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Oracle® Application Server Portal Configuration Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10356-01
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B Using the OracleAS Portal Configuration Assistant Command Line Utility

OracleAS Portal Configuration Assistant (OPCA) is a Java-based configuration tool for installing and configuring the OracleAS Portal schema in the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository.

In a typical Oracle Application Server installation, the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) automatically invokes OPCA in the post-installation phase. OPCA can also be invoked standalone.

In an Oracle Application Server installation, the OracleAS Portal installation is performed in two phases:

OracleAS Portal provides the command line script ptlasst to invoke OPCA in standalone mode. This appendix describes the usage of ptlasst, and the configuration options available in standalone mode. Specific topics covered include:

B.1 Using ptlasst

The scripts ptlasst.csh (UNIX) and ptlasst.bat (Windows NT/2000) are located in the ORACLE_HOME/assistants directory and can be used to run the OPCA standalone in different modes. To use ptlasst, perform the following steps:

On Windows NT/2000:

First, set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the Oracle Application Server Home. You can then start the OPCA from the command line by navigating to the ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca directory and using the command:



First set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the Oracle Application Server Home. You can start the OPCA from the command line by navigating to the ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca directory and using the command:


Usage Notes:

Example B-1 Obtaining the PORTAL Schema Password

ldapsearch -h -p 389 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome1 -b 
",cn=IAS Infrastructure 
Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=oraclecontext" "orclresourcename=PORTAL" 

Alternatively, you can use Oracle Directory Manager to obtain the password information. Drill down to orclResourceName=schema_name, where schema_name is the name of the schema for which you want to obtain the password. Click the entry and look for the orclpasswordattribute attribute value on the right panel. This value is the password for the selected schema.

See Also:

Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide for information on how to use Oracle Directory Manager.

B.2 ptlasst Modes

The following table contains a description of the different modes:

Table B-1  ptlasst Modes
Mode Description


Installs the OracleAS Portal schema in the target database. You must run this mode from the Oracle Application Server Repository Creation Assistant CD.


Configures the OracleAS Portal middle-tier to use an existing or newly installed OracleAS Portal schema.


Installs the strings for a specific language in the OracleAS Metadata Repository.


Installs the SYS schema dependencies, required for OracleAS Portal and OracleAS Single Sign-On. This mode only needs to be run once for every database.


Drops the OracleAS Portal schema, as well as the OracleAS Portal Oracle Internet Directory entries.

Usage Note:

This appendix uses the following conventions:

[] indicates an optional parameter

{option1 | option2} indicates a choice between option 1, or option 2 can be made.



This mode installs the OracleAS Metadata Repository in the target database. No information from the middle-tier is required. It should be used for the OracleAS Portal seed database creation.



ptlasst.csh -mode PORTAL -c connect_string -p sys_password -voh source_home -oh 
oracle_home -log log_dir [-s portal_schema] [-u user_tablespace] [-t temp_
tablespace] [-d doc_tablespace] [-l logging_tablespace] [-in index_tablespace] 
[-demo] [-owa]

Table B-2 lists and describes parameters supported for the PORTAL mode.

Table B-2  List of Supported Parameters for the PORTAL Mode
Parameter Description


Portal schema name (in the OracleAS Metadata Repository).

Default: portal


Connect string to the target database. The format should be DbHostName:DbPortNumber:DbServiceName.


SYS password for the target database.


User tablespace.

The user tablespace selected should have at least 75 MB of free available space and should have autoextend on.

Default: users


Temporary tablespace.

The temporary tablespace selected should have at least 20 MB of free available space and should have autoextend on.

Default: temp


Document tablespace.

The document tablespace selected should have at least 4 MB of free available space and should have autoextend on.

Default: Tablespace selected for the User tablespace


Logging tablespace.

The Logging tablespace selected should have at least 4 MB of free available space and should have autoextend on.

DEFAULT: Tablespace selected for the User tablespace.


Index tablespace.

The Index tablespace selected should have at least 20 MB of free available space and should have autoextend on.

Default: Tablespace selected for the User tablespace.


Installs the portlet builder demo components.


Oracle home location of the OracleAS Portal sources (OracleAS RepCA Home).


Oracle home of the database.


Log directory location. This directory should have write permissions.


This parameter installs the PL/SQL Web Toolkit and other SYS schema packages. This is installed just once in the database.

