Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 2.1






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The Job system allows you to automate standard and repetitive tasks, such as executing a SQL script or executing an operating system command. With the Job system, you can create and manage jobs, share jobs with other administrators, schedule execution of jobs, and view information about the jobs. Jobs can be scheduled on a single node or multiple nodes in the network, provided that the node has an Intelligent Agent running on it. The topics discussed in this chapter include:

Job Process

The Job process includes:

  1. Creating a job. This involves:

    1. Determining the type and destination of the job.

    2. Determining the tasks.

    3. Determining task dependencies of the job.

    4. Determining the parameters for each task.

    5. Scheduling the times that the job executes.

    6. Assigning permissions to other administrators for notification purposes.

  2. Submitting a job to the selected destinations in the network system.

  3. Viewing the job history to review the results of the job.

Job Tasks

The Job system provides a variety of predefined job tasks, or you can submit your own tasks by executing a SQL*Plus script or running an operating system program. Job tasks are implemented in the Tool Command Language (Tcl) scripts with Oracle extensions (OraTcl) to include database-specific commands. You can write your own Tcl script and submit it with the Run Tcl job task. For more information on custom job scripts, see the Oracle Intelligent Agent User's Guide.

The tasks are grouped by the destination (target type) of the task:


All target types include Node tasks. 

The tasks allow you to perform such operations as:

See the online help for Oracle job tasks and "Oracle Job Tasks" on page 4-23 for information on Oracle predefined job tasks and their parameters.

You can combine two or more tasks into one job, called a composite job. Composite jobs consist of separate tasks that are constructed such that some tasks may or may not execute upon completion of another task. For example, if a composite job consists of two tasks, starting up a database and then running a SQL script, you can specify that the script be run only if the database was successfully started. Here, you specify a dependency between the two tasks that determine whether the next task is executed. The Job system allows you to specify one of three dependencies for any task: Always (default), Only on Success, or Only on Failure.

You can create jobs that can be used as fixit jobs that are to be run when a condition is signalled by the Event system. Fixit jobs are not scheduled. See Chapter 5, "Events" for information on monitoring events in the system.


You need to set up a password file to perform administration tasks, such as start up or shut down, on a remote database. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for more information.

Writing SQL*Plus Scripts

Creating your own job tasks using the SQL*Plus command language allows you to automate any number of complex database operations via the Job system and Intelligent Agent(s). The success or failure of a given SQL*Plus script is determined by the exit condition returned when the script completes. Because a SQL*Plus script can return an error condition that may not be recognized by the Intelligent Agent, such as a non-ORA error message, your job task can appear to complete successfully even though a command issued from within your script has failed. To avoid this situation, you must specify an operational clause when using a SQL*Plus EXIT command in your script. For example:

> EXIT sql.sqlcode
> EXIT warning
> EXIT 666

Using the EXIT command without specifying an operational clause (default) commits and exits with a value of SUCCESS. By explicitly defining the conditions under which your script terminates, the Intelligent Agent can ascertain whether your job has succeeded or failed. For more information on SQL*Plus and the SQL*Plus command language, see the SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference.

Job Credentials

Jobs are normally run with the preferences of the administrator who submitted the job. This ensures that jobs cannot be used to perform functions the administrator could not perform if logged into the machine directly. For example, to write a job output file to the ORACLE_HOME/network/agent/ directory, the administrator must have permissions to write to that directory on that node.

Because jobs are categorized by the type of service they act on, the job system knows what credentials to pass to the Intelligent Agent. The Job system uses Enterprise Manager System Preferences (Preferred Credentials) to determine what preference information needs to be passed. When a job runs on a node, the job system passes the administrator preferences for the node. When a job runs on a service, such as a database, the job system also passes the administrator preferences for the service. See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for information on administrator preferences.


