1 Using the Workspace for Managing the Mobile Server

Use the Mobile Workspace GUI tool for managing the Mobile Server; formally known as the Mobile Manager. In addition, Mobile clients on a Windows platform can use the Mobile Workspace GUI for managing Mobile clients with Web-to-Go, BC4J, or Branch Office Mobile clients.


See Chapter 3, "Managing Your Mobile Client" for details on how to manage and synchronize each of the Mobile clients—including Linux, PocketPC, Palm, and Win32—which are not managed using the Mobile Workspace GUI tool.

The Mobile Workspace only displays the relevant functionality depending on who logs in. Use the Mobile Manager to manage Mobile applications; use the Mobile Client Workspace to manage the application on the client-side device. The following sections detail how to use the Mobile Workspace for the Mobile Server. See Chapter 3, "Managing Your Mobile Client" for directions on how to use the Mobile Workspace for your Mobile Client.

1.1 Using the Mobile Workspace

The Mobile Workspace provides you access to your Mobile applications through hyperlinks in a Web browser. The following tabs are available when you use the Mobile Workspace for either managing the Mobile Server or a Web-to-Go client: Applications, Configuration, Help, Sync, and Log Off. See Section 3.1.1, "Instructions for Using the Mobile Workspace" for a description of the functions in each tab—especially the Configuration tab, as it enables you to configure options for your Workspace.

1.2 Using Mobile Manager to Manage Your Mobile Server

Mobile Manager is used to manage the Mobile Server. An administrator is the only user that is able to log on and use the Mobile Manager. To logon to the Mobile Manager, perform the following steps.

  1. Using a browser, connect to the Mobile Server by entering the following URL.


    As Figure 1-1 displays, the Mobile Server Workspace appears with Mobile Server logon page.

  2. Log on to the Mobile Manager with an administrator username and password. A default administrator is created when you install with username/password of administrator/admin. Change the default password or create your own administrator user with appropriate username/password.

    As shown in Figure 1-2, the Mobile Workspace displays the Mobile Manager in the Applications tab, which is the application available to administrators for managing any Mobile Server.


    Section 1.1, "Using the Mobile Workspace" describes the functions of each of the tabs at the top of the Mobile Workspace.

    Figure 1-2 Mobile Manager Workspace Page

    This image displays the Mobile Manager workspace page.
    Description of the illustration mm_link1.gif

  3. Click the Mobile Manager icon or link. As Figure 1-3 displays, the Mobile Server farm page appears with a list of installed Mobile Servers that use this repository.

    Figure 1-3 Mobile Server Farm Page

    This image displays the Mobile Server Farms page.
    Description of the illustration ms_farm.gif

A Mobile Server farm is a group of Mobile Servers configured to run against the same repository. The Mobile Server farm page contains Mobile Server and Mobile Devices tabs. The following sections describe each component of the Mobile Server Farm. Topics include:

1.2.1 Viewing Mobile Servers

The Mobile Servers tab lists all Mobile Servers that are configured to run against the same repository. This page lists Mobile Server information such as Host name, Port, SSL enabled, Up or Down Status, the MGP instance, start time of the instance, and Mobile Server version (see Figure 1-3).

If a Mobile Server instance is not running (status column displays down), the hyperlink for the host name—where the Mobile Server exists—is not enabled. Refresh this page after a Mobile Server instance is started or stopped by clicking on Mobile Server link to see the updated status for the Mobile Server. Using search criteria based on host name, you can filter the Mobile Server display list for only those servers you are interested in.

The following sections describe the Mobile Manager components. Mobile Manager Home Page

The Mobile Manager home page displays the following Mobile Server information.

  • General information such as current Mobile Server status, version, and mode.

  • Database information such as database version, JDBC URL, JDBC Driver, JDBC version, and schema name.

  • Data Synchronization information such as MGP Status, In Queue, Out Queue, and Error Queue details. See Chapter 6, "Managing Synchronization" for more information on Data Synchronization and the queues.

  • Alert details that describe alert severity and the date and time on which the alert was triggered.

  • Mobile Server components such as Data Synchronization and the Job Scheduler that enable you to schedule synchronization job sessions.

See Chapter 6, "Managing Synchronization" for more information on Data Synchronization. See Chapter 7, "Job Scheduler" for more information on the Job Scheduler. Manage Applications

The Applications page enables the Mobile Server administrator to accomplish the following tasks.

  1. Publish applications.

  2. Create or edit application properties.

  3. Resume, suspend, and delete applications.

  4. Grant or revoke application access to users and groups.

  5. Create or edit data subsetting parameters.

  6. When required, provision Mobile application files for public use.

  7. Add WAR files.

See Chapter 4, "Managing Your Mobile Applications" for more information on how to manage your applications. Manage Users

The Users page enables the Mobile Server administrator to manage groups and users and their permissions. See Chapter 5, "Managing Users and Groups" for full details. Mobile Server Administration

The Administration page enables the Mobile Server administrator to accomplish the following tasks.

  1. View the sessions that are active. See Section 17.2, "Viewing Active User Sessions" for full details.

  2. Edit trace settings. See Chapter 16, "Tracing and Logging" for full details.

  3. Edit the configuration file. We prefer that you modify the configuration using the GUI tool; however, if you decide to edit the webtogo.ora file directly, you can access it with this link. See Appendix B, "Configuration Parameters for the WEBTOGO.ORA File" for details on the parameters.

  4. Add bookmarks. See Chapter 18, "Adding Popular URLs as Bookmarks to Mobile Server Main Page" for full details.

  5. View a summary of the database, JRE, and Operating System. See Section 17.1, "Viewing System Status Reports for the Server" for full details.

1.2.2 Viewing Mobile Devices

The Mobile devices tab lists all Mobile devices that are registered with any Mobile Server, and are part of the same Mobile Server farm. The following sections briefly describe the functionality available to you in the Mobile Devices tab:

For full details on managing your Mobile devices, see Chapter 8, "Manage Your Devices". Installed Mobile Devices

View the installed Mobile device information such as device name, owner, platform, version, and date and time on which it was last accessed. Figure 1-4 displays the Devices page.

To manage the Mobile device, click the Device Name link from the list. For full details on managing your Mobile devices, see Chapter 8, "Manage Your Devices". Mobile Device Platforms

This page lists Mobile device platform information such as platform name, language, enabled, bootstrap, device count, and base platform.

There are hyperlinks that enable you to do the following:

  • View device, installed Oracle Database Lite software, back-end database information, what is currently in the command queues, and the logs.

  • Extend and manage device platforms—You can extend existing platforms for your own customization—adding other binaries to download or instructions on how to modify the client environment.

  • Create commands to be sent to the Mobile device—You can create commands that execute on the device. These commands can start a synchronization, retrieve information, modify the client environment, and many other options.

For full details on managing your Mobile devices, see Chapter 8, "Manage Your Devices".