Oracle eMail Server Installation Guide
Release 5.2

Part Number A86742-01



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This chapter describes tasks to be done after Oracle eMail Server has been installed or upgraded.

The chapter contains this topic:

Postinstallation Tasks

Perform the tasks described in this section after completing an Oracle eMail Server installation.

Task 1: Verifying the Network Services Setup

Task 2: Starting the Oracle eMail Server Service

Task 3: Registering the SMTP Gateway with Sendmail

Task 4: Setting up ESPrefs

Task 5: Setting Up the ESPrefs Server

Task 6: Migrating Directory Data to an LDAP Directory

Task 7: Configuring eMail Server Thin Client

Task 8: Configuring Protocol Servers

Task 9: Loading Shipped Statistics File for the Cost Based Optimization (Optional)

Task 10: Configure Oracle Enterprise Manager E-mail Capacity Monitoring Pack (Optional)

Task 1: Verifying the Network Services Setup

The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) creates a new tnsnames.ora file in the
ORACLE_HOME\network\admin directory if none exists. If it exists, the OUI appends the contents of the new tnsnames.ora to the existing one. To use information from the new listener.ora, edit the existing one and manually add information from the new one.

A copy of the new tnsnames.ora and listener.ora is created in the
ORACLE_HOME\office\network directory. Ensure that the files contain the same value for the domain as the sqlnet.ora file.

Task 2: Starting the Oracle eMail Server Service

To start eMail Server automatically, perform the following procedure:

  1. Start Oracle eMail Server by starting the OracleEmailServerSID service. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services.

  2. Locate and select the entry for OracleEmailServerSID in the services list and select Start.

    See Also:

    Oracle eMail Server Administrator's Guide for instructions on manually starting Oracle eMail Server processes 

To manually start eMail Server, choose Start > Programs > Command Prompt and enter the following:

SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> startup
SVRMGR> exit

C:\>ofcguard start
C:\>oomgr admin/password/connect_string/qualified_domain_name
IOFCMGR> startup all;

Started successfully
IOFCMGR> exit;

Task 3: Registering the SMTP Gateway with Sendmail

After creating the gateway configuration file, register the gateway with Sendmail, the standard mail transfer agent that handles all messages traveling to and from the Internet. To register the gateway with Sendmail, specify gateway information in the file so that Sendmail can forward messages coming in from the Internet.


You can use any version of Sendmail 8.9 or later, supplied with your operating system. For download instructions and documentation on Sendmail, go to (for commercial versions got to 


The Sendmail file can require configuration steps in addition to those provided here, depending on how many gateways you are using and the complexity of your system. See the Sendmail documentation for more information.  


Oracle Support Services can only provide information for the basic Sendmail configuration required to receive messages. For more complex configurations, contact the distributor of your Sendmail program. 

Perform the following tasks to register the SMTP gateway with Sendmail.

  1. Using a text editor, modify the file, usually located in the Sendmail installation directory, by adding the following information about the SMTP/MIME mailer to the end of the file:

    Mofcmail, P=ORACLE_HOME\\bin\\ofcuto.exe, F=xrlSsDCFMPpmnA, S=10, R=20,
    A=ofcuto - -u SMTP_GATEWAY_NAME -t 10 - \"$g\"\"$a\"$b\"\"$f\"
    \"$x\" ( $u )
    Mlocal, P=ORACLE_HOME\\bin\\ofcuto.exe, F=xrlSsDCFMPpmnA, S=10, R=20,
    A=ofcuto - -u SMTP_GATEWAY_NAME -t 10 - \"$g\"\"$a\"$b\"\"$f\"
    \"$x\" ( $u )


    Mofcmail tells Sendmail to run the eMail Server mailer. The mailer delivers the message to the Gateway process, which then inserts the message into the eMail Server database. You can specify a different mailer name. See the Sendmail documentation for more information about mailers. 

