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Oracle Voicemail & Fax Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10722_01
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Administration and Provisioning

This chapter discuses how to administer Oracle Voicemail & Fax.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Managing Voice Mail and Fax Users

Using the Oracle WebMail interface, administrators can perform various user management tasks, such as adding, removing, and modifying voice mail and fax users.

Under the Overview tab, you can view what components are installed on the different middle tier hosts. To administer these components, click on the host links and you are redirected to the Oracle Enterprise Manager.

To perform administration tasks for Oracle Voicemail & Fax, administrators must navigate to the following URL:

http://machine name:port/um/traffic_cop

Adding Voice Mail and Fax Users


A user must be provisioned for e-mail in order to be voice mail and fax enabled.

Perform the following steps to add voice mail or fax users:

  1. Using Oracle WebMail, navigate to the Administration page.
  2. Select User > Voice/Fax User Management > Add User.
  3. Select the installation.
  4. To obtain a list of all the users on a particular domain, select the domain and click Get Mail Users. To search for a specific user on a particular domain, select the domain and click Search Mail Users.
  5. Select the user.
  6. Click Enable Voice/Fax. If the user has already been enabled, an error message is displayed.
  7. Enter the following information in the corresponding fields:
  8. Click Enable.

Modifying Voice Mail and Fax User Parameters

Perform the following steps to modify voice mail or fax user parameters.

  1. Using Oracle WebMail, navigate to the Administration page.
  2. Select User > Voice/Fax User Management > Modify User.
  3. Select the group profile to which the user belongs.
  4. Click Get Voice/Fax Users to select from a list of users, or click Search Mail Users to search for a specific user using their telephone number or e-mail address.
  5. Select the user and click Edit.
  6. Modify the parameters you want to change.
  7. Click Modify.

Voice Mail and Fax User Parameters

This section describes the voice mail and fax user parameters:

Group Profile

This parameter specifies the group to which the selected voice mail user belongs. A group profile is similar to an e-mail domain, except that it is created based on local PBX settings and support features such as, language preference and transfer extension. A single e-mail domain can be associated with one or more group profiles. For example, the e-mail domain can have group profiles defined such as and

Administrators can select from pre-existing groups or enter a sub-group name created to provision a user.

Fax In Allowed

This parameter enables a user to receive faxes into their inbox. This is for an inbound fax only.

Acceptable Values: Yes or No

Default Value: Yes

Phone Access Allowed

This parameter enables a user to use the voice mail application to listen to messages.

Acceptable Values: Yes or No

Default Value: Yes

Web Access Allowed

This parameter enables a user to use WebMail to view messages.

Acceptable Values: Yes or No

Default Value: Yes

Telephone Number

This parameter is a local phone number for an Oracle Voicemail & Fax user. This parameter must be set because the voice mail application plays this number as part of the standard greeting when there are no greetings present. This value should be the same as the telephone number in the base user entry. If the telephone number is changed, the non-internationalized part of the Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) number corresponding to the telephone number must also be changed.

Voicemail Password

This parameter is a numeric password used to access a voice mail account. The number of characters allowed for the numeric password is displayed as a tip on the WebMail interface.


This parameter is the address to which voice mails for this user are sent. The system creates an e-mail alias that directs messages sent to the VPIM Mail address to the user's e-mail account. The VPIM Mail address consists of the following components:

These components are separated by an @ sign. The international phone number is the user's fully qualified telephone number including a country code, city/locale/area code, and a local phone number. For instance, a user in the United States (country code 1) with phone number 6505067000 would have the international phone number 16505067000. The e-mail domain should be the domain of the user's e-mail address. For instance, if the user's e-mail is, his e-mail domain should be For example, the VPIM Mail address for the user would be

VPIM Text Name

This parameter is an optional value that represents the sender's address.

Extended Absence Status

This parameter can be set by administrators to prevent someone from recording messages on another user's voice mail. The default for this parameter is False.

Removing Voice Mail and Fax Users

Perform the following steps to remove voice mail or fax users.

  1. Using the WebMail interface, navigate to the Administration page.
  2. Select User > Voice/Fax User Management > Delete User.
  3. Select the group profile to which the user belongs.
  4. Click Get Voice/Fax Users to select from a list of users, or click Search Voice/Fax Users to search for a specific user using the user's telephone number or e-mail address.
  5. Select the user you want to delete.
  6. Click Remove.

Managing Voice Mail User Directories

Oracle Voicemail & Fax features a telephone based directory that can search for users on the system by dialing the letters of their name on a telephone keypad. To use this feature, administrators must run a script to enter a user's name into the directory. This task must be performed once per user. User names can be entered into a directory in bulk or individually.

A user's directory entry is concatenated together in the following order:

The information is gathered from the user's base information stored in the directory. All non-alphanumeric characters are removed and converted into digits according to the mapping of a customary American telephone.

The following table shows the mapping for the telephone keys:

Table 3-1 Telephone Key Mapping
Letters Telephone Key


















In this release, there are no GUI screens available for creating directories.

Entering Multiple User Names into a Directory

Perform the following steps on the middle tier to enter multiple user names into a directory:

  1. Generate an LDIF file of the entire Oracle Internet Directory.
    ldifwrite -c DB_connect_string -b "" -f directory.ldif 
  2. Copy the LDIF file to a middle tier machine.
  3. On the middle tier, execute the following command:

    On UNIX:

    $ORACLE_HOME/um/scripts/ directory.ldif modify.txt

    On Windows

    %ORACLE_HOME%\um\scripts\bulkmakedirectory.bat directory.ldif modify.txt
  4. Update the directory using ldapmodify:
    ldapmodify -h ldap_server -p ldap_port_number -D privileged_bind_DN -w bind_
    password -f modify.txt

Entering Individual User Names into a Directory

Perform the following steps to individually enter user names into a directory:

  1. Create a numbers.txt file containing all the fully qualified international telephone numbers of users that should be entered into the directory.
  2. Execute the following command:

    On UNIX:

    $ORACLE_HOME/um/scripts/ ldap_server ldap_port privileged_
    bind_dn bind_password numbers.txt

    On Windows:

    %ORACLE_HOME%\um\scripts\ ldap_server ldap_port privileged_
    bind_dn bind_password numbers.txt