Oracle8i Recovery Manager User's Guide and Reference
Release 2 (8.1.6)







A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 


alert log
control file record messages, 3-47
monitoring overwriting of control file records, 3-48
useful for RMAN, 9-2
allocate channel command (RMAN), 10-10
and multi-threaded server, 10-11, 10-15
for delete option, 5-27, 10-14
for maintenance option, 10-14
alter database command (RMAN), 10-16
OPEN RESETLOGS clause, 3-12
RENAME DATABASE clause, 6-10
BEGIN/END BACKUP clause, 3-35
archived redo logs
backing up, 5-20
using RMAN, 5-9, 5-10
cataloging, 3-9
copies, listing, 4-2
restoring using RMAN, 6-14
RMAN fails to delete, 9-30
archivelogRecoverSpecifier clause (RMAN), 10-18
auxiliary databases
converted filenames, 8-15
using datafile copies, 8-14
auxiliary sets
for RMAN TSPITR, 8-4
naming datafiles in tablespaces, 8-13
available option (RMAN)
change command, 3-13


backup command (RMAN), 1-33, 5-2, 5-28, 10-22
proxy only option, 1-22
proxy option, 1-22
skip offline option, 5-16
backup pieces
restricting size, 1-41, 10-145
backup sets
creating using backup command, 1-39
crosschecking, 3-15
duplexing, 5-23
errors during creation, 1-47
listing, 4-2
multiplexing, 1-42
naming, 1-35
organizing, 1-33
parallelizing creating of, 1-45
restoring without RMAN, 6-37
restricting piece size, 1-41
specifying maximum size (in bytes), 1-39, 1-41
specifying number of, 1-35
testing restore of, 3-24
Backup Solutions Program (BSP), 1-23
Legato Storage Manager (LSM), 1-23
BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES initialization parameter, 5-24
archived redo logs, 5-20
backing up using RMAN, 5-10
using RMAN, 5-9
automatic location using RMAN, 6-17
backup command (RMAN), 5-2
backup sets, 1-32
control file
using for recovery, 6-22
using RMAN, 5-7
correlating RMAN channels with, 9-14
cumulative incremental, 1-53, 1-54, 1-62, 1-65, 5-23
using RMAN, 5-5, 5-6
duplexing, 5-23
failed RMAN, 9-31
full, 1-49
generating reports for, 4-2
hung, 9-23
image copies, 1-32, 1-57
incremental, 1-50, 5-22
differential, 1-51
using RMAN, 5-11
keeping, 5-27
NOARCHIVELOG mode, in, 5-25
noncumulative incremental, 1-52
Parallel Server Environment, 5-26
parallelization, 1-45, 5-24
recovering pre-RESETLOGS, 6-42
recovery catalog, 1-16
using control file as repository, 3-39
reporting objects needing backups, 4-5
RMAN error handling, 5-28
specifying number of files per set, 1-36
split mirror
using RMAN, 5-12
stored scripts, 3-27
using RMAN, 5-5, 5-6
tags, 1-58
troubleshooting failed RMAN, 9-19, 9-22, 9-26, 9-29
types, 1-32
user-created, cataloging, 3-35
using RMAN, 5-2
whole database
using RMAN, 5-3
BEGIN/END clause
ALTER TABLESPACE statement, 3-35
BSP. See Backup Solutions Program


