Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Row
oracle.adf.model.binding Contains the abstract implementation of ADFm binding objects. 
oracle.jbo Contains interfaces for client-side applications. 
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier.   
oracle.jbo.html.databeans Contains implementation classes for predefined Web-enabled JavaBeans which can access and display data from the data source. 
oracle.jbo.html.struts11 Contains classes to support BC4J for the model side of a Struts application. 
oracle.jbo.rules Contains sample validation beans. 
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.binding Contains JClient classes that handle interaction with BC4J objects for various JClient bindings. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.jui Contains JClient classes that implement binding of Swing controls with BC4J ViewObject, Attributes or Rows. 
oracle.jdeveloper.html Contains classes for generating HTML code. 


Uses of Row in oracle.adf.model.bc4j


Methods in oracle.adf.model.bc4j with parameters of type Row
protected  java.lang.Object DCJboDataControl.getAccessorValue(RowSetIterator masterRSI, Row row, DCIteratorBinding iter, java.lang.String accName)
protected  RowSetIterator DCJboDataControl.createAccessorRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator masterRSI, Row row, DCIteratorBinding iter, java.lang.String accName, java.lang.String beanClass, boolean trackMaster)
 void DCJboDataControl.setAttributeInRow(DCIteratorBinding iterBind, Row row, AttributeDef ad, java.lang.Object value)
protected  void DCJboDataControl.resetAttributeExceptionInRow(DCIteratorBinding iter, Row row, AttributeDef def, AttrValException ave)
          Reset any deferred exception in the row for the given attribute, for which the AttrValException was raised.


Uses of Row in oracle.adf.model.binding


Fields in oracle.adf.model.binding declared as Row
protected  Row DCIteratorBinding.mCreatedRowRef


Methods in oracle.adf.model.binding that return Row
protected  Row DCIteratorBinding.prepareCurrentRow()
 Row DCIteratorBinding.getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row of the iterator with which this binding object is associated.
 Row DCIteratorBinding.getRowAtRangeIndex(int rangeIndex)
          Returns the row of given range index.
 Row[] DCIteratorBinding.getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns an array of rows in the current range of the current RowIterator.
protected  Row DCDataControl.internalGetCurrentRow(DCIteratorBinding iter)
 Row DCControlBinding.getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row for which this control is displaying data.
 Row DCControlBinding.getRowAtRangeIndex(int rangeIndex)
          Returns the row of given range index.
 Row[] DCControlBinding.getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns the rows in current range in the RowIterator with which this control binding is working.
 Row DCBindingContainerValidationEvent.getRow()


Methods in oracle.adf.model.binding with parameters of type Row
protected abstract  void DCIteratorBinding.updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, Row row, boolean clear)
          Calls updateValuesFromRows() on each instance of DCCtrlRangeBinding object associated with this iterator binding object.
protected abstract  void DCIteratorBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          Calls updateValueFromRow() on each instance of DCCtrlValueBinding objects associated with this iterator binding object.
protected  void DCIteratorBinding.cacheCreatedRow(RowSetIterator rsi, Row row)
protected abstract  java.lang.Object DCDataControl.getAccessorValue(RowSetIterator masterRSI, Row row, DCIteratorBinding iter, java.lang.String accName)
 RowSetIterator DCDataControl.createAccessorRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator masterRSI, Row row, DCIteratorBinding iter, java.lang.String accName, java.lang.String beanClass)
protected  RowSetIterator DCDataControl.createAccessorRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator masterRSI, Row row, DCIteratorBinding iter, java.lang.String accName, java.lang.String beanClass, boolean trackMaster)
 void DCDataControl.setAttributeInRow(DCIteratorBinding iterBind, Row row, AttributeDef ad, java.lang.Object value)
protected  void DCDataControl.resetAttributeExceptionInRow(DCIteratorBinding iter, Row row, AttributeDef def, AttrValException ave)
          Reset any deferred exception in the row for the given attribute, for which the AttrValException was raised.
protected  void DCControlBinding.resetAttributeExceptionInRow(Row row, AttributeDef def, AttrValException ave)
 java.lang.Object DCBindingContainer.callBeforeSetAttribute(DCControlBinding ctrl, Row row, AttributeDef ad, java.lang.Object value)
          Invoked before any control binding performs a setAttribute call on a BC4J row.


