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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
10g Release 1 ( for Microsoft Windows

Part Number B25474-09
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5 Oracle Calendar Release Notes

This chapter summarizes release note issues associated with the components of Oracle Calendar, in the following sections:


This document was updated on February 23, 2007. Additional updates and new information can be found in Note 415183.1 on

5.1 Oracle Calendar Server

This section describes changes to administrative features in Oracle Calendar 10g Release 1 (10.1.2 or later).

5.1.1 New in the Oracle Calendar Server

This section describes new features in Oracle Calendar 10g Release 1.


Other new features included with this release are described in Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes".

  • Automatic User Provisioning

    Configure and control how users are provisioned to Oracle Calendar.

  • User Deprovisioning

    Deprovision users from Oracle Calendar using the uniuser utility.

  • Configurable Automatic Log Rotation

    Configure automatic rotation of Oracle Calendar log files.

  • Service Registry and Discovery

    Automatic service registry and discovery of other Oracle Collaboration Suite components at server startup.

  • Oracle Process Management and Notification Integration

    Use Oracle Process Management and Notification to stop and start Oracle Calendar.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Integration

    Configure Oracle Calendar using Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  • Oracle Contacts

    Users can access the same contacts from Oracle Calendar clients, and other Oracle Collaboration Suite component clients.

  • Defence Against Denial of Service Protection

    Configure Oracle Calendar to warn and protect against a denial of service attack.

  • Utility Password Option Removed

    Enter the SYSOP password only when prompted, after running an Oracle Calendar server utility.

For more information about new features in Oracle Calendar 10g Release 1 (, see "New in This Release" in Chapter 1 of Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide.

5.1.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Calendar Server

The following sections describe known limitations and workarounds for the Oracle Calendar server: Multiple Oracle Calendar Server Installations with the Same Infrastructure Tier

When installing the Oracle Calendar server, and pointing to an Infrastructure tier that has already been configured with a previous installation of the Oracle Calendar server, all Oracle Calendar servers must be running before beginning the new installation. SMS Notifications Not Delivered in an SSL Environment

Users will not receive SMS notifications in an SSL environment because the Oracle Calendar notification listener URL was not properly registered. Apply the associated workaround only if SMS notifications are not being delivered from Oracle Calendar server in an SSL environment.


  1. Create a back-up copy of the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini file.

  2. Open the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini file.

  3. Locate the [NOTIFY] section of the file and modify the appropriate parameters to reflect the following values:

    alert_url = x-oracle-calendarNotificationListener://<ApplicationsTierHost>:<WirelessNotificationEngPort>?protocolVersion=2
    alert_sms = TRUE
    alert_sms_auto = FALSE
    alert_url_auto = FALSE


    The value for <WirelessNotificationEngPort> can be found by looking for "Wireless PIM Notification Dispatcher port" in the $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini configuration file on your Applications tier.

  4. Restart the Oracle Calendar server. For more information on restarting the Oracle Calendar server, see "Starting and Stopping the Calendar Server" in Chapter 5 of Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide. The aut_sasl Plug-in is No Longer Packaged with the Oracle Calendar server

The Oracle Calendar server no longer supports the use of aut_sasl as an ACE plug-in for Kerberos 4 or Kerberos 5 authentication in 10g Release 1 (10.1.2 or later).


Use Kerberos 5 with the aut_gssapi ACE plug-in for authentication. For more information about configuring the Oracle Calendar server for Kerberos 5 authentication see, "Kerberos 5 Authentication with Oracle Calendar" in Chapter 2 of Oracle Collaboration Suite Security Guide. Oracle Workspaces with Web Conferences

See Section 12.2, "Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Workspaces" for information on a Calendar-related issue in Oracle Workspaces. Oracle Calendar Wireless Reminders Configurable on Oracle Mobile Collaboration

Wireless reminders for Oracle Calendar are no longer configurable from the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/etc/reminder directory on the Applications tier. Oracle Calendar wireless reminders are now configurable from Oracle Mobile Collaboration.

For more information about configuring wireless reminders for Oracle Calendar see "Configuring the Messaging Server for Notifications" in Chapter 2 of Oracle Mobile Collaboration Administrator's Guide. Duplicate Address Book Entries After Upgrade

After upgrading to Oracle Calendar server 10g Release 1, and users' address books have been migrated to the Common Address Book, some address book entries may be duplicated. This applies to Oracle Collaboration Suite deployments only.

When reconciling the Oracle Calendar address book with the Common Address Book, Oracle Calendar server queries the existing contacts based on first name and last name in both the Oracle Calendar address book, and the Common Address Book. If a match is found, the attributes present in both address books entries are compared. If all the attribute values are equivalent, the Oracle Calendar server will merge the two entries. Conversely, if the attribute values differ, to prevent data loss, the Oracle Calendar server will create a new contact, thus creating a duplicate entry.


After upgrade, the Oracle Calendar address books are only migrated once to the Common Address Book. Consequently, duplicate entries resulting from address book migration will only occur once.

For more information about the Common Address Book, see "About the Common Address Book (CAB)" in Chapter 6 of Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide. Oracle Calendar in Arabic

Oracle Calendar does not support Arabic. Oracle Calendar Wireless Notifications

Oracle Calendar wireless notifications are not enabled by default. The XMS center requires the following workaround.


  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

  2. Click the Applications tier link.

  3. Click the Wireless link.

  4. Click the Site Administration tab. If the "Component Configuration" section is not expanded, expand it by clicking the "plus sign".

  5. Click XMS configuration.

  6. Under XMS Center, ensure that Enable XMSC is checked.

  7. Restart the wireless component. SMS Notifications are No Longer Delivered After Upgrading from Oracle Calendar Server

After upgrading from the Oracle Calendar server, users who previously received SMS notifications no longer receive SMS notifications on their mobile devices.


All users who are no longer receiving SMS notifications should follow these instructions:

  1. Login to Oracle Mobile Collaboration Preferences page with an effected user account by accessing the following URL:



    Specify the appropriate Applications tier, and port for your deployment.

  2. Verify that the Mobile Access Account ID field contains the correct information. If the information is incorrect, modify the field with the appropriate information.

    Click the Apply button.

  3. Click the Advanced button. Verify the On the Go radio button is selected from the list of rules in the My Contact Rules table. If it is not selected, choose the On The Go radio button, then click the Apply button.