You must set up valid user credentials for the nodes that you want to run jobs on. Node credentials are required for all jobs. If credentials are not set up correctly for an Windows NT node, you may get the "Failed to Authenticate User" error message. Make sure the Windows NT node account specified in your preferred credentials possesses the "log in as batch jobs" user right. See the Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide or your Windows NT documentation for instructions on creating NT users accounts. 

Administrator preferences for nodes and/or services are given the following prioritization:

  1. Preferred Credential Overrides (Highest Priority)

  2. Preferred Credentials for the selected node or service.

  3. Default Service

  4. Null Credentials (Lowest Priority) Note: Jobs and events will fail.

For more information on configuration issues, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide.

Submitting Jobs

The Job system is simple to use because the task of scheduling and managing jobs is centralized in the Enterprise Manager Console. The administrator only needs to submit a job once, regardless of the number of destinations on which the job will run.

When you submit a job, the Management Server sends the job information to the appropriate Intelligent Agents on the destinations you selected. The Intelligent Agents are responsible for executing the job on the specified schedule and returning job status messages to the Console through the Management Server. Once submitted, jobs will run regardless of whether you are logged in or not.


There is usually a slight delay between submitting the job and the notification by the Intelligent Agent.

To schedule a job, you do not have to connect to the node on which the job will be run. You only need to submit the job from the Console and specify the destinations on which it should run. The destinations can include nodes, databases, listeners, user-defined groups that have been created with the Group system, or any other discovered services

The Job system of Enterprise Manager allows you to efficiently run jobs on multiple remote nodes by transferring job information to the Intelligent Agents servicing the nodes. When a job is executed, it is run by the Intelligent Agent on that node, thus minimizing network traffic between the remote node and the Console and Management Server. In addition, jobs can be run on multiple nodes simultaneously because there is an Intelligent Agent residing on each node. Jobs can only be run on nodes where an Intelligent Agent is running. If you send a job to a group, the job is only scheduled on the nodes in the group where the Intelligent Agent is running.

When you submit a job to one or more remote sites, it is possible that any one of those site may be down. If a site or its Intelligent Agent is down, the Management Server queues any job requests that could not be delivered to the site. Once the site can be contacted, the Management Server submits the queued job to the Intelligent Agent.

Cancelling Jobs

You can cancel a job by selecting the desired job from the Job Active window and choosing Remove Job from the Job menu. Care should be taken when cancelling a job. Cancelling a job that is currently running will interrupt the job process and terminate the job. Problems can arise when the job is composed of multiple job tasks with sequential dependencies.

Job Pane

You can view the different pages of job information by selecting the page tabs in the Job pane. The pages in the Job pane are:

You can switch between the pages by clicking the tab of each page. The rows in both pages can be sorted on any column by clicking the column heading.

The Job pane can be hidden or shown by selecting Job in the Console View menu. You can also hide or show the pane by clicking the Job system icon in the Console toolbar.

Figure 4-1 Job Pane in the Console

Active Page

The Active page contains a summary of the active jobs on the network. These are jobs that you have submitted to the job system and are not yet completed. Each row is an execution of a particular job scheduled on a specific destination. While a job may execute multiple times, the job listed in the Active page is the one that is currently scheduled or running. You can use the View Job menu option to display the details of the selected job. You cannot modify these jobs.

You can double-click on a job listed in the Active page to view the job details.


Name of the job.


Destination of the job.

Destination Type

database, listener, node


Administrator submitting the job.


Status of job is one of the following:


Under certain circumstances, a job will remain in a Submitted state. The most likely cause would be the Intelligent Agent on the node to which you are trying to submit the job is down, or the node is not connected to the network.  


This is the time the Intelligent Agent returns after the job has been scheduled by the Intelligent Agent.

Context-sensitive Menu options

The following options are available by selecting a job and clicking the right mouse button.

Edit/View Job

Displays the property sheet for the selected job. Only the permissions, notifications, and owner can be changed.

Create Like

Displays a copy of the selected job. You can edit the property sheet and submit this job.