cancelling RMAN commands, 1-12
CASE1.RCV sample script
setting size limits for backup pieces, 2-21
catalog command (RMAN), 3-9, 3-34, 10-35
archived redo logs, 3-9
datafiles, 3-9
cataloging operating system copies, 5-27
CATALOG.SQL script, 3-2
CATPROC.SQL script, 3-2
CATRMAN.SQL script, 3-10
change command (RMAN), 3-15, 10-38
available option, 3-13
delete option, 3-20, 3-36
unavailable option, 3-13
allocating, 1-28
allocating to MTS sessions, 10-11, 10-15
controlling RMAN, 1-28
managing RMAN, 1-28
parellelization of, 1-31
character sets
RMAN errors, 9-32
setting for use with RMAN, 2-3
code examples
description of, 10-5
command files
Recovery Manager, 1-10
command line
arguments for RMAN, 1-10, 10-42
commands, Recovery Manager
allocate channel, 10-10
allocate channel for delete, 5-27
allocate channel for maintenance/delete, 10-14
alter database, 10-16
archivelogRecoverSpecifier clause (RMAN), 10-18
backup, 1-33, 5-2, 5-28, 10-22
proxy only option, 1-22
proxy option, 1-22
skip offline option, 5-16
catalog, 3-9, 3-34, 10-35
change, 3-15, 10-38
delete option, 3-36
configure, 10-47
connect, 10-51, 10-53
copy, 10-55
create catalog, 10-59
create script, 10-61
crosscheck, 10-64
debug, 10-68
delete expired backup, 10-69
delete script, 10-71, 10-72
drop catalog, 3-44, 10-74
duplicate, 1-64, 10-76
execute script, 3-27
host, 10-81
list, 1-24, 10-83
incarnation of database option, 3-13
listObjList clause, 10-92
overview, 1-5
print script, 10-94
recover, 1-61, 6-18, 10-96
register, 3-10, 10-101
release channel, 10-103
release channel (of type maintenance), 10-104
replace script, 10-105
replicate, 6-12, 10-108
replicate controlfile, 6-12
report, 1-26, 10-110
need backup option, 4-5
reset database, 3-12, 10-118
incarnation option, 3-13
restore, 6-19, 10-120
resync catalog, 1-15, 3-29, 10-127
from controlfilecopy option, 3-43
rman, 10-130
run, 10-133
send, 2-22, 10-136
set, 10-138
duplex parameter, 5-24
maxcorrupt for datafile option, 5-28
newname for datafile option, 6-10
set (within run command), 10-142
shutdown, 10-147
sql, 10-150
startup, 10-152
summary, 10-6
switch, 10-154
terminating, 1-12
until, 10-45, 10-156
upgrade catalog, 3-43, 10-158
validate, 10-160
level of recovery catalog, 1-16
recovery catalog
viewing parameter setting, 3-6
Recovery Manager. See Oracle8i Migration
compilation and execution of RMAN commands, 1-6
complete recovery
using RMAN, 6-20
configuration of RMAN
for use with MTS, 2-4
configure compatible command (RMAN), 1-16, 3-4
connect command (RMAN), 10-51, 10-53
connection options
Recovery Manager, 2-9
auxiliary database, 2-12
hiding passwords, 2-13
with a catalog, 2-10
without a catalog, 2-9
restore, 1-60
control file records
overwriting, 3-47
control files
backing up
using RMAN, 5-7
backup and recovery, 6-22
overwriting records, 3-47
restoring, 6-12
using dbid, 6-36
using RMAN, 6-12, 6-13
specifying location of, 2-3
using instead of a recovery catalog, 1-17
CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter, 3-47
preventing overwrite of RMAN records, 3-47
CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter, 6-12, 8-8
copy command (RMAN), 10-55
corrupt datafile blocks
detecting, 1-66, 1-67
maximum acceptable number, 10-143
records in control file, 1-48
RMAN and, 1-47
setting maximum for backup, 5-28
corruption detection, 1-66, 1-67
using set maxcorrupt command, 10-143
create catalog command (RMAN), 10-59
and recovery, 6-18
create script command (RMAN), 10-61
duplicate databases, 7-2
on a remote host, 7-10
recovery catalog, 3-2
test databases, 1-64
crosscheck command (RMAN), 10-64
definition, 1-21
recovery catalog with the media manager, 3-14
cumulative incremental backups, 1-53, 5-23


