Oracle Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle9i Application Server
Release 1.0.2 for Windows NT and UNIX

Part Number A86784-02





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Running Report Requests

This chapter discusses various ways to specify report requests. The following topics are covered:

4.1 Report Request Methods

You can run report requests using various request methods, described below:

4.2 Duplicate Job Detection

When you run a report with the DESTYPE set to cache or the TOLERANCE set to any number of minutes (that is, 0 or greater), a copy of the report output is saved in the Oracle Reports Services cache. Subsequently, if an identical report is run (that is, with the exact command line arguments), then the current request is recognized as a duplicate job. Oracle Reports Services reuses the output from the cache instead of executing the report again if it is requested within the specified tolerance (for example, TOLERANCE=10). When the prior job is finished, or if it has already finished, the cached output will be used for the subsequent report, too. If one of the jobs is canceled (for example, canceled from the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager), then the runtime engine will run the other report normally.

Refer to Appendix B, "RWCLI60 Command Line Arguments" for more information about the DESTYPE and TOLERANCE command line arguments.

4.2.1 Usage Notes

You might find the following usage notes helpful:

4.3 Using a Key Map File

If you choose to provide users with the URL syntax or add the URL syntax as a hyperlink to any Web site, then you can use a key map file to simplify or hide parameters in your URL requests. Key mapping is useful for:

A more convenient and secure way to publish reports on a Web site is to create an Oracle Portal component. See Chapter 5, "Oracle Reports Services Security with Oracle Portal" for more information.

A map file takes a URL parameter and maps it to the command line arguments that govern the report request. For example, one argument in the URL request syntax could map to all of the command line arguments needed to run the report. By using key mapping, the command line arguments are all hidden from the user.

Below is an example of a key mapping for a restricted run with a Parameter Form.

A submission of:


where the key mapping file contains:

KEY: module=myreport deptno=%1 myparam=%2 %* 

generates the equivalent of the following command line request:

RWCLI60 module=myreport deptno=par1 myparam=par2 parN

4.3.1 Enabling Key Mapping

Key mapping is enabled when either of the two following conditions are met:

Usage Notes

The following usage notes might be helpful for key mapping:

4.3.2 Mapping URL Parameters

This section describes how to add key mapping entries to a key map file.

On the Web server machine:

  1. Open the cgicmd.dat (CGI) file, located in the ORACLE_HOME\REPORT60 directory, in a text editor.

    Tip: Type: http://your_webserver/cgi-bin/rwcgi60.exe/showmap? in your Web browser to verify the name of the mapping file that is being used.

  2. Add a key mapping entry. A basic key mapping entry looks similar to the following, where key1 is the name of the key:

    key1: REPORT=your_report.rdf USERID=user_name/password@mydb DESFORMAT=html 
    SERVER=repserver DESTYPE=cache

    Except for the special parameters that are described in the file itself, the command line arguments follow the syntax rules of RWCLI60. See Appendix B, "RWCLI60 Command Line Arguments" for more information about the RWCLI60 command line arguments.

    If you set the REPORTS60_REPORTS_SERVER environment variable and are sending the request to the default server, then you can omit the SERVER command line argument. See Appendix D, "Environment Variables" for more information.

  3. Add or update the hyperlinks on your Web page. See Section 4.4.2, "Specifying a Report Request from a Web Browser".

4.4 Specifying Report Requests

You can specify reports by:

4.4.1 Building a Report

To build a report, you do the following:

  1. On the machine where your Oracle Reports Services is located, create the reports source directory (for example, C:\WEB_REPORTS) for saving the reports using the path. Ensure that this directory is set in the SOURCEDIR parameter in the Oracle Reports Services configuration file. See Appendix C, "Oracle Reports Services Configuration Parameters".

    The reports source path can also be set in the REPORTS60_PATH environment variable. See Appendix D, "Environment Variables" for more information.

    Start the Oracle Reports Services Builder and build a report. You can save this report as an RDF or REP file. Be sure to copy this report definition file to the reports source directory on Oracle Reports Services machine (for example, C:\WEB_REPORTS). Refer to the Building Reports manual or Oracle Reports Services Builder online help for more information about building a report. To access Oracle Reports Services Builder only help, click on the Help icon and do the following steps:

    1. For online help on this task, choose Help->Report Builder Help Topics.

    2. On the Index page, type the following:

      report, building
    3. Then click Display to view the following help topic:

      Building a standard report

  2. Make this report available to users. See Section 4.4.2, "Specifying a Report Request from a Web Browser" for more information.

4.4.2 Specifying a Report Request from a Web Browser

You can provide the user with the URL syntax needed to make a report request, or you can add the URL syntax to a Web page as a hyperlink.

A more convenient and secure way to publish reports on a Web site is to create an Oracle Portal component. See Chapter 5, "Oracle Reports Services Security with Oracle Portal" for more information.

URL syntax can be presented in the following forms:

If you set the REPORTS60_REPORTS_SERVER environment variable and are sending the request to the default server, then you can omit the SERVER command line argument. See Appendix D, "Environment Variables" for more information.

To add the URL syntax to a Web page as a hyperlink:

  1. Request as a hyperlink to your Web page your syntax would look similar to the following:

    <A HREF="http://my_webserver/cgi-bin/rwcgi60.exe?key1>My report> </A>
  2. Provide users the Web site URL that publishes the report request. Users click the link to run the report.

If the report does not run or display in Web browser as expected, then refer to Appendix G, "Troubleshooting" for more information.

4.4.3 Scheduling Reports to Run Automatically

You can also use the server to run reports automatically from the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager or from Oracle Portal. The scheduling feature enables you to specify a time and frequency for the report to run.

Refer to the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager online help for more information about scheduling your reports.

If you publish your reports on an Oracle Portal site as an Oracle Portal component, then you can schedule these report requests to run automatically and push the resulting reports to specified folders on the site. Refer to Chapter 5, "Oracle Reports Services Security with Oracle Portal" for more information.

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