The DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package, one of a set of Oracle Streams packages, provides subprograms for configuring Oracle Streams replication environments. This package also includes subprograms for adding and removing simple rules for capture, propagation, apply, and dequeue at the table, schema, and database level.

This chapter contains the following topics:


This section contains topics which relate to using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package.


The DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package, one of a set of Oracle Streams packages, provides subprograms for configuring an Oracle Streams replication environment. This package also includes subprograms for adding and removing simple rules for capture, propagation, apply, and dequeue at the table, schema, and database level. These rules support logical change records (LCRs), which include row LCRs and data definition language (DDL) LCRs. This package also contains subprograms for creating message rules for specific message types. This package also contains subprograms for creating queues, and for managing Oracle Streams metadata, such as data dictionary information.

If you require more sophisticated rules, then refer to Chapter 112, "DBMS_RULE" package.

Deprecated Subprograms


Oracle recommends that you do not use deprecated subprograms. Support for deprecated features is for backward compatibility only.

The following subprograms are deprecated with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 and later:

Security Model

A user is associated with each Oracle Streams client. The following sections describe these users:

Capture User

The following procedures can create a capture process:

The following procedures can create a synchronous capture:

If one of these procedures creates a capture process or a synchronous capture, then it configures the current user as the capture user. The capture user is the user in whose security domain a capture process or synchronous capture captures changes that satisfy its rule set(s) and runs custom rule-based transformations configured for these rules. This user must have the necessary privileges to capture changes. The procedure grants the capture user ENQUEUE privilege on the queue used by the capture process or synchronous capture and configures the user as a secure queue user of the queue.

See Also:

CREATE_CAPTURE Procedure and CREATE_SYNC_CAPTURE Procedure for information about the privileges required to capture changes (refer to the capture_user parameter)

Propagation User

The following procedures can create a propagation:

When a propagation is created, a propagation job also might be created. If a propagation job is created when one of these procedures is run, then the user who runs the procedure owns the propagation job. Each propagation job is an Oracle Scheduler job. You can adjust the schedule of a propagation job using Oracle Scheduler.


  • The source queue owner performs the propagation, but the propagation job is owned by the user who creates it. These two users might or might not be the same.

  • For a propagation to work properly, the owner of the source queue must have the necessary privileges to propagate messages.

See Also:

Apply User

The following procedures can create an apply process:

If one of these procedures creates an apply process, then it configures the current user as the apply user. The apply user is the user in whose security domain an apply process dequeues messages that satisfy its rule sets, applies messages directly to database objects, runs custom rule-based transformations configured for apply process rules, and runs apply handlers configured for the apply process. This user must have the necessary privileges to apply changes. The procedure grants the apply user DEQUEUE privilege on the queue used by the apply process and configures the user as a secure queue user of the queue.

See Also:

CREATE_APPLY Procedure for information about the privileges required to apply changes (refer to the apply_user parameter)

Messaging Client User

The following procedures can create a messaging client:

If one of these procedures creates a messaging client, then the user who runs this procedure is granted the privileges to dequeue from the queue using the messaging client. The procedure configures this user as a secure queue user of the queue, and only this user can use the messaging client.

Operational Notes

Several procedures in this package create rules for Oracle Streams clients, and several procedures configure an Oracle Streams replication environment. The following sections provide information about using these procedures:

Procedures That Create Rules and Oracle Streams Clients

Oracle Streams clients include capture processes, synchronous captures, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients. Some of the procedures in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package add rules to the rule sets of Oracle Streams clients. The rules can pertain to changes in the redo log, to data manipulation language (DML) changes made to a table, to logical change records (LCRs), or to user messages.

An LCR represents either a row change that results from a DML change or a data definition language (DDL) change. An LCR that represents a row change is a row LCR, and an LCR that represents a DDL change is a DDL LCR. LCRs can either represent changes that were captured by a capture process or a synchronous capture, or they can represent changes created by a user or application. A user message is a custom message that is based on a user-defined type and created by users or applications.

A capture process, propagation, apply process, or messaging client can have both positive and negative rule sets. A synchronous capture can have only a positive rule set.

For all of the procedures except the ones that create subset rules, and for all Oracle Streams clients except for synchronous captures, you use the inclusion_rule parameter to specify the type of rule set (either positive or negative) for the created rules. If the Oracle Streams client does not have a rule set of the specified type, then a rule set is created automatically, and the rules are added to the rule set. Other rules in an existing rule set for the Oracle Streams client are not affected. Additional rules can be added to a rule set using either the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package or the DBMS_RULE_ADM package. If an Oracle Streams client has both a positive and a negative rule set, then the negative rule set is always evaluated first.

The following sections describe each type of rule in detail:

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about how rules are used in Oracle Streams
Capture Process Rules for Changes in the Redo Log

The following procedures add rules to a rule set of a capture process when you specify capture for the streams_type parameter:

  • The ADD_GLOBAL_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for all changes made to a source database. See ADD_GLOBAL_RULES Procedure.

  • The ADD_SCHEMA_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for changes made to a specified schema. See ADD_SCHEMA_RULES Procedure.

  • The ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for DML changes made to a subset of rows in a specified table. See ADD_SUBSET_RULES Procedure.

  • The ADD_TABLE_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for changes made to a specified table. See ADD_TABLE_RULES Procedure.

If one of these procedures adds rules to the positive rule set for a capture process, then the capture process captures row changes resulting from DML changes, or DDL changes, or both from a source database and enqueues these changes into the specified queue. If one of these procedures adds rules to the negative rule set for a capture process, then the capture process discards row changes, or DDL changes, or both from a source database.

A capture process can capture changes locally at a source database or remotely at a downstream database. Therefore, for capture process rules, you should execute the procedure either at the source database or at a downstream database.