Copy to Library

Copies the selected job to the Job Library if it does not already exist there.

Remove Job

Delete the selected job. If the job has not been saved to the Job Library, a warning dialog appears indicating that you are about to perform a remove operation. You may wish to copy the job to the job library before removing it.

History Page

Job History contains a list of previous job executions. These are jobs that have been submitted to an Intelligent Agent and have executed successfully or unsuccessfully. This page also lists deleted jobs. You cannot modify these jobs.

Refresh History Icon

Refreshes the job history list. Job history is refreshed each time you move from the Active tab to the History tab. However, to refresh the job history list while currently viewing the History pane, you must click the Refresh History icon located at the bottom left of the Job pane.

Clear History Icon

Clears all entries in the Job History list.

You can double-click on a job listed in the Job History page to display the Job property sheet and view the Job Output dialog box, if output exists for the job. If no output is produced by a job, a message displays that states that there is no output for the job. If the output includes only blank spaces, the dialog box is blank.

Context Menu options

The following options are available by selecting a job and clicking the right mouse button.

View Job

Displays the property sheet for the selected job. Only the permissions, notifications, and owner can be changed.

Create Like

Displays a copy of the selected job. You can edit the property sheet and submit this job.

Copy to Library

Copies the selected job to the Job Library if it does not already exist there.

Remove Job

Delete the selected job. If the job has not been saved to the Job Library, a warning dialog appears indicating that you are about to perform a remove operation. You may wish to copy the job to the job library before removing it.

You can save the jobs from the History page to a text file, then clear the jobs from the History page. This prevents the History page from being overloaded with obsolete jobs that occurred in previous days. Jobs are saved to a text file on the machine where the Enterprise Manager Console is running.

You can create a new job similar to a job in the History page with the Create Like option. See "Creating, Modifying, or Viewing a Job" on page 4-11 for more information.

Job Menu

The Job menu allows you to create, modify, save, submit, and manage jobs. The menu options are enabled depending on the items selected in the Job pane. See Figure 4-1, "Job Pane in the Console" for an illustration of the Job menu.

Create Job

Allows you to create a new job. See "Creating, Modifying, or Viewing a Job" on page 4-11 for more information.

Create Like

Allows you to create a new job like the selected job in the Job pane. See "Creating, Modifying, or Viewing a Job" on page 4-11 for more information.

Edit Job

Allows you to modify the job selected in the Job pane. The property sheet is the same as the property sheet for creating a new job. See "Creating, Modifying, or Viewing a Job" on page 4-11 for more information.

Copy to Library

Copies the selected job to the Job Library if it does not already exist there.

View Job

Displays the property sheet for the selected job in the Job pane. The property sheet is in read-only format. Active jobs can be removed but not modified. See "Creating, Modifying, or Viewing a Job" on page 4-11 for more information.

Remove Job

Removes the selected job from the Active or History page of the Job pane. When you delete a job, there is usually a slight delay while the request is processed. See "Cancelling Jobs" on page 4-5 for specifics on job cancellation.

Job Library

Displays the Job Library dialog. See "Job Library" on page 4-11 for more information.

Save Job History

Saves the contents of the Job History page to a text file. Enter a valid file name or select an existing file in the file selection dialog box.

Clear History

Clears the jobs listed in the Job History page.

Remove Job from History

Clears the selected job listed in the Job History page.

Job Library

Job Library dialog contains a list of the jobs that you have created and saved. In the dialog, you can view summary information about a job:

These jobs can be submitted to the job system with the Submit button. You can use the Edit button to modify a job selected in this page. You can also double-click on a job listed in the Job Library page to edit the job. You can create a new job based on an existing job with the Create Like button.