  4. With the On The Go radio button selected, click the Edit button at the top of the My Contact Rules table.

    Verify that My Mobile Phone is selected from the Messages drop-down list, and that Messages is selected from the Notification Channel drop-down list.

    If either, or both of these options are incorrectly configured, correct the appropriate option in the relevant drop-down list.

    Click the Ok button.

  5. Select the My Mobile Phone radio button from the My Communication Devices table, then click the Edit button at the top of the table.

    Verify that the My Mobile Phone field contains the correct information. A plus symbol (+) should appear in front of the telephone number. If the field contains incorrect information, update it with the appropriate changes.

    Click the Ok button.

  6. Click Logout at the top right side of the browser.

  7. Login to the Oracle Calendar Web client with the same effected user account by accessing the following URL:



    Specify the appropriate Applications tier, and port for your deployment.

  8. Click Preferences at the top right corner of the browser, then click the Wireless tab.

  9. Deselect the Enable wireless services and Automatically notify when Entries are created or modified check boxes.

  10. Click the OK button.

  11. Click Preferences at the top right corner of the browser again, then click the Wireless tab.

  12. Select the Enable wireless services and Automatically notify when Entries are created or modified check boxes.

  13. Click the OK button.

SMS notifications should now be delivered. Information Removed from the UNISON.INI Configuration File when Upgrading Oracle Calendar Server in Standalone Mode

When upgrading from Oracle Calendar server in standalone mode, if the [DOMAIN] section of the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini configuration file includes a comment symbol (#), the [DOMAIN] section will be removed during the upgrade process.


No loss of functionality will be apparent when the section and associated parameters are removed from unison.ini file.


Before upgrading the Oracle Calendar server:

  1. Open the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini configuration file.

  2. Remove any comment symbols (#) from the [DOMAIN] section.

  3. Perform the upgrade.

  4. Reinstate any comment symbols (#) removed in Step 0 before starting the Oracle Calendar server.

5.1.3 Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Server

The following table lists known issues in the Oracle Calendar server.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 5-1 Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Server

Description Action Bug Number

When using Oracle Workspaces Web , the following error will appear after trying to update an existing meeting after a user has been moved from one Oracle Calendar server node to another: "An exception occurred while performing a calendar operation {CAPI_STAT_DATA_ICAL_NOTANATTENDEE}". The modification will be made; however, the error message will continue to appear after any modification made to a meeting that was created by the user before being moved to the destination node.



Modified text details in an exception of a recurring event created with Oracle Connector for Outlook will be overwritten by the text details from the recurrence series if the event owner is moved from one node to another using the unimvuser utility.

From Oracle Connector for Outlook, save the text details of any modified exception on the local desktop before moving a user to a different Oracle Calendar server node.


When the $ORACLE_HOME environment variable is a path longer than 122 characters on UNIX, or 74 characters on Windows, the Oracle Calendar server may not start.

Oracle recommends that the path represented by the $ORACLE _HOME environment variable be 122 characters or less on UNIX, or 74 characters or less on Windows.


When Oracle Calendar server is deployed on Windows, if more than 300 users are connected concurrently, the server may fail to respond due to scalability issues.



5.1.4 Globalization Issues in the Oracle Calendar Server

The following table lists globalization issues in the Oracle Calendar server.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 5-2 Globalization Issues in the Oracle Calendar Server

Description Action Bug Number

In a Japanese environment, the names of the sender and receiver sometimes appear as indecipherable text when viewing an Oracle Calendar e-mail notification with Microsoft Outlook Express.



5.1.5 Documentation Issues in Oracle Calendar Server

There are no known documentation issues for this component.

5.2 Oracle Calendar Administrator

The Oracle Calendar administrator only supports English.

(There is no further release note information for this application.)

5.3 Oracle Calendar SDK

The following topics describe release note information for the Oracle Calendar SDK.

5.3.1 New in Oracle Calendar SDK

This section describes new features in the Oracle Calendar SDK

  • The ATTACH property is now supported.

  • The following configuration settings have been added or made available:

    • apitime

    • connect_on_startup

    • host

    • log_debug

    • log_filename

    • log_modulenames

    • log_state

    • log_trace

    • min_caldomain

    • min_masternode

    • min_sysop

    • min_user

    • server

    • tmpDirectoryPath

  • The vCard CLASS property is now supported.


  • Remote designates are now supported.

  • The following explicit termination methods have been added to the Oracle Calendar SDK Java API to allow applications to dispose native resources held by instances of the classes Session, RequestResult, Handle and Query, since there is no guarantee that the finalizers of these classes will be executed promptly.

    These methods have been added to this release of the Oracle Calendar SDK as well as Release 2 (9.0.4).

    • Session.dispose()

    • RequestResult.dispose()

    • Handle.dispose()

    • Query.dispose()

5.3.2 Known Issues in Oracle Calendar SDK

The following table lists known issues in the Oracle Calendar SDK.

Table 5-3 Known Issues in Oracle Calendar SDK

Description Action Bug Number

Only the PRIVATE and PUBLIC vCard CLASS property values are supported; the CONFIDENTIAL vCard value is mapped to PRIVATE.


The following list describes the possible vCard CLASS property values, and the Oracle Calendar server values to which they are mapped:

  • vCard CLASS property value, Oracle Calendar server value





5.4 Oracle Calendar Application System

This section summarizes release note issues associated with the Oracle Calendar application system and its components.

5.4.1 Oracle Calendar Application System Shared Release Note Information

The following topics describe release note information common to all components of the Oracle Calendar application system. Known Limitations and Workarounds in the Oracle Calendar Application System

The following sections describe known limitations and workarounds in the Oracle Calendar application system. Arabic Not Supported

The Oracle Calendar application system does not support Arabic. Configuring Components on Systems Where the Oracle Calendar Server Is Not Configured

Like all components, the Oracle Calendar server and the Oracle Calendar application system are copied to $ORACLE_HOME during installation, even if you do not choose to configure them. If you subsequently configure Oracle Calendar application system components using Oracle Enterprise Manager on a system where the Oracle Calendar server has not been configured, the operation will complete without error and the Oracle Calendar application system will be started. However, users will not be able to log on to this instance, and the Oracle Calendar application system will not be able to connect to the Oracle Calendar server. (4466400)

Correct the problem using the Oracle Calendar server group configuration assistant. Before you run the configuration assistant, set environment variables for your system as follows.