Constructors in oracle.adf.model.binding with parameters of type Row
DCBindingContainerValidationEvent(DCControlBinding source, DCBindingContainer panel, DCIteratorBinding iterBinding, Row row, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object value)
DCBindingContainerValidationEvent(DCBindingContainer source, DCIteratorBinding iterBinding, Row row)


Uses of Row in oracle.adf.model.generic


Fields in oracle.adf.model.generic declared as Row
protected  Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.mCurrentRow
protected  Row DCRowContext.mRow


Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic that return Row
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.previous()
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.first()
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.last()
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getRow(Key key)
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowAtRangeIndex(int rangeIndex)
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getCurrentRow()
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.createRow()
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
 Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
 Row[] DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getAllRowsInRange()
 Row[] DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getNextRangeSet()
 Row[] DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getPreviousRangeSet()
 Row[] DCRowSetIteratorImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
 Row[] DCRowSetIteratorImpl.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
protected  Row DCRowSetIteratorImpl.internalCreateRowInstanceFor(java.lang.Object rowData)
 Row DCRowContext.getRow()
 Row DCGenericRowSetIteratorImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)


Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic with parameters of type Row
 int DCRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
protected  boolean DCRowSetIteratorImpl.containsRow(Row row)
 boolean DCRowSetIteratorImpl.setCurrentRow(Row row)
 void DCRowSetIteratorImpl.insertRow(Row row)
 void DCRowSetIteratorImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int rangeIndex, Row row)
 int DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
protected  void DCRowSetIteratorImpl.notifyNavigationEvent(Row srcRow, Row dstRow)
protected  void DCGenericRowSetIteratorImpl.notifyNavigationEvent(Row srcRow, Row dstRow)
protected  boolean DCGenericRowSetIteratorImpl.containsRow(Row row)
protected  java.lang.Object DCGenericDataControl.getAccessorValue(RowSetIterator masterRSI, Row row, DCIteratorBinding iter, java.lang.String accName)


Constructors in oracle.adf.model.generic with parameters of type Row
DCRowContext(Row row, RowSetIterator iter, StructureDef def)
DCGenericRowContext(Row data, RowSetIterator iter, StructureDef def)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo


Classes in oracle.jbo that implement Row
 class ViewCriteriaRow
          An array containing criteria for the individual attributes of a View Object's WHERE clause.


Methods in oracle.jbo that return Row
          Steps forward, designating the next row as the current row.
 Row ViewCriteria.previous()
          Steps backward, designating the previous row as the current row.
 Row ViewCriteria.first()
          Designates the first row of the row set as the current row.
 Row ViewCriteria.last()
          Designates the last row of the row set as the current row.
 Row ViewCriteria.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Accesses a row through its index in the row set.
 Row ViewCriteria.getCurrentRow()
          Accesses the current row.
 Row ViewCriteria.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
          Creates a new Row object, but does not insert it into the row set.
 Row ViewCriteria.createRow()
          Creates a new Row object, but does not insert it into the row set.
 Row ViewCriteria.removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
 Row[] ViewCriteria.getAllRowsInRange()
          Extracts the rows in the range.
 Row ViewCriteria.getRow(Key key)
          Accesses a row through a unique key.
 Row[] ViewCriteria.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns View rows that match the specified key.
 Row[] ViewCriteria.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns View rows that use the entity row, identified by the entity row handle, eRowHandle.
 Row[] RowSetIterator.getNextRangeSet()
          Gets the next set of rows in the range.
 Row[] RowSetIterator.getPreviousRangeSet()
          Gets the previous set of rows in the range.
 Row[] RowSetIterator.getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
          Returns all rows in this collection whose attribute value matches the value being passed in attrValue.
 Row[] RowSetIterator.getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
          Returns all rows in this range whose attribute value matches the value being passed in attrValue.
          Gets the next row in the iterator.
 Row RowIterator.previous()
          Gets the previous row in the iterator.
 Row RowIterator.first()
          Gets the first row in the iterator.
 Row RowIterator.last()
          Gets the last row in the iterator.
 Row RowIterator.getRow(Key key)
          Locates and returns a row by its unique key.
 Row RowIterator.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Accesses a row through its range index.
 Row RowIterator.getCurrentRow()
          Accesses the current row.
 Row RowIterator.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
          Creates and initializes a new Row object, but does not insert it into the Row Set.
 Row RowIterator.createRow()
          Creates a new Row object, but does not insert it into the Row Set.
 Row RowIterator.removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
          Removes the current Row object from the collection and retain it for insertion into another location.
 Row[] RowIterator.getAllRowsInRange()
          Extracts the rows in the range.
 Row[] RowIterator.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns View rows that match the specified key.
 Row[] RowIterator.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns View rows that use the Entity row, identified by the Entity row handle, eRowHandle.
 Row RowEvent.getRow()
          Gets the row that has been modified.
 Row[] RangeRefreshEvent.getAllRowsInRange()
          Extracts the rows in the range.
 Row[] RangeEvent.getAllRowsInRange()
          Extracts the rows in the range.
 Row NavigationEvent.getRow()
          Identifies the row that is to become the current row.
 Row NavigationEvent.getPreviousRow()
          Identifies the row that was previously the current row.
 Row DMLException.getEntityRow()