    Replace  With 


    Enter the full path for the ORACLE_HOME directory where eMail Server is installed. Each folder must separated by two backslashes ("\\"). For example: C:\\oracle\\ora81


    Enter the name of the gateway configuration file. The default filename is smtp.cfg


    Press the Tab key where indicated instead of the space bar. 

  2. In the machine-dependent section of the file, add one of the following entries to the second-to-last entry of ruleset 0 before the local names line:

    ## Oracle eMail Server: Hook to Oracle eMail Server mailer
    R$+.ofcmail [tab][tab] $#ofcmail $:$1 [tab][tab] Oracle eMail Server passoff


## Oracle eMail Server: Hook to Oracle eMail Server mailer
R$+.OFCMAIL [tab][tab] $#ofcmail $:$1 [tab][tab] Oracle eMail Server passoff

  • In the list of trusted users in the file, add the user name of the owner of the eMail Server ORACLE_HOME directory.


    Trusted users such as root, daemon, and uucp generally begin with a "T". 

    T root daemon uucp Oracle eMail Server_owner
  • After modifying the file and the rc.local file, restart Sendmail.

  • Set up aliases to redirect incoming mail to the gateway.

  • Verify that the sendmail.exe file is in the system environment variable called PATH.

    Task 4: Setting up ESPrefs


    ESPrefs requires Oracle9i Application Server and must be installed on the same ORACLE_HOME where Oracle9i Application Server is installed. 

    Perform the following steps to set up ESPrefs.

    1. Copy the espref directory located in ORACLE_HOME\office\admin to the host where the web server is running. The espref directory contains the following directories:

      • beans

      • config

      • jsp

      • media

    2. Expand the espref.jar file:

         C:\>cd ORACLE_HOME\office\admin\espref\beans
         C:\>jar xvf espref.jar
    3. Edit the configuration files located in the espref\config directory. The configuration files are text files, where each entry is separated by a space.

      The configuration files are:

      • esConnectStrings.cfg

      • esDomains.cfg

      • esPrefs.cfg


      The esConnectStrings.cfg file contains the following connect information for all the nodes in the system:

        • connectstring = database connect string

        • host = host name of the database

        • SID = SID of the database

        • port = port number on which the sqlnet listener is running.

      All entries in the file must be formatted in the following way:

      connectstring  host  SID  port
      imapmail  mail 1521


      The esDomains.cfg file lists the following domain information:

        • domain = domain name

        • host = name of the DCN node

        • SID = SID of the database

        • port = port number on which the sqlnet listener is running.

      All entries in the file must be formatted in the following way:

      domain  host  SID  port
      Example  mail 1521


      Only one entry per domain is required. 



      The esPrefs.cfg file contains an array of key and value pairs the administrator sets to enable subscribers to set the auto-reply and auto-forward templates. This must be set to either Yes or No, depending on the administrator's preference.

      Format the values in the following way:

      AutoReplySet  Yes/No
      AutoForwardSet  Yes/No

      Task 5: Setting Up the ESPrefs Server

      To configure the ESPrefs server, set the path of the configuration directory.

      1. Set up the Oracle9i Application Server configuration file.

        Use a text editor to open the file located in the
        ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Jserv\conf directory and add the following two lines to the end of the file:

        \espref\config\ wrapper.classpath=ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\htdocs\espref
      2. Restart Oracle9i Application Server using either the command prompt or from the Start menu.

        At the command prompt, enter the following commands:

        C:\>cd ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\bin
        C:\>.\apachectl stop
        C:\>.\apachectl start

        From the Start menu, choose Start > Programs > HOME_NAME - iSuites > Oracle HTTP Server > Start HTTP Server powered by Apache.

      3. Test to ensure that ESPrefs operates properly. Open a browser and enter the following URL:


        You should see the logon page.

      Task 6: Migrating Directory Data to an LDAP Directory

      Export private aliases and distribution lists from the eMail Server directory to an LDAP directory. To replicate data from the eMail Server directory to an LDAP directory, you must run a migration script to create data files that you can import into the LDAP directory.