If the capture process is a local capture process, or if the capture process is a downstream capture process that uses a database link to the source database, then these procedures automatically prepare the appropriate database objects for instantiation:

  • ADD_GLOBAL_RULES invokes the PREPARE_GLOBAL_INSTANTIATION procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package at the source database.

  • ADD_SCHEMA_RULES invokes the PREPARE_SCHEMA_INSTANTIATION procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package at the source database.

  • ADD_SUBSET_RULES and ADD_TABLE_RULES invoke the PREPARE_TABLE_INSTANTIATION procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package at the source database.

These procedures also enable supplemental logging for the primary key, unique key, foreign key, and bitmap index columns in the tables prepared for instantiation. The primary key columns are unconditionally logged. The unique key, foreign key, and bitmap index columns are conditionally logged.

If the capture process is a downstream capture process that does not use a database link to the source database, then you must prepare the appropriate objects for instantiation and specify the necessary supplemental logging manually at the source database.

If one of these procedures is executed at a downstream database, then you specify the source database using the source_database parameter, and the specified capture process must exist. The procedure cannot create a capture process if it is run at a downstream database. You can create a capture process at a downstream database using the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

See Also:

Chapter 28, "Summary of DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM Subprograms" for more information about the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure and the procedures that prepare database objects for instantiation

Synchronous Capture Rules for DML Changes to Tables

The following procedures add rules to the rule set of a synchronous capture when you specify sync_capture for the streams_type parameter:

  • The ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for DML changes made to a subset of rows in a specified table. See ADD_SUBSET_RULES Procedure.

  • The ADD_TABLE_RULES procedure adds a rule whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for DML changes made to a specified table. See ADD_TABLE_RULES Procedure.

If one of these procedures adds rules to the positive rule set for a synchronous capture, then the synchronous capture captures row changes resulting from DML changes to the table at the source database and enqueues these changes into the specified queue. A synchronous capture cannot have a negative rule set.

A synchronous capture captures changes locally at the database where it is configured. This database is the source database for changes captured by the synchronous capture. Therefore, for synchronous capture rules, you should execute the procedure at the source database.

These procedures automatically prepare the appropriate tables for instantiation by invoking the PREPARE_SYNC_INSTANTIATION function in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package at the source database.


  • A synchronous capture ignores rules in its rule set that were created by a procedure other than ADD_SUBSET_RULES or ADD_TABLE_RULES.

  • When the ADD_TABLE_RULES or the ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure adds rules to a synchronous capture rule set, the procedure must obtain an exclusive lock on the specified table. If there are outstanding transactions on the specified table, then the procedure waits until it can obtain a lock.

Propagation Rules for LCRs

The following procedures add propagation rules for LCRs to a rule set of a propagation:

  • The ADD_GLOBAL_PROPAGATION_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for all LCRs in a source queue. See ADD_GLOBAL_PROPAGATION_RULES Procedure.

  • The ADD_SCHEMA_PROPAGATION_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for LCRs in a source queue containing changes made to a specified schema. See ADD_SCHEMA_PROPAGATION_RULES Procedure.

  • The ADD_SUBSET_PROPAGATION_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for row LCRs in a source queue containing the results of DML changes made to a subset of rows in a specified table. See "ADD_SUBSET_PROPAGATION_RULES Procedure".

  • The ADD_TABLE_PROPAGATION_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for LCRs in a source queue containing changes made to a specified table. See "ADD_TABLE_PROPAGATION_RULES Procedure".

If one of these procedures adds rules to the positive rule set for the propagation, then the rules specify that the propagation propagates LCRs in a source queue to a destination queue. If one of these procedures adds rules to the negative rule set for the propagation, then the rules specify that the propagation discards LCRs in a source queue. When you create rules with one of these procedures, and you specify a value for the source_databse parameter, then the rules include conditions for the specified source database.

Propagation Rules for User Messages

The ADD_MESSAGE_PROPAGATION_RULE procedure adds a message rule to a rule set of a propagation. If this procedure adds a rule to the positive rule set for the propagation, then the rule specifies that the propagation propagates the user messages of a specific message type that evaluate to TRUE for the rule condition from a source queue to a destination queue. If this procedure adds a rule to the negative rule set for the propagation, then the rule specifies that the propagation discards the user messages in a source queue of a specific message type that evaluate to TRUE for the rule condition. This procedure generates a rule name for the rule.

Apply Process Rules for LCRs

The following procedures add rules to a rule set of an apply process when you specify apply for the streams_type parameter:

  • The ADD_GLOBAL_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for all LCRs in the apply process queue. See "ADD_GLOBAL_RULES Procedure".

  • The ADD_SCHEMA_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for LCRs in the apply process queue containing changes made to a specified schema. See "ADD_SCHEMA_RULES Procedure".

  • The ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for row LCRs in the apply process queue containing the results of DML changes made to a subset of rows in a specified table. See "ADD_SUBSET_RULES Procedure".

  • The ADD_TABLE_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for LCRs in the apply process queue containing changes made to a specified table. See "ADD_TABLE_RULES Procedure".

If one of these procedures adds rules to the positive rule set for the apply process, then the rules specify that the apply process applies LCRs in its queue. If one of these procedures adds rules to the negative rule set for the apply process, then the rules specify that the apply process discards LCRs in its queue. For apply process rules, you should execute these procedures at the destination database.

An apply process can apply captured LCRs from only one source database. If one of these procedures creates an apply process, then specify the source database for the apply process using the source_database parameter. If the source_database parameter is NULL, and one of these procedures creates an apply process, then the source database name of the first LCR received by the apply process is used for the source database.

The rules in the apply process rule sets determine which messages are dequeued by the apply process. When you create rules with one of these procedures, and you specify a value for the source_databse parameter, then the rules include conditions for the specified source database. If the apply process dequeues an LCR with a source database that is different than the source database for the apply process, then an error is raised. In addition, when adding rules to an existing apply process, the database specified in the source_database parameter cannot be different than the source database for the apply process. You can determine the source database for an apply process by querying the DBA_APPLY_PROGRESS data dictionary view.