Methods in oracle.jbo with parameters of type Row
 boolean ViewCriteria.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Designates a given row as the current row.
 void ViewCriteria.insertRow(Row row)
          Adds a row to the row set, before the current row.
 int ViewCriteria.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to place a given row at a given row set index.
 void ViewCriteria.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Adds a row to the row set at the given index.
 int ViewCriteria.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Get the index of the given row relative to the beginning of the range.
 boolean RowIterator.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Designates a given row as the current row.
 void RowIterator.insertRow(Row row)
          Inserts a row to the Row Set, before the current row.
 int RowIterator.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to place a given row at a given range index.
 void RowIterator.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Inserts a row to the Row Set at the given range index.
 int RowIterator.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Get the index of the given row relative to the beginning of the range.
 void RowDMLException.setEntityRow(Row row, java.lang.String defName)
 void RowDMLException.setEntityRow(Row row)
 void DMLException.setEntityRow(Row row)


Constructors in oracle.jbo with parameters of type Row
UpdateEvent(RowSetIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int[] attrIndices)
          Creates an event when a row is modified.
RowEvent(NavigatableRowIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex)
          Creates an event when a row is modified, added, or deleted.
RowDMLException(int operation, java.lang.String stmt, java.lang.Exception ex, Row en, java.lang.String fullDefName)
          Creates an exception to be localized using CSMessageBundle and error code EXC_DML_POST_ENTITY.
RangeRefreshEvent(RowSetIterator source, int rangeStart, int rowCountInRange, Row[] rows)
          Creates a range refresh event.
RangeRefreshEvent(RowSetIterator source, int rangeStart, int rowCountInRange, Row[] rows, boolean isReset)
NavigationEvent(NavigatableRowIterator source, Row previousRow, Row currentRow)
          Creates a navagation event when a new row becomes current.
InsertEvent(NavigatableRowIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int rowCountBefore, int rowCount)
          Creates an event for a row being inserted.
InsertDeleteEvent(NavigatableRowIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int rowCountBefore, int rowCount)
          Creates an event for a row being inserted or deleted.
DMLException(int operation, Row entityRow, int handle, java.lang.String stmt, java.lang.Exception ex)
          Creates an exception to be localized using CSMessageBundle and error code EXC_DML_POST_ENTITY.
DMLException(java.lang.Class resBundle, Row entityRow, int handle, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.Exception ex)
DeleteEvent(NavigatableRowIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int rowCountBefore, int rowCount)
          Creates an event for a row being deleted.
DeleteEvent(NavigatableRowIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int rowCountBefore, int rowCount, boolean isRemoveFromTable)
          Creates an event for a row being deleted.


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.client


Methods in oracle.jbo.client that return Row
static Row JboUtil.getRowFromKey(RowSetIterator rsi, java.lang.String sKey)
          Return a Row given a String representation of Key.


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.client.remote


Classes in oracle.jbo.client.remote that implement Row
 class TransPostEntityRow


Methods in oracle.jbo.client.remote that return Row
 Row ViewUsageImpl.previous()
 Row ViewUsageImpl.first()
 Row ViewUsageImpl.last()
 Row ViewUsageImpl.getRow(Key key)
 Row ViewUsageImpl.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
 Row ViewUsageImpl.getCurrentRow()
 Row ViewUsageImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
 Row ViewUsageImpl.createRow()
 Row ViewUsageImpl.removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
 Row[] ViewUsageImpl.getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] ViewUsageImpl.getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] ViewUsageImpl.getAllRowsInRange()
 Row[] ViewUsageImpl.getNextRangeSet()
 Row[] ViewUsageImpl.getPreviousRangeSet()
 Row[] ViewUsageImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
 Row[] ViewUsageImpl.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)


Methods in oracle.jbo.client.remote with parameters of type Row
 int ViewUsageImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
 boolean ViewUsageImpl.setCurrentRow(Row row)
 void ViewUsageImpl.insertRow(Row row)
 void ViewUsageImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
 int ViewUsageImpl.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
 java.lang.Object ApplicationModuleImpl.invokeDomainMethod(Row row, java.lang.String attrId, boolean bringBackDomain, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String[] clzNames, java.lang.Object[] args)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.common


Fields in oracle.jbo.common declared as Row
protected  Row RowSetIteratorHelper.mCurrentRow


Methods in oracle.jbo.common that return Row
 Row SvcMsgIteratorState.getCurrentRow()
 Row SvcMsgDataRow.getServerObject()
          Advanced - for internal use only.
static Row[] RowSetIteratorHelper.getFilteredRows(RowSetIterator rsiOrig, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
static Row[] RowSetIteratorHelper.getFilteredRowsInRange(RowSetIterator rsi, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)


Methods in oracle.jbo.common with parameters of type Row
 void SvcMsgDataRow.useServerObject(Row row)
          Advanced - for internal use only.
 boolean AccTravQualifier.isMatch(Row row)
          Returns if the row qualifies this AccTravQualifier.
 boolean AccTravQualByDefFullNameImpl.isMatch(Row row)
 boolean AccTravQualByAttrValuesImpl.isMatch(Row row)
abstract  boolean AccTravQualBaseImpl.isMatch(Row row)
 boolean AccTravQualAllImpl.isMatch(Row row)
 AccTravQualifier AccTravDefImpl.findMatch(Row row)
 AccTravQualifier AccTravDef.findMatch(Row row)
          Checks to see if there is an accessor traversal qualifier for the row.