Set path=%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%ORACLE_HOME%\ocas\bin;%path%

Once have you have set the environment variables, enter the following command on one line.

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %ORACLE_HOME%\ocal\jlib\ocal_clnt.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jlib\ojmisc.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jlib\ldapjclnt10.jar oracle.calendar.server.configuration.OCalGConf -path %ORACLE_HOME% -DSmgrp Password -DSmgrdn cn=orcladmin Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Application System

The following table lists known issues common to the Oracle Calendar application system as a whole.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 5-4 Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Application System

Description Action Bug Number

When the Oracle Calendar application system is stopped, started, or restarted, it takes three to five minutes for its status to be updated in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Use the command-line to check the status of the Oracle Calendar application system if Oracle Enterprise Manager does not seem to be up-to-date.


Configuring Oracle Calendar application system components using Oracle Enterprise Manager on a system where the Oracle Calendar server has not been configured may cause difficulties.

For a detailed explanation of the problem and a workaround, see Section, "Configuring Components on Systems Where the Oracle Calendar Server Is Not Configured".


Administrator logout stops all ocas.fcgi processes.



5.4.2 Oracle Calendar Web Client

The following topics describe release note information for the Oracle Calendar Web client. New in the Oracle Calendar Web Client


  • Search capability has been improved, and the new "Advanced Search" feature provides an even more accurate and specific way of searching for users.


  • More details are displayed in the Agenda views, and you can customize the level of detail you want printed and displayed.

  • Under Preferences, printouts can now be set to include your entries in a detailed, tabular list.

  • You can now choose a default Calendar view under Preferences.

  • You can set default start and due times for tasks, under Preferences.


  • Various improvements have been made to the Scheduler: Tool tips have been improved, the Scheduler grid now automatically gets populated with the most recent resource search results, user and resource names can be clicked for more information, and time slots can be clicked to see the entries they contain.

  • Icons can now be clicked to show more details about entries or to change the reply status for events.

  • The Daily List and Daily Planner are now referred to as the "List Mode" and "Planner Mode" of the Daily View. The same change applies to the Weekly List and Weekly Planner.

  • The Date Control Bar now includes a link to today's date.

  • Day Events and Daily Notes can span multiple days.


    This feature is available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.

  • When you book a resource, you can choose to automatically fill in the "Location" field of the meeting with the name of the resource.

Per-instance possibilities

  • You can create personal notes - information only you or a designate can see - in an entry, or in selected instances of a repeating entry.

  • You can attach a file to an instance of a repeating event.


These features are available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.


  • Longer names for resources, event titles, and locations are supported.

  • Administrators can now configure whether or not to highlight remote users with an indicator (such as 'R' in English).

  • Download of Microsoft Powerpoint (PPT) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) attachments is now supported.

Notes: Known Limitations and Workarounds in the Oracle Calendar Web Client

In some secure configurations of the Oracle Calendar Web client, attachments may not be cached on the client's disk (for security and privacy reasons). Due to a bug in Internet Explorer, this prevents users from opening attachments inline using that browser. For example, opening a text attachment from an entry may fail (the default text editor application for the user will launch, and then generate an error that the file could not be found). (4704943)

If you have deployed SSL, attempting to download attachments to disk may also fail.

Documentation of the details of this Microsoft Internet Explorer bug can be found in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:

There are two workarounds available for this issue; you can use a different browser, or, you can relax caching settings. For detailed instructions for relaxing caching settings, see "Security Issues Related to Microsoft Internet Explorer" in Chapter 2 of Oracle Collaboration Suite Security Guide. Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Web Client

The following table lists known issues in the Oracle Calendar Web client.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 5-5 Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Web Client

Description Action Bug Number

Wireless reminders are not delivered when the Deliver reminders and notifications checkbox is checked and the delivery interval is set to begin at 12:00 a.m., and end at 12:00 a.m.

There are two possible workarounds for this issue.

Workaround 1:

To enable wireless reminders when the delivery interval is set to begin at 12:00 a.m. and end at 12:00 a.m., uncheck the Deliver reminders and notifications checkbox.

Workaround 2:

To enable wireless reminders when the Deliver reminders and notifications checkbox is checked, set the delivery interval to a different value. For example, set the delivery interval to begin at 12:00 a.m. and end at 11:59 p.m.


In Netscape 7.1 and Mozilla 1.6, you cannot save an attachment to disk by right-clicking it.

Left-click the attachment to open it directly.


If you choose to delete an attachment but then click Cancel, the attachment is still deleted.



Errors may occur if you change a standard repeating meeting into a repeating Web conference. Specifically, an error occurs when you do this to a meeting that has external attendees, and your administrator has disabled the ability to invite external users to Web conferences.

Remove external attendees from the meeting and update the meeting. Then modify the meeting to become a Web conference.


Modifying personal information (such as reminders or personal notes) for events can result in e-mail notifications being sent to all attendees of the event. (These notifications do not contain personal information.)

Deselect the When I edit an Entry option under Send e-mail to attendees in Preferences.


When using 12-hour (a.m./p.m.) time format, it may not be possible to select a meeting start time of 12:30 a.m. in the Scheduler.

Use 24-hour time format.


In Manage Groups, a second Information button is unnecessarily displayed after a search that returns a single result. Selecting this button displays an error.


4680304 Globalization Issues in the Oracle Calendar Web Client

The following table lists globalization issues in the Oracle Calendar Web client.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 5-6 Globalization Issues in the Oracle Calendar Web Client

Description Action Bug Number

If you create a meeting and select Send e-mail to attendees, multiple-byte display names will not display correctly when the mail is sent.

Set the following keyword in $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini in the CWS section:

mimecontentcharset_force = UTF8

4659913, 3321244, 4323889

Non-ASCII attachment names may become indecipherable when downloaded to a system with a different locale.



Multiple-byte character ICS and VCS attachments sent with the Oracle Calendar Web client may get corrupted.


3481521, 4275399

In Hungarian online help, the glossaries and indexes are not sorted alphabetically.



In Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hungarian, and Greek, the timezone table is not sorted.



if you create a meeting and select Send e-mail to attendees, multiple-byte display names will not display correctly when the mail is sent.



When downloading Japanese attachment names that include the "5c" character code with Internet Explorer, the file name is indecipherable.

Use Mozilla Firefox to download the attachment.