Creating, Modifying, or Viewing a Job

When you create, modify, or view details of a job, similar property sheets display. See Figure 4-3, "Job Tasks Page" for an illustration of a Job property sheet. The property sheets contains:


When submitting a job that consists of multiple tasks, an error may occur if the string of arguments that was sent is longer than the internal buffer. If that error occurs when submitting a job, divide the tasks among multiple jobs and resubmit the jobs.

Creating a New Job

  1. Select Create Job from the Job menu to display the Create Job property sheet.

  2. Complete the pages of the Create Job property sheet.

  3. Determine whether the job is ready to submit.

    1. Select the Submit option and click OK to submit the job to the Intelligent Agents at the selected destinations. The job appears in the Active page.

      - OR -

    2. Select the Save to Library option and click OK. The job appears in the Job Library. You can modify or submit a saved job at a later time.

      - OR -

    3. Select the Submit and Save to Library option and click OK to submit the job to the Intelligent Agents at the selected destinations and save the job to the job library. The job appears in the Active page and the Job Library. You can modify or submit a saved job at a later time.


There is usually a slight delay between the time you submit the job and Intelligent Agent notification.

Modifying a Saved Job


Only saved jobs that are in the Job Library can be fully modified. For submitted jobs in the Active Jobs page, you can only modify permissions, owners, or notifications.

  1. Select Job Library from the Job menu. The Job Library dialog appears.

  2. Select a job from the library.

  3. Click Edit. The Job property sheet appears.

  4. Update the pages of the Job property sheet and determine whether the job is ready to submit.

    1. Select the Submit option and click OK to submit the job to the Intelligent Agents at the selected destinations. The job appears in the Active window.

      - OR -

    2. Select the Save to Library option and click OK. The job appears in the Job Library. You can modify or submit a saved job at a later time.

      - OR -

    3. Select the Submit and Save to Library option and click OK to submit the job to the Intelligent Agents at the selected destinations and save the job to the job library. The job appears in the Active window and the Job Library. You can modify or submit a saved job at a later time.

Viewing Job Details

To view the details of a particular job, double-click on a job in the Job window. The Job property sheet for that job appears.

General Page

The General page allows you to determine job name, description, type, fixit job status, and destinations.

Figure 4-2 Job General Page

Owner Name

Select the owner from the list of administrators.

Job Name

Enter the name of the new job.


Enter the description of the job.

Fixit Job

Check this box if you want to use this job as fixit job to correct an event condition. The fixit job must be submitted to the destination where the event is being monitored. A fixit job cannot be scheduled.

The job can be selected from the Fixit Job list in the Event Parameters page after it has been successfully submitted to an Intelligent Agent. See "Creating, Modifying, and Registering an Event" on page 5-24 for more information.

Destination Type

Select the destination type from the pull-down list: Database, Listener, Node, Group, or other service that is integrated into the Console.

Job destinations

Select the destinations of the job in the Available Destinations list and click the << (Add) button to move the destination to the Selected Destinations list.

The destinations are determined by the Destination Type. The destinations include databases, listeners, nodes, and groups of these objects.


Only network objects that have been discovered correctly and have an Intelligent Agent running are included in the list of available destinations. See "Discovering Services" on page 2-7 for more information.

Job Task Page

The Task page allows you to choose the tasks that you want the job to perform.

Available Tasks

Select a task and click on the << (Add) button to include the task in the job. You can add multiple tasks to the job from the Available Tasks scrolling list. See the online help for Oracle job tasks and "Oracle Job Tasks" on page 4-23 for information on Oracle predefined job tasks and their parameters.

Selected Tasks

You can remove tasks from this list. Select the task and click on the >> (Remove) button.

Up/Down Arrows

Use the arrow buttons to change the order of the tasks or to make a task conditional on a previous task. You can change the order in which the tasks are executed. Select a task in the Selected Tasks list and click on the up or down arrow button to position the task.

Figure 4-3 Job Tasks Page

Conditions for running a task

Select a task in the Job Tasks window and select from the following:


If any task does not execute, control moves to the next task on the same level as the task that did not execute.