Changes applied by an apply process created by one of these procedures generate tags in the redo log at the destination database with a value of '00' (double zero). You can use the ALTER_APPLY procedure in the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package to alter the tag value after the apply process is created, if necessary.

An apply process created by one of these procedures can apply messages only at the local database and can apply only captured messages. To create an apply process that applies messages at a remote database or an apply process that applies user messages, use the CREATE_APPLY procedure in the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package.

You can also use the DBMS_APPLY_ADM.CREATE_APPLY procedure to specify nondefault values for the apply_captured, apply_user, apply_database_link, and apply_tag parameters when you run that procedure. You can use one of the procedures in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to add rules to a rule set used by the apply process after you create it.

Apply Process Rules for User Messages

The ADD_MESSAGE_RULE procedure adds a message rule to a rule set of an apply process when you specify apply for the streams_type parameter. For an apply process rule, you should execute this procedure at the destination database.

If this procedure adds a rule to the positive rule set for an apply process, then the apply process dequeues user messages of a specific message type that satisfy the apply process rule and sends these messages to its message handler. If no message handler is specified for the apply process, then use the ALTER_APPLY procedure in the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package to set the message handler. If this procedure adds a rule to the negative rule set for an apply process, then the apply process discards user messages of a specific message type that satisfy the apply process rule.

Messaging Client Rules for LCRs

The following procedures add rules to a rule set of a messaging client when you specify dequeue for the streams_type parameter:

  • The ADD_GLOBAL_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for all LCRs in the messaging client queue. See "ADD_GLOBAL_RULES Procedure".

  • The ADD_SCHEMA_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for LCRs in the messaging client queue containing changes made to a specified schema. See "ADD_SCHEMA_RULES Procedure".

  • The ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for row LCRs in the messaging client queue containing the results of DML changes made to a subset of rows in a specified table. See "ADD_SUBSET_RULES Procedure".

  • The ADD_TABLE_RULES procedure adds rules whose rule condition evaluates to TRUE for LCRs in the messaging client queue containing changes made to a specified table. See "ADD_TABLE_RULES Procedure".

If one of these procedures adds rules to the positive rule set for a messaging client, then the messaging client can dequeue persistent row LCRs, or DDL LCRs, or both that originated at the source database that matches the source_database parameter. If one of these procedures adds rules to the negative rule set for a messaging client, then the messaging client discards persistent row LCRs, or DDL LCRs, or both that originated at the source database that matches the source_database parameter. You should execute these procedures at the database where you want to dequeue the messages with the messaging client.

Messaging Client Rules for User Messages

The ADD_MESSAGE_RULE procedure adds a message rule to a rule set of a messaging client when you specify dequeue for the streams_type parameter. You should execute this procedure at the database that will dequeue messages.

If this procedure adds a rule to the positive rule set for a messaging client, then the messaging client dequeues user messages of a specific message type that satisfy the message rule. If this procedure adds a rule to the negative rule set for a messaging client, then the messaging client discards user messages of a specific message type that satisfy the message rule.

Procedures That Configure an Oracle Streams Replication Environment

The following procedures in this package configure a replication environment that is maintained by Oracle Streams:

The PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures must be used together to complete the Oracle Streams replication configuration.

The following sections contain information about using these procedures:

Local Capture or Downstream Capture for the Source Database

Local capture means that a capture process runs on the source database. Downstream capture means that a capture process runs on a database other than the source database. These procedures can either configure local capture or downstream capture for the database specified in the source_database parameter.

The database that captures changes made to the source database is called the capture database. These procedures can configure one of the following databases as the capture database:

  • Source database (local capture)

  • Destination database (downstream capture)

  • A third database (downstream capture)

The database on which the procedure is run is configured as the capture database for the source database. Therefore, to configure local capture at the source database, run the procedure at the source database. To configure downstream capture at the destination database or a third database, run the procedure at the destination database or third database.


  • When these procedures configure downstream capture, they always configure archived-log downstream capture. These procedures do not configure real-time downstream capture. However, you can configure redo transport services for real-time downstream capture before running a procedure, and then set the downstream_real_time_mine capture process parameter to Y after the procedure completes. You can also generate scrips with the procedures and modify the scripts to configure real-time downstream capture.

  • If these procedures configure bi-directional replication, then the capture process for the destination database always is a local capture process. That is, these procedures always configure the capture process for changes made to the destination database to run on the destination database.

  • When the RMAN DUPLICATE or CONVERT DATABASE command is used for database instantiation with one of these procedures, the destination database cannot be the capture database.

See Also:

Single Source and Bi-Directional Configurations

These procedures either set up a single source Oracle Streams configuration with the database specified in the source_database parameter acting as the only source database, or these procedures set up a bi-directional Oracle Streams configuration with both databases acting as source and destination databases. The bi_directional parameter controls whether the Oracle Streams configuration is single source or bi-directional:

  • If bi_directional is FALSE, then a capture process captures changes made to the source database and an apply process at the destination database applies these changes. If the destination database is not the capture database, then a propagation propagates the captured changes to the destination database. The default value for this parameter is FALSE.

  • If bi_directional is TRUE, then a separate capture process captures changes made to each database, propagations propagate these changes to the other database, and each database applies changes from the other database.

If bi_directional is set to FALSE, then these procedures do not configure bi-directional replication. Therefore, changes made to the shared database objects at the destination database are not replicated to the source database, and the shared database objects are not kept synchronized at the two databases, unless no changes are made to the shared database objects at the destination database. However, if bi_directional is set to TRUE, then Oracle Streams is configured to keep the shared database objects synchronized at the two databases, even if both databases allow changes to the database objects.


You might need to configure conflict resolution if bi-directional replication is configured.