4713762 Documentation Issues in the Oracle Calendar Web Client

Localized versions of the Oracle Calendar Web client help do not mention that a Web conference key will be generated if one is not specified by the user. (4367351)

5.4.3 Oracle Calendar Web Services

The following topics describe release note information for Oracle Calendar Web services. New in Oracle Calendar Web Services

This section describes new features in Oracle Calendar Web services:

  • Proxy authentication has been fully documented.

  • The Summary SOAP operation has been added.

  • Ultra Search capabilities have been added to the Search SOAP operation.

  • The following optional properties have been added to the Search SOAP operation:

    • x-oracle-limitattendees

    • x-oracle-overlap

  • Oracle Real-Time Collaboration xCal properties have been added to the XML data format of Calendar data. You can now create Web conferences, for instance.

  • Additional modules and error codes have been added. Known Issues in Oracle Calendar Web Services

The following table lists known issues in Oracle Calendar Web services.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 5-7 Known Issues in Oracle Calendar Web Services

Description Action Bug Number

In Oracle Calendar Web services, some special character combinations may appear as a question mark (?). In particular, the character string "" in a meeting title may appear as "?".

Separate the two adjacent Euro characters.


5.4.4 Oracle Mobile Data Sync

The following topics describe release note information for Oracle Mobile Data Sync. New in Oracle Mobile Data Sync

This section describes new features in Oracle Mobile Data Sync.


Other new features included with this release are described in Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes".

New device certification

  • Nokia 6020, 6021, 6230i, 6260, 6680, 6822, 7260, 7270, 7610, 9300

  • Siemens C65, CX65, S65, S66, SX1

  • Sony Ericsson K700i, K750i, S700i, S710a, Z600, Z500, Z800i

  • Blackberry 6200, 7200

Support for per-instance details and personal notes

Oracle Mobile Data Sync now features the ability to add per-instance meeting details. When you create a recurring meeting, you can now customize the details per instance, such as a meeting agenda. You can also now add personal notes to meetings that you do not own, which will be maintained on your device, even when you next synchronize with the Oracle Calendar server.

Consistent display of multi-day events across Oracle Calendar clients

Multi-day events scheduled in Oracle Connector for Outlook will now display correctly in all Oracle Calendar clients, so that they will not appear to block off time in invitees' agendas. Note that this feature is based on device capability.

New Authentication Method

With previous versions of Oracle Mobile Data Sync (formerly known as Oracle Sync Server), users authenticated themselves using their Single Sign-On passwords. With the release of Oracle Mobile Data Sync 10g, authentication using the Oracle Mobile Collaboration wireless numerical PIN is supported. Users can create this PIN on the Oracle Mobile Collaboration Wireless Preferences page.

When upgrading to Oracle Collaboration Suite 10gR1, Single Sign-On authentication remains in place. Fresh Oracle Collaboration Suite 10gR1 installations use PIN authentication by default. Administrators can change between the two authentication methods by editing the syncml_authcredlabel parameter in the Oracle Calendar server unison.ini file. For information on the syncml_authcredlabel parameter, see "Controlling server behavior" in the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual.


Standalone installations of Oracle Mobile Data Sync (as part of the Oracle Calendar application system) do not use PIN authentication. Users must sign in with their Oracle Calendar server passwords. Known Issues in Oracle Mobile Data Sync

The following table lists known issues in Oracle Mobile Data Sync.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 5-8 Known Issues in Oracle Mobile Data Sync

Description Action Bug Number

All devices

On all devices, if you modify any aspect of a task and then synchronize, the completion percentage on the server may be reset to 0.




Events created on Blackberry devices may get duplicated after being modified using an Oracle Calendar client and using the device.



Nokia 9300

When instances of recurring events are deleted from the server, some of them still appear on Nokia 9300 devices after synchronization. This is a device issue.



Nokia 9300

On Nokia 9300 devices, if a contact is modified on the server and then synchronized to the device, a duplicate e-mail address is created on the device. This is a device issue.




24-hour meetings are duplicated on Palm devices after a slow synchronization.




Newer Palm devices such as the Treo650 support the location field, but the Synthesis synchronization client for Palm does not.



Pocket PC 2002

On Pocket PC 2002 devices using version 2.1 of the Synthesis SyncML Client, if you try to synchronize, the Synthesis client may become unresponsive. This is a Synthesis issue.

Use version 2.5 of the Synthesis SyncML Client. If this is not possible, manually connect to the Internet (using GPRS, for example), then try to synchronize again. The synchronization should be successful.


Siemens C65

On Siemens C65 devices, if you synchronize after an event reminder has been issued, the event will be duplicated to UTC time. This is a device issue.



Siemens C65 and S65

On Siemens C65 and S65 devices, synchronizing day events is not supported. This is a device issue.


4332441, 4332428, 4332497

Sony Ericsson S700i

On Sony Ericsson S700i devices, task due dates are not synchronized to the server. This is a device issue.



5.5 Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.2

The following topics describe release note information for Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.2.

5.5.1 New in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.2


  • Ability to run the installer in 24 languages

  • Ability to add additional languages after installation

  • Ability to create additional profiles after installation, using a PRF file

  • Installation and configuration in fewer steps

  • Ability to install with elevated system privileges

  • Ability to repair an installation using a Repair Wizard

Configuration and Deployment

  • Profile Creation Wizard

  • PRF File Creation Wizard

  • Option to use a PRF file with the Oracle Connector Configuration Wizard to facilitate profile configuration

  • Roaming profile support

  • Citrix certification

  • IMAP namespace prefixes

  • IMAP folder mappings


  • Ability to generate log files and reports which you can send to Support

  • Configure logging parameters and log levels through the client UI


  • Support for browsing distribution lists in the Global Address List (GAL)

  • Ability to view memberships in the DLs

  • Improved name resolution for users, resources, and distribution lists

  • Ability to navigate through your organization's hierarchy using the user property pages

  • Additional information displayed in the resource property pages

  • Increase GAL capacity beyond 64K

  • Support for multi-day day events

  • Support for per-instance details and personal notes in events

  • Streamlined notifications for recurring Web conferences

  • Ability to import and export server-side rules

  • Message grouping (the Group By feature in Microsoft Outlook) is now available in Outlook 2000 and 2002 (it was previously only available to Outlook 2003 users)

  • Ability to share contacts

  • Ability to create and share Outlook data folders of all Outlook data types — like calendar, tasks, e-mail messages, and contacts — within any IMAP folder

  • Easier to open another user's folder with new shared folder lists grouped by owner in the Navigation Pane

  • Ability to create a speed dial list from your contacts

  • Ability to add a picture to a contact*

  • Support for displaying side-by-side calendars*

  • Ability to select a service provider other than Oracle Connector for Outlook when sending e-mail


    * These features are available on Outlook 2003 only.

