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Oracle Voicemail & Fax Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10722_01
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Error Messages

This chapter contains component-specific errors. This chapter contains the following topics:


Error messages can appear in any part of Oracle Voicemail & Fax. Users may see them in the end-user interface, and administrators may see them in the administrative tools and process logs.

Sometimes more than one error is displayed. A list of error messages is called an error stack. The bottommost error in the stack is typically the cause of the error.


The error stack can contain error messages from other Oracle products that Oracle Voicemail & Fax uses. When these additional errors appear, refer to the documentation for the given product.

Routing Process

Error: Can't communicate with Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is not accessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Unable to establish Oracle Internet Directory connection

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is not accessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory while trying to lookup user - Retrying

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory is down or inaccessible.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection.

Error: Naming exception encountered while trying to lookup user

Cause: Oracle Voicemail & Fax is answering calls for users who do not have Oracle Internet Directory entries or who have incorrect Oracle Internet Directory entries.

Action: If the user is a valid user, ensure that the user's VPIM user object has a correct VPIM mail address. If the user should not be on the system, then configure the PBX not to forward that user's calls to Oracle Voicemail & Fax.

Error: No queueing location defined in Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The application is attempting to queue a message and the message queue location is undefined in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Set the message queue location in the appropriate process or instance objects in Oracle Internet Directory.

Error: Unexpected I/O error

Cause: Error outputting a message to the recovery queue.

Action: Check disk space and permissions on the queue directory.

Error: Cannot send message: queueing

Cause: The mail store database is down or inaccessible or there is another problem with message sending.

Action: Ensure the recovery application is running. It sends the message when the database is accessible again. Check the database.

Error: Error retrieving coder type from Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The coder type stored in a user or greeting Oracle Internet Directory object is incorrectly formatted. It may have been altered.

Action: Correct the formatting of the coder type, and ensure that the default coder types are valid ones.

Error: Fatal error: Can't create prompt table

Cause: The default installation localization message description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the message localization description string.

Error: Fatal error: Can't create menu table

Cause: The default installation menu item bindings description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the menu item bindings description string.

Error: Fatal error: Unexpected Naming Exception

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory error occured while looking up the default installation message localization description string or the default installation menu item bindings description string.

Action: Ensure that a default menu object and a default prompts object exist in Oracle Internet Directory as immediate children of the installation container in Oracle Internet Directory. The default attributes of both objects should be set to true.

Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Error refreshing

Cause: The current configuration of the process instance being refreshed is invalid. A setting made since the process instance's last startup is wrong.

Action: Correct the process instances in the Oracle Internet Directory settings.

Error: Error in retrieving the signal. Current value = + signals + Event = + sdev

Cause: IT Media or CT Media API error.

Action: Check disk space, reboot the system, and report the problem if it persists.

Error: Fax tone detected - this is a fax call. Cannot continue processing this call

Cause: A fax tone was detected for a call for which call details were unavailable.

Action: Ensure call details are available. Also ensure that fax tone settings in CT Media are correct.

Error: PBXConnection is null

Cause: The PBX connection type is missing or unrecognized, or, for SMDI connections, the SMDI monitor host, port, or timeout properties are missing.

Action: Correct all required PBX connection related properties in the appropriate Oracle Internet Directory process or instance object.

Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Poorly formatted integer parameter

Cause: A well-formed XML string has an integer parameter value that cannot be parsed as an integer.

Action: Examine the log files to determine which XML string is causing the problem and correct it.

Error: Parse exception

Cause: A localized message description string is not correctly formed.

Action: Examine the log files to determine which string is not correctly formed and correct it.

Error: Unexpected SAX Exception

Cause: Unexpected error.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is being parsed, and ensure the XML string is formed correctly.

Internal Error: Unknown exception caught in + thisClassName

Cause: Unknown error.

Action: If the problem persists, reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Reinitialization failed

Cause: Attempting to reinitialize the application after an unknown error failed.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName

Cause: The application thread is shutting down due to failed reinitialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closed

Cause: The application has attempted thread-specific cleanup and is shutting down due to failed initialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Message file + messageFile + does not exist

Cause: Application error condition occured.

Action: Restart the machine, check disk space, and report the problem if it persists.

Internal Error: Needed parameter settings are missing

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory process or instance settings which are required for process startup are missing.

Action: Make sure that all Oracle Internet Directory properties required for the application are set in the appropriate process or instance objects.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: Item handler does not exist for + itemTriggered.getName() + in + menuName

Cause: Internal application coding error.

Action: Edit the menu item bindings configuration string to disable the menu item whose handler is missing.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaBindException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem releasing the call to the attendant application. The attendant application is not running or not enough threads are running.

Action: Make sure the attendant application is running.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaConfigException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem reconfiguring the group for forwarding to the attendant application. The UMMediaServicesProfile could be configured incorrectly.

Action: Check UMMediaServicesProfile.

Internal Error: MediaResourceException encountered

Cause: There was an unexpected problem performing a resource operation such as playing a message or detecting signals.