Oracle Streams Clients and Queues Configured By These Procedures

These procedures configure the following Oracle Streams clients:

  • These procedures configure a capture process that captures changes to the source database. If bi-directional replication is configured, then these procedures also configure a capture process that captures changes to the destination database.

  • If the capture database and the destination database are different databases, then these procedures configure a propagation that propagates changes from the capture database to the destination database.

  • If the capture database and the destination database are the same database, then the queue names determine whether a propagation is created:

    • If the capture_queue_name and apply_queue_name parameters specify different queue names, then a propagation is created between the two queues within the destination database.

    • If the capture_queue_name and apply_queue_name parameters specify the same queue name, then a propagation is not created, and the downstream capture process and the apply process use the same queue. This configuration is possible only if the bi_directional parameter is set to FALSE to configure a single source replication environment.

  • If bi-directional replication is configured, then these procedures configure a propagation that propagates changes from the destination database to the source database.

  • These procedures configure an apply process that applies changes at the destination database. These changes originated at the source database. If bi-directional replication is configured, then these procedures also configure an apply process that applies changes to the source database. These changes originated at the destination database.

By default, the capture_queue_name and apply_queue_name parameters are set to NULL. When these parameters are set to NULL, these procedures configure a separate queue for each capture process and apply process. The Oracle Streams replication environment might operate more efficiently if each Oracle Streams client has its own separate queue.

However, two Oracle Streams clients share a queue in the following configurations:

  • The configuration described previously in this section in which the downstream capture process and the apply process at the destination database share a queue.

  • A configuration in which all of the following conditions are met:

    • The capture database is the source database or a third database.

    • The bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE.

    • The same queue name is specified for the capture_queue_name and apply_queue_name parameters.

    In this case, the local capture process and the apply process at the destination database share the same queue. If the source database is the capture database, then the local capture process and the apply process at the source database also share the same queue.

The capture_name and capture_queue_name parameters must be set to NULL when both of the following conditions are met:

  • The destination database is the capture database.

  • The bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE.

When both of these conditions are met, these procedure configure two capture processes at the destination database, and these capture processes must have different names. When the capture_name and capture_queue_name parameters are set to NULL, the system generates a different name for the capture processes and queues. These procedures raise an error if both conditions are met and either the capture_name parameter or the capture_queue_name parameter is set to a non-NULL value.

Change Cycling and Tags

Change cycling happens when a change is sent back to the database where it originated. Typically, change cycling should be avoided because it can result in each change going through endless loops back to the database where it originated. Such loops can result in unintended data in the database and tax the networking and computer resources of an environment.

If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE, then these procedures configure bi-directional replication. To prevent change cycling in a bi-directional Oracle Streams replication environment, these procedures configure the environment in the following way:

  • The apply process at each database applies each change with an apply tag that is unique to the environment. An apply tag is an Oracle Streams tag that is part of each redo record created by the apply process. For example, if a procedure configures databases sfdb.net and nydb.net for bi-directional replication, then the apply tag for the apply process at sfdb.net might be the hexidecimal equivalent of '1', and the apply tag for the apply process at nydb.net might be the hexidecimal equivalent of '2'.

  • The capture process at each database captures all changes to the shared database objects, regardless of tags in the redo records for the changes to these database objects.

  • Each propagation propagates all changes made to the shared database objects to the other database in the bi-directional replication environment, except for changes that originated at the other database. Continuing the example, the propagation at sfdb.net propagates all changes to nydb.net, except for changes with a tag value that is the hexidecimal equivalent of '1', because these changes originated at nydb.net. Similarly, the propagation at nydb.net propagates all changes to sfdb.net, except for changes with a tag value that is the hexidecimal equivalent of '2'. A change that is not propagated because of its tag value is discarded.

These procedures cannot be used to configure multi-directional replication where changes can be cycled back to a source database by a third database in the environment. For example, these procedures cannot be used to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment with three databases where each database shares changes with the other two databases in the environment. Such an environment is sometimes called an "n-way" replication environment. If these procedures were used to configure a three way replication environment such as this, then changes made at a source database would be cycled back to the same source database. In a valid three way replication environment, a particular change is made only once at each database.

These procedures can be used to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment that includes more than two databases, as long as changes made at a source database cannot cycle back to the same source database. For example, a procedure can be run multiple times to configure an environment in which a primary database shares changes with multiple secondary databases. Such an environment is sometimes called a "hub-and-spoke" replication environment.

You can configure the Oracle Streams environment manually to replicate changes in a multiple source environment where each source database shares changes with the other source databases, or you can modify generated scripts to achieve this.

See Also:

Automatic Platform Conversion

If the source and destination databases are running on different platforms, then these procedures, or the scripts generated by these procedures, convert transferred datafiles to the appropriate platform automatically.

Actions Performed by These Procedures

To view all of the actions performed by one of these procedures in detail, use the procedure to generate a script, and view the script in a text editor.

Configuration Progress and Recoverability

When one of these procedures is run with the perform_actions parameter set to TRUE, metadata about its configuration actions is recorded in the following data dictionary views: DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS, and DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS. If the procedure stops because it encounters an error, then you can use the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure to complete the configuration after you correct the conditions that caused the error.


When one of these procedures is run with the perform_actions parameter set to FALSE, these views are not populated. Also, the views are not populated when a script generated by one of these procedures is run.

Requirements for Running These Procedures

Meet the following requirements when you use one of these procedures:

  • Run the procedure at the capture database.

  • If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE, or if the source database is not the capture database, then the source_database parameter must specify a database that contains the database objects to be shared. The database specified in the destination_database parameter might or might not contain these database objects. If the destination database does not contain the shared database objects, then these procedures will instantiate the database objects at the destination database (excluding the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures).

  • Both databases must be open during configuration. If the procedure is generating a script only, then the database specified in the destination_database parameter does not need to be open when you run the procedure, but both databases must be open when you run the generated script.