database schema
generating reports, 4-8
backing up
using Recovery Manager, 1-33
creating duplicate, 7-2
on a remote host, 7-10
creating test, 7-2
db identifier, 3-10
registering in recovery catalog, 3-9
unregistering in recovery catalog, 3-11
backing up
using Recovery Manager, 1-33, 5-5, 5-6
backups needed, listing, 4-10, 4-11, 4-13, 5-16
backups, listing, 4-2
cataloging, 3-9
copies, listing, 4-2
unrecoverable, 4-5
guidelines, 1-61, 6-18
using RMAN, 6-18
restoring, 1-59, 6-2, 6-10
specifying in RMAN commands, 2-3
db identifier, 3-10
obtaining, 6-35
problems registering copied database, 3-10
DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter, 1-65, 8-8
using with RMAN duplicate command, 7-7
DB_NAME initialization parameter, 8-8
debug command (RMAN), 9-8, 10-68
debugging RMAN, 9-8
delete expired backup command (RMAN), 3-21, 10-69
delete script command (RMAN), 10-71, 10-72
backups and image copies, 3-20
obsolete backups and copies, 3-21
differential incremental backups, 1-51
from Recovery Manager, 2-13
disk API, 9-19
disk buffers
tuning for RMAN backups. See Oracle8i Tuning, 1-35
diskratio parameter
backup command (RMAN), 10-29
drop catalog command (RMAN), 10-74
dropping the recovery catalog, 3-44
dummy API, 9-19
duplex parameter (RMAN)
set command, 5-24
duplexing backup sets, 1-44, 5-23
duplicate command (RMAN), 1-64, 10-76
duplicate databases
creating, 1-64, 7-2
non-current, 7-19
on a remote host with same filesystem, 7-11
on local host, 7-17
on remote host with different filesystem, 7-12
DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter, 7-5
failed creation, 9-33
generating filenames, 7-3
nofilenamecheck option, 7-6
restrictions, 7-3
set auxname command (RMAN), 7-5
set newname command (RMAN), 7-5
skipping offline normal tablespaces, 7-6
skipping read-only tablespaces, 7-5
duplicating a database, 1-64
troubleshooting, 9-33


environment variables
error codes
media manager, 9-4
RMAN, 9-2, 9-3
error stacks
interpreting, 9-6
during RMAN backups, 5-28
Recovery Manager, 1-13
expired records
removing from recovery catalog, 3-21


features, new
autolocate option, xv
configure compatible command, xvi
create catalog command, xvii
crosscheck commands, xvi
drop catalog command, xvii
duplexed backup sets, xvii
duplicate command, xvii
media management API 2.0, xvi
remove records from recovery catalog, xvi
report need backup redundancy command, xvii
resetlogs option in RMAN, xvi
RMAN disk affinity, xvii
RMAN TSPITR without catalog, xviii
startup, shutdown, and alter database in RMAN, xvii
unique names for backup pieces by default, xvii
upgrade catalog command, xvii
filesperset parameter
backup command (RMAN), 10-27
specifying number of files in a backup set, 1-36
fractured block detection, 1-67
full backups, 1-49


generating lists using RMAN, 1-24
generating reports, 1-24, 4-5


host command (RMAN), 10-81


image copies, 1-57
crosschecking, 3-17
testing restore of, 3-24
incarnation of database option (RMAN)
list command, 3-13
incarnation option (RMAN)
reset database command, 3-13
incomplete recovery
change-based (RMAN), 6-27
log sequence-based (RMAN), 6-28
restoring in preparation for, 6-16
time-based (RMAN), 6-26
using RMAN, 6-25
with a recovery catalog, 6-26
without a recovery catalog, 6-29, 6-31
incremental backups, 5-22
differential, 1-51
using RMAN, 5-11
initialization parameter file, 1-61, 6-18
initialization parameters
integrity checking, 1-66
interpreting RMAN error stacks, 9-6
I/O errors
effect on backups, 1-47


RMAN, 1-9
monitoring performance, 9-17
monitoring progress, 9-14


kbytes parameter
set command (RMAN), 1-41, 2-21
in syntax diagrams, 10-3


level 0 incremental backups, 1-50
list command (RMAN), 1-24, 10-83
incarnation of database option, 3-13
listObjList clause (RMAN), 10-92
lists (RMAN), 4-2 to 4-4
backups and copies, 4-3, 4-10
backups and copies made before specified date, 4-10
scenarios, 4-10
LOCK_NAME_SPACE initialization parameter, 8-8
log switches
recovery catalog records, 3-34
LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter, 8-8