Action: Consult CT Media documentation for the meaning of the error code, if one is logged. Make sure that all sound files are installed. Make sure that disk space is available. Restart machine if all else fails.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaBindException when releasing to service + mbex

Cause: There was a problem releasing the call to the recording or retrieval application. The recording or retrieval application is not running or not enough threads are running.

Action: Make sure the recording or retrieval application is running.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaConfigException when releasing to service

Cause: There was a problem reconfiguring the group for forwarding to the recording or retrieval application. The UMMediaServicesProfile may be configured incorrectly.

Action: Check the UMMediaServicesProfile.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: I/O Exception shouldn't ever happen here

Cause: Message should never occur.

Action: Report the problem.

Voice Mail Recording Process

Error: Unable to establish Oracle Internet Directory connection

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Can't communicate with Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory while trying to lookup user - Retrying

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory is down or inaccessible.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection.

Error: Naming exception encountered while trying to lookup user

Cause: Oracle Voicemail & Fax is answering calls for users who do not have Oracle Internet Directory entries or who have incorrect Oracle Internet Directory entries.

Action: If the user should be on the system, ensure that the user's VPIM user object has a correct VPIM mail address. If the user should not be on the system, then configure the PBX not to forward that user's calls to Oracle Voicemail & Fax.

Error: No queueing location defined in Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The application is attempting to queue a message and the message queue location is undefined in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Set the message queue location in the appropriate process or instance objects in Oracle Internet Directory.

Error: Unexpected I/O error

Cause: Error outputting a message to the recovery queue.

Action: Check disk space and permissions on the queue directory.

Error: Cannot send message: queueing

Cause: The mail store database is down or inaccessible or there is another problem with message sending.

Action: Ensure the recovery application is running. It sends the message when the database is accessible again. Check database.

Error: Error retrieving coder type from Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The coder type stored in a user or greeting object in Oracle Internet Directory is incorrectly formatted. It may have been altered.

Action: Correct the formatting of the coder type, and ensure that the default coder types are valid ones.

Error: Fatal error: Cannot create prompt table

Cause: The default installation localization message description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the message localization description string.

Error: Fatal error: Cannot create menu table

Cause: The default installation menu item bindings description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the menu item bindings description string.

Error: Fatal error: Unexpected Naming Exception

Cause: There was an Oracle Internet Directory error occured while looking up the default installation message localization description string or the default installation menu item bindings description string.

Action: Ensure that a default menu object and a default prompts object exist in Oracle Internet Directory. The default attributes of both objects should be set to True.

Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Error refreshing

Cause: The current configuration of the process instance being refreshed is invalid. A setting made since the process instance's last startup is wrong.

Action: Correct the Oracle Internet Directory process instance settings.

Error: Error in retrieving the signal. Current value = + signals + Event = + sdev

Cause: IT Media or CT Media API error.

Action: Check disk space, reboot the system, and report the problem if it persists.

Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Poorly formatted integer parameter: + value

Cause: A well-formed XML string has an integer parameter value which cannot be parsed as an integer.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is causing the problem, and correct it.

Error: Parse exception: + errorStream.toString()

Cause: A localized message description string is not formed correctly.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which string is not formed correctly, and correct it.

Error: Unexpected SAXException: + errorStream.toString()

Cause: Unexpected error.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is being parsed, and ensure the XML string is well formed.

Error: Oracle Internet Directory is down and installation may be + multi-instance. Aborting call

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory is down and no default domain is set in the environment.

Action: If the installation encompasses multiple domains, do nothing. If it is a single domain installation, set the default domain parameter in Oracle Internet Directory to be the name of the single domain.

Error: User does not have VM access.

Cause: The user who called in does not have voice mail access.

Action: If the user should have voice mail access, enable the user's voice mail access in Oracle Internet Directory.

Error: Fax tone detected - this is a fax call.

Cause: A fax call was received.

Action: None.

Error: Error obtaining user's phone number

Cause: The message which is being replied to or forwarded has a sender whose text name is numeric, but not a phone number of a user in the system. The sender could have been removed from the system or could have an entirely numeric text name defined in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: None

Error: FaxReceivingAsi is null - cannot release to FaxRecevingMediaApp!

Cause: The ASI is not set in the fax process instance's Oracle Internet Directory object referenced in this process instance's object.

Action: Ensure the ASI is set in the appropriate fax process or instance object.

Error: Recorder stopped for unknown reason: qual is null

Cause: CT Media or IT Media API error.

Action: Check disk space and report the problem if it persists.

Error: RTC trigger is null in msg recording

Cause: CT Media or IT Media API error.

Action: Check disk space and report the problem if it persists.

Error: Unknown RTC trigger: + trigger

Cause: CT Media or IT Media API error, or an additional RTC has been defined in the CT Media application profile.

Action: Check disk space, correct the application if necessary, and report the problem if it persists.

Error: Error looking up user's Transfer Extension! Cannot release to Transfer application

Cause: The user's transfer extension cannot be found in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Ensure that the transfer extension is set in Oracle Internet Directory under one of the user's parent group profiles.

Error: User's phone number is null

Cause: The telephone number field for a VPIM user is not set.

Action: Set the telephone number to the local telephone number of the VPIM user.