Performance Optimizations

  • Better UI responsiveness when sending large e-mails

  • Reduced RAM consumption by the GAL

  • Ability to cancel a GAL download

  • Optimization of IMAP traffic

5.5.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.2

This section describes known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.2.

  • GAL DL members are only displayed if they have Oracle Calendar server accounts.

  • GAL DLs cannot be expanded on the Attendee Availability tab on the Oracle Calendar Appointment form or in the Message Recipients list. To view the list of members in a DL, select the DL and click Properties. You can also invite the DL to a meeting. After the meeting is scheduled, you can see the individual members which you can then add to your contacts.

  • Assigning the same e-mail address for more than one GAL entry may lead to unexpected results when scheduling meetings. Verify that each GAL entry has a unique e-mail address.

  • Additional storage for creating Outlook data folders of all Outlook data types — like calendar, tasks, e-mail messages, and contacts — within any IMAP folders. This feature requires the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Connector for Outlook to be connected to the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Mail server.

    There are some limitations, described in the following list:

    • Web conferences are not supported for meetings stored as e-mail messages in the data folders you created.

    • Meeting requests created in these Outlook data folders are not tracked by the Oracle Calendar server. You can manually track external attendee status in your default Calendar folder in Outlook. Recipients are notified only by an e-mail message and will not receive an Outlook Meeting Request.

    • Timed events stored in the IMAP-based Outlook data folders can be converted to all-day events, and vice versa. This differs from the default Calendar folder in Outlook, where this conversion is not possible.

    • Unlike the default Calendar folder, users can be invited to meetings as either Required or Optional attendees. Because the Outlook data folders do not reside on the Oracle Calendar server, the attendee status settings are saved. However, the attendee response cannot be tracked, unless you manually change the Response setting.

    • Links to contacts are not preserved in the Outlook data folders, regardless of the Outlook data type. Only the contact name is displayed.

    • Inserting a DL within another DL is not supported in the Outlook data folders, regardless of the Outlook data type.

5.5.3 Known Issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.2

The following table lists known issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.2.


Fixes for known issues may be available in cumulative patches. For a list of available cumulative patch downloads and their installation order, see note 406284.1 on Each cumulative patch includes a README.html file that lists all bugs fixed.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for information on cumulative patch new features and known issues.

Table 5-9 Known Issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.2

Description Action Bug Number

When using Oracle Connector for Outlook with Microsoft Outlook 2003, some features associated with the Junk E-mail folder do not work.



In certain scenarios, canceling a GAL download results in a partially downloaded GAL that is missing some entries.

When canceling a GAL download, synchronization is interrupted, so it is normal for some entries to be missing in the partially downloaded GAL.


The Addressline2 field in Oracle WebMail is not synchronized with the Address field for a contact in Oracle Connector for Outlook.

This field is not synchronized because Oracle Connector for Outlook does not have a corresponding Addressline2 field for contacts.


5.6 Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3

Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3 was released in the summer of 2006 and includes several new features and enhancements to version 10.1.2. Oracle Collaboration Suite users are encouraged to upgrade to Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3, but can continue to use 10.1.2 if they so choose.

The following topics describe release note information for Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3:

5.6.1 New in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3

Configuration and Deployment

  • Support for recognizing unique services within a profile

  • POP mail server support

  • Multiple options for configuring automatic updates of offline folders

  • Ability to install automatic updates from the About dialog box or from a new system tray icon notifying you when updates are available

  • New system tray icon providing server status information


  • New interface allows log generation and a way to provide feedback to Oracle Support

  • Option to enable highly descriptive log files for diagnosing errors

  • Additional details available when generating a report package


  • Improved support for third-party products working with Outlook

  • Additional support for features available in Outlook with Microsoft Exchange

  • Option to back up your personal folders before resetting them

  • Interactive progress bar for enhanced user feedback

  • Ability to send and receive messages while you are working offline

  • Ability to customize the display range for your Calendar folders

  • Support for attaching linked and embedded objects into messages

  • Ability to expand distribution lists in e-mails and meeting requests

  • Support for attaching and forwarding any Outlook data file types

  • Support for the automatic preview of messages

  • Ability to cancel opening large messages

  • Ability to preserve the format of e-mails sent as rich text

  • Improved interface navigability for configuring options

Performance optimizations

  • Ability to access the mail and calendar servers in parallel

  • Messages that have been opened are automatically synchronized for offline use

  • Ability to cancel name resolutions

  • Ability to continue working in Outlook, including opening messages, while downloading the Global Address List or message headers

  • Ability to load several mail folders simultaneously

  • Newest messages are downloaded first

5.6.2 Resolved Issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3

The following table lists resolved issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3.

Table 5-10 Resolved Issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3

Description Resolved In Bug Number

Multiple-byte character messages sent by Oracle Connector for Outlook were indecipherable in some third-party e-mail applications.


Synchronizing between Personal Digital Assistants and Oracle Connector for Outlook could have unpredictable results.


Multiple-byte messages, when sent in plain-text and encoded in UTF-8, were indecipherable in Oracle Connector for Outlook.


Message bodies encoded with iso-2022-jp would sometimes be indecipherable in Oracle Connector for Outlook.


When generating a troubleshooting report, the first log file is now selected by default. This is to avoid problems that were occurring when no files were selected.


Oracle Connector for Outlook would stop unexpectedly when responding to invitations containing iCal attachments.


No informative error message would appear when attempting to upload entries for which the server was not configured (such as, in some instances, meetings spanning more than 24 hours).


It was not possible to search for Japanese text in message bodies on IMAP4 servers.


Palm devices using Outlook conduits could not be synchronized with Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3 (previously, they could with 10.1.2).


E-mail messages received, which contained text that included multi-byte characters and encoded with 8-bit character encoding would be indecipherable..


In certain scenarios, if you were upgrading from a previous version of Oracle Connector for Outlook when using a non-English version of Outlook, the upgrade could result in an invalidation of the existing settings that map Outlook special folders to IMAP4 folders.