You can add up to five job tasks per job. Adding more than five tasks will generate an error message stating the maximum number of input files have been exceeded.  

Stopping Jobs

Normally, a job stops when all tasks have been executed. In some cases, you may want the job to stop before completing the task sequence, which might be the case when one task in the sequence fails. To handle situations like this, you can include the Halt Job task as part of a composite job to stop execution at any point within the task sequence. You specify the Halt Job task dependency as you would any other task.

Job Parameters Page

On the Parameters Page, you specify parameter settings for the selected job tasks. To set the parameters for a task, select the task in the Selected Tasks list. The parameters for the selected task are displayed on the right side of the Parameters Page.

Selected Tasks

Select the task for which you want to set parameters.

Task Parameters

Specify the parameters for the selected task. You can enter values in the entry boxes or select values from the pull-down lists. The parameters vary according to the job task. See the online help for Oracle job tasks and "Oracle Job Tasks" on page 4-23 for information on Oracle predefined job tasks and their parameters.

For some jobs, you can override the preferred credentials for connecting to the service. This allows you to enter a username and password. See "Job Credentials" on page 4-4 and "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for information on administrator preferences.

Job Schedule Page

The Schedule page allows you to schedule the execution of the job task.

Run Job

Select the frequency that you want the task executed. The choices are Immediately, Once, On Interval, On Day of Week, and On Date of Month.

Start Execution

Choose the first date and time that you want the task executed. This is the starting time for any task scheduled on an interval.

Stop Execution

Choose the last date and time that you want the task executed. This option does not apply if you chose the Immediately or Once execution options.


When scheduling a job, the Intelligent Agent time zone (the local time zone of the destination where the job will be executed) is used. 

Job Permissions Page

Determine the permissions that you want to assign to the job with the Permissions Page. This allows other administrators to view or modify the job. Notifications can be assigned with this page.

The levels of permission that you can assign to an Enterprise Manager administrator are:


Does not allow the administrator to view this job anywhere.

Allows the administrator to view the job and inspect job properties.


Allows the administrator to suspend and resume the job. The administrator will also be able to edit the job's properties except those reserved for administrators with Full permission.


Allows the administrator to delete the job from the Active or History pages of the Job window, modify permissions for other administrators, and change the ownership of the job.


Allows the administrator to receive enhanced notifications (paging and email) for the job. Notify permission cannot be assigned if the administrator's permission level is set to None. This option must be selected in order for the job to appear in the Notification Schedule.


All administrators possessing at least the View permission will receive notifications through the Console when a job is executed. 

Any permissions assigned on this page supersede any administrator default permissions. See "Permissions" on page 1-16 for more information.

Show Notification Schedule

Show Notification Schedule displays the notification schedule for the job. You can view the administrators that are notified by moving the cursor over any time block in the grid.

To add or remove notifications for an administrator, display the context menu (press the right mouse button) on any time block. The context menu provides options for adding and removing recipients of the notifications.

Job Progress Page

The Job Progress page is available for jobs in the Active and History pages of the Job window. The Progress page provides a log of the job's activities.

The Progress page contains all notifications that have been received for a specific job. Each row in the page summarizes a status change of the job. If you display the Progress page for an execution in the History page, the page typically displays Submitted, Scheduled, Running, and Completed or Failed notifications for that execution. If you display an execution from the Active Jobs page, the Progress page displays only those notifications that have been received.

When you display the Progress page, the page displays the notifications only for the destination and execution time of the job occurrence selected. To view the notifications associated with other destinations or execution times, select other destinations or execution times from the Destination or Execution pull-down lists. You can also select <All> in either list to view all notifications. If the job has been Deleted on a destination, the Deleted notification always displays at the top of the Progress Page.

The following options are available on the Progress page:


Select the destination of the job occurrences you want to view from the pull-down list. Select <All> for all destinations. The list of job occurrences changes according to the selection.