      The private aliases and distribution lists that were stored in the eMail Server directory can be migrated to a standard-based LDIF representation of this data. However, to store these in the directory, use the Thin Client. 


      eMail Server Version 5.2 has a PL/SQL package that migrates the data to an LDIF file. Ensure that the database parameter UTL_FILE_DIR has been specified in the initSID.ora file. The script that starts the migration is Use MKS Toolkit to invoke the script. 


      You must run the migration script to use the client's address book search feature. 

      Use the following procedure to replicate the private aliases, distribution lists, and public data from the eMail Server directory to an LDAP directory:

      1. Manually invoke the scripts that generate the following two data files in the ORACLE_HOME\bin directory:

        • replog.log contains all data except private aliases and distribution lists

        • private_aliases_and_dls.log contains only private aliases and distribution lists

      2. If you are using Oracle Internet Directory for the LDAP directory, configure the initial context and add the initial directory tree before importing the data.

      3. Start the LDAP server.

      4. Insert the eMail Server database schema (not the data) into the Oracle Internet Directory database. Using the command prompt, enter the following:

        C:\>cd ORACLE_HOME\office\admin\rsql
        C:\>ldapadd -h hostname -D "cn=orcladmin" -w password -p 389 -f add_ldap_
        C:\>ldapadd -h hostname -D "cn=orcladmin" -w password -p 389 -f add_ldap_

        Replace hostname with the name of the machine on which Oracle Internet Directory is running.

        If you are using a third-party LDAP directory, you must define the eMail Server database schema specified in the add_ldap_attr.dat and add_ldap_obj.dat files before importing the data into the directory.

        See Also:

        The documentation for the third-party LDAP directory for instructions on how to do this 

      5. Use a text editor to create two files (initial.ldif and domain.ldif) for the LDAP domain context. This is essential for synchronizing eMail Server database schema with the LDAP server.

        changetype: modify
        replace: namingcontexts
        namingcontexts: dc=top_level_domain
        dn: dc=top_level_domain
        dc: top_level_domain
        objectclass: domain
        objectclass: top
        dn: dc=subdomain,dc=top_level_domain
        dc: subdomain
        objectclass: domain
        objectclass: top

        Repeat the last four lines for every subdomain in the hierarchy.

      6. Add the initial.ldif and domain.ldif files to the LDAP server using the following commands:

        C:\>ldapmodify -h hostname -D "cn=orcladmin" -w password -p 389 -f 
        C:\>ldapadd -h hostname -D "cn=orcladmin" -w password -p 389 -f domain.ldif
      7. Copy the replog.log and private_aliases_and_dls.log files to the \temp directory of the LDAP server.

      8. Check the eMail Server directory entries in the replog.log file for erroneous data, by running the following command on the LDAP server as the LDAP directory database owner:

        C:\>ORACLE_HOME\ldap\bin\ -connect service_name -check -generate 


        ORACLE_HOME is located where the LDAP server is installed. 

        Replace service_name with the LDAP directory database service name in the tnsnames.ora file.

      9. If the bulkload check is successful, the files in the ORACLE_HOME\ldap\log directory show no errors. Bulk load the data on the LDAP server as follows:

        C:\> -connect service_name -load -generate


        The script is located in the
        ORACLE_HOME\ldap\bin directory on the LDAP server. 

        Replace service_name with the LDAP directory database service name in the tnsnames.ora file.

        At this point, all directory objects except private aliases and distribution lists are loaded into the directory.

      10. To load the private aliases and distribution lists into the directory, begin by running one of the following commands on eMail Server:

      Task 7: Configuring eMail Server Thin Client

      The Thin Client is an application that provides access to e-mail functions, directory, and message searching capability from a single web page. You can customize the Thin Client to support your working style. With the Thin Client, you can compose new messages, organize existing messages and message folders, search for messages, create address book aliases and distribution lists, change your password, check mail quotas, change time zones, create mail rules and filters, and customize the look of the Thin Client.


