Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use NamedObjectImpl
oracle.adf.model.binding Contains the abstract implementation of ADFm binding objects. 
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier.   
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.binding Contains JClient classes that handle interaction with BC4J objects for various JClient bindings. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.jui Contains JClient classes that implement binding of Swing controls with BC4J ViewObject, Attributes or Rows. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.layout Contains classes that implement metadata management for JClient  


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.adf.model.binding


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.adf.model.binding
 class DCBindingContainerDef
 class DCConfigurationDef
 class DCControlBindingDef
 class DCDataControlDef
 class DCDefBase
 class DCIteratorBindingDef
 class DCParameterSetDef


Methods in oracle.adf.model.binding with parameters of type NamedObjectImpl
 void DCDataControl.addBindingContainerRef(NamedObjectImpl formBnd)
          Register the given form binding object with this application.


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.adf.model.generic


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.adf.model.generic
 class AttributeDefImpl
          The AttributeDefHelper class implement the AttributeDef interface
 class StructureDefImpl
          Imlemented by classes that access a View Object's or Entity Object's metadata.


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.adf.model.layout


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.adf.model.layout
 class oracle.adf.model.layout.DCLayoutConsDef
 class oracle.adf.model.layout.DCLayoutDef


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.common


Fields in oracle.jbo.common declared as NamedObjectImpl
protected  NamedObjectImpl NamedObjectImpl.mParent


Methods in oracle.jbo.common that return NamedObjectImpl
 NamedObjectImpl NamedObjectImpl.getParent()
          Gets this object's parent.


Methods in oracle.jbo.common with parameters of type NamedObjectImpl
protected  void NamedObjectImpl.setParent(NamedObjectImpl parent)
          Sets this object's parent.


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.server


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.server
 class ApplicationModuleDefImpl
          The base class for all generated ApplicationModule classes.
 class ApplicationModuleImpl
          The base class of Application Modules.
 class AssociationDefBase
 class AssociationDefImpl
 class AssociationEnd
 class ComponentObjectImpl
          Abstract class for ComponentObjectImpl.
 class ContainerObjectImpl
          The implementation of the ContainerObject interface.
(package private)  class oracle.jbo.server.DefObject
          Default implementation of DefInterface implemented by all of JBO Definition classes.
 class EJBEntityDefImpl
 class EntityAssociation
          Describes the relationship between two Entity Objects.
 class EntityDefImpl
          Defines metadata for Entity Object classes.
 class EntityReference
           NAME - Base class for BO reference information.
 class NamedObjectImpl
 class RowDef
          Default implementation of DefInterface implemented by all of JBO Definition classes.
 class ViewAttributeDefImpl
          The ViewAttributeDefImpl is an alias to an AttributeDefImpl.
 class ViewDefImpl
          ViewDefImpl is the meta-object for View Object instances.
 class ViewLinkDefImpl
           NAME - DESCRIPTION The ViewLinkDefImpl describes relationship between two query objects.
 class ViewLinkImpl
          Implements the ViewLink interface, the middle-tier class that manages a master-detail relationship between two View Objects.
 class ViewObjectImpl
          The implementation of the ViewObject interface, the middle-tier class that manages database queries and the view rows that result from executing queries.


Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type NamedObjectImpl
protected  void NamedObjectImpl.setParent(NamedObjectImpl parent)
          refactoring: this method is protected in common, so needs to be explicitly referenced here


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade
 class CmrAccessorDefImpl
 class CmrAccessorViewImpl
 class FinderViewImpl
          Abstract base class for Finder-Based View Object.


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding
 class JUAccessorIteratorDef
 class JUControlDef
 class JUCtrlActionDef
 class JUCtrlAttrsDef
 class JUCtrlBoolDef
 class JUCtrlHierDef
 class JUCtrlHierTypeBinding
 class JUCtrlListDef
 class JUCtrlRangeDef
 class JUCtrlScrollDef
 class JUCtrlValueDef
 class JUFormDef
 class JUIteratorDef
 class JUIterRangeDef
 class JUIterRowDef
 class JUMethodIteratorDef


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.graph


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.graph
 class oracle.jbo.uicli.graph.JUSingleTableGraphDef


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui
 class JUActionDef
 class JUBoundedRangeDef
 class JUButtonDef
 class JUButtonGroupDef
 class JUComboBoxDef
 class JUDefaultControlDef
 class JUFormattedTextFieldDef
static class JUFormattedTextFieldDef.DateFormatDef
static class JUFormattedTextFieldDef.MaskFormatDef
static class JUFormattedTextFieldDef.NumberFormatDef
 class JULabelDef
 class JULayoutConsDefXY
 class JULayoutConsDefXYGroup
 class JULayoutDefXY
 class JUListSingleSelDef
 class JULovButtonDef
 class JUMasterDetailGraphDef
 class JUPanelDef
 class JUProgressBarAttrDef
 class JUProgressBarDef
 class JUScrollBarAttrDef
 class JUScrollBarDef
 class JUSliderAttrDef
 class JUSliderDef
 class JUSpinnerDef
static class JUSpinnerDef.SpinnerDateModelDef
static class JUSpinnerDef.SpinnerNumberModelDef
 class JUTableDef
 class JUTextFieldDef
 class JUTreeAccessorTypeBinding
          Implements rules that govern display of rows of a given ViewObject type in a JTree.
 class JUTreeDef
 class JUTreeDiscrAttrTypeBinding
          Implements rules that govern the display of rows of a given ViewObject type in a JTree.


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.layout


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.layout
 class oracle.jbo.uicli.layout.JULayoutConsDef
 class oracle.jbo.uicli.layout.JULayoutDef


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in
 class JUApplicationDefImpl
 class JUDataControlDefImpl


Uses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.uix


Subclasses of NamedObjectImpl in oracle.jbo.uicli.uix
 class JUCtrlHGridDef


Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02


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