Usage Example

ptlasst.csh -mode PORTAL -s portal -c -p 
change_on_install -u users -t temp -d users -l users -in users -demo  -owa -voh 
/private1/repca -log /private1/log -oh /private1/dbhome


Starting with the Oracle Application Server release 10g (9.0.4), the OracleAS Portal sources required for the repository installation will be available on the Oracle Application Server Repository Creation Assistant (RepCA) CD. The PORTAL OPCA mode can only be run directly from the OracleAS RepCA CD.



Configures OracleAS Portal middle-tier to use an existing OracleAS Portal schema.

The MIDTIER mode uses the option -type to determine which components to configure. The different types that are supported in the MIDTIER mode are:




ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER [ -type {ALL | OID | SSO | OHS | WEBCACHE | DIPREG | 
DIPUNREG} ] {type-dependent-parameters}

Table B-3 lists and describes parameters supported for the MIDTIER mode.

Table B-3  List of Supported Parameters for the MIDTIER Mode
Parameter Description


Installation type.

This can be set to typical and custom. In the typical mode, the repository access APIs are used to get the details of Oracle Internet Directory, OracleAS Single Sign-On, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

The repository access APIs provide infrastructure access details to the middle-tier component that it needs for its configuration.

In the custom mode, the input provided on the command line is used for the configuration.

Default: typical


Middle-tier type. The available options are ALL, OID, SSO, WEBCACHE, DIPREG, and DIPUNREG.

Default: ALL


OracleAS Portal schema name.

Default: portal


OracleAS Portal schema password.


Connect string to the target OracleAS Portal database. The format should DbHostName:DbPortNumber:DbServiceName.


OracleAS Portal schema (in the OracleAS Metadata Repository) DAD name.

Default: portal


OracleAS Single Sign-On schema name.

Default: orasso


OracleAS Single Sign-On password.

Default: orasso


OracleAS Single Sign-On DAD name.

Default: orasso


HTTP server hostname used for OracleAS Portal.


HTTP server port number used for OracleAS Portal.


OracleAS Web Cache host.

Default: HTTP Server hostname.


OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port.


OracleAS Web Cache administration port.


OracleAS Web Cache ON/OFF flag to enable or disable Web Cache within OracleAS Portal.

Default: ON

If set to OFF, OracleAS Portal would not use Web Cache though OracleAS Web Cache may be up and running.


Hostname of the Oracle Internet Directory server.


Port number of the Oracle Internet Directory server.


Administration DN.

Default: cn=orcladmin


Password for DN.


Initial password for OracleAS Portal seeded users (PORTAL and PORTAL_ADMIN) in Oracle Internet Directory.


Connect string for the OracleAS Single Sign-On database. The format should be DbHostName:DbPortNumber:DbServiceName.


Password Store schema name.

Default: orasso_ps


Password Store schema password.


Partner application schema name.

Default: orasso_pa


Partner application password.


OracleAS Web Cache invalidator password.

Default: Password of the Oracle Application Server instance (ias_admin password).


Flag to indicate that Oracle Internet Directory is SSL enabled.


Configure Oracle Ultra Search.


Configure Syndication server and UDDI.


Flag to indicate that OracleAS Portal needs to be SSL enabled.


Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control port.


Oracle Application Server instance name.

B.2.2.1 OID Type

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type OID -ldap_w orcladmin_password -pwd ias_admin_
password [-i install_type] [ -s portal_schema] [-sp portal_schema_password] [-c 
portal_db_connect_string] [-ldap_h oid_host_name] [-ldap_p oid_port_number] 
[-ldap_d oid_admin_user] [-ldaps] 

Usage example

Typical installation (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of Oracle Internet Directory, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type OID  -ldap_w welcome1 -pwd welcome1 

Usage example

Custom installation (-i custom)

This example takes the input provided on the command line.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type ALL -i custom -ldap_w welcome1 -pwd welcome1 -s 
portal -sp portal -c -ldap_h -ldap_p 389 


If you are unsure whether to use Typical or Custom, use the Custom installation type.

B.2.2.2 SSO Type

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type SSO -host portal_site_name -port portal_site_
port [-i install_type] [ -s portal_schema] [-sp portal_schema_password] [-sdad 
portal_dad] [-c portal_db_connect_string] [-sso_c sso_db_connect_string] [-pap 
partner_application_password] [-pp password_store_password]

OracleAS Portal is a partner application to the Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On. As such, it must be configured to use an OracleAS Single Sign-On for authentication services. When OracleAS Portal is installed, it is automatically configured to use the OracleAS Single Sign-On installed during the infrastructure installation.


OracleAS Single Sign-On and OracleAS Portal from different versions cannot interoperate.