Constructors in oracle.jbo.common with parameters of type Row
SvcMsgIteratorState(boolean isExecuted, int rangeStart, int rangeSize, int currentRowIndex, int currentRowSlot, Row currentRow, int isRangeAtBottom, int isRangeAtTop, int rowsRemoved)


Uses of Row in


Methods in that return Row
 Row[] WSRowSetIteratorBase.getNextRangeSet()
 Row[] WSRowSetIteratorBase.getPreviousRangeSet()
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.previous()
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.first()
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.last()
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.getRow(Key key)
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.getCurrentRow()
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.createAndInitRow(AttributeList nvp)
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.createRow()
 Row WSRowSetIteratorBase.removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
 Row[] WSRowSetIteratorBase.getAllRowsInRange()
 Row[] WSRowSetIteratorBase.getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] WSRowSetIteratorBase.getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] WSRowSetIteratorBase.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
 Row[] WSRowSetIteratorBase.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)


Methods in with parameters of type Row
 int WSViewObjectImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
 java.lang.Object[] WSRowSetMarshaller.executeDetailQuery(Row[] masterRows)
 boolean WSRowSetMarshaller.doesRowFilterMatch(Row[] masterRows, java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues)
 java.lang.Object[] WSRowSetMarshaller.refreshCollection(Row[] masterRows, boolean resetIter, boolean fillUpRange)
 long WSRowSetMarshaller.getDetailEstimatedRowCount(Row[] masterRows)
 int WSRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
 boolean WSRowSetIteratorBase.setCurrentRow(Row row)
 void WSRowSetIteratorBase.insertRow(Row row)
abstract  int WSRowSetIteratorBase.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
 void WSRowSetIteratorBase.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
 int WSRowSetIteratorBase.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
 int WSRowSetImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.html


Methods in oracle.jbo.html that return Row
 Row DataSourceImpl.getRowFromKey(java.lang.String sKey)
 Row DataSource.getRowFromKey(java.lang.String sKey)
 Row BC4JContext.getRow()
          Retrieve the row property value If the row has not been set explicitly, this method use the rowkey information from this BC4JContext to retrieve the row.


Methods in oracle.jbo.html with parameters of type Row
static void HtmlServices.updateRowAttributesFromRequestParameters(DataSource ds, Row row, RequestParameters params)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
static void HtmlServices.updateRowAttributesFromRequestParameters(ViewObject vo, Row row, RequestParameters params)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
static void HtmlServices.setAttributeFromRequestParameters(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef, RequestParameters params, LocaleContext locale)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
static void HtmlServices.setAttributeFromRequest(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, LocaleContext locale)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
static java.lang.Object HtmlServices.getOrdObject(AttributeDef attrDef, OrdFileSource tempFile, Row row, ApplicationModule am, java.lang.String mimeType)
          Deprecated. since 10.1.2 see
static java.lang.String HtmlServices.getAttributeStringValue(Row row, AttributeDef aDef, LocaleContext localeContext)
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataSourceImpl.getEditFieldRenderer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Convenient method with the pageContext without the session to be use by tags
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataSourceImpl.getEditFieldRenderer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataSourceImpl.getDisplayFieldRenderer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataSourceImpl.getDisplayFieldRenderer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataSource.getEditFieldRenderer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataSource.getEditFieldRenderer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataSource.getDisplayFieldRenderer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataSource.getDisplayFieldRenderer(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 void BC4JContext.setRow(Row row)
          Set the row property value


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.html.databeans


Fields in oracle.jbo.html.databeans declared as Row
protected  Row EditCurrentRecord.newRow
          Stores the new row when EditCurrentRecord is in INSERT mode.


Methods in oracle.jbo.html.databeans with parameters of type Row
protected  boolean RowSetBrowser.initializeNewTableRow(HTMLTableRow htmlRow, Row[] drows, int rowno, boolean isEven)
protected  java.lang.String JSLOV.getDataValueAt(Row[] drows, int row, AttributeDef[] dattrs, int attr)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags


Fields in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags declared as Row
protected  Row RowTag.row
protected  Row DataTagBase.row


Methods in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags that return Row
static Row Utils.getRowFromAncestor(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag from, java.lang.String dataSourceName)
 Row RowTag.getRow()
protected  Row RowTag.getRowFromRequestParameters(DataSource ds, RequestParameters params)
 Row RowsetIterateTag.getRow()
static Row DataTagBase.getRowFromContext(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag from, java.lang.String dataSourceName, DataSource dsIn)


Methods in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags with parameters of type Row
static void RowTag.updateRowAttributesFromRequestParameters(DataSource ds, Row row, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, RequestParameters params)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.html.struts11


Methods in oracle.jbo.html.struts11 with parameters of type Row
static java.lang.Object MultipartUtil.getOrdObject(AttributeDef attrDef, org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile file, Row row, ApplicationModule am)
          Get an interMedia object for the browser uploaded file.


