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Oracle® Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide
Release 2 (10.2)
Part Number B25312-01
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List of Examples
3-1 Adding Initial Programmatic Statements: C#
3-2 Adding Initial Programmatic Statements: VB
3-3 Easy Connect Naming Method Syntax for Data Source
3-4 Creating an OracleConnection Object: C#
3-5 Creating an OracleConnection Object: VB
3-6 Building and Opening a Connection: C#
3-7 Building and Opening a Connection: VB
3-8 Disabling the Connect Button: C#
3-9 Disabling the Connect Button: VB
3-10 Error Handling with Try-Catch-Finally Syntax: C#
3-11 Error Handling with Try-Catch-Finally Syntax: VB
3-12 Catching Common Database Error Messages: C#
3-13 Catching Common Database Error Messages: VB
3-14 Closing and Disposing a Connection: C#
3-15 Closing and Disposing a Connection: VB
3-16 Closing and Disposing a Connection when Out of Scope: C#
4-1 Creating a SQL Statement String: C#
4-2 Creating a SQL Statement String: VB
4-3 Using a Command to Query the Database: C#
4-4 Using a Command to Query the Database: VB
4-5 Starting the OracleDataReader: C#
4-6 Starting the OracleDataReader: VB
4-7 Retrieving a Value: C#
4-8 Retrieving a Value: VB
4-9 SELECT Statement without Bind Variables
4-10 SELECT Statement with Bind Variables
4-11 Using a Bind Variable: C#
4-12 Using a Bind Variable: VB
4-13 UPDATE Statement with Bind Variables
4-14 Querying for a Multiple Column Multiple Row Result
4-15 Looping Through a Multi-Row Query Result: C#
4-16 Looping Through a Multi-Row Query Result: VB
4-17 Using DataSet Class: Declaring Variables: C#
4-18 Using DataSet Class: Declaring Variables: VB
4-19 Disabling the Save Button: C#
4-20 Disabling the Save Button: VB
4-21 Binding Data to the Grid: C#
4-22 Binding Data to the Grid: VB
4-23 Updating DataSet: C#
4-24 Updating DataSet: VB
5-1 Generated SQL Form of the New Table
5-2 Creating a Table Index in SQL
5-3 Adding Foreign Key and Primary Key Constraints to a Table
5-4 Filling Data into the Form: C#
5-5 Filling Data into the Form: VB
5-6 The save_Click() Method: C#
5-7 The save_Click() Method: VB
6-1 PL/SQL Code for Package HR_DATA
6-2 Assigning Reference Cursors
6-3 Changing OracleCommand to Use a Stored Procedure: C#
6-4 Changing OracleCommand to Use a Stored Procedure: VB
6-5 Defining and Binding OracleParameter Objects for Stored Procedure: C#
6-6 Defining and Binding OracleParameter Objects for Stored Procedure: VB
7-1 Adding getDepartmentno() Method Code: C#
7-2 Adding getDepartmentno() Method Code: VB
8-1 Setting NLS_TERRITORY and NLS_LANGUAGE Parameters: United States
8-2 Testing the NLS Date Format Settings
8-3 Setting NLS_TERRITORY and NLS_LANGUAGE Parameters: Germany
8-4 Setting NLS_TERRITORY Parameter: United States
8-5 Testing NLS Number Format Settings
8-6 Setting NLS_TERRITORY Parameter: Germany
8-7 Setting NLS_SORT Parameter: Binary
8-8 Testing NLS Sort Order Settings
8-9 Setting NLS_SORT Parameter: Spanish
8-10 Setting NLS_LANGUAGE Parameter: United States
8-11 Testing NLS Error Messages Settings
8-12 Setting NLS_LANGUAGE Parameter: French
8-13 How to Obtain Oracle Globalization Settings: C#
8-14 How to Obtain Oracle Globalization Settings: VB
8-15 Disabling the Change Button: C#
8-16 Disabling the Change Button: VB
8-17 Creating an OracleGlobalization Object: C#
8-18 Creating an OracleGlobalization Object: VB
8-19 Retrieving the Globalization Session Information: C#
8-20 Retrieving the Globalization Session Information: VB
8-21 Changing the Date Format and Updating the DataSet: C#
8-22 Changing the Date Format and Updating the DataSet: VB