Due to the interdependency of the OracleAS Single Sign-On and OracleAS Portal with Oracle Internet Directory in Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4), you must not configure OracleAS Portal 10g (9.0.4) to use an OracleAS Single Sign-On Server (Login Server) from Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( or earlier. Similarly, you must not configure Release 1-based versions of OracleAS Portal to use the current release of OracleAS Single Sign-On. The exception to this rule is that Portal version and later can be configured to use a 9.0.x SSO server.

See Also:

What was called the ssodatax script, in versions 3.0.x of OracleAS Portal, has been obsoleted and replaced by running the OracleAS Portal Configuration Assistant in -mode MIDTIER -type SSO. When you install OracleAS Portal, the step previously done by ssodatan, is done automatically. However, after installation, there may be various reasons for configuring OracleAS Portal to use a different OracleAS Single Sign-On, or needing to re-run the configuration, because of a change in the hostname, port or protocol of the Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On.

Whereas the old ssodatax required you to set up the partner application entry in the SSO server and then invoke the script with the site_id, site_token, and encryption_key obtained from partner application registration, the -mode MIDTIER -type SSO mode of ptlasst.csh (OPCA) no longer requires partner application registration to be a two-step process.

The OracleAS Single Sign-On now provides a schema ORASSO_PA (default) for accessing the partner application registration procedure. You will need to get the password to this schema and an appropriate connect string to the OracleAS Single Sign-On instance to register the OracleAS Portal entry.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide

Usage example

Typical installation (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of OracleAS Single Sign-On, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type SSO -host -port 7777 -sdad 

Usage example

Custom installation (-i custom)

This example takes the input provided on the command line.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type SSO -i custom -host -port 7777 
-s portal -sp portal -sdad portal -c 
-sso_c -pap orasso_pa -pp orasso_ps 


If you are unsure whether to use Typical or Custom, use the Custom installation type.

B.2.2.3 WEBCACHE Type

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type WEBCACHE -host portal_site_name -port portal_
site_port -cport_i webcache_invalidation_port -cport_a webcache_administration_
port -wc_i_pwd webcache_invalidator_password [-chost webcache_hostname] [-i 
install_type] [ -s portal_schema] [-sp portal_schema_password] [-sdad portal_
dad] [-c portal_db_connect_string] [-wc webcache_on_off_flag] 

Usage example

Typical installation (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type WEBCACHE -host -port 7777 
-cport_i 4001 -cport_a 4001  -wc_i_pwd webcache_invalidator_password

Usage example

Custom installation (-i custom)

This example takes the input provided on the command line.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type WEBCACHE -i custom -host -port 
7777 -cport_i 4001 -cport_a 4001 -s portal -sp portal -sdad portal -c -wc_i_pwd webcache_invalidator_password


If you are unsure of the Typical/Custom categorization, use the Custom installation type.

B.2.2.4 OHS Type

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type OHS -host portal_site_name -port portal_site_
port -cport_i webcache_invalidation_port -cport_a webcache_administration_port 
-wc_i_pwd webcache_invalidator_password [-chost webcache_hostname] [-i install_
type] [ -s portal_schema] [-sp portal_schema_password] [-sdad portal_dad] [-c 
portal_db_connect_string] [-sso_c sso_db_connect_string] [-pap partner_
application_password] [-pp password_store_password] [-wc webcache_on_off_flag] 

Usage example

Typical installation (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type OHS -host -port 7777 -cport_i 
4001 -cport_a 4001 -wc_i_pwd webcache_invalidator_password

Usage example

Custom installation (-i custom)

This example takes the input provided on the command line.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type OHS -i custom -host -port 7777 
-cport_i 4001 -cport_a 4001  -s portal -sp portal -sdad portal -c -sso_c -pap orasso_pa -pp orasso_ps -wc_i_pwd 


If you are unsure whether to use Typical or Custom, use the Custom installation type.

B.2.2.5 ALL Type

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type ALL -host portal_site_name -port portal_site_
port -cport_i webcache_invalidation_port -cport_a webcache_administration_port 
-ldap_w orcladmin_password -pwd ias_admin_password  -emport em_port_number -wc_
i_pwd webcache_invalidator_password -iasname ias_instance [-chost webcache_
hostname] [-i install_type] [ -s portal_schema] [-sp portal_schema_password] 
[-sdad portal_dad] [-c portal_db_connect_string] [-sso_c sso_db_connect_string] 
[-pap partner_application_password] [-pp password_store_password] [-wc webcache_
on_off_flag] [-ldap_h oid_host_name] [-ldap_p oid_port_number] [-ldap_d oid_
admin_user] [-ldaps] [-ultrasearch] [-syndication] [-ssl] 


The -ultrasearch and -syndication options can only be used with the typical install option (-i typical).