managing RMAN metadata, 3-1, 7-1
maxcorrupt parameter
set command (RMAN), 10-143
media management
backing up files, 1-20
Backup Solutions Program, 1-23
Legato Storage Manager (LSM), 1-23
crosschecking, 1-21
error codes, 9-4
linking to software, 2-20
maximum file size, 2-21
proxy copy, 1-22
relinking to the API, 9-21
requirements, 2-20
restoring files, 1-21
sbttest program, 1-23, 9-10
sending device-specific strings, 2-22
testing the API, 9-10
troubleshooting, 2-22
unique filenames, generating, 2-21
Media Management Library (MML), 1-20
media recovery
guidelines for, 1-61, 6-18
using Recovery Manager, 1-61, 6-18
managing RMAN, 1-13, 3-1, 7-1
storing in control file, 1-17
mirrored files
using RMAN, 5-12
backups using, 5-12
monitoring RMAN, 9-12
datafiles with Recovery Manager, 1-42
multi-threaded server
allocating channels, 10-11, 10-15
configuring for use with RMAN, 2-4


name translation
for RMAN commands, 1-7
naming backup sets, 1-35
new features
autolocate option, xv
configure compatible command, xvi
create catalog command, xvii
crosscheck commands, xvi
drop catalog command, xvii
duplexed backup sets, xvii
duplicate command, xvii
media management API 2.0, xvi
remove records from recovery catalog, xvi
report need backup redundancy command, xvii
resetlogs option in RMAN, xvi
RMAN disk affinity, xvii
RMAN TSPITR without catalog, xviii
startup, shutdown, and alter database in RMAN, xvii
unique names for backup pieces by default, xvii
upgrade catalog command, xvii
newname for datafile option (RMAN)
set command, 6-10
NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variable, 2-2, 5-21, 6-26
NLS_LANG environment variable, 2-2, 5-21, 6-26
backing up, 5-25
noncumulative incremental backups, 1-52
of pre-8.1.6 control file on NT, 10-123


objects owned by SYS
and TSPITR using RMAN, 8-6
open database backups
fractured block detection during, 1-67
open database recovery
using RMAN, 6-24
ALTER DATABASE statement, 3-12
operating system utilities
copying files with, 5-27
OPS. See Oracle Parallel Server
Oracle Parallel Server
backups and, 5-26
restoring using RMAN, 6-16
overwriting control file records, 3-47


Parallel Server. See Oracle Parallel Server
channels, 1-31
factors affecting degree of, 1-31
of backups using RMAN, 1-45, 5-24
RMAN backups, 1-45, 5-24
in syntax diagrams, 10-3
password files
connecting to Recovery Manager with, 2-10, 2-11
connecting to Recovery Manager without, 2-11
Recovery Manager, 2-2
hiding in RMAN, 2-13
point-in-time recovery
tablespace, 8-2 to 8-15
PRGRMANC.SQL script, 3-19
print script command (RMAN), 10-94
proxy copy
overview, 1-22
proxy only option (RMAN)
backup command, 1-22
proxy option (RMAN)
backup command, 1-22
purging recovery catalog
obsolete records, 3-19
records with DELETED status, 3-19