Select the execution time of the job occurrences you want to view from the pull-down list. Select <All> for all executions. The list of job occurrences changes according to the selection.

Save As

Select the Save As button to save the list of job occurrences as a local file using the standard Windows file dialog box.


Select the Print button to print the list of job occurrences in the Progress page.

Notification Details

This option displays the notifications for this job.

Show Output

If output exists for the selected occurrence of a job, you can display the output in the Output dialog box. You can also double-click on a selected job to display output.

The columns in the Progress page contain the following information:


See "Active Page" on page 4-7 and "History Page" on page 4-8 for information on the status of a job.


This is the destination of the specific occurrence of the job.

Notification Time

This is the time the Oracle Management Server was notified.

Output Dialog Box

The Output dialog box displays any output, including error messages, as a result of the execution of an occurrence of a job. If no output is produced by a job, a message displays that states that there is no output for the job. If the output includes only blank spaces, the dialog box is blank.

With the Output dialog box displayed, the following options are available:


Select the Close button to exit the dialog box after viewing it.


Select the Print button to print the contents of the dialog box.

Changing the Maximum Limit for Job Output

Because the output of some jobs may be quite large, Oracle Enterprise Manager provides you with the option of specifying the maximum size for any job output returned by the Intelligent Agent. If the job output exceeds the maximum limit, any output generated beyond this maximum is truncated. By default, the maximum job output size is set to 128K (smallest allowable value). The largest permissible value is two megabytes.

You can set this parameter (oms.vdg.joboutput.maxsize) in the following file:


Example entry:


Units must be specified in kilobytes (K) or megabytes (M).

Example: Creating a Job

This example illustrates how to complete the General, Tasks, Parameters, and Schedule Pages when creating a job. It also describes how to save and submit a job.

  1. Select Create from the Job menu to create a new job. The Create Job property sheet displays.

  2. Do not change the Owner Name.

  3. Enter a name for the new job in the Job Name field of the General Page. You may also enter a description for the job in the Description field.

  4. Select Database from the Destination Type pull-down list.

  5. Do not check the Fixit Job box for this job. You can create jobs that are used specifically as fixit jobs. Fixit jobs can be run automatically in response to an event occurrence. See "Event Parameters Page" on page 5-29 for information on fixit jobs with events.

  6. Select a destination from the Available Destinations list, then click on the << (Add) button to add the destination to the Selected Destinations list. These are destinations where an Intelligent Agent is running. The Job Credentials must be set up correctly for these destinations. See "Job Credentials" on page 4-4 for more information.

  7. Repeat the previous step for another destination. You are choosing the destinations where the job will be run.

  8. Click on the Task Page tab of the Create Job property sheet.

  9. Select Run SQL*Plus Script from the Available Tasks list, then click the << (Add) button to add the task to the Selected Tasks list. For this example, add only the Run SQL*Plus task. You can specify multiple tasks for a job and make a task conditional on a previous task.

  10. Make sure the task is set to run Always. If you specified multiple tasks for this job, you could make a task conditional on a previous task.

  11. Check the box to send an enhanced notification if the job task fails.

  12. Click on the Parameters Page tab of the Create Job property sheet to set the parameters:

A submitted job is sent to the Intelligent Agents at the selected destinations. The Intelligent Agent for a destination begins processing the job, the job appears in the Active Jobs page in the Job window. If the job is processed successfully, the job will start executing on 7/1/2000 at 12:00 AM. After an execution of a job, it is moved to the Job History page of the Job window. You can view the progress of the job and any output in the Job Progress Page.


If you have a domain user set up, you must set the domain password to be the same as the local password in order for scheduled jobs to run when they are submitted using the domain user account. (Windows NT only) 

Oracle Job Tasks

This section lists the Oracle predefined job tasks and parameters for:

This information is entered in the Job Task Page and Job Parameters Page of the Create Job property sheet. The name and the parameters are listed for each task.