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.html.struts11.actions


Methods in oracle.jbo.html.struts11.actions with parameters of type Row
protected  org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors UpdateAction.validate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, BC4JContext context, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm form, Row row)
 void UpdateAction.populateRow(BC4JContext context, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm form, Row row)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.rules


Methods in oracle.jbo.rules that return Row
 Row JboValidatorContext.getAttributeList()
 Row JboValidatorContext.getSourceRow()


Methods in oracle.jbo.rules with parameters of type Row
static AttrValException RulesBeanUtils.validate(java.util.Iterator validators, Row row, JboValidatorContext ev, boolean notDeferred)
          Validate the new value by applying all the validator rules applied to this attribute.


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.server


Subinterfaces of Row in oracle.jbo.server
 interface Entity
          This interface is for BC4J Entity Objects.


Classes in oracle.jbo.server that implement Row
 class EJBEntityImpl
 class EntityImpl
          This class implements the middle-tier representations of database rows.
 class RowImpl
          Base class for Entity Rows and View Object Rows.
 class ViewRowImpl
          A View Object Row.


Methods in oracle.jbo.server that return Row
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Returns the row at range index index.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowAtRangeIndexInternal(int index)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRow(Key key)
          Returns the first row whose key matches key.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object rowHandle)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns view rows that match the specified key.
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows, boolean skipWhere)
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row of the iterator.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.first()
          Navigates to the first row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.last()
          Navigates to the last row in the row set.
          Navigates to the next row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.previous()
          Navigates to the previous row in the row set.
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getAllRowsInRangeInternal(boolean shouldEnsureRefreshed)
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns an array of all rows in the iterator's range.
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getNextRangeSet()
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getNextRangeSetWithAdjustment(int rangeAdjust)
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getPreviousRangeSet()
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList initVals)
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.createRow()
          Creates a new view row.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getFilteredRows(RowQualifier qualifier)
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getFilteredRowsInRange(RowQualifier qualifier)
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList initVals)
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.createRow()
          Creates a new view row.
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns an array of all rows in the iterator's range.
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getNextRangeSet()
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getPreviousRangeSet()
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object rowHandle)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getRow(Key key)
          Returns the first row whose key matches key.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row of the iterator.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.first()
          Navigates to the first row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.last()
          Navigates to the last row in the row set.
          Navigates to the next row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.previous()
          Navigates to the previous row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getRow(int index)
          Returns the row at absolute row index of index.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Returns the row at range index index.
protected  Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getRows(EntityImpl entity)
          Returns an array of view rows that use the specified entity row.
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns View rows that match the specified key.
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows, boolean skipWhere)
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getFilteredRows(RowQualifier qualifier)
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getFilteredRowsInRange(RowQualifier qualifier)
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
          Navigates to the next row in the row set.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.previous()
          Navigates to the previous row in the row set.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.first()
          Navigates to the first row in the row set.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.last()
          Navigates to the last row in the row set.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.getRow(Key key)
          Returns the first row matching a given key.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Returns the row at a given range position.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object hdl)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row of the iterator.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.createAndInitRow(AttributeList initVals)
 Row ViewObjectImpl.createRow()
          Creates a new view row.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.removeCurrentRowAndRetain()
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns an array of all rows in the iterator's range.
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.getNextRangeSet()
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.getPreviousRangeSet()
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns View rows that match the specified key.
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows, boolean skipWhere)
          If skipWhere is true, then do not use the where-clause fragments associated with this ViewObject if a query is used to retreieve the matching row during this findByKey operation on this ViewObject.
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
protected  Row[] ViewObjectImpl.retrieveByKey(ViewRowSetImpl rs, Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
protected  Row[] ViewObjectImpl.retrieveByKey(ViewRowSetImpl rs, Key key, int maxNumOfRows, boolean skipWhere)
 Row ViewObjectImpl.findRowInQCs(java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues, Key key, java.lang.Object rowHandle)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.getFilteredRows(RowQualifier qualifier)
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.getFilteredRowsInRange(RowQualifier qualifier)
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.getFilteredRows(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.getFilteredRowsInRange(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object attrValue)
protected  Row[] QueryCollection.getRows(EntityImpl row)
protected  Row[] QueryCollection.getRows(Key ky)
 Row ApplicationModuleImpl.getEntityRowFromHandle(int eRowHandle)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.


Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type Row
 boolean ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Indicates whether the cursor has been successfully moved to the row specified by row.
 int ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Returns the range index of the row specified by row.
 int ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to a specific row.
 void ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.insertRow(Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set.
 void ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.doInsertRow(Row row, boolean navigateToRow)
          INTERNAL: Applications should not use this method.
 void ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set at the specified range index.
 void ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.fireRowUpdated(int rowIndex, Row row, int[] attrIndices)
          Fires the row updated event to its listeners.
static RowSetIterator ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.findRSIForEntity(RowSetIterator[] rsis, Row eRow)
 void ViewRowSetImpl.execute(boolean forceFlag, boolean notifyFlag, Row[] masterRows)
 java.lang.Object[] ViewRowSetImpl.executeDetailQuery(Row[] masterRows)
 boolean ViewRowSetImpl.doesRowFilterMatch(Row[] masterRows, java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues)
 java.lang.Object[] ViewRowSetImpl.refreshCollection(Row[] masterRows, boolean resetIter, boolean fillUpRange)
 void ViewRowSetImpl.insertRowAt(int index, Row row)
          Inserts a view row at an absolute row index specified by index.
 long ViewRowSetImpl.getDetailEstimatedRowCount(Row[] masterRows)
 int ViewRowSetImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to a specific row.
 void ViewRowSetImpl.insertRow(Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set.
 void ViewRowSetImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set at the specified range index.
 int ViewRowSetImpl.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Returns the range index of the row specified by row.
 boolean ViewRowSetImpl.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Moves the iterator to the row specified by row.
 java.lang.Object[] ViewRowSetImpl.getParametersAsStorageTypes(Row[] masterRows)
 java.lang.Object[] ViewRowSetImpl.getParameters(boolean nullValueFlag, Row[] masterRows)
 long ViewObjectImpl.getQueryHitCount(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet, Row[] masterRows)
 java.lang.Object[] ViewObjectImpl.executeDetailQuery(Row[] masterRows)
 boolean ViewObjectImpl.doesRowFilterMatch(Row[] masterRows, java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues)
 java.lang.Object[] ViewObjectImpl.refreshCollection(Row[] masterRows, boolean resetIter, boolean fillUpRange)
 long ViewObjectImpl.getDetailEstimatedRowCount(Row[] masterRows)
 int ViewObjectImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to a specified row.
 boolean ViewObjectImpl.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Designates a given row as the current row.
 void ViewObjectImpl.insertRow(Row row)
          Inserts a row into the row set.
 void ViewObjectImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Inserts a row into the row set at the specified range position.
 int ViewObjectImpl.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Returns the range index of a given row.
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.notifyRowInserted(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, Row viewRow, int rowIndex)
          This method is invoked by the framework when inserts are made to the given ViewRowSet for this ViewObject.
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.notifyRowDeleted(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, Row viewRow, int rowIndex)
          This method is invoked by the framework when a row is deleted from the given ViewRowSet for this ViewObject.
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.notifyRowUpdated(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, Row[] viewRows, int[] attrIndices)
          This method is invoked by the framework when updates are made to any attribute for rows in the given ViewRowSet for this ViewObject.
protected  ViewRowSetImpl ViewObjectImpl.createViewLinkAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, ViewObjectImpl accessorVO, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
protected  EntityRowSetImpl EntityImpl.createAssociationAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, ViewObjectImpl accessorVO, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
protected  ViewRowSetImpl EntityImpl.createEntityViewLinkAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, ViewObjectImpl accessorVO, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
static boolean EntityDefImpl.checkEntityLocked(Row en)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method. Called by BaseLobDomain to check for entity's locked state in local mode using reflection rather than direct call as Domains need to be "server" independent.
 void EJBPersistable.storeToBean(java.lang.Object bean, Row store)
 void EJBPersistable.beanToStore(java.lang.Object bean, Row store)
 void AttributeDefImpl.storeToBean(java.lang.Object bean, Row store)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void AttributeDefImpl.beanToStore(java.lang.Object bean, Row store)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  java.lang.String AttributeDefImpl.printXMLDefinition(Row row, java.util.Hashtable allDefs, pw, int depthCount)
protected  ViewRowSetImpl AssociationDefImpl.createViewLinkAccessorRS(ViewObjectImpl vo, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
protected  EntityRowSetImpl AssociationDefImpl.createAssociationAccessorRS(ViewObjectImpl vo, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
protected  java.lang.Object[] AssociationDefImpl.getParamValues(Row row, java.lang.Object[] userValues)
          Sets association condition to the query.


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade


Classes in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade that implement Row
 class EntityFacadeImpl
          Abstract base class for Entity Facade.