recovery catalog, 4-2


RC_ARCHIVED_LOG view, 11-2
RC_BACKUP_PIECE view, 11-8
RC_BACKUP_SET view, 11-11
RC_DATABASE view, 11-15
RC_DATAFILE view, 11-16
RC_DATAFILE_COPY view, 11-17
RC_LOG_HISTORY view, 11-18
RC_OFFLINE_RANGE view, 11-19
RC_REDO_LOG view, 11-24
RC_REDO_THREAD view, 11-24
RC_RESYNC view, 11-25
RC_STORED_SCRIPT view, 11-25
RC_TABLESPACE view, 11-26
read-only tablespaces
backing up, 5-16
recover command (RMAN), 1-61, 6-18, 10-96
complete using RMAN, 6-20
in NOARCHIVELOG mode, 6-43
disaster using RMAN, 6-39
inaccessible datafiles
in open database, 6-38
using disk and tape backups, 6-39
incomplete, 6-25
without a recovery catalog, 6-31
without recovery catalog, 6-29
of lost or damaged recovery catalog, 3-42
open database using RMAN, 6-24
preparing for, 6-19
skipping tablespaces during, 6-20
tablespace, 6-23
to log sequence number, 6-28
to SCN, 6-27
to time, 6-26
using backup control file (RMAN), 6-22
using RMAN, 6-18
whole database
using backup control file, 6-22
when control file is intact, 6-21
recovery catalog, 1-14, 2-6 to 3-43
and incomplete recovery, 6-26
backing up, 1-16
using control file as repository, 3-39
O/S backups, 3-34
changing availability of backup, 3-13
changing status of backups to DELETED, 3-18
compatibility, 1-16
viewing, 3-6
compatibility. See Oracle8i Migration
connecting to Recovery Manager with, 2-10, 2-12
connecting to Recovery Manager without, 2-9, 2-11
consequences of using, 2-6
creating, 3-2
8.1.6 catalog usable with pre-8.1.6 RMAN, 3-6
in separate database, 2-6
crosschecking, 3-14
db identifier problems, 3-10
deleting records, 3-20
dropping, 3-44
log switch record, 3-34
managing size of, 3-33
operating with, 1-14
operating without, 1-17
overview, 1-14
purging all records with DELETED status, 3-19
querying, 1-24, 4-2
recovery of lost or damaged, 3-42
refreshing, 3-29
registering databases, 3-9
registering target databases, 3-9
in two catalogs, 3-39
removing records, 3-23
expired, 3-21
obsolete, 3-19, 3-21
resynchronizing, 1-15, 3-29
schema, 2-6
setting up, 3-2
setting compatibility level, 3-4
snapshot control file, 1-15
stored scripts
creating, 3-27
executing, 3-28
UNKNOWN database name, 9-35
unregistering databases, 3-11
after operating system deletions, 3-20
after schema changes, 3-32
upgrading, 3-43
views, 11-1
Recovery Manager
advantages to using, 1-4
allocate channel for maintenance, 10-14
backup sets, 1-39
backup types, 1-32
duplexed backup sets, 1-44
backups, 5-2
archived redo logs, 5-9, 5-10
control file, 5-7
datafile, 5-5, 5-6
fractured block detection, 1-67
image copy, 1-57
incremental, 5-11
tablespace, 5-5, 5-6
using tags, 1-58
whole database, 5-3
channel control
overview, 1-28
managing, 1-28
command line arguments, 1-10
allocate channel, 10-10
allocate channel for delete, 5-27
alter database, 10-16
backup, 1-22, 1-33, 5-2, 5-28
catalog, 3-9, 3-34
change, 3-15, 3-36
configure, 10-47
connect, 10-51
copy, 10-55
create catalog, 10-59
create script, 10-61
crosscheck, 10-64
debug, 10-68
delete expired backup, 10-69
delete script, 10-71
drop catalog, 10-74
duplicate, 10-76
execute script, 3-27
host, 10-81
interactive use of, 1-10
job, 1-9
job commands, 1-9
list, 3-13
overview, 1-5
print script, 10-94
recover, 1-61, 6-18
register, 3-10
release channel, 10-103
replace script, 10-105
replicate controlfile, 6-12
report, 4-5
reset database, 3-12
restore, 6-19
resync catalog, 3-43
rman, 10-130
run, 10-133
send, 2-22
set, 5-24, 6-10
shutdown, 10-147
sql, 10-150
stand-alone, 1-9
stand-alone commands, 1-8
startup, 10-152
switch, 10-154
upgrade catalog, 10-158
using command files, 1-10
validate, 10-160
compatibility. See Oracle8i Migration
compilation and execution of commands, 1-6
duplicate database, 2-12
with password files, 2-10, 2-11
with recovery catalog, 2-10, 2-12
without password files, 2-11
without recovery catalog, 2-9, 2-11
connection options, 2-9
auxiliary database, 2-12
hiding passwords, 2-13
with a catalog, 2-10
without a catalog, 2-9
backup, 1-56
restore, 1-60
corrupt datafile blocks, 1-66, 1-67
handling I/O errors and, 1-47
creating duplicate databases, 7-2
crosschecking recovery catalog, 3-14
database character set, 2-3
dates in commands, 2-3
debugging, 9-8
disconnecting from, 2-13
error codes, 9-3
error messages, 9-2
error stacks
interpreting, 9-6
errors, 1-13
fractured block detection in, 1-67
hanging backups, 9-23
image copy backups, 1-57
incomplete recovery
with a recovery catalog, 6-26
without a recovery catalog, 6-29
incremental backups
cumulative, 1-53
differential, 1-51
level 0, 1-50
integrity checking, 1-66
interactive use of commands, 1-10
introduction, 1-2
monitoring progress, 9-14
lists, 4-2
media management
backing up files, 1-20
Backup Solutions Program (BSP), 1-23
crosschecking, 1-21
maximum file size, 2-21
media manager, linking with a, 2-20
proxy copy, 1-22
requirements, 2-20
restoring files, 1-21
testing, 1-23
unique filenames, 2-21
metadata, 1-13, 3-1, 7-1
storing in control file, 1-17
monitoring, 9-12, 9-17
datafiles, 1-42
name translation, 1-7
overview, 1-4
parallelization of backups, 1-45
password files, 2-2
PL/SQL job steps, 1-7
recovery, 6-18
after total media failure, 6-39
complete, 6-20
incomplete, 6-25
open database, 6-24
using backup control file, 6-22
recovery catalog, 1-14
backing up, 3-37
changing availability of backups and copies, 3-13
creating a separate database, 2-6
crosschecking, 3-14
deciding whether to use, 2-6
losing control files when not using a, 1-18
managing the size of, 3-33
operating with, 1-14
operating without, 1-17
querying, 1-24, 4-2
recovering lost or damaged, 3-42
registering databases, 3-9
removing records, 3-23
resynchronizing, 3-29
schema, 3-2
snapshot control file, 1-15
updating after schema changes, 3-32
upgrading, 3-43
registering databases, 3-10
reports, 4-5
database schema, 4-8
objects needing a backup, 4-5
obsolete backups, 4-6, 4-8
resetting database information, 3-12
restoring, 6-2
archived redo logs, 6-14
control files to default location using recovery catalog, 6-12
control files to new location without recovery catalog, 6-13
database to default location, 6-3
datafiles, 1-59
RPC calls and, 9-25
sample scripts, 2-22
sbttest program, 1-23, 2-22
security, 2-13
setting time parameters, 2-2
snapshot control file location, 2-3
stored scripts, 1-11
symbolic links for filenames, 10-123
syntax conventions, 10-2
tablespace point-in-time recovery, 1-63
tags for backups, 1-58
terminating commands, 1-12
test disk API, 9-19
tuning backups and restores. See Oracle8i Tuning
types of backups, 1-57
using RMAN commands, 1-5
recovery sets
containing whole tables, 8-6
for RMAN TSPITR, 8-4
register command (RMAN), 3-9, 3-10, 10-101
release channel command (RMAN), 10-103
releasing a maintenance channel, 10-104
relinking to the media management API, 9-21
removing records from the recovery catalog, 3-23
ALTER DATABASE statement, 6-10
replace script command (RMAN), 10-105
replicate command (RMAN), 6-12, 10-108
report command (RMAN), 1-26, 10-110
need backup option, 4-5
reports (RMAN)
database incarnations, 4-13
database schema, 4-13
datafiles needing backups, 4-10
deleted backups and copies, 4-13
obsolete backups and copies, 4-11, 4-12
unrecoverable datafiles, 4-11
reports, generating, 4-2, 4-5
database schema, 4-8
objects needing a backup, 4-5
obsolete backups, 4-6, 4-8
scenarios, 4-10, 4-11, 4-13
unrecoverable backups, 4-6, 4-8
reset database command (RMAN), 3-12, 10-118
incarnation option, 3-13
restore command (RMAN), 6-19, 10-120
restore constraints, 1-60
restore validation, 3-24
backup control file
using dbid, 6-36
backup set without using RMAN, 6-37
control files, 6-12
database to default location, 6-3
database to new host with same file system, 6-4
using recovery catalog, 6-5
without recovery catalog, 6-6
datafiles, 1-59, 6-2, 6-10
how RMAN chooses, 1-60
in an OPS configuration using RMAN, 6-16
tablespaces, 6-10
testing, 3-24
resync catalog command (RMAN), 1-15, 3-29, 10-127
from controlfilecopy option, 3-43
resynchronizing the recovery catalog, 1-15, 3-29
rman command (RMAN), 10-130
RMAN. See Recovery Manager
RMAN1.SH script, 3-19, 3-21
rollback segments
and RMAN TSPITR, 8-6
run command (RMAN), 10-130, 10-133