Oracle Database Tasks

These are the tasks that can be run on databases and database groups. In addition, you can run operating system or host job tasks.


You need to set up a password file to perform administration tasks on a remote database. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for more information.

Enterprise Manager Wizard Database Tasks

Specific database job tasks are used by the Enterprise Manager data and backup management wizards that are accessed through the Console Navigator popup and main menus. The job tasks are:

Since these job tasks are used only by their respective wizards, the tasks will not have directly editable parameters. To modify parameters for any Wizard database task, click on the Details button located on the Parameters page of the Job property sheet to activate the associated Wizard. For more information about these wizards and associated job tasks, see the Enterprise Manager online help.

Run SQL*Plus Script

This job executes a SQL*Plus script, allowing any legal SQL or PL/SQL scripts to be run, including all SQL*Plus formatting commands. You can copy and paste the text of the script into the Script Text box of the Parameters page (Create Job property sheet), or simply type SQL commands in the Script Text box.

  1. SQL Parameters. Enter one or more arguments that you want the script to use.

  2. Override Preferred Credentials. You can use the preferred credentials that have been set up for the database, or you can enter a username and password. If you check the box to override the credentials, then you need to enter:

    1. User Name. Username for accessing the database.

    2. Password. Password for the username.


See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for more information.

  1. Script Text. You can copy and paste your script into Script Text box.


If you need to determine whether a SQL error has occurred during the running of a SQL script, include "WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE" at the beginning of the script. If a SQL error occurs, the job status is set to failed.

Run DBA Script

This job executes a Server Manager line mode script that contains DBA commands.

  1. Override Preferred Credentials. You can use the preferred credentials that have been set up for the database, or you can enter a username and password. If you check the box to override the credentials, then you need to enter:

    1. User Name. Username for accessing the database.

    2. Password. Password for the username.

    3. Connect As. Select the role you want to connect as from the pull-down list.


See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for more information.

  1. Script Text. You can copy and paste your script into Script Text box.

Shutdown Database

This job task shuts down an Oracle database instance.

  1. Mode:

    • Immediate

    • Abort

  2. Connect As:

    • SYSDBA


  3. Override Preferred Credentials. Check the box if you want to override the preferred credentials that have been set up for the database. If you check the box to override the credentials, then you need to enter:

    1. User Name. Enter the username for accessing the database.

    2. Password. Enter the password for the username.


See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for more information.

Startup Database

This job task starts up an Oracle database instance.

  1. Startup State. Select the start up state from the pull-down list:

    • Startup instance, mount, and open database

    • Startup instance and mount database

    • Startup instance only

  2. Parameter File. Enter the initialization parameter filename you want to use for the database. This file is located on the node where the Intelligent Agent and database reside. For example with a database on a Unix platform:


    If you do not enter a filename, the default platform-specific initialization file is used.

  3. Override Preferred Credentials. Check the box if you want to override the preferred credentials that have been set up for the database. If you check the box to override the credentials, then you need to enter:

    1. User Name. Enter the username for accessing the database.

    2. Password. Enter the password for the username.


See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for more information.

  1. Mount Mode. Select the mount option from the pull-down list:

    • Exclusive

    • Normal

    • Parallel

  2. Connect As. Select the connecting role from the pull-down list:

    • SYSDBA


  3. Restrict Connections. Check this box if you want to restrict this session of the database.

  4. Force Startup. Check this box if you want to force the startup of a database that is running.

Halt Job

Normally, a job stops when all tasks have been executed. In some cases, you may want the job to stop before completing the task sequence, which might be the case when one task in the sequence fails. To handle situations like this, you can include the Halt Job task as part of a composite job to stop execution at any point within the task sequence. You specify the Halt Job task dependency as you would any other task.

Operating System or Host Tasks

These are the tasks that can be run on the host's operating system.