  • The user who runs one of these procedures should be granted DBA role. This user must have the necessary privileges to complete the following actions:

    • Create ANYDATA queues, capture processes, propagations, and apply processes.

    • Specify supplemental logging

    • Run subprograms in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM and DBMS_AQADM packages.

    • Access the database specified in the destination_database parameter through a database link. This database link should have the same name as the global name of the destination database.

  • If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE or if a network instantiation will be performed, then the corresponding user at the destination database must be able to use a database link to access the source database. This database link should have the same name as the global name of the source database.

  • If these procedures configure downstream capture, then the corresponding user at the capture database must be able to use a database link to access the source database. This database link should have the same name as the global name of the source database.

  • If these procedures configure downstream capture, then the corresponding user at the capture database must be able to use a database link to access the destination database. This database link should have the same name as the global name of the destination database.

  • Each specified directory object must be created using the SQL statement CREATE DIRECTORY, and the user who invokes one of these procedures must have READ and WRITE privilege on each one.

  • These procedures, or the scripts generated by these procedures, must be run at an Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later database.

  • If the perform_actions parameter is set to TRUE in one of these procedures to configure the Oracle Streams replication environment directly, then all of the databases configured by the procedure must be Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later databases.

  • If the perform_actions parameter is set to FALSE in one of these procedures, and the replication environment is configured with a generated script, then the databases configured by the script must be Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later databases. If the script configures an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 database, then the script must be modified so that it does not configure features that are available only in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later, such as queue-to-queue propagation.

To ensure that the user who runs these procedures has the necessary privileges, you should configure an Oracle Streams administrator at each database, and each database link should be should be created in the Oracle Streams administrator's schema.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for information about configuring an Oracle Streams administrator

Common Parameters for the Configuration Procedures

Table 130-1 describes the common parameters for the procedures in this package that configure an Oracle Streams replication environment.

Table 130-1 Common Parameters for Configuration Procedures

Parameter Description


The global name of the source database.

If the specified global name is the same as the global name of the local database, then the procedure configures a local capture process for the source database.

If the specified global name is different than the global name of the local database, then the procedure configures a downstream capture process at the local database. In this case, a database link from the local database to the source database with the same name as the global name of the source database must exist and must be accessible to the user who runs the procedure.

If NULL, then the procedure uses the global name of the local database.


The global name of the destination database.

If the local database is not the destination database, then a database link from the local database to the destination database with the same name as the global name of the destination database must exist and must be accessible to the user who runs the procedure.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


If TRUE, then the procedure performs the necessary actions to configure the replication environment directly.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not perform the necessary actions to configure the replication environment directly.

Specify FALSE when this procedure is generating a script that you can edit and then run. The procedure raises an error if you specify FALSE and either of the following parameters is NULL:

  • script_name

  • script_directory_object


If non-NULL and the perform_actions parameter is FALSE, then specify the name of the script generated by this procedure. The script contains all of the statements used to configure the replication environment. If a file with the specified script name exists in the specified directory for the script_directory_object parameter, then the procedure appends the statements to the existing file.

If non-NULL and the perform_actions parameter is TRUE, then the procedure generates the specified script and performs the actions to configure the replication environment directly.

If NULL and the perform_actions parameter is TRUE, then the procedure performs the actions to configure the replication environment directly and does not generate a script.

If NULL and the perform_actions parameter is FALSE, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the local computer system into which the generated script is placed.

If the script_name parameter is NULL, then the procedure ignores this parameter and does not generate a script.

If NULL and the script_name parameter is non-NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The name of each capture process configured to capture changes. Do not specify an owner. If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE, then each capture process created by this procedure has the specified name.

If the specified name matches the name of an existing capture process, then the procedure uses the existing capture process and adds the rules for capturing changes to the database to the positive capture process rule set.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for each capture process it creates.

Note: The capture process name cannot be altered after the capture process is created.


The name of the queue table for each queue used by a capture process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_table_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue_table. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for the queue table of each queue used by a capture process, and the current user is the owner of each queue table.


The name of each queue used by a capture process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue.

If the schema is not specified, then the queue table owner is the default. The queue owner automatically has privileges to perform all queue operations on the queue.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for each queue used by a capture process.


The name of the user who requires ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue at the source database. This user also is configured as a secure queue user of the queue. The queue user cannot grant these privileges to other users because they are not granted with the GRANT option.

If NULL, then the procedure does not grant any privileges. You can also grant queue privileges to the appropriate users using the DBMS_AQADM package.


The name of each propagation configured to propagate changes. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified name matches the name of an existing propagation, then the procedure uses the existing propagation and adds the rules for propagating changes to the positive propagation rule set.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for each propagation it creates.

Note: The propagation name cannot be altered after the propagation is created.


The name of each apply process configured to apply changes. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified name matches the name of an existing apply process, then the procedure uses the existing apply process and adds the rules for applying changes to the positive apply process rule set.

The specified name must not match the name of an existing messaging client at the destination database.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for each apply process it creates. When to NULL, no apply process that applies changes from the source database can exist on the destination database. If an apply process that applies changes from the source database exists at the destination database, then specify a non-NULL value for this parameter.

Note: The apply process name cannot be altered after the apply process is created.


The name of the queue table for each queue used by an apply process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_table_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue_table. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for the queue table of each queue used by an apply process, and the current user is the owner of each queue table.


The name of each queue used by an apply process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue.

If the schema is not specified, then the queue table owner is the default. The queue owner automatically has privileges to perform all queue operations on the queue.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for each queue used by an apply process.


The name of the user who requires ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue at the destination database. This user also is configured as a secure queue user of the queue. The queue user cannot grant these privileges to other users because they are not granted with the GRANT option.

If NULL, then the procedure does not grant any privileges. You can also grant queue privileges to the appropriate users using the DBMS_AQADM package.