sample scripts
RMAN, 2-22
and RMAN, 9-3
sbttest program, 1-23, 2-22, 9-10
scenarios, Recovery Manager
backing up archived redo logs, 5-20
cataloging operating system copies, 5-27
deleting obsolete backups and copies, 4-11
duplexing backup sets, 5-23
handling backup errors, 5-28
incremental backups, 5-22
incremental cumulative backups, 5-23
listing backups and copies, 4-10
listing obsolete backups and copies, 4-10
maintaining backups and copies, 5-27
NOARCHIVELOG backups, 5-25
OPS backups, 5-26
parallelization of backups, 5-24
recovering pre-resetlogs backup, 6-42, 6-43
recovery after total media failure, 6-39
reporting database schema, 4-13
reporting datafiles needing backups, 4-10, 5-16
reporting obsolete backups, 4-11
reporting unrecoverable datafiles, 4-11
restoring when databases share name, 6-35
setting size of backup sets, 5-18
updating recovery catalog, 3-32
scripts, Recovery Manager
Recovery Manager, 2-13
send command (RMAN), 2-22, 10-136
set archivelog destination command (RMAN), 6-14
set command (RMAN), 10-138
autolocate option
using in OPS configuration, 6-17
duplex parameter, 5-24
executed within run, 10-142
maxcorrupt for datafile option, 5-28
newname parameter, 1-65, 6-10
set newname command (RMAN)
during database restore, 6-3
setsize parameter
backup command (RMAN), 1-40, 10-29
shutdown command (RMAN), 10-147
size of backup sets, setting, 1-41
skip offline option (RMAN)
backup command, 5-16
skip readonly option (RMAN)
backup command, 5-16
snapshot control files, 1-15
specifying location, 2-3
split mirrors
using as backups, 5-12
sql command (RMAN), 10-150
stand-alone Recovery Manager commands, 1-8
startup command (RMAN), 10-152
stored scripts
creating, 3-27
creating RMAN, 3-27
deleting, 3-28
executing, 3-28
executing RMAN, 3-28
listing all, 3-29
managing, 3-27
printing, 3-29
Recovery Manager, 1-11
replacing, 3-28
switch command (RMAN), 10-154
symbolic links
and RMAN, 10-123
syntax conventions
Recovery Manager, 10-2
syntax diagrams
explanation of, 10-2
keywords, 10-3
parameters, 10-3
SYSDBA option
not needed for RMAN, 2-10