Broadcast Message

This job allows you to submit a message to the selected destinations using the platform-specific mechanism. To send the message to a destination, you may need to have permissions on specific directories. For example, you may need permissions on /dev/console (system console device) to send a message to a Unix destination.


On a Windows platform, this task sends the message to ALL users on the network. To send a message to specific users, use the Run OS Command task to execute the net command with the send option. See the Windows online help for information on net command line arguments. You can also enter

net send /help

at the MSDOS command prompt.


Message Text. Enter the message text that you want sent to the selected destinations.

Run OS Command

This is a generic method of running any program or script that is executable on that host, provided your credentials allow you to do that.

  1. OS command or shell script name. The command or script must be accessible from the node where the Intelligent Agent and database reside. You may have to include the path for the Intelligent Agent to locate and execute the command or script. For example: ls

  2. One or more arguments to the command. For example: -l /export/oracle

Run Tcl Script

This job executes a Tcl script. This is a generic method of running any Tcl script that is executable on that host, provided the preferred credentials allow that. See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for more information.

  1. Parameters. One or more command-line arguments that you want the script to use. The arguments must be delimited by quotes.


Multiple parameters, such as "one two three", are treated as only one parameter. To ensure that the parameters entered in the field are treated as separate arguments and to ensure that the Tcl script functions in future releases, include the following at the beginning of the Tcl script:

set argc [llength $argv]
if { $argc == 1} { set argv [lindex $argv 0]}
  • Script Text. Copy and paste the Tcl script into the Script Text box.

    Tcl Script Examples

    For information on writing Tcl job tasks, see the Intelligent Agent User's Guide. For information on Tcl, see "Tcl and the Tk Toolkit," by John K. Outsterhout, published by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994. For examples of Tcl job scripts, review the scripts located in ORACLE_HOME\network\agent\jobs\oracle subdirectories on the machine where an Intelligent Agent has been installed. Do not edit these Tcl scripts.

    The following is an example of a Tcl script (Unix platform) that logs on to a database and runs a SQL statement:

    set argc [llength $argv]
    if {$argc == 1} {set argv [lindex $argv 0]}
    set connect_str [lindex $argv 0]
    set sql_statement [lindex $argv 1]
    set lda [oralogon $connect_str]
    set cur1 [oraopen $lda]
    orasql $cur1 $sql_statement set result_row [orafetch $cur1] while {$oramsg(rc) == 0} { puts $result_row set result_row [orafetch $cur1] } oraclose $cur1 oralogoff $lda

    When the script is executed with the Run Tcl Script task, the following are examples of command line arguments that should be entered in the Parameters field:

    "scott/" "select * from emp"

    The following is an example of a Tcl script (Unix platform) that displays the contents of a file if it exists and triggers a third-party event if it does not exist:

    set argc [llength $argv]
    if {$argc == 1} {set argv [lindex $argv 0]}
    set myfile [lindex $argv 0]
    append mymessage "File not found:" $myfile
    if {[file exists $myfile]} {
    catfile $myfile
    } else {
    puts $mymessage
    orareportevent /user/host/file/alert $oramsg(nodename) 1 $mymessage

    When the script is executed with the Run Tcl Script task, the following is an example of a command line argument that should be entered in the Parameters field:


    When orareportevent is used to trigger a third-party event with a job script, you need to create and register an event that has the "Unsolicited events" box checked. See "Event General Page" on page 5-26 for more information.

    Listener Tasks

    These are the tasks that can be run on Listeners. In addition, you can run operating system or host job tasks.

    Shutdown Listener

    This stops the Listener. The preferred credentials for the node must have a user that has system administration privileges. See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for information on user preferences.


    Password. Enter a password for the listener if you choose to override the default password.

    Startup Listener

    This can be invoked to start the Listener. The preferred credentials for the node must have a user that has system administration privileges. See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-18 for information on user preferences.




    See "Numeric Pager Job/Event Ids" on page 5-36 for specific ids. 

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