Error: User's phone number is too long: + phoneNumber

Cause: The user's telephone number is too long to be played.

Action: Shorten the user's telephone number. The length should be large enough to accommodate any phone number.

Internal Error: Unknown exception caught in + thisClassName

Cause: Unknown error.

Action: If the problem persists, reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Reinitialization failed

Cause: Attempting to reinitialize the application after an unknown error failed.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closing

Cause: The application thread is shutting down due to failed reinitialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closed

Cause: The application has attempted thread-specific cleanup and is shutting down due to failed initialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Message file + messageFile + does not exist

Cause: Application error condition occured.

Action: Restart the machine, check disk space, and report the problem if it persists.

Internal Error: Needed parameter settings are missing

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory process or instance settings which are required for process startup are missing.

Action: Make sure that all Oracle Internet Directory properties required for the application are set in the appropriate process or instance objects.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: Item handler does not exist for + itemTriggered.getName() + in + menuName

Cause: Internal application coding error.

Action: Edit the menu item bindings configuration string to disable the menu item whose handler is missing.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaBindException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem releasing the call to the attendant application. The attendant application is not running or not enough threads are running.

Action: Make sure the attendant application is running.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaConfigException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem reconfiguring the group for hand off to the attendant application. The UMMediaServicesProfile profile is not configured correctly.

Action: Check UMMediaServicesProfile.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: I/O Exception should not ever happen here

Cause: Message should never occur.

Action: Report the problem.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaBindException when releasing to service + faxReceivingAsi

Cause: There was a problem delegating the call to the fax application. The fax application is not running or not enough threads are running.

Action: Make sure the fax application is running.

Internal Error: RuntimeException received

Cause: An unknown error condition occured.

Action: Report the problem if it persists.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaBindException

Cause: CT server corruption.

Action: Check disk space and reboot the CT server.

Internal Error: No destination address has been specified. Message in + recordingFile + will not be sent.

Cause: The user did not specify any message recipients.

Action: None.

Internal Error: Recorded message file does not exist

Cause: Unexpected error condition occured or CT server corruption.

Action: Check disk space and reboot the CT server.

Internal Error: Container Exception while retrieving the header parameter on the message. Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: An error communicating with the database, or simultaneous deletion of the message being forwarded or replied to.

Action: Check database connection.

Internal Error: Unknown exception caught in + thisClassName

Cause: Unknown error.

Action: If the problem persists, reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Reinitialization failed: + e2

Cause: Attempting to reinitialize the application after an unknown error failed.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closing

Cause: The application thread is shutting down due to failed reinitialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closed

Cause: The application has attempted thread-specific cleanup and is shutting down due to failed initialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Message file + messageFile + does not exist

Cause: Application error condition occured.

Action: Restart the machine, check disk space, and report the problem if it persists.

Internal Error: Needed parameter settings are missing

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory process or instance settings which are required for process startup are missing.

Action: Make sure that all Oracle Internet Directory properties required for the application are set in the appropriate process or instance objects.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: Item handler does not exist for + itemTriggered.getName() + in + menuName

Cause: Internal application coding error.

Action: Edit the menu item bindings configuration string to disable the menu item whose handler is missing.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaBindException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem releasing the call to the attendant application. The attendant application is not running or not enough threads are running.

Action: Make sure the attendant application is running.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaConfigException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem reconfiguring the group for hand off to the attendant application. The UMMediaServicesProfile profile could be configured incorrectly.

Action: Check the UMMediaServicesProfile.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: I/O Exception shouldn't ever happen here

Cause: Message should never occur.

Action: Report the problem.

Internal Error: RuntimeException received

Cause: An unexpected application condition.

Action: Check disk space, network connectivity, and access privileges.

Internal Error: Container Exception encountered in the finally clause: + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Database down, disk space, or other error after a call has disconnected.

Action: Check disk space and see if database is reachable.

Internal Error: Container Exception encountered while destroying the container: + mailbox + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex1.toString() + This is the event + ev1.toString();

Cause: Database down or other error.

Action: Check if database is reachable.

Internal Error: Media Bind Exception while doing a delegateToService() to VMRecordingMediaApp. Exception Details: This is the exception + mbe.toString();

Cause: An error delegating to recording for a reply, forward, or new message composed within retrieval.

Action: Make sure that the recording application is running.

Internal Error: Container Exception while setting the unread parameter on the message. + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString();

Cause: Database communication problem or disk space problem while setting the unread flag on a message.

Action: Make sure that the database is accessible and that there is sufficient disk space.

Internal Error: Container Exception while deleting message. + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Database communication problem or disk space problem while deleting a message.

Action: Make sure that the database is accessible and that there is sufficient disk space.

Internal Error: Container Exception while retrieving the header parameter on the message. Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Database communication problem or disk space problem while obtaining message header information.

Action: Make sure that the database is accessible and that there is sufficient disk space.

Internal Error: Container Exception while destroying the container: + tmpGreetingPath + Exception Details: This is the exception + ce.toString() +This is the event + ev1.toString()

Cause: A data object in CT Media's container subsystem was externally deleted or there is an internal CT Media error.

Action: Check disk space. Reinstall CT Media if the problem persists.