tablespace backups
using RMAN, 5-5, 5-6
tablespace point-in-time recovery
using RMAN, 1-63
introduction, 8-2
performing, 8-10
planning for, 8-4
preparing the auxiliary instance, 8-7
recovery sets containing whole tables, 8-6
restrictions, 8-4
tuning considerations, 8-13
backing up, 5-16
recovering accessible
when database is closed, 6-23
when database is open, 6-24
recovering inaccessible
when database is closed, 6-23
when database is open, 6-24
restoring, 6-10
tags, 1-58
tape buffers
tuning for RMAN backups. See Oracle8i Tuning, 1-35
target database
definition, 1-2
terminating RMAN commands, 1-12
test databases, creating, 1-64
test disk API, 9-19
media manager, 1-23
testing the media management API, 9-10
time parameters
setting for Recovery Manager use, 2-2
trace files
and RMAN, 9-2
media manager configurations, 2-22
TS_PITR_CHECK view, 8-6
TSPITR. See tablespace point-in-time recovery.
Recovery Manager performance. See Oracle8i Tuning


unavailable option (RMAN)
change command, 3-13
unregistering a database from the recovery catalog, 3-11
until clause (RMAN), 10-45, 10-156
updating records in recovery catalog, 3-18
upgrade catalog command (RMAN), 10-158
upgrading the recovery catalog, 3-43
user-created backup files
cataloging, 3-35
operating system, using to make copies, 5-27


V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION view, 1-48, 10-27
V$LONGOPS view, 1-48
V$PROCESS view, 9-13
V$SESSION view, 9-13
V$SESSION_WAIT view, 9-13
validate command (RMAN), 10-160
validation of restore, 3-24
recovery catalog, 11-1


whole database backups
using RMAN, 5-3

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