Methods in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade that return Row
protected  Row[] FinderViewImpl.retrieveByKey(ViewRowSetImpl rs, Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Overrides the base implementation of retrieveByKey(ViewRowSetImpl, Key, int).


Methods in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade with parameters of type Row
protected  ViewRowSetImpl FinderViewImpl.createViewLinkAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, ViewObjectImpl accessorVO, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
 long FinderViewImpl.getQueryHitCount(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet, Row[] masterRows)
 java.lang.Object[] CmrAccessorViewRowSet.getParameters(boolean nullValueFlag, Row[] masterRows)
protected  java.lang.Object CmrAccessorViewImpl.invokeEJBAccessor(Row masterRow)
protected  EntityRowSetImpl CmrAccessorDefImpl.createAssociationAccessorRS(ViewObjectImpl vo, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)
protected  ViewRowSetImpl CmrAccessorDefImpl.createViewLinkAccessorRS(ViewObjectImpl vo, Row masterRow, java.lang.Object[] values)


Constructors in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade with parameters of type Row
CmrAccessorViewRowSet(ViewObjectImpl vo, Row masterRow, boolean isDefaultRS)
CmrAccessorEntRowSet(ViewObjectImpl vo, AssociationDefImpl assocDesc, java.lang.Object[] paramValues, Row masterRow)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.server.remote


Methods in oracle.jbo.server.remote that return Row
 Row RuntimeViewRowSetIteratorInfo.getRowFromKey(java.lang.Object[] rowFilterValues, Key key, java.lang.Object hdl)
 Row RuntimeViewRowSetIteratorInfo.getRowAtRangeIndex(int rowIndex)
 Row RuntimeViewRowSetIteratorInfo.getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object hdl)
 Row ObjectMarshallerImpl.getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object rsiId, int rowHdl)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding


Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding that return Row
 Row JUCtrlValueBindingRef.getRow()
protected  Row JUCtrlValueBinding.internalGetRow()
protected  Row JUCtrlHierNodeBinding.internalGetRow()


Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding with parameters of type Row
protected  void JUIteratorBinding.updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, Row row, boolean clear)
          Calls updateValuesFromRows() on each instance of JUCtrlRangeBinding object associated with this iterator binding object.
protected  void JUIteratorBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          Calls updateValueFromRow() on each instance of JUCtrlValueBinding objects associated with this iterator binding object.
protected  void JUIteratorBinding.cacheCreatedRow(RowSetIterator rsi, Row row)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
 void JUCtrlValueBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          Given a row, update the control with new attribute values from this row based on the attributes with which this binding is associated.
abstract  void JUCtrlValueBinding.updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
          Given a set of rows, update the control with new attribute values from the rows based on the attributes with which this binding is associated.
 java.lang.Object JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeFromRow(Row row, AttributeDef def)
          Return formatted attribute value for the attribute with the given attribute definition and in the given row.
 java.lang.Object JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeFromRow(Row row, int attrIndex)
          Return the attribute value for the attribute at the given index in this control binding and from within the given row.
 java.lang.Object JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeFromRow(Row row, java.lang.String name)
          Return the attribute value for the attribute of the given name from within the given row.
 void JUCtrlValueBinding.setAttributeInRow(Row row, AttributeDef def, java.lang.Object value)
 void JUCtrlValueBinding.setAttributeInRow(Row row, AttributeDef def, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleException)
 void JUCtrlValueBinding.setAttributeInRow(Row row, int attrIndex, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleException)
 void JUCtrlValueBinding.setAttributeInRow(Row row, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value, boolean handleException)
protected  java.util.ArrayList JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributes(Row row, AttributeDef[] attrs)
          Returns formatted attribute values for the given set of attribute defs.
protected  java.util.ArrayList JUCtrlValueBinding.getAttributeValues(Row row, AttributeDef[] attrs)
          Returns un-formatted (raw) attribute values.
 void JUCtrlRangeBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          This method is called in the framework when values of a single row need to be updated in a control (typically on a navigation event).
protected  JUCtrlValueBindingRef JUCtrlRangeBinding.createValueBindingRef(JUCtrlRangeBinding rangeBinding, int index, Row row)
 void JUCtrlRangeBinding.updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
          This method is invoked in the framework to update values displayed in the associated control.
protected  boolean JUCtrlListBinding.matchTargetWithLov(Row targetRow, Row lovRow)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
 void JUCtrlListBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
protected  void JUCtrlListBinding.setTargetAttrsFromLovRow(Row targetRow, Row lovRow)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
 boolean JUCtrlHierTypeBinding.matchRowDiscrColumn(Row row)
          Returns true if the given row has an attribute value for the discriminator attribute that this node type is interested in, such that that attribute value matches this type's discriminator attribute value.
 void JUCtrlHierNodeBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          Finds the child node that displays this row and updates its display.
 void JUCtrlHierNodeBinding.updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
 void JUCtrlHierNodeBinding.myUpdateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
          Updates the child nodes that this node contains after optionally clearing out all the currently displayed children based on the clear flag.
 void JUCtrlHierBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          This method is called in the framework when values of a single row need to be updated in a control (typically on a navigation event).
 void JUCtrlHierBinding.updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
          Updates the nodes in the tree based on the given set of rows.
protected  JUCtrlHierNodeBinding JUCtrlHierBinding.createNodeBinding(JUCtrlHierNodeBinding parent, JUIteratorBinding iterBinding, JUCtrlHierTypeBinding typeBinding, Row row, boolean expandable)
 void JUCtrlAttrsBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          Updates the control-binding and hence the control with attribute values from the attributes of this Row.
 void JUCtrlAttrsBinding.updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
          Passes on the first row from the given array of rows to updateValuesFromRow() method to update the bound control's display.
 DCIteratorBinding JUAccessorIteratorDef.createIterBinding(DCDataControl dc, DCBindingContainer bc, RowSetIterator masterRSI, Row masterRow, java.lang.String accName)
          Advanced internal.