Internal Error: Container Exception while creating the SpokenName data object. + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Disk space or internal CT Media error.

Action: Check disk space. Reinstall CT Media if the problem persists.

Internal Error: Container exception while retrieving the header parameter on the message. + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: There was a database communication problem or disk space problem while obtaining message header information.

Action: Make sure that the database is accessible and that there is sufficient disk space.

Internal Error: Container exception in greeting recording

Cause: There was an error accessing a just-recorded greeting or name. The greeting or name was removed, there is a disk space problem, or there was another CT Media error.

Action: Check disk space. Reboot the server if the problem persists.

Internal Error: Naming exception in greeting recording:

Cause: There was an error storing a just recorded greeting or name in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Make sure that the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Voice Mail Retrieval Process

Error: Unable to establish Oracle Internet Directory connection

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Cannot communicate with Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory while trying to lookup the user - Retrying

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory is down or inaccessible.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection.

Error: Naming Exception encountered while trying to lookup the user

Cause: Oracle Voicemail & Fax is answering calls for users who do not have Oracle Internet Directory entries or who have incorrect Oracle Internet Directory entries.

Action: If the user should be on the system, ensure that the user's VPIM user object has a correct VPIM mail address. If the user should not be on the system, then configure the PBX not to forward that user's calls to Oracle Voicemail & Fax.

Error: No queueing location defined in Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The application is attempting to queue a message and the message queue location is undefined in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Set the message queue location in the appropriate process or instance objects in Oracle Internet Directory.

Error: Unexpected I/O error

Cause: Error outputting a message to the recovery queue.

Action: Check disk space and permissions on the queue directory.

Error: Cannot send message: queueing

Cause: The mail store database is down or inaccessible or there is another problem with message sending.

Action: Ensure the recovery application is running. It sends the message when the database is accessible again. Check database.

Error: Error retrieving coder type from Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The coder type stored in a Oracle Internet Directory user or greeting object is incorrectly formatted. It may have been altered.

Action: Correct the formatting of the coder type, and ensure that the default coder types are valid ones.

Error: Fatal error: Can't create prompt table

Cause: The default installation localization message description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the message localization description string.

Error: Fatal error: Can't create menu table

Cause: The default installation menu item bindings description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the menu item bindings description string.

Error: Fatal error: Unexpected naming exception

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory error occured while looking up the default installation message localization description string or the default installation menu item bindings description string exist in Oracle Internet Directory as immediate children of the installation container in Oracle Internet Directory. The default attributes of both objects should be set to true.

Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recover.

Error: Error refreshing

Cause: The current configuration of the process instance being refreshed is invalid. A setting made since the process instance's last startup is wrong.

Action: Correct the process instance's Oracle Internet Directory settings.

Error: Error in retrieving the signal. Current value = + signals + Event = + sdev

Cause: IT Media or CT Media API error.

Action: Check disk space, reboot the system, and report the problem if it persists.

Error: No AttendantAsi defined! Cannot release to AttendantMediaApp

Cause: The ASI for the transfer application is not defined in the Oracle Internet Directory transfer object to which this process instance's Oracle Internet Directory configuration points.

Action: Define the transfer ASI in the appropriate Oracle Internet Directory object.

Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Poorly formatted integer parameter: + value

Cause: A well-formed XML string has an integer parameter value which cannot be parsed as an integer.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is causing the problem, and correct it.

Error: Parse exception: + errorStream.toString()

Cause: A localized message description string is not formed correctly.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which string is not formed correctly, and correct it.

Error: Unexpected SAX Exception: + errorStream.toString()

Cause: Unexpected error.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is being parsed, and ensure the XML string is well formed.

Error: Setting the startSearchMessageUid value in Oracle Internet Directory to = +messageUid.toString() + failed!

Cause: An error communicating with Oracle Internet Directory. This error is non-fatal, but may reveal more serious Oracle Internet Directory communication problems.

Action: Try the operation again and see whether the condition recurs. Check if the Oracle Internet Directory server is down.

Error: Setting the oldestVoiceMessageUid value in Oracle Internet Directory to = +oldestVMUid.toString() + failed!

Cause: An error communicating with Oracle Internet Directory. This error is non-fatal, but may reveal more serious Oracle Internet Directory communication problems.

Action: Try the operation again and see whether the condition recurs. Check if the Oracle Internet Directory server is down.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory when trying to lookup user- Retrying

Cause: Connection lost with Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection at the beginning of every call.

Error: Invalid MailBox Number - Null

Cause: The user pressed only the pound key when asked to enter a mailbox number.

Action: None.

Error: Exception caught - Details: + ex.toString() + Event details - + sdev.toString()

Cause: Third party bug was triggered and workaround is being attempted.

Action: None

Error: Exception caught - Details: + stex

Cause: Third party bug was triggered and workaround is being attempted.

Action: None

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory when trying to lookup the user - Retrying

Cause: Loss of Oracle Internet Directory connection.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection at the beginning of every call.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory when trying to lookup the user- Retrying

Cause: Loss of Oracle Internet Directory connection.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection at the beginning of every call.