In certain scenarios, cancelling a Global Address List download would result in a partially downloaded Global Address List that had some missing entries.



Global Address List distribution lists could not be expanded on the Attendee Availability tab in the Oracle Calendar Appointment form or in the Message Recipients list.



5.6.3 Known Issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3

The following table lists known issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3.

Table 5-11 Known Issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3

Description Action Bug Number

When a scheduling error results from a modification of a recurrence exception, an e-mail notification may still be sent with the meeting details.



Moving, copying, or deleting a large number of messages simultaneously can be slow.



In certain scenarios, a pop-up reminder that has been set to 'snooze' for a specific time interval may pop up sooner if you are using Oracle Calendar server 9.0.4.x.



5.6.4 Globalization Issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3

The following table lists globalization issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3.

Table 5-12 Globalization Issues in Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1.3

Non-English online help systems of Oracle Connector for Outlook may contain certain translation or usability issues.



5.7 Oracle Calendar Desktop Clients

This section summarizes release note issues associated with the following Oracle Calendar desktop clients:

5.7.1 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux

The following topics describe release note information for the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux. New in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux


  • Ability to schedule Oracle Web conferences

  • Ability to schedule external attendees in Agenda entries using their e-mail addresses or by selecting them from the Global Address List (GAL) or your Personal Address Book

  • Ability to add new contacts to your Address Book from attendee names

  • Support for multi-day notes and day events*


    * This feature is available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.


  • Ability to search the GAL and your Personal Address Book in addition to the Oracle Calendar server when adding users to Agenda entries

  • Automatic name completion option when opening agendas and tasks, adding people to entries, or locating a person

Per-Instance Possibilities

  • Ability to create per-instance details for your Agenda entries*

  • Ability to create per-instance personal notes for any Agenda entry*


    * These features are available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.

Offline Capabilities

  • Prompt to switch offline when the Oracle Calendar server is unreachable and prompt to reconnect when the calendar server connection is restored

  • Ability to synchronize your offline password with your online password


  • Ability to have e-mail reminders and notifications sent to an alternate e-mail address

  • Preference to enable or disable pop-up reminders on startup

  • Ability to set your reply for an entry upon creation (including free/busy information)

  • Entry owners can set the reply status for external attendees

  • Ability to make tasks untimed by default

  • Ability to print attendance status Known Limitations and Workarounds in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux

The Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux only supports English. Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux

The following table lists known issues in the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Linux.

Table 5-13 Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux

Description Action Bug Number

Tasks without a Start date, Due date, or Completion date are not exported to an iCalendar file.



When resizing the <Entry> dialog box, the application unexpectedly terminates. This occurs intermittently.



Changing the current location of the offline GAL files does not work. The files do not get copied to the new location, but remain in the same directory.



If the computer on which you are installing the Oracle Calendar desktop client does not have enough space, the following message is still displayed: "Installation completed."

Check the system requirements and verify that the computer on which you are installing the Oracle Calendar desktop client has sufficient space.


The Email check box on the Reminders tab in the <Entry> dialog box is displayed even when the [LIMITS] mail parameter is set to FALSE in the unison.ini file on the Oracle Calendar server.



Selecting one or more attendees to add to your address book from the <Entry> dialog box results in duplicated contacts if the selected attendees already exist in your address book.



When performing a directory search, the names of contacts from the Address Book are not being resolved.



Designates for event calendars are not fully supported.



The scroll bars shown in the In-tray do not work with a mouse



5.7.2 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

The following topics describe release note information for the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh. New in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh


  • Ability to schedule Oracle Web conferences

  • Ability to schedule external attendees in Agenda entries using their e-mail addresses or by selecting them from the Global Address List (GAL) or your Personal Address Book

  • Ability to add new contacts to your Address Book from attendee names

  • Support for multi-day notes and day events*


    * This feature is available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.


  • Ability to search the GAL and your Personal Address Book in addition to the Oracle Calendar server when adding users to Agenda entries

  • Automatic name completion option when opening agendas and tasks, adding people to entries, or locating a person

Per-Instance Possibilities

  • Ability to create per-instance details for your Agenda entries*

  • Ability to create per-instance personal notes for any Agenda entry*


    * These features are available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.

Offline Capabilities

  • Prompt to switch offline when the Oracle Calendar server is unreachable and prompt to reconnect when the calendar server connection is restored

  • Ability to synchronize your offline password with your online password


  • Ability to have e-mail reminders and notifications sent to an alternate e-mail address

  • Preference to enable or disable pop-up reminders on startup

  • Ability to set your reply for an entry upon creation (including free/busy information)

  • Entry owners can set the reply status for external attendees

  • Ability to make tasks untimed by default

  • Ability to print attendance status Known Limitations and Workarounds in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

The Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh only supports English. Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

The following table lists known issues in the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh.

Table 5-14 Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

Description Action Bug Number

The pop-up notification for the new entries feature does not work.



Including a Euro sign in the Password field and then trying to sign in to the Oracle Calendar desktop client using another platform causes an error message.



Leaving the application running in the background for extended periods of time may cause unexpected behavior.



Designates for event calendars are not fully supported.



When you copy and paste an entry with internal and external attendees, only the internal attendees are listed on the Details tab when all attendees should be listed.



Selecting one or more attendees to add to your address book from the <Entry> dialog box results in duplicated contacts if the selected attendees already exist in your address book.



5.7.3 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris

The following topics describe release note information for the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Solaris. New in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris


  • Ability to schedule Oracle Web conferences

  • Ability to schedule external attendees in Agenda entries using their e-mail addresses or by selecting them from the Global Address List (GAL) or your Personal Address Book

  • Ability to add new contacts to your Address Book from attendee names

  • Support for multi-day notes and events*


    * This feature is available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.


  • Ability to search the GAL and your Personal Address Book in addition to the Oracle Calendar server when adding users to Agenda entries

  • Automatic name completion option when opening agendas and tasks, adding people to entries, or locating a person

Per-Instance Possibilities

  • Ability to create per-instance details for your Agenda entries*

  • Ability to create per-instance personal notes for any Agenda entry*


    * These features are available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.

