quantity of the item in that subinventory is not reservable.

Attention: Oracle Order Entry/Shipping recognizes this attribute only if the profile option OE: Reservations is set to Yes. Then, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping allows reservation of the item during order entry or scheduling and automatically creates any necessary reservations when the item is released for picking.

Attention: You cannot change reservation control to Not reservable if reservations exist.



Choose Yes to allow customers to return an item. If an item is returnable, it can be entered on the Returns window in Oracle Order Entry/Shipping. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses this attribute along with the Stockable and Transactable attributes to determine which authorized returned items can be physically received into inventory.



Choose one of the following options:

Not under revision quantity control You can issue and receive this item without specifying a revision. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays this option as the default.
Under revision quantity control Track inventory balances by revision. This means that you must specify an existing revision number for the item whenever you issue the item from or receive it to inventory.

Note: If the profile option OE: Reservations is set to Yes, you can specify a revision at order entry or scheduling, or let Pick Release use the Inventory picking rules to determine the revision when the order is picked. If the profile option is set to No, you must enter a revision at ship confirmation.

Attention: You cannot change revision control when an item has quantity on hand.



Choose Inspection required if inspection is required when the item is returned from the customer. If inspection is required, the item can be received for inspection and then must be separately transferred to inventory. If inspection is not required, the item can be received directly into inventory. Credits can only be generated for customer return items that have been accepted in inventory.



Indicates a general ledger account to provide for one side of all inventory transactions involving item sales. Oracle Receivables records the revenue in this account when you bill the customer. The accounting entries are created during AutoAccounting if your AutoAccounting is based on items.



Choose one of the following:

Dynamic entry at inventory receipt Create and assign serial numbers when you receive the item to inventory. Thereafter, for any material transaction, you must provide a serial number for each unit.
Dynamic entry at sales order issue Create and assign serial numbers when you issue (ship) the item against a customer sales order. (Internal requisition orders do not require a serial number when you ship the item.) If you receive an item with this control option back into inventory on an RMA (return material authorization), you must specify the serial numbers you created upon sales order issue. All other material transactions for this item bypass the serial number information.
No serial number control Do not establish serial number control for this item. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays this option as the default. All material transactions involving this item bypass the serial number information.
Predefined serial numbers Assign predefined serial numbers when you receive the item to inventory. Thereafter, for any material transaction, you must provide a serial number for each unit.
You can establish serial number control only for an item that has no quantity on hand.

Attention: Oracle Work in Process recognizes either lot control or serial number control for an item--but not both. You cannot transact an item into Oracle Work in Process if it has both lot and serial control defined.



Choose Yes to indicate that any configuration derived from this model can ship only when all required quantities of all configuration components (options or included items) are available.

If you choose Yes, the Pick Components attribute and the profile option OE: Reservations must be set to Yes; the BOM Item Type attribute can be set to Model or Standard.



Choose Yes to indicate that the item will be picked from Inventory and sent to the customer. Shippable items are released by Oracle Order Entry/Shipping's Pick Release program, creating confirmable shipping lines, and are printed on the pick slip.

See Also

Overview of Delivery-based Shipping

Overview of Delivery-based Pick Release



A locator is a predefined physical area of the stockroom where you store material. The type of locator control you define for an organization or for a subinventory overrides the control you define for an item. You cannot change stock locator control when an item has quantity on hand.

Choose one of the following options:

Dynamic entry locator control Define locators when you use them, either as you receive material or ship product.
No locator control Do not establish locator control for the item.
Prespecified locator control Define locators before you use them.

Attention: In Oracle Order Entry/Shipping, if the profile option OE: Reservations is set to Yes, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses the Inventory picking rules to assign the locator to a item that is being shipped.



Choose Yes to stock this item in Oracle Inventory. You can set this attribute only when Inventory Item is Yes.

Choosing Yes allows you to set the Transactable item attribute.

Attention: Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses this attribute along with the Transactable and Returnable attributes to determine which authorized returned items can be physically received in inventory.



Choose one of the following:

Subinventories not restricted to predefined list Issue or receive this item to or from any subinventory. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays this option as the default.
Subinventories restricted to predefined list Issue or receive this item to or from a subinventory included in the list you specify. You define this list with the Define Item/Subinventory Information or the Define Subinventory/Item Information windows.