Usage example

Typical installation (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of Oracle Internet Directory, OracleAS Single Sign-On, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type ALL -host -port 7777 -cport_i 
4001 -cport_a 4001 -ldap_w welcome1 -pwd welcome1 -wc_i_pwd webcache_
invalidator_password -emport 1812 -iasname as_midtier

Usage example

Custom installation (-i custom)

This example takes all the input provided on the command line. This should be used if the configuration is performed on an OracleAS Portal instance other than the out-of-the-box installation.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type ALL -i custom -host -port 7777 
-cport_i 4001 -cport_a 4001 -ldap_w welcome1 -pwd welcome1  -s portal -sp portal 
-sdad portal -c -sso_c -pap orasso_pa -pp orasso_ps -wc_i_pwd 
webcache_invalidator_password -ldap_h -ldap_p 389 -emport 1812 
-iasname as_midtier


If you are unsure whether to use Typical or Custom, use the Custom installation type.

B.2.2.6 DIPREG Type

This type should be used to create the provisioning profiles in Oracle Internet Directory. Refer to Section, "Relationship Between OracleAS Portal and Oracle Internet Directory" for more information about provisioning profiles.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type DIPREG -ldap_w orcladmin_password [-i install_
type] [ -s portal_schema] [-sp portal_schema_password] [-c portal_db_connect_
string] [-ldap_h oid_host_name] [-ldap_p oid_port_number] [-ldap_d oid_admin_

Usage example

Typical installation (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of Oracle Internet Directory, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type DIPREG  -ldap_w welcome1 

Usage example

Custom installation (-i custom)

This example takes the input provided on the command line.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type DIPREG -i custom -ldap_w welcome1 -s portal -sp 
portal -c -ldap_h -ldap_
p 389 


  • If you are unsure whether to use Typical or Custom, use the Custom installation type.

  • The DIPREG install type can also be used to create the provisioning profile for a 9.0.2 repository.

B.2.2.7 DIPUNREG Type

This type should be used to delete the provisioning profiles in Oracle Internet Directory of the OracleAS Portal instance. Refer to Section, "Relationship Between OracleAS Portal and Oracle Internet Directory" for more information about provisioning profiles.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type DIPUNREG -ldap_w orcladmin_password [-i install_
type] [ -s portal_schema] [-sp portal_schema_password] [-c portal_db_connect_
string] [-ldap_h oid_host_name] [-ldap_p oid_port_number] [-ldap_d oid_admin_

Usage example

Typical installation (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of Oracle Internet Directory, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type DIPUNREG  -ldap_w welcome1 

Usage example

Custom installation (-i custom)

This example takes the input provided on the command line.

ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type DIPUNREG -i custom -ldap_w welcome1 -s portal 
-sp portal -c -ldap_h 
-ldap_p 389 


If you are unsure whether to use Typical or Custom, use the Custom installation type.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide



Installs the strings for a specific language in the OracleAS Portal schema.

OracleAS Portal is designed to allow application development and deployment in different languages. This allows developers to work in their own language when they build portals. In addition, the self-service content management supports multiple languages so that end users can provide documents and other content in different languages.

OracleAS Portal is configured with the languages that are selected in the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) during the Oracle Application Server middle-tier installation. Languages that are configured show up in the Set Language portlet. You can use OracleAS Portal in the language that corresponds to the language setting in the browser, or to the language you have selected in the Set Language portlet. To configure additional languages after installation, the OracleAS Portal Configuration Assistant (OPCA) must be used in LANGUAGE mode.

Table B-4 shows the languages that are available for OracleAS Portal.

Table B-4  OracleAS Portal Languages
Language Language Abbreviation



















Latin American Spanish






Canadian French






























Brazilian Portuguese
























Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese



To install languages, after you have installed OracleAS Portal, run ptlasst in the LANGUAGE mode. You must run ptlasst with -mode LANGUAGE for each language that you want OracleAS Portal to support.


During login operations, information is sent to OracleAS Single Sign-On. The language used in the authentication request is sent back to OracleAS Portal. OracleAS Single Sign-On must have all languages installed that exist on the OracleAS Portal, so that the selected language is recognized. If OracleAS Single Sign-On does not have the selected language installed, it will default to US English. This is the language that would be asserted to any OracleAS Portal that requested authentication in a language that is not available on the OracleAS Single Sign-On server.