Offline Capabilities

  • Prompt to switch offline when the Oracle Calendar server is unreachable and prompt to reconnect when the calendar server connection is restored

  • Ability to synchronize your offline password with your online password


  • Ability to have e-mail reminders and notifications sent to an alternate e-mail address

  • Preference to enable or disable pop-up reminders on startup

  • Ability to set your reply for an entry upon creation (including free/busy information)

  • Entry owners can set the reply status for external attendees

  • Ability to make tasks untimed by default

  • Ability to print attendance status Known Limitations and Workarounds in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris

The Oracle Calendar desktop client for Solaris only supports English. Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris

The following table lists known issues in the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Solaris.

Table 5-15 Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris

Description Action Bug Number

Tasks without a Start date, Due date, or Completion date are not exported to an iCalendar file.



Changing the current location of the offline GAL files does not work. The files do not get copied to the new location, but remain in the same directory.



If the computer on which you are installing the Oracle Calendar desktop client does not have enough space, the following message is still displayed: "Installation completed."

Check the system requirements and verify that the computer on which you are installing the Oracle Calendar desktop client has sufficient space.


The Email check box on the Reminders tab in the <Entry> dialog box is displayed even when the [LIMITS] mail parameter is set to FALSE in the unison.ini file on the Oracle Calendar server.



Selecting one or more attendees to add to your address book from the <Entry> dialog box results in duplicated contacts if the selected attendees already exist in your address book.



When performing a directory search, the names of contacts from the Address Book are not being resolved.



Designates for event calendars are not fully supported



5.7.4 Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

The following topics describe release note information for the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows. New in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows


  • Ability to schedule and join Oracle Web conferences

  • Ability to schedule external attendees in Agenda entries using their e-mail addresses or by selecting them from the Global Address List (GAL) or your Personal Address Book

  • Ability to add new contacts to your Address Book from attendee names

  • Ability to send an instant message to an attendee or to an Address Book contact

  • Support for multi-day notes and events*

  • Ability to select whether or not to use your personal address book in the Options dialog box


    * This feature is available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.


  • Ability to search the GAL and your Personal Address Book in addition to the Oracle Calendar server when adding users to Agenda entries

  • Automatic name completion option when opening agendas and tasks, adding people to entries, or locating a person

Per-Instance Possibilities

  • Ability to create per-instance details for your Agenda entries*

  • Ability to create per-instance personal notes for any Agenda entry*


    * These features are available only with version 10.1.2 or later of the Oracle Calendar server.

Offline Capabilities

  • Prompt to switch offline when the Oracle Calendar server is unreachable and prompt to reconnect when the calendar server connection is restored

  • Ability to synchronize your offline password with your online password


  • Ability to have e-mail reminders and notifications sent to an alternate e-mail address

  • Preference to enable or disable pop-up reminders on startup

  • Ability to set your reply for an entry upon creation (including free/busy information)

  • Entry owners can set the reply status for external attendees

  • Ability to make tasks untimed by default

  • Ability to print attendance status Known Limitations and Workarounds in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

This section describes known limitations and workarounds for the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows.


Upgrading from a previous release of the Oracle Calendar desktop client must be done using the original profile, meaning the user who originally installed the application. To upgrade your installation correctly, you should upgrade using the original account. Otherwise, you need to uninstall the Oracle Calendar desktop client using the original account, before reinstalling.

Language Support

The Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows only supports English, French, German, and Japanese. Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

The following table lists known issues in the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Windows.

Table 5-16 Known Issues in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

Description Action Bug Number

A first download may take a while, depending on the agenda size.



Some ICS files generated by the iCal application on the Macintosh cannot be imported into the Oracle Calendar desktop client.



The Email check box on the Reminders tab in the <Entry> dialog box is displayed even when the [LIMITS] mail parameter is set to FALSE in the unison.ini file on the Oracle Calendar server.



Selecting one or more attendees to add to your address book from the <Entry> dialog box results in duplicated contacts if the selected attendees already exist in your address book.



Importing an iCalendar file that was created in a different time zone causes an unexpected server error if the file contains a holiday that still exists on the server.



Exporting an iCalendar file containing multi-day day events, and then importing the same ICS file, results in duplicated entries when you are working offline.



Trying to transfer data in the following ways causes the error "The parameter is incorrect":

  • Attaching a file to a meeting, from a file on a CD in your CD drive,

  • Attaching a file to a meeting, from a file on your local drive when you are connected to a Citrix server, or

  • Downloading a file to your local computer when you are connected to a Citrix server.



Tasks without a Start date, Due date, or Completion date are not exported to an iCalendar file.



Tasks cannot be imported when you are working offline.



Designates for event calendars are not fully supported.



5.8 Oracle Calendar Sync Clients

This section summarizes release note issues associated with the following Oracle Calendar sync clients:

5.8.1 Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

The following topics describe release note information for Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh. New in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

There are no new features in this release of Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh. Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

This section describes known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh.

  • Oracle recommends that you synchronize your mobile devices with only one computer. Synchronizing a device with multiple computers can lead to unexpected results.

  • If you want to synchronize your address book, you need to download the offline files. Sign in to the Oracle Calendar desktop client once before synchronization and download the offline files when prompted.

  • Before you perform a synchronization, make sure you are not signed in to the Oracle Calendar desktop client.

  • Before you begin using Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh, verify that your Palm device is set to the correct date. An incorrect date leads to unexpected results when performing a synchronization. Known Issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

The following table lists known issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh.

Table 5-17 Known Issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

Description Action Bug Number

Address Book contacts do not synchronize correctly with the following devices:

  • Zire 72

  • Treo 600

If you are synchronizing with Zire 72, you need to download contacts to your local file. In the Oracle Calendar desktop client for Macintosh:

  1. Select Preferences from the Oracle Calendar menu.

  2. From the File menu, select Download To Local File.

  3. Reinitiate the synchronization.

If you are synchronizing with Treo 600, you need to change the location of the offline files:

  1. Select Preferences from the Oracle Calendar menu.

  2. Select Offline, then select the Location tab.

  3. Enter a location for the offline files.

  4. Reinitiate the synchronization.


You cannot synchronize the Palm device's Repeating Entries.

You can synchronize your Repeating Entries on the Oracle Calendar server.


The "Hand-held overwrites Macintosh" feature is not available.



If you change a timed Event to an untimed Event, or vice versa, on your Palm device, the change will not appear in the Oracle Calendar desktop client.



Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm only fully supports English-language synchronization.



Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm does not present a list of possible matches for duplicated names.

To avoid this problem, enter as much unique user information as possible, such as organization unit.


