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Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for Siebel 2000 Installation and User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10417-01
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Oracle connects to Siebel through Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for Siebel 2000 (Siebel 2000 adapter). This chapter covers the following topics:

What is Siebel?

Siebel is a software application that allows organizations to maintain a single source for customer information. Using Siebel, an organization can better facilitate the sales and marketing forces by concentrating all customer information into one source. This source is accessible using multiple channels. A field sales person can consult the Web, the company call center, or any number of networks to access information needed for a customer.

The Siebel eBusiness Application Solution consists of the Siebel Call Center and the Siebel Sales applications. The Siebel Call center application is a full feature contact center. The call center provides a closed loop, seamless, information flow over multi-channel sales, marketing, and customer service operations. The Siebel Sales application enables field sales organizations to share information across sales teams, manage sales pipelines, and sell collaborately across geographies, time zones, and currencies. Under the hood, all applications use Business Components and Business Services. Business Components are representations of a set of one or more joined tables.

See Also:

Chapter 4, "Business Component Relationships" for information on Business Components

Supported Systems

Table 1-1 lists the system to which the Siebel 2000 adapter connects:

Table 1-1 Siebel supported systems.
Component Support Required Software

Siebel Adapter

6.2.1 with patch 110 or higher

See Also:

Oracle Application Server InterConnect Installation Guide for hardware requirements

Supported Platforms

The following platforms support the Siebel 2000 adapter:

Required Files

The Siebel 2000 adapter uses the following .jar files at both runtime and design time:

Post Installation Settings

Siebel may require many open database cursors if one is running any kind of remote client, such as Siebel tools, Siebel client, or Oracle Application Server InterConnect.

The default setting in the ora*.ini file is 100 open cursors maximum. This is not sufficient. Siebel recommends 1500 when using remote clients. You can edit this file using a text editor. Your file name may vary. The Oracle Installation determines the name of the ora*.ini file.

Siebel Application Server Configuration

Siebel requires that you enable the Siebel Thin Client Enterprise Component to allow any thin client to communicate remotely with the Siebel Application Server. Ensure that the Siebel Thin Client Enterprise component is enabled on the server.

  1. Log on using the Siebel Client (with Server Administration enabled).

    The user ID must have sufficient authorization to make server management changes.

  2. Select Screens->Server Administration->Enterprise Configuration->Enterprise Component Groups.

    Text description of serveradmin.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration serveradmin.gif

  3. Ensure that the Thin Client component is enabled.

    Text description of componentgroup.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration componentgroup.gif

    If it is not enabled, check the component in the list and press Enable.

    Text description of enterprisecomponent.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration enterprisecomponent.gif

  4. Restart the machine to ensure that the settings are registered and the component started.

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