Specify TRUE to configure bi-directional replication between the database specified in source_database and the database specified in destination_database. Both databases are configured as source and destination databases, a capture and apply process is configured to capture changes to both databases, and propagations are configured to propagate these changes. If TRUE, then a database link from the destination database to the source database with the same global name as the source database must exist.

Specify FALSE to configure one way replication from the database specified in source_database and the database specified in destination_database. A capture process is configured at the current database and an apply process is configured at the destination database. A propagation is configured if necessary.

See Also: "Oracle Streams Clients and Queues Configured By These Procedures" for information about when propagations are configured


Specify TRUE to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment that maintains both DML and DDL changes.

Specify FALSE to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment that maintains DML changes only. When this parameter is set to FALSE, DDL changes, such as ALTER TABLE, are not replicated.

Summary of DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Subprograms

Table 130-2 DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package Subprograms

Subprogram Description

ADD_COLUMN Procedure

Either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which adds a column to a row logical change record (row LCR) that satisfies the specified rule


Either adds global rules to the positive rule set for a propagation, or adds global rules to the negative rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist


Adds global rules to either the positive or negative rule set of a capture process, apply process, or messaging client, and creates the specified capture process, apply process, or messaging client if it does not exist


Either adds a message rule to the positive rule set for a propagation, or adds a message rule to the negative rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist


Adds a message rule to either the positive or negative rule set of an apply process or messaging client, and creates the specified apply process or messaging client if it does not exist


Either adds schema rules to the positive rule set for a propagation, or adds schema rules to the negative rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist


Adds schema rules to either the positive or negative rule set of a capture process, apply process, or messaging client, and creates the specified capture process, apply process, or messaging client if it does not exist


Adds subset rules to the positive rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist


Adds subset rules to the positive rule set of a capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client, and creates the specified capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client if it does not exist


Either adds table rules to the positive rule set for a propagation, or adds table rules to the negative rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist


Adds table rules to the rule set of a capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client, and creates the specified capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client if it does not exist


Removes an Oracle Streams replication configuration that was set up by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures in this package


Either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which deletes a column from a row LCR that satisfies the specified rule


Returns the tracking label for the current session


Gets information about the system change number (SCN) values to use for Oracle Streams capture and apply processes in an Oracle Streams replication environment


Configures an Oracle Streams environment that replicates changes at the database level between two databases


Configures an Oracle Streams environment that replicates changes to specified schemas between two databases


Clones a simple tablespace from a source database at a destination database and uses Oracle Streams to maintain this tablespace at both databases. This procedure is deprecated.


Clones a simple tablespace from a source database at a destination database and uses Oracle Streams to maintain this tablespace at both databases


Configures an Oracle Streams environment that replicates changes to specified tables between two databases


Clones a set of tablespaces from a source database at a destination database and uses Oracle Streams to maintain these tablespaces at both databases. This procedure is deprecated.


Clones a set of tablespaces from a source database at a destination database and uses Oracle Streams to maintain these tablespaces at both databases


Merges a stream flowing from one capture process with a stream flowing from another capture process


Determines whether the original capture process and the cloned capture are within the specified merge threshold and, if they are, runs the MERGE_STREAMS procedure to merge the two streams


Performs the actions required after instantiation to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment


Performs the actions required before instantiation to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment


Removes all Oracle Streams data dictionary information at the local database for the specified object


Provides options for an Oracle Streams replication configuration operation that stopped because it encountered an error. This procedure either rolls forward the operation, rolls back the operation, or purges all of the metadata about the operation.


Removes the specified ANYDATA queue


Removes the specified rule or all rules from the rule set associated with the specified capture process, synchronous capture, propagation, apply process, or messaging client.


Removes the Oracle Streams configuration at the local database


Either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which renames a column in a row LCR that satisfies the specified rule


Either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which renames a schema in a row LCR that satisfies the specified rule


Either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which renames a table in a row LCR that satisfies the specified rule


Sets a notification for messages that can be dequeued by a specified Oracle Streams messaging client from a specified queue


Sets the tracking label for logical change records (LCRs) produced by the current session


Sets or removes the transformation function name for a rule-based transformation

SET_UP_QUEUE Procedure

Creates a queue table and a queue for use with the capture, propagate, and apply functionality of Oracle Streams


Splits one stream flowing from a capture process off from all of the other streams flowing from the capture process


All subprograms commit unless specified otherwise.

ADD_COLUMN Procedure

This procedure either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which adds a column to a row logical change record (row LCR) that satisfies the specified rule.

For the transformation to be performed when the specified rule evaluates to TRUE, the rule must be in the positive rule set of an Oracle Streams client. Oracle Streams clients include capture processes, synchronous captures, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients.

This procedure is overloaded. The column_value and column_function parameters are mutually exclusive.


  • ADD_COLUMN transformations cannot add columns of the following datatypes: BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, BFILE, LONG, LONG RAW, ROWID, user-defined types (including object types, REFs, varrays, nested tables), and Oracle-supplied types (including any types, XML types, spatial types, and media types).

  • Declarative transformations can transform row LCRs only. These row LCRs can be captured by a capture process, captured by a synchronous capture, or constructed and enqueued by an application. Therefore, a DML rule must be specified when you run this procedure. If a DDL is specified, then the procedure raises an error.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about declarative rule-based transformations


   rule_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
   table_name    IN  VARCHAR2,
   column_name   IN  VARCHAR2,
   column_value  IN  ANYDATA,
   value_type    IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'NEW',
   step_number   IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT 0,
   operation     IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'ADD');
   rule_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
   table_name       IN  VARCHAR2,
   column_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
   column_function  IN  VARCHAR2,
   value_type       IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'NEW',
   step_number      IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT 0,
   operation        IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'ADD');


Table 130-3 ADD_COLUMN Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the rule, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

For example, to specify a rule in the hr schema named employees12, enter hr.employees12. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the table to which the column is added in the row LCR, specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the column added to each row LCR that satisfies the rule.


