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Oracle® Application Server Integration Adapter for VSAM Installation and User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10457-01
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Using Interactions in a Business Process

After the VSAM data source and the Oracle Connect for VSAM backend adapter have been modeled as described in Chapter 3, "Modeling Interactions for Oracle Application Server Integration Adapter for VSAM", the interactions can be used in a business process in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. You define a delivery channel for the VSAM adapter part of the Oracle Application Server Integration Adapter for VSAM. This delivery channel is used during the modeling in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect with the interactions defined for the adapter in Oracle Studio in a business process.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Adding the VSAM Adapter in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect

When adding the adapter type during the application definition, specify VSAM Adapter.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User's Guide for details of setting up applications in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect

Setting Up the Delivery Channel

Part of the application definition includes adding a delivery channel for the Oracle Application Server Integration Adapter for VSAM.

The delivery channel identifies where the OS/390 database adapter is located and the necessary security and encryption requirements to access the adapter.

Task: Setting Up the Delivery Channel

  1. In the Create Delivery Channel page for the adapter, add the following information to create a delivery channel.

    Field Description


    A name for this delivery channel

    You must provide a value for this field

    The Adapter Name

    The name of the Oracle Connect for VSAM backend adapter to use, as defined in Oracle Studio. You can check the name specified for the adapter in Oracle Studio

    You must provide a value for this field

    The Workspace to use

    The name of a server workspace to use. Leave blank to use the default workspace. If you used another workspace when modeling the adapter in Oracle Studio, you can check the workspace name in the Configuration perspective in Oracle Studio

    The Remote machine Name

    The server machine TCP/IP host name. The host name is the name of the machine where the Oracle Connect for VSAM backend adapter was defined using Oracle Studio

    You must provide a value for this field

    The Port to connect

    The TCP/IP port where the daemon is running on the server. The default port is 2552. If you specified another port when modeling the adapter in Oracle Studio, you can check the port specified by right-clicking on the machine in Oracle Studio and checking the port number displayed

    Protocol Name

    The firewall protocol used: either none or fixedNat (the Nat protocol using a fixed address for the daemon). The default is none

    Timeout via Connect

    Connection timeout in seconds. The default is 0, meaning that there is no connection timeout

    Encryption protocol name

    Name of encryption protocol to use. The default is null. The RC4 protocol is supported

    Encryption key name

    Name of the symmetric encryption key to use

    Encryption key value

    Value of the symmetric encryption key to use

    The User Name

    The back-end user name for authentication. Leave blank if anonymous access is allowed.

    The User Password

    The back-end user password for authentication. Leave blank if anonymous access is allowed

    Directory to store rejected inbound interactions

    The directory where files with information about rejected inbound interactions are stored. Each rejected inbound interaction is stored in a file whose name consists of a timestamp and the interaction name.

  2. Click Apply.

    The delivery channel is defined for the application and the Delivery Channels Details page for the added delivery channel is displayed.

You can now select any of the interactions defined for the adapter.


You cannot add, modify or delete interactions for the adapter from Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. Any changes to the interactions must be done in Oracle Studio.

Modifying an Adapter in Oracle Studio

The procedure for making changes in Oracle Studio to an interaction or to the interaction input and output records and having the change reflected in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect depends on whether the configuration was deployed or not.

Before the configuration has been deployed, delete the interaction from the application (and all relevant items that reference the interaction) and after making the change in Oracle Studio, add the changed interaction to the application.

After the configuration has been deployed, you cannot change the interaction until you have performed the following procedure:

  1. Stop both the adapter framework and integration manager processes.

  2. Delete the interaction from the application (and all relevant items that reference the interaction).

  3. Make the changes to the interaction in Oracle Studio.

  4. In the same application, add the changed interaction.

  5. Redeploy the configuration.

  6. Start both the adapter framework and integration manager processes.

Comparing a ProcessConnect XSD to an Oracle Connect Record Schema

The interaction that is modeled in Oracle Studio is automatically translated to an xsd presentation in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. The xsd can be viewed by displaying the record in the Native Dataypes window (under Modeling > Datatypes).

The following example shows the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect xsd for an input record.

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" 
  <xsd:element name="findCustAccountInput" type="findCustAccountInput"/> 
  <xsd:complexType name="findCustAccountInput">
    <xsd:attribute default="ATCLIENT" name="EYE-CATCH" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-NUM" type="xsd:string"/>

The Oracle Connect metadata for the input record, which was the source for the above xsd, is part of the metadata definition:

<record name="findCustAccountInput">
  <field name="EYE-CATCH" type="string" default="ATCLIENT"
         size="8" nativeType="string"/>
  <field name="ACCT-NUM" type="string" size="9" nativeType="numstr_u"/>

The Oracle Connect metadata definition can be viewed in Oracle Studio as follows:

  1. On the machine where Oracle Studio is installed, from the Start menu, choose Start > Programs > Oracle > Studio > Studio.

  2. Select the machine defined in "Configuring Oracle Connect for VSAM".

  3. Click the + next to the Bindings node.

  4. Click the + next to the NAV binding node.

  5. Click the + next to the Adapters node to display the adapters.

  6. Right-click the CICS adapter in the Configuration Explorer and choose Edit Metadata to open the Metadata perspective.

  7. Right-click the adapter in the Metadata Explorer and choose Edit definition.

  8. Choose the Source tab to review the metadata definition.

The metadata definition includes the following parts:

The following example shows the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect xsd for an output record.

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" 
se" elementFormDefault="qualified"> 
  <xsd:element name="findCustAccountResponse" type="findCustAccountResponse"/>
  <xsd:complexType name="findCustAccountResponse">
    <xsd:attribute name="RET-CODE" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-ID" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-FIRST-NAME" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-LAST-NAME" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-BIRTH-DATE" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-MARRIED" type="xsd:int"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-CHILDREN" type="xsd:int"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-TOTAL-ASSETS" type="xsd:int"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-EMPLOYED" type="xsd:int"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-OVERTIME-HOURS" type="xsd:int"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-COMMISSION" type="xsd:float"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-SALARY" type="xsd:double"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-BALANCE" type="xsd:decimal"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ACCT-VACATION-DAYS" type="xsd:string"/>

The Oracle Connect metadata for the output record has the following structure:

<record name="findCustAccountResponse">
  <field name="RET-CODE" type="string" nativeType="int4"/>
  <field name="ACCT-ID" type="string" size="9" nativeType="numstr_u"/>
  <field name="ACCT-FIRST-NAME" type="string" size="20" nativeType="string"/>
  <field name="ACCT-LAST-NAME" type="string" size="20" nativeType="string"/>
  <field name="ACCT-BIRTH-DATE" type="string" size="8" nativeType="numstr_u"/>
  <field name="ACCT-MARRIED" type="int" nativeType="int2"/>
  <field name="ACCT-CHILDREN" type="int" nativeType="int4"/>
  <field name="ACCT-TOTAL-ASSETS" type="int" nativeType="int8"/>
  <field name="ACCT-EMPLOYED" type="int" nativeType="int2"/>
  <field name="ACCT-OVERTIME-HOURS" type="int" nativeType="int4"/>
  <field name="ACCT-COMMISSION" type="float" nativeType="single"/>
  <field name="ACCT-SALARY" type="double" nativeType="dfloat"/>
  <field name="ACCT-BALANCE" type="numeric" size="9"
         scale="-2" nativeType="decimal"/>
  <field name="ACCT-VACATION-DAYS" type="string" size="3" 

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