Error: Invalid MailBox Password - Null

Cause: The user pressed only the pound key when prompted for a password.

Action: None.

Error: NamingException - Unable to retrieve e-mail ID for VPIM user. + Exception Details: Exception = + ex.toString();

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory error occurred while looking up a user.

Action: Check the user's Oracle Internet Directory settings.

Error: Null value returned when querying Oracle Internet Directory for the owner of orclUMUser. Cannot proceed further

Cause: The owner field of the Oracle Voicemail & Fax user object is not set.

Action: Set the owner field of the Oracle Voicemail & Fax user object to point to a mail user.

Error: Null value returned when querying Oracle Internet Directory for the mailUser object whose dn = + mailUserDn +. Cannot proceed further.

Cause: The owner field of the Oracle Voicemail & Fax user object is a DN which does not exist in the Oracle Internet Directory server.

Action: Correct the owner field of the Oracle Voicemail & Fax user object.

Error: Null value returned when querying Oracle Internet Directory for the mail user's (dn = + mailUserDn +) orclmailStore attribute. Cannot proceed further.

Cause: The mail user's orclMailStore attribute is not set.

Action: Set the mail user's orclMailStore attribute.

Error: Null value returned when querying Oracle Internet Directory for the mail user's (dn = + mailUserDn +) targetdn attribute. Cannot proceed further.

Cause: The mail user's targetdn attribute is not set or set incorrectly.

Action: Correct the targetdn to point to the mail user's corresponding public user.

Error: Null value returned when querying Oracle Internet Directory for the mailStores object (dn = + mailStoreDn +). Cannot proceed further.

Cause: The mail user's orclMailStore attribute is a DN which does not exist on the Oracle Internet Directory server.

Action: Correct the mail user's orclMailStore attribute.

Error: Null value returned when querying Oracle Internet Directory for the mailStores object's (dn = + mailStoreDn +) orcldbdistinguishedname attribute. Cannot proceed further.

Cause: The mail store orcldbdistinguishedname attribute is not set.

Action: Set the mail store orcldbdistinguishedname attribute.

Error: Null value returned when querying Oracle Internet Directory for the DBService object (dn = + dbStoreDn +). Cannot proceed further.

Cause: The mail store orcldbdistinguishedname attribute is set to a DN which does not exist in the Oracle Internet Directory server.

Action: Correct the mail store object's orcldbdistinguishedname attribute.

Error: Null value returned when querying Oracle Internet Directory for the DBService object's (dn = + dbStoreDn +) orcldbglobalname attribute. Cannot proceed further.

Cause: The DBService orcldbglobalname attribute is not set in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Set the DBService orcldbglobalname attribute.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory while retrieving the mail ID of the VPIMUser - Retrying

Cause: Loss of Oracle Internet Directory connection.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection at the beginning of every call.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory while retrieving the mail ID of the VPIMUser - Retrying

Cause: Loss of Oracle Internet Directory connection.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection at the beginning of every call.

Error: Null value for VPIMMail ID specified in Oracle Internet Directory. Cannot proceed further

Cause: The VPIM mail user's object does not have the vpimmail ID set. As this attribute is required by the schema, a severe Oracle Internet Directory corruption has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Internet Directory server support.

Error: Invalid vpimmail id - + mailbox + - specified in Oracle Internet Directory. Cannot proceed further

Cause: The VPIM mail user's vpimmail ID was altered during the course of the telephone call. Most likely an Oracle Internet Directory corruption.

Action: Contact Oracle Internet Directory server support.

Error: Container Exception. Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Unknown error authenticating user. Database could be down.

Action: Check database status.

Error: E-mail account specified in Oracle Internet Directory: + hotelman +: does not exist on the e-mail server. Cannot proceed further. + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString();

Cause: E-mail server is missing the user's account.

Action: Ensure that user's account is properly set up in the e-mail server and Oracle Internet Directory.

Error: MsgId is null. Cannot proceed further with the delegation to Recording.

Cause: The message for which a reply or forward is being composed has no message ID.

Action: None.

Error: Mailbox is null. Cannot proceed further with the delegation to Recording.

Cause: A failure to find items in the message header of a message to be forwarded or replied.

Action: None.

Error: Container Exception while setting the OCIPassword parameter on the mailbox: + mailbox + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString();

Cause: Unknown error while changing password.

Action: None.

Error: Error looking up user's Transfer Extension! Cannot release to AttendantMediaApp

Cause: The user's transfer extension cannot be found in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Ensure that the transfer extension is set in Oracle Internet Directory under one of the Oracle Voicemail & Fax user's parent Group Profiles.

Error: Error retrieving the user's telephone number., ne

Cause: The user's VPIM user object could not be found. There may have been an Oracle Internet Directory communication error or the owner attribute of the user object may have been incorrectly set.

Action: Ensure that the user's owner object is set to the dn of the mail user / VPIM user. Check that Oracle Internet Directory is available.

Error: Cannot look up VPIM user

Cause: The user's VPIM user object could not be found. There may have been an Oracle Internet Directory communication error or the owner attribute of the user object may have been incorrectly set.