The value of the added column. Specify the appropriate ANYDATA function for the column data type and the column value. For example, if the data type of the column being added is NUMBER and the value is NULL, then specify the ANYDATA.ConvertNumber(NULL) function.

This parameter cannot be specified if the column_function parameter is specified.


Either the 'SYSDATE' or the 'SYSTIMESTAMP' SQL function.

The 'SYSDATE' SQL function places the current date and time set for the operating system on which the database resides. The datatype of the returned value is DATE, and the format returned depends on the value of the NLS_DATE_FORMAT initialization parameter.

The 'SYSTIMESTAMP' SQL function returns the system date, including fractional seconds and time zone, of the system on which the database resides. The return type is TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.

The function executes when the rule evaluates to TRUE.

This parameter cannot be specified if the column_value parameter is specified.


Specify 'NEW' to add the column to the new values in the row LCR.

Specify 'OLD' to add the column to the old values in the row LCR.


The order of execution of the transformation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about transformation ordering


Specify 'ADD' to add the transformation to the rule.

Specify 'REMOVE' to remove the transformation from the rule.

Usage Notes

When 'REMOVE' is specified for the operation parameter, all of the add column declarative rule-based transformations for the specified rule are removed that match the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number parameters. Nulls specified for these parameters act as wildcards. The following table lists the behavior of the ADD_COLUMN procedures when one or more of these parameters is NULL:

table_name column_name step_number Result
NULL NULL NULL Remove all add column transformations for the specified rule.
NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all add column transformations with the specified step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all add column transformations with the specified column_name and step_number for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all add column transformations with the specified table_name and step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all add column transformations with the specified column_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all add column transformations with the specified table_name and column_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL NULL Remove all add column transformations with the specified table_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all add column transformations with the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number for the specified rule.


This procedure either adds global rules to the positive rule set for a propagation, or adds global rules to the negative rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains two OUT parameters, and the other does not.


   streams_name            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_name       IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination_queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,
   include_dml             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database         IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dml_rule_name           OUT  VARCHAR2,
   ddl_rule_name           OUT  VARCHAR2,
   inclusion_rule          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition           IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_to_queue          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);

   streams_name            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_name       IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination_queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,
   include_dml             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database         IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   inclusion_rule          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition           IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_to_queue          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-4 ADD_GLOBAL_PROPAGATION_RULES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the propagation. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified propagation does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL and a propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure uses this propagation.

If NULL and no propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure creates a propagation automatically with a system-generated name.


The name of the source queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the source queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a source queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the destination queue, including a database link, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name[@dblink_name], if the destination queue is in a remote database. The queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a destination queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema and use a database link named dbs2.net, enter strmadmin.streams_queue@dbs2.net for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If the database link is omitted, then the procedure uses the global name of the current database, and the source queue and destination queue must be in the same database.

Note: Connection qualifiers are not allowed.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DML changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DML rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DDL changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DDL rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding Oracle Streams tags to the generated rules. Therefore, these rules can evaluate to TRUE regardless of whether a logical change record (LCR) has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the propagation, then an LCR is always considered for propagation, regardless of whether it has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to TRUE is appropriate for a full (for example, standby) copy of a database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the propagation, then whether an LCR is discarded does not depend on the tag for the LCR.

If FALSE, then the procedure adds a condition to each generated rule that causes the rule to evaluate to TRUE only if an LCR has a NULL Oracle Streams tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the propagation, then an LCR is considered for propagation only when the LCR contains a NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to FALSE might be appropriate in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the propagation, then an LCR can be discarded only if it has a NULL tag.

In most cases, specify TRUE for this parameter if the inclusion_rule parameter is set to FALSE.

See Also: Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information about tags


The global name of the source database. The source database is where the changes originated. If NULL, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding the source database to the generated rules.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.

Oracle recommends that you specify a source database for propagation rules.


If include_dml is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DML rule name.

If include_dml is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If include_ddl is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DDL rule name.

If include_ddl is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure adds the rules to the positive rule set for the propagation.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure adds the rules to the negative rule set for the propagation.

In either case, the system creates the rule set if it does not exist.


If non-NULL, appends the specified condition to the system-generated rule condition using an AND clause in the following way:

(system_condition) AND (and_condition)

The variable in the specified condition must be :lcr. For example, to specify that the global rules generated by the procedure evaluate to TRUE only if the Oracle Streams tag is the hexadecimal equivalent of '02', specify the following condition:

:lcr.get_tag() = HEXTORAW(''02'')

The :lcr in the specified condition is converted to :dml or :ddl, depending on the rule that is being generated. If you are specifying an LCR member subprogram that is dependent on the LCR type (row or DDL), then make sure the procedure only generates the appropriate rule.

Specifically, if you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for row LCRs, then specify TRUE for the include_dml parameter and FALSE for the include_ddl parameter. If you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for DDL LCRs, then specify FALSE for the include_dml parameter and TRUE for the include_ddl parameter.

See Also: Chapter 228, "Logical Change Record TYPEs"


If TRUE, then the propagation is a queue to queue propagation. A queue-to-queue propagation always has its own propagation job and uses a service for automatic failover when the destination queue is a buffered queue in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.

If FALSE or NULL, then the propagation is a queue-to-dblink propagation. A queue-to-dblink propagation can share a propagation job with other propagations that use the same database link and does not support automatic failover in an Oracle RAC environment.

The procedure cannot change the queue to queue property of an exiting propagation. If the specified propagation exists, then the procedure behaves in the following way for each setting:

  • If TRUE and the specified propagation is not a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If FALSE and the specified propagation is a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If NULL, then the procedure does not change the queue to queue property of the propagation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about queue-to-queue propagations

Usage Notes

This procedure configures propagation using the current user. Only one propagation is allowed between a particular source queue and destination queue.