The Set Language portlet in OracleAS Portal sets a language and a Persistent Language cookie on the OracleAS Single Sign-On server and OracleAS Portal.

If there are multiple portals configured to use the same OracleAS Single Sign-On, and the portals have different languages installed, all the combined languages must exist on the OracleAS Single Sign-On to accommodate a Set Language request from any of the portals.



OracleAS Metadata Repository is already installed, and the respective databases are up.


ptlasst.csh -mode LANGUAGE  -lang lang_code [-i install_type] [ -s portal_
schema] [-sp portal_schema_password] [-c portal_db_connect_string] [-available]

Table B-5 lists and describes parameters supported for the LANGUAGE mode.

Table B-5  List of Supported Parameters for the LANGUAGE Mode
Parameter Definition


Installation type.

This can be set to typical and custom. In the typical mode, the repository access APIs are used to get the details of Oracle Internet Directory, OracleAS Single Sign-On, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

The repository access APIs provide infrastructure access details to the middle-tier component that it needs for its configuration.

In the custom mode, the input provided on the command line is used for the configuration.

Default: typical


OracleAS Portal schema name.

Default: portal


OracleAS Portal schema password.


Connect string to the target database where OracleAS Metadata Repository is installed. The format must be DbHostName:DbPortNumber:DbServiceName.


Abbreviation for the language to install. Refer to Table B-4, " OracleAS Portal Languages" for a list of all the supported abbreviations.

Default: f


Sets whether the language will be available for user translation.

Usage example

Typical installation (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository. The following example loads the Dutch language strings into the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode LANGUAGE -lang nl -available

Usage example

Custom installation (-i custom)

This example passes in the input provided on the command line. The example loads the Dutch language strings into the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode LANGUAGE -i custom -s portal -sp portal -c  -lang nl -available 


The character set for mod_plsql must be the same as the customer database character set. Refer to the Oracle Application Server 10g mod_plsql User's Guide for more information.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server 10g Globalization Guide



Installs OracleAS Portal and OracleAS Single Sign-On required SYS schema dependencies as follows:



ptlasst.csh -mode SYSOBJECTS -c connect_string -p sys_password -voh source_home

Table B-6 lists and describes parameters supported for the SYSOBJECTS mode.

Table B-6  List of Supported Parameters for the SYSOBJECTS Mode
Parameter Description


Connect string to the target database. The format should be DbHostName:DbPortNumber:DbServiceName.


SYS schema password for the target database.


Oracle home location of the sources (OracleAS RepCA Home).

Usage example

ptlasst.csh -mode SYSOBJECTS -c -p 
change_on_install -voh /private1/repca



Drops the OracleAS Portal schema, as well as the OracleAS Portal Oracle Internet Directory entries.



ptlasst.csh -mode DEINSTALL  -ldap_w orcladmin_password [-i install_type] [ -s 
portal_schema] [-p portal_schema_password] [-c portal_db_connect_string]  
[-ldap_h oid_host_name] [-ldap_p oid_port_number] [-ldap_d oid_admin_user]

Table B-7 lists and describes parameters supported for the DEINSTALL mode.

Table B-7  List of Supported Parameters for the DEINSTALL Mode
Parameter Description


Installation type.

This can be set to typical and custom. In the typical mode, the repository access APIs are used to get the details of Oracle Internet Directory, OracleAS Single Sign-On, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

The repository access APIs provide infrastructure access details to the middle-tier component that it needs for its configuration.

In the custom mode, the input provided on the command line is used for the configuration.

Default: typical.


OracleAS Portal schema name.

Default: portal


Connect string to the target database. The format should be DbHostName:DbPortNumber:DbServiceName.


SYS schema password of the target database.


Hostname of the Oracle Internet Directory server.


Port number of the Oracle Internet Directory server.


Password of the Administration DN.

Usage example

Typical deinstall (-i typical)

Uses the repository access APIs to get the details of Oracle Internet Directory, and the OracleAS Portal schema in the configured OracleAS Metadata Repository.

ptlasst.csh -mode DEINSTALL -ldap_w welcome1

Usage example

Custom deinstall (-i custom)

This example takes the inputs provided on the command line.

ptlasst.csh -mode DEINSTALL -i custom -s portal -p change_on_install -c -ldap_h -ldap_p 389 
-ldap_w welcome1

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