Action: Ensure that the user's owner object is set to the dn of the mail user or VPIM user. Check that Oracle Internet Directory is available.

Internal Error: Unknown exception caught in + thisClassName

Cause: Unknown error.

Action: If the problem persists, reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Reinitialization failed: + e2

Cause: Attempting to reinitialize the application after an unknown error failed.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closing

Cause: The application thread is shutting down due to failed reinitialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closed

Cause: The application has attempted thread-specific cleanup and is shutting down due to failed initialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Message file + messageFile + does not exist

Cause: Application error condition occured.

Action: Restart the machine, check disk space, and report the problem if it persists.

Internal Error: Needed parameter settings are missing

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory process or instance settings which are required for process startup are missing.

Action: Make sure that all Oracle Internet Directory properties required for the application are set in the appropriate process or instance objects.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: Item handler does not exist for + itemTriggered.getName() + in + menuName

Cause: Internal application coding error.

Action: Edit the menu item bindings configuration string to disable the menu item whose handler is missing.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaBindException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem releasing the call to the attendant application. The attendant application is not running or not enough threads are running.

Action: Make sure the attendant application is running.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaConfigException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem reconfiguring the group for hand off to the attendant application. The UMMediaServicesProfile profile could be configured incorrectly.

Action: Check the UMMediaServicesProfile.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: RuntimeException received

Cause: An unexpected application condition.

Action: Check disk space, network connectivity, and access privileges.

Internal Error: Container Exception encountered in the finally clause: + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Database down, disk space, or other error after a call has disconnected.

Action: Check disk space and see if database is reachable.

Internal Error: Container Exception encountered while destroying the container: + mailbox + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex1.toString() + This is the event + ev1.toString();

Cause: Database down or other error.

Action: Check if database is reachable.

Internal Error: Media Bind Exception while doing a delegateToService() to VMRecordingMediaApp. Exception Details: This is the exception + mbe.toString();

Cause: An error delegating to recording for a reply, forward, or new message composed within retrieval.

Action: Make sure that the recording application is running.

Internal Error: Container Exception while deleting message. + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Database communication problem or disk space problem while deleting a message.

Action: Make sure that the database is accessible and that there is sufficient disk space.

Internal Error: Container Exception while retrieving the header parameter on the message. Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Database communication problem or disk space problem while obtaining message header information.

Action: Make sure that the database is accessible and that there is sufficient disk space.

Internal Error: Container Exception while destroying the container: + tmpGreetingPath + Exception Details: This is the exception + ce.toString() +This is the event + ev1.toString()

Cause: A data object in CT Media's container subsystem was externally deleted or there is an internal CT Media error.

Action: Check disk space. Reinstall CT Media if the problem persists.

Internal Error: Container Exception while creating the SpokenName data object. + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: Disk space or internal CT Media error.

Action: Check disk space. Reinstall CT Media if the problem persists.

Internal Error: Container exception while retrieving the header parameter on the message. + Exception Details: This is the exception + cex.toString() + This is the event + ev.toString()

Cause: There was a database communication problem or disk space problem while obtaining message header information.

Action: Make sure that the database is accessible and that there is sufficient disk space.

Internal Error: Container exception in greeting recording

Cause: There was an error accessing a just-recorded greeting or name. The greeting or name was removed, there is a disk space problem, or there was another CT Media error.

Action: Check disk space. Reboot the server if the problem persists.

Internal Error: Naming exception in greeting recording:

Cause: There was an error storing a just recorded greeting or name in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Make sure that the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.


Transfer Process

Error: Unable to establish Oracle Internet Directory connection

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Can't communicate with Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory while trying to lookup user - Retrying

Cause: Oracle Internet Directory is down or inaccessible.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection.

Error: Naming exception encountered while trying to lookup user

Cause: Oracle Voicemail & Fax is answering calls for users who do not have Oracle Internet Directory entries or who have incorrect Oracle Internet Directory entries.

Action: If the user should be on the system, ensure that the user's VPIM user object has a correct VPIM mail address. If the user should not be on the system, then configure the PBX not to forward that user's calls to Oracle Voicemail & Fax.

Error: No queueing location defined in Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The application is attempting to queue a message and the message queue location is undefined in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Set the message queue location in the appropriate process or instance objects in Oracle Internet Directory.

Error: Unexpected I/O error

Cause: Error outputting a message to the recovery queue.

Action: Check disk space and permissions on the queue directory.

Error: Cannot send message: queueing

Cause: The mail store database is down or inaccessible or there is another problem with message sending.

Action: Ensure the recovery application is running. It sends the message when the database is accessible again. Check the database.

Error: Error retrieving coder type from Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The coder type stored in a user or greeting Oracle Internet Directory object is incorrectly formatted. It may have been altered.

Action: Correct the formatting of the coder type, and ensure that the default coder types are valid ones.

Error: Fatal error: Cannot create prompt table

Cause: The default installation localization message description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the message localization description string.

Error: Fatal error: Cannot create menu table

Cause: The default installation menu item bindings description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the menu item bindings description string

Error: Fatal error: Unexpected naming exception

Cause: Oracle Internet Directory error while looking up the default installation message localization description string or the default installation menu item bindings description string.

Action: Ensure that a default menu object and a default prompts object exist in Oracle Internet Directory. The immediate children of the installation container in Oracle Internet Directory. The default attributes of both objects should be set to true.

Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Error refreshing

Cause: The current configuration of the process instance being refreshed is invalid. A setting made since the process instance's last startup is wrong.

Action: Correct the process instance's Oracle Internet Directory settings.

Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Poorly formatted integer parameter

Cause: A well-formed XML string has an integer parameter value which cannot be parsed as an integer.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is causing the problem, and correct it.

Error: Parse exception

Cause: A localized message description string is not formed correctly.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which string is not formed correctly, and correct it.

Error: Unexpected SAX Exception

Cause: Unexpected error.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is being parsed, and ensure the XML string is well formed.

Internal Error: Unknown exception caught in + thisClassName

Cause: Unknown error.

Action: If the problem persists, reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Reinitialization failed

Cause: Attempting to reinitialize the application after an unknown error failed.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closing

Cause: The application thread is shutting down due to failed reinitialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closed

Cause: The application has attempted thread-specific cleanup and is shutting down due to failed initialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Message file + messageFile + does not exist

Cause: Application error condition occured.

Action: Restart the machine, check disk space, and report the problem if it persists.

Internal Error: Needed parameter settings are missing

Cause: Oracle Internet Directory process or instance settings which are required for process startup are missing.

Action: Make sure that all Oracle Internet Directory properties required for the application are set in the appropriate process or instance objects.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: I/O Exception should not ever happen here

Cause: Message should never occur.

Action: Report the problem.

Fax Receiving Process

Error: Unable to establish Oracle Internet Directory connection

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Can't communicate with Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory server is inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the Oracle Internet Directory server is accessible.

Error: Lost connection with Oracle Internet Directory while trying to lookup user - Retrying

Cause: Oracle Internet Directory is down or inaccessible.

Action: None. The application automatically retries the connection.

Error: a naming exception was encountered while trying to lookup user

Cause: Unified Messaging is answering calls for users who do not have Oracle Internet Directory entries or who have incorrect Oracle Internet Directory entries.

Action: If the user should be on the system, ensure that the user's VPIM user object has a correct VPIM mail address. If the user should not be on the system, then configure the PBX not to forward that user calls to Oracle Voicemail & Fax.

Error: No queueing location defined in Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The application is attempting to queue a message and the message queue location is undefined in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Set the message queue location in the appropriate process.

Error: Unexpected I/O error

Cause: Error outputting a message to the recovery queue.

Action: Check disk space and permissions on the queue directory.

Error: Cannot send message: queueing

Cause: The mail store database is down or inaccessible or there is another problem with message sending.

Action: Ensure the recovery application is running. It sends the message when the database is accessible again. Check the database.

Error: Error retrieving coder type from Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: The coder type stored in a user or greeting Oracle Internet Directory. The object is incorrectly formatted. It may have been altered.

Action: Correct the formatting of the coder type, and ensure that the default coder types are valid ones.

Error: Fatal error: Can't create prompt table

Cause: The default installation localization message description string is poorly formed.

Action: Correct the message localization description string.

Error: Fatal error: Cannot create menu table

Cause: The default installation menu item bindings description string is not formed correctly.

Action: Correct the menu item bindings description string.

Fatal Error: Unexpected NamingException

Cause: Oracle Internet Directory error while looking up the default installation message localization description string or the default installation menu item bindings description string.

Action: Ensure that a default menu object and a default prompts object exist in Oracle Internet Directory as immediate children of the installation container in Oracle Internet Directory. The default attributes of both objects should be set to true.

Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Error refreshing

Cause: The current configuration of the process instance being refreshed is invalid. A setting made since the process instance's last startup is wrong.

Action: Correct the Oracle Internet Directory process instance settings.

Error: Error in retrieving the signal. Current value = + signals + Event = + sdev

Cause: IT Media or CT Media API error.

Action: Check disk space, reboot the system, and report the problem if it persists.

Error: No AttendantAsi defined! Cannot release to AttendantMediaApp

Cause: The ASI for the transfer application is not defined in the transfer Oracle Internet Directory objects.

Action: Define the transfer ASI in the appropriate Oracle Internet Directory object.

Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Poorly formatted integer parameter: + value

Cause: A well-formed XML string has an integer parameter value which cannot be parsed as an integer.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is causing the problem, and correct it.

Error: Parse exception: + errorStream.toString()

Cause: A localized message description string is formed incorrectly.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which string is formed incorrectly, and correct it.

Error: Unexpected SAXException: + errorStream.toString()

Cause: Unexpected error.

Action: Examine the logs to determine which XML string is being parsed, and ensure the XML string is well formed.

Error: Cannot process this call further - No call detail information or the field is null!

Cause: Call detail information is unavailable.

Action: Ensure that the SMDI Monitor, if one exists, is running, and that the PBX integration settings in Oracle Internet Directory are correct.

Error: Oracle Internet Directory is down and installation may be + multi-domain aborting call

Cause: Oracle Internet Directory is down and no default domain is set in the environment.

Action: If the installation encompasses multiple domains, do nothing. If it is a single domain installation, set the default domain parameter in Oracle Internet Directory to be the name of the single domain.

Error: User does not have FaxIn access

Cause: The user to whom a fax is being sent has fax-in access disabled.

Action: If the user should have fax-in access enabled, then enable it.

Error: Fax receiver stopped for unknown reason: qual is null

Cause: CT Media or IT Media API error.

Action: Check disk space and report the problem if it persists.

Internal Error: Unknown exception caught in + thisClassName

Cause: Unknown error.

Action: If the problem persists, reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Reinitialization failed: + e2

Cause: Attempting to reinitialize the application after an unknown error failed.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closing

Cause: The application thread is shutting down due to failed reinitialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: thisClassName +: closed

Cause: The application has attempted thread-specific cleanup and is shutting down due to failed initialization after an unknown error.

Action: Reboot the system and report the problem.

Internal Error: Message file + messageFile + does not exist

Cause: Application error condition occured.

Action: Restart the machine, check disk space, and report the problem if it persists.

Internal Error: Needed parameter settings are missing.

Cause: Oracle Internet Directory process or instance settings which are required for process startup are missing.

Action: Make sure that all Oracle Internet Directory properties required for the application are set in the appropriate process or instance objects.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: Item handler does not exist for + itemTriggered.getName() + in + menuName

Cause: Internal application coding error.

Action: Edit the menu item bindings configuration string to disable the menu item whose handler is missing.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaBindException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem releasing the call to the attendant application. The attendant application is not running or not enough threads are running.

Action: Make sure the attendant application is running.

Internal Error: Unexpected MediaConfigException when releasing to service + requestor.getAttendantAsi()

Cause: There was a problem reconfiguring the group for hand off to the attendant application. The UMMediaServicesProfile could be configured incorrectly.

Action: Check UMMediaServicesProfile.

Internal Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: An unexpected error condition occured with IT Media and CT Media.

Action: Make sure that IT Media is correctly installed.

Internal Error: I/O Exception should not ever happen here

Cause: Message should never occur.

Action: Report the problem.

Internal Error: Fax receive was interrupted. Message in + receivingFile + will not be sent

Cause: An error during fax reception.

Action: Check disk space, and reinstall CT Media if problems persist.

Internal Error: No destination address has been specified. Message in + receivingFile + will not be sent.

Cause: The user did not specify any message recipients.

Action: None.

MWI Service Process

Error: Unexpected exception trying to initialize MediaProvider

Cause: The CT server may be down.

Action: Ensure that the CT server is starting up. Once the server starts up, the application recovers.

Error: Class location URL is not defined. + Cannot export MWIService for activation.

Cause: The class location URL is not set in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Set the class location in Oracle Internet Directory.

Error: An I/O error occurred while constructing MarshalledObject

Cause: Insufficient disk space or file system privileges.

Action: Check disk space and privileges.

Error: Error connecting to PBX

Cause: The SMDI Monitor or CT Media MWI session service is unavailable.

Action: Verify that Oracle Internet Directory settings of PBX properties are correct. Verify that the SMDI Monitor, if any, is running. The MWIService automatically reestablishes the connection.

Error: PBXConnection cannot be created

Cause: The PBX connection type is missing or unrecognized, or the SMDI Monitor host, port, or timeout properties are missing.

Action: Correct all required PBX connection-related properties in the appropriate process or instance Oracle Internet Directory object.

AQMWI Process

Error: Unable to register driver manager -- exiting

Cause: The Oracle JDBC classes are not correctly installed.

Action: Reinstall the Oracle JDBC classes.

Error: Error communicating with AQ

Cause: The advanced queue for MWI does not exist, or is unavailable.

Action: Ensure the queue is installed and available.

Error: Error communicating with the database

Cause: The database is unavailable or inaccessible.

Action: Ensure the database is running and is accessible.

Error: Error communicating with Oracle Internet Directory

Cause: An Oracle Internet Directory server connection or authentication error occurred

Action: Ensure that the Oracle Internet Directory server is running. Reset authentication credentials if necessary.

Error: Unexpected Exception

Cause: An unknown error.

Action: None. It automatically reestablishes a connection.

Error: Unable to reconnect

Cause: An error establishing a connection after an unknown error.

Action: None. A reconnection is attempted every 60 seconds.

Error: Unexpected ClassNotFoundException

Cause: The class oracle.AQ.AQOracleDriver cannot be found.

Action: Ensure that Oracle AQ classes are installed.

Error: Remote exception occurred while looking up the MWIService

Cause: A RMI registry could not be located at the host and port number of the RMI URL set in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Ensure that an rmiregistry is running at the host and port number of the RMI URL set in Oracle Internet Directory.

Error: A URL exception was not formed correctly while looking up the MWI service

Cause: The URL of the MWIService set in Oracle Internet Directory under the MWI service process or instance object is not formed correctly.

Action: Correct the MWIService URL.

Error: A NotBoundException occurred while looking up MWI service

Cause: The MWIService is not registered at the expected URL.

Action: Ensure that an MWIService is running at the location set in Oracle Internet Directory under the MWIService process or instance object.