Enter a tax code you want to associate with this item. You assign specific tax rates to a Tax Code in the Define Tax Codes and Rates window. Tax codes are used when calculating tax based on location and tax codes.

See Also

Tax Codes and Rates



Choose Yes to enter Oracle Inventory transactions for an item. You can set this attribute only when Stockable is Yes.

Attention: Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses this attribute along with the Stockable and Returnable attributes to determine which authorized returned items can be physically received in inventory. (See also the OE Transactable attribute.)

This attribute can be automatically assigned by changing the Item Status attribute (General Information group).

Bill of Material Item Attributes

The values you enter for these attributes in the Define Bill of Material window are stored in the BOM_INVENTORY_COMPONENTS table in the columns stated to the right of the attribute name.


You can only enter a value in this field for a component that is an option class item. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses the value you enter in this field when you enter sales orders. Choose one of the following options.

None Allow override of the default quantity for the option class when you enter a sales order. Option class quantities affect the mandatory standard components assigned to the option class. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping defaults the total quantity to release as the component quantity multiplied by the option class extended quantity.
Option class Do not allow override of the default quantity for the option class when you enter a sales order. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping calculates the total quantity to release as the component quantity multiplied by the option class extended quantity.

Suggestion: Set the basis to Option Class for an ATO option class component. When creating a configuration bill, Oracle Manufacturing computes the total quantity required for a mandatory standard component as the component quantity multiplied by the option class extended quantity-- regardless of the quantity entered on the sales order.


Indicates whether ATP checking must be done on this item each time demand is requested.

You can enter a value for this bill of material attribute only if you:

Include on Shipping Documents INCLUDE_ON_SHIP_DOCS

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses the value in this field to determine whether to print the components on external shipping documents, such as the pack slip and commercial invoice. This can be used to print non-shippable items on the external shipping documents to make it easier for the customers to match orders/pack slip/invoice.


You can only enter a value in this field for option class or model components. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping uses the value you specify with the value you specified for the Optional field in the previous zone to determine the number of option items you can or must choose when you order the components of the option class bill. Choose one of the following options.

No If you specified Yes for the Optional field, then you can choose any number of options or no options on the option class bill. If you specified No for the Optional field, then you must choose at least one option on the option class bill. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays this option as the default.
Yes If you specified Yes for the Optional field, then you can choose one option or no options on the option class bill. If you specified No for the Optional field, then you must choose one, and only one, option on the option class bill.

Required for Revenue REQUIRED_FOR_REVENUE

Required for Revenue components prevent their parent item from invoicing until the component is shipped. For example, if you have an model with a non-optional component with the Required for Revenue attribute set to Yes, then the model will not be invoiced until the non-optional component has shipped. This attribute is recognized by the Receivables Interface.

If you entered Yes for the Assemble to Order item attribute for an item in the Define Item window, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays No and skips the field.

Attention: This attribute does not affect mandatory or optional components for an ATO item or configuration.

Required to Ship REQUIRED_TO_SHIP

Identifies whether an item is required to ship the order. This information prints on the pick slip. If you entered Yes for the Assemble to Order item attribute for the assembly item in the Define Item window, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping displays No and skips this field. Choose one of the following.

No This component is not required when you ship the order.
Yes You must include this component when you ship the order.

Attention: This attribute only affects PTO included items (not ATO items or configurations), and is only effective if your OE: Reservations profile option is set to No. If OE: Reservations is set to Yes, then the Ship Model Complete inventory attribute and the Ship Set feature in Oracle Order Entry/Shipping control what is required to ship, and will print on the pick slip.

See Also

Defining Items

Overview of Bills of Material: page

Defining Security Rules

Overview of Configure to Order

Defining ATP Rules

Defining Organization Parameters

Defining Item Status Codes

Overview of Internal Requisitions

Defining Standard Values Rule Sets

Overview of Pick Release

Overview of Returns

Creating a Bill of Material

Defining Picking Rules

Assigning Subinventories to an Item

Assigning Items to a Subinventory

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