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Oracle® Application Server Portal Configuration Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14037-01
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This manual describes how to configure Oracle Application Server Portal. This includes how to plan, upgrade, check pre-installation requirements, and perform post-installation tasks. This guide further explains some more advanced Portal deployments, and explains how to perform the advanced configuration required for these deployments. Finally, there is information about monitoring and troubleshooting.

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This manual contains four parts, 11 chapters, 11 appendixes, and an index.

Part I, "Concepts"

This part contains the chapters that explain the OracleAS Portal architecture, and how to plan a Portal.

Chapter 1, "Understanding the OracleAS Portal Architecture"

This chapter introduces OracleAS Portal, and explains how it fits in the Oracle Application Server architecture.

Chapter 2, "Planning Your Portal"

This chapter provides conceptual information about planning Portals.

Part II, "Installation and Basic Configuration"

This part contains the chapters that discuss installation and basic configuration.

Chapter 3, "Installing OracleAS Portal"

This chapter guides the administrator through the installation process.

Chapter 4, "Performing Basic Configuration and Administration"

This chapter assumes that OracleAS Portal has been installed as part of the Oracle Application Server and addresses the basic tasks that you can perform once installation is complete.

Part III, "Advanced Configuration Topics"

This part contains the chapters that discuss special configurations.

Chapter 5, "Performing Advanced Configuration"

This chapter provides instructions on how to perform more advanced OracleAS Portal configuration and integration configuration, including middle-tier, proxy server, Oracle Application Server Web Cache, and Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On configuration.

Chapter 6, "Securing OracleAS Portal"

This chapter provides instructions on how to secure OracleAS Portal.

Chapter 7, "Monitoring and Administering OracleAS Portal"

This chapter provides information about monitoring tools, and how to use them to successfully monitor OracleAS Portal.

Chapter 8, "Configuring the Search Features in OracleAS Portal"

This chapter provides instructions on configuring Oracle Text to perform text searching in page groups created with OracleAS Portal and information on how to set up and start using Oracle Ultra Search.

Chapter 9, "Tuning Performance in OracleAS Portal"

This chapter discusses how you can tune the performance of your OracleAS Portal configuration.

Chapter 10, "Exporting and Importing Content"

This chapter discusses how to use the import and export functionality that enables you to migrate portal content between portal installations.

Chapter 11, "Using the Federated Portal Adapter"

This chapter discusses how to configure the Federated Portal Adapter.

Part IV, "Appendixes"

This part contains the appendixes.

Appendix A, "Using the Portal Dependency Settings Tool and File"

This appendix provides information on using the Portal Dependency Settings File. This file contains all the settings required to configure the integration of OracleAS Portal with its dependent components.

Appendix B, " Configuring and Managing an Upgraded Oracle Application Server Portal Instance"

This appendix discusses how to configure a portal whose schema is not located in an OracleAS Metadata Repository, to take advantage of some of the new management services for Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).

Appendix C, "Using OracleAS Portal Installation and Configuration Scripts"

This appendix provides information about various scripts that are used for customizing the configuration.

Appendix D, "Configuring the Parallel Page Engine"

This appendix provides information on configuring the Parallel Page Engine (PPE), a part of the OracleAS Portal middle-tier. The PPE reads page metadata, calls providers for portlet content, accepts provider responses, and assembles the requested page in the specified page layout.

Appendix E, "Using Oracle Application Server Configuration Files"

This appendix provides information about the configuration files that can affect the connection to and the behavior of the Oracle Application Server and its middle-tier components, as well as the other machines to which it is connecting.

Appendix F, "Integrating JavaServer Pages with OracleAS Portal"

This appendix describes how you can secure OracleAS Portal to allow access to only approved JSPs, and prevent unauthorized access by JSPs to portlet content. It also describes the steps required to allow access for protected external JSPs that require login.

Appendix G, "Using the wwv_context APIs"

This appendix describes the wwv_context API.

Appendix H, "Using TEXTTEST to Check Oracle Text Installation"

This appendix describes the use of the TEXTTEST utility to check the functionality of Oracle Text.

Appendix I, "Administering Web Clipping"

This appendix describes the steps involved in configuring Web Clipping.

Appendix J, "Setting Up and Maintaining a Virtual Private Portal"

This appendix walks you through the steps for setting up and maintaining a virtual private portal (hosted portal).

Appendix K, "Troubleshooting OracleAS Portal"

This appendix provides solutions to problems you may encounter while installing, or using OracleAS Portal.

Related Documents

For more information, see the following manuals in the OracleAS Portal documentation set:

More on OTN

You'll find a wealth of information about OracleAS Portal on Oracle Technology Network (OTN),


A complete glossary of OracleAS Portal-related terminology can be found in the Oracle Application Server Portal User's Guide

You may also find the following manuals in the Oracle Application Server documentation set useful:


The following conventions are used in this manual:

Convention Meaning
Italicized text Italicized type introduces important terms used for the first time.
Boldface text Boldface type is used for emphasis and to represent the names of items as they appear on your screen.
CAPITALIZED text Capitalized text indicates procedure names.
< > Angle brackets enclose user-supplied information.
[ ] Brackets enclose optional clauses from which you can choose one or none.



Vertical ellipsis points in an example mean that information not directly related to the example has been omitted.