      The Thin Client requires Oracle9i Application Server and must be installed on the ORACLE_HOME where Oracle9i Application Server is installed. 

      1. Use Windows NT Explorer to move the and files from ORACLE_HOME\office\admin (where ORACLE_HOME is the directory where eMail Server is installed) to ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\htdocs (where ORACLE_HOME is the directory in which Oracle9i Application Server is installed).

      2. Use a compression utility to expand the file into the ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\htdocs directory. This creates a new directory called esclient into which all the files from the file are extracted.

      3. Use a compression utility to expand the file into the ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\htdocs\esclient\lib directory.

      To set up Oracle9i Application Server to run the Thin Client, perform the following steps:

      1. Open ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Jserv\conf\ and use a text editor, such as Notepad, to insert the following lines into the file:

        \esclient\ wrapper.classpath=ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\htdocs\esclient\lib\j2ee.jar wrapper.classpath=ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\htdocs\esclient\lib\ wrapper.classpath=ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\htdocs\esclient\lib\ldap.jar wrapper.classpath=ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\htdocs\esclient\lib\es.jar
      2. Use a text editor to verify or insert the following lines into the file, located in the ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Jserv

      3. Configure Oracle Internet Directory by loading *.dat files as follows:

        C:\>ldapadd -h host -D 'cn=orcladmin' -w password -f *.dat

        See Also:

        Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide for more information about loading the preferences schema manually using the Oracle Internet Directory administrator's console. The orclMailApplicationPreferences.readme file contains a list of required attributes. 

        Load the oracle.ldif file as follows:

        C:\>ldapadd -h host -D 'cn=orcladmin' -w password -f oracle.ldif
      4. Configure the file located in the ORACLE_HOME\Apache
        \Apache\htdocs\esclient directory using a text editor. Instructions on how to configure the file are located within the file.

      5. Test to ensure that the Thin Client works. Restart Oracle9i Application Server (see Task 5: Setting Up the ESPrefs Server, Step 2) open a browser, and enter the following url:


        Where hostname:port refers to the Oracle9i Application Server hostname and port.

        You should see the logon page.

      Task 8: Configuring Protocol Servers

      Depending upon how you utilize Oracle eMail Server (such as number of users and number of messages), you may find that the default settings in the scalable protocol server (SPS) files are too low. Monitor the IMAP4 log file,
      node_name_imap01.log, located in the ORACLE_HOME\office\log\SID directory while the system is in use, to determine whether or not the protocol servers are adequately configured.

      See Also:

      Oracle eMail Server Administrator's Guide, Chapter 10, for information and instructions regarding configuration of the SPS files. 

      Task 9: Loading Shipped Statistics File for the Cost Based Optimization (Optional)

      Perform the following steps to import the statistics file:

      1. Set the ORACLE_HOME by entering the following command:

      2. Enter the path of the statistics file:

        C:\>ORACLE_HOME\office\admin\pckg\apply_stats.cmd system_password

      Task 10: Configure Oracle Enterprise Manager E-mail Capacity Monitoring Pack (Optional)


      To use the Monitoring Pack, Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) and the associated Diagnostic Pack are required. Please contact Oracle Sales for more information. 

      The Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) Capacity Monitoring Pack allows an administrator to monitor e-mail traffic on the server.


      You must be using a TCP/IP network protocol. 

      1. Install OEM, including the Diagnostic Pack.

      2. Discover a node with Oracle database server and applications installed.

      3. The Navigator provides access to the Discovery/Refresh Wizard, which simplifies identifying network services and populating the Navigator tree. These services, such as databases and listeners, can be administered with OEM components. If you cannot discover a node (because an Agent is not running on the node), the Discovery/Refresh Wizard allows you to manually enter the information about services on nodes.

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