If your Palm device does not support different time zones, the time zone in your Palm device and desktop client must be the same.

Make sure your Palm device time zone corresponds to the one in your calendar application.


5.8.2 Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

The following topics describe release note information for Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows. New in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows


  • Support for the following devices:

    • Tungsten T3

    • Tungsten E

    • Treo 600

    • Treo 650

    • Zire 31

    • Zire 72

Per-Instance Possibilities

  • Ability to set details and personal notes on a per-instance basis for repeating events


  • Ability to set the appropriate time zone corresponding to your mobile device from the Synchronization Settings dialog box

  • Ability to include your attendance status in the event title when transferring events from the Oracle Calendar server to your mobile device

  • Ability to include and determine the format of attendee names in the Notes section of an event

  • Ability to include the location in the event title when transferring events from the Oracle Calendar server to your mobile device

  • Ability to set up and submit synchronization log information without user intervention, using the improved log viewer application


  • Ability to support day events that span multiple days


  • Tungsten T3, Tungsten E, Zire 31, Zire 72: Ability to synchronize the following contact information:

    • Birthday

    • Home Address and Other Address

    • Main, Mobile, and Pager phone numbers

    • Web page

  • Tungsten T3, Tungsten E, Zire 31, Zire 72: Ability to synchronize due date reminders for tasks

  • Ability to synchronize external user attendees


    It is important to note that this feature is only supported when transferring events from the Oracle Calendar server to your mobile device, and not the reverse. Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

This section describes known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows.

  • Oracle recommends that you synchronize your mobile devices with only one computer. Synchronizing a device with multiple computers can lead to unexpected behavior.

  • If you are using a recent Palm device, you may notice that the three conduits — Date Book, To Do List, and Address — are duplicated in the form of Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts. Choosing to synchronize two conduits with similar data produces an error. For example, you should not synchronize both Calendar and Date Book. You need to disable one set of conduits (for example, Date Book, To Do List, and Address) before initiating the next synchronization.

  • Older Palm operating systems (for example, Palm OS 3.1-5.0) continue to synchronize their files with the Date Book, To Do List, and Address conduits. One device that uses this operating system is the Treo 600.

  • Newer Palm operating systems (for example, Palm OS 5.2 and higher) synchronize their files with the Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts conduits. Devices that use these operating systems include Tungsten T, Tungsten T3, Zire 31, and Zire 72. Known Issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

The following table lists known issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows.

Table 5-18 Known Issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

Description Action Bug Number

Modifying a recurring meeting on your Palm device and then performing a synchronization causes the meeting's status to become tentative on the Oracle Calendar server.



The following Web sites are supported with the Tungsten T3 Palm device and other newer devices, but Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows does not synchronize these specific fields: AIM, MSN, Yahoo, AOL ICQ, and IM.



Removing a holiday on your Palm device and then performing a synchronization removes the holiday from all agendas.

With the appropriate server-defined privileges, you can manage holidays, but only by using the Manage Holidays option in the Tools menu.


When creating a day event on your Palm device and then performing a synchronization, the Oracle Calendar desktop client displays the default reminder of the daily note instead of the default reminder of the day event.



Reminders on Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm are set to the start time instead of the due time.



Notes, Alarms, and Access Levels modified on the device may not get synchronized with the Oracle Calendar server. If you are using Oracle Calendar server 5.4, Details may not get synchronized either.



When modifying the same contact with a desktop client and the Palm device, and the rules setting is set to replace the mobile device item with the Oracle Calendar server item, some fields may not synchronize correctly.



If you have installed Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows and Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC on the same computer, then uninstall Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC, the error "Message Catalog unavailable" is produced when you select Settings from the Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm menu.



Table 5-19 Device-Related Issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

Description Action Bug Number

When upgrading, InstallShield returns random characters when reading an empty value from the registry instead of returning an error.



Recurring meetings that span the Daylight Savings time change may not synchronize correctly. Several instances before or after the time change may have incorrect end times.



5.8.3 Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

The following topics describe release note information for Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC. New in Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

Per-Instance Possibilities

  • Ability to set details and personal notes on a per-instance basis for repeating events


  • Ability to select the appropriate time zone corresponding to your mobile device from the Synchronization Settings dialog box

  • Ability to include your attendance status in the event title when transferring events from the Oracle Calendar server to your mobile device

  • Ability to include and determine the format of attendee names in the Notes section of an event

  • Ability to set up and submit synchronization log information without user intervention, using the improved log viewer application


  • Ability to support day events that span multiple days


  • Ability to synchronize external user attendees


    It is important to note that this feature is only supported when transferring events from the Oracle Calendar server to your mobile device, and not the reverse. Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

Oracle recommends that you synchronize your mobile devices with only one computer. Synchronizing a device with multiple computers can lead to unexpected behavior. Known Issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

The following table lists known issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC.

Table 5-20 Known Issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

Description Action Bug Number

When you are connected to Oracle Calendar server 5.4 while using Oracle Connector for Outlook and Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC, modifying a meeting's recurrence rule and then synchronizing causes the meeting to become tentative on your mobile device. However, the meeting status is not altered to tentative in Outlook, nor in the Oracle Calendar desktop client.



If you have installed Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows and Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC on the same computer, then uninstall Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm, the error "Message Catalog unavailable" is produced when you select Settings from the Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC menu.



When you create a contact on your mobile device, the suffix field is transferred correctly when you synchronize with the Oracle Calendar server. However, if you create a contact on the Oracle Calendar server, through Oracle Connector for Outlook, the suffix field does not show up on the device.

Also, if you alter the suffix, either through Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC or through Oracle Connector for Outlook, your modifications are not transferred after synchronization.



When modifying the same contact with a desktop client and the Pocket PC device, and the rules setting is set to replace the mobile device item with the Oracle Calendar server item, some fields may not synchronize correctly.



Notes, Alarms, and Access Levels modified on the device may not get synchronized with the Oracle Calendar server. If you are using Oracle Calendar server 5.4, Details may not get synchronized either.



Table 5-21 Device-Related Issues in Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

Description Action Bug Number

When upgrading, InstallShield returns random characters when reading an empty value from the registry instead of returning an error.



Recurring meetings that span the Daylight Savings time change may not synchronize correctly. Several instances before or after the time change may have incorrect end times.



5.9 Client Coexistence Behavior

This section describes some known behaviors and workarounds for users who collaborate with different releases of Oracle Calendar clients.