This procedure creates DML and DDL rules automatically based on include_dml and include_ddl parameter values, respectively. Each rule has a system-generated rule name that consists of the database name with a sequence number appended to it. The sequence number is used to avoid naming conflicts. If the database name plus the sequence number is too long, then the database name is truncated. A propagation uses the rules for filtering.

See Also:


The following is an example of a global rule condition created for DML changes:

(:dml.is_null_tag() = 'Y' and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'DBS1.NET' )


This procedure adds rules to a rule set of one of the following types of Oracle Streams clients:

  • Capture process rules for capturing changes to an entire database when the streams_type parameter is set to capture. See "Capture Process Rules for Changes in the Redo Log" for more information about these rules.

  • Apply process rules for applying all logical change records (LCRs) in a queue when the streams_type parameter is set to apply. The rules can specify that the LCRs must be from a particular source database. See "Apply Process Rules for LCRs" for more information about these rules.

  • Messaging client rules for dequeuing all persistent LCRs from a queue when the streams_type parameter is set to dequeue. The rules can specify that the LCRs must be from a particular source database. See "Messaging Client Rules for LCRs" for more information about these rules.

This procedure creates the specified capture process, apply process, or messaging client if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains two OUT parameters, and the other does not.


If you add global rules to the positive rule set for a capture process, then make sure you add rules to the negative capture process rule set to exclude database objects that are not support by Oracle Streams. Query the DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED data dictionary view to determine which database objects are not supported by Oracle Streams. If unsupported database objects are not excluded, then capture errors will result.


Currently, messaging clients cannot dequeue buffered messages.


   streams_type        IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name        IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name          IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   include_dml         IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl         IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr  IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database     IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dml_rule_name       OUT  VARCHAR2,
   ddl_rule_name       OUT  VARCHAR2,
   inclusion_rule      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition       IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);

   streams_type        IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name        IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name          IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   include_dml         IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl         IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr  IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database     IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   inclusion_rule      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition       IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-5 ADD_GLOBAL_RULES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The type of Oracle Streams client:

  • Specify capture for a capture process.

  • Specify apply for an apply process.

  • Specify dequeue for a messaging client.


The name of the capture process, apply process, or messaging client. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified Oracle Streams client does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL, if streams_type is capture or dequeue, and if one relevant capture process or messaging client for the queue exists, then the relevant Oracle Streams client is used. If no relevant Oracle Streams client exists for the queue, then an Oracle Streams client is created automatically with a system-generated name. If NULL and multiple Oracle Streams clients of the specified streams_type for the queue exist, then the procedure raises an error.

If NULL, if streams_type is apply, and if one relevant apply process exists, then the procedure uses the relevant apply process. The relevant apply process is identified in one of the following ways:

  • If one existing apply process has the source database specified in source_database and uses the queue specified in queue_name, then the procedure uses this apply process.

  • If source_database is NULL and one existing apply process is using the queue specified in queue_name, then the procedure uses this apply process.

If NULL and no relevant apply process exists, then the procedure creates an apply process automatically with a system-generated name. If NULL and multiple relevant apply processes exist, then the procedure raises an error.

An apply process and a messaging client cannot have the same name.


The name of the local queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

For capture process rules, this is the queue into which a capture process enqueues LCRs. For apply process rules, this is the queue from which an apply process dequeues messages. For messaging client rules, this is the queue from which a messaging client dequeues messages.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DML changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DML rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DDL changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DDL rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding Oracle Streams tags to the generated rules. Therefore, these rules can evaluate to TRUE regardless of whether a redo entry or LCR has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the process, then a redo entry is always considered for capture, and an LCR is always considered for apply, regardless of whether the redo entry or LCR has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to TRUE is appropriate for a full (for example, standby) copy of a database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the process, then whether a redo entry or LCR is discarded does not depend on the tag.

If FALSE, then the procedure adds a condition to each generated rule that causes the rule to evaluate to TRUE only if a redo entry or LCR has a NULL Oracle Streams tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the process, then a redo entry is considered for capture, and an LCR is considered for apply, only when the redo entry or LCR contains a NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to FALSE might be appropriate in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the process, then a redo entry or LCR can be discarded only if it has a NULL tag.

In most cases, specify TRUE for this parameter if the inclusion_rule parameter is set to FALSE.

See Also: Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information about tags


The global name of the source database. If NULL, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding the source database to the generated rules.

For capture process rules, specify NULL or the global name of the local database if you are creating a capture process locally at the source database. If you are adding rules to a downstream capture process rule set at a downstream database, then specify the source database of the changes that will be captured.

For apply process rules, specify the source database of the changes that will be applied by the apply process. The source database is the database where the changes originated. If an apply process applies captured messages, then the apply process can apply messages from only one capture process at one source database.

For messaging client rules, specify NULL if you do not want the rules created by this procedure to have a condition for the source database. Specify a source database if you want the rules created by this procedure to have a condition for the source database. The source database is part of the information in an LCR, and user-constructed LCRs might or might not have this information.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.


If include_dml is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DML rule name.

If include_dml is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If include_ddl is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DDL rule name.

If include_ddl is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure adds the rules to the positive rule set for the Oracle Streams client.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure adds the rules to the negative rule set for the Oracle Streams client.

In either case, the system creates the rule set if it does not exist.


If non-NULL, appends the specified condition to the system-generated rule condition using an AND clause in the following way:

(system_condition) AND (and_condition)

The variable in the specified condition must be :lcr. For example, to specify that the global rules generated by the procedure evaluate to TRUE only if the Oracle Streams tag is the hexadecimal equivalent of '02', specify the following condition:

:lcr.get_tag() = HEXTORAW(''02'')

The :lcr in the specified condition is converted to :dml or :ddl, depending on the rule that is being generated. If you are specifying an LCR member subprogram that is dependent on the LCR type