Constructors in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding with parameters of type Row
JUCtrlValueBindingRef(JUCtrlValueBinding binding, int index, Row row)
JUCtrlHierNodeBinding(JUCtrlHierBinding hierBinding, JUCtrlHierNodeBinding parent, JUIteratorBinding iterBinding, JUCtrlHierTypeBinding typeBinding, Row row, boolean expandable)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui


Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui that return Row
 Row JULovPanelInterface.getSelectedRow()
          Returns the currently selected Row in the Lov Panel, so that the binding uses this row to update the target values.


Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui with parameters of type Row
 void JUTreeNodeBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          Finds the child node that displays this row and updates its display.
 void JUTreeNodeBinding.myUpdateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
protected  JUCtrlHierNodeBinding JUTreeBinding.createNodeBinding(JUCtrlHierNodeBinding parent, JUIteratorBinding iterBinding, JUCtrlHierTypeBinding typeBinding, Row row, boolean expandable)
 void JUTreeBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          This method is called in the framework when values of a single row need to be updated in a control (typically on a navigation event).
 void JUTableBinding.updateValuesFromRows(Row[] rows, boolean clear)
          Updates the JTable's display with the given set of rows after optionally clearing out the current rows (if clear is true).
 void JULovButtonBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
 void JULabelBinding.updateValuesFromRow(Row row)
          Makes sure that labels are not turned into disabled if the attribute is marked readonly.


Constructors in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui with parameters of type Row
JUTreeNodeBinding(javax.swing.JTree tr, JUTreeBinding treeBinding, JUTreeNodeBinding parent, JUIteratorBinding iterBinding, JUCtrlHierTypeBinding typeBinding, Row row, boolean expandable)
JUTreeNodeBinding(JUCtrlHierBinding treeBinding, JUCtrlHierNodeBinding parent, JUIteratorBinding iterBinding, JUCtrlHierTypeBinding typeBinding, Row row, boolean expandable)
          *** For internal framework use only ***
JUPanelValidationEvent(JUControlBinding source, JUFormBinding panel, JUIteratorBinding iterBinding, Row row, java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object value)
JUPanelValidationEvent(JUFormBinding source, JUIteratorBinding iterBinding, Row row)


Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.uicli.uix


Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.uix with parameters of type Row
protected  JUCtrlValueBindingRef JUCtrlAdaptRangeBinding.createValueBindingRef(JUCtrlRangeBinding rangeBinding, int index, Row row)


Uses of Row in oracle.jdeveloper.html


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.html with parameters of type Row
 java.lang.String ViewLinkLookupFieldRenderer.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String TextField.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String TextArea.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String StructField.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String StaticPickList.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String ReadOnlyField.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String PickList.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String PasswordField.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String LOVField.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String ListFieldRenderer.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String ListFieldEditRenderer.renderToString(Row row)
protected  java.lang.String HTMLFieldRendererImpl.getHTMLValue(Row row, RowSet rs, java.lang.String attrName)
protected  java.lang.String HTMLFieldRendererImpl.getHTMLValue(Row row)
protected  void HTMLFieldRendererImpl.setValueFromRow(Row row)
 java.lang.String HTMLFieldRenderer.renderToString(Row row)
          This method is called when the field renderers are being used from the Tag library and from the DataWebBeans.
 java.lang.String HiddenField.renderToString(Row row)
protected  java.lang.String DisplayArrayField.getHTMLValue(Row row)
 java.lang.String DateField.renderToString(Row row)
 java.lang.String DataWebBeanImpl.getRowKey(Row row)
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataWebBeanImpl.getEditFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataWebBeanImpl.getDisplayFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataWebBean.getEditFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataWebBean.getDisplayFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 java.lang.String ArrayField.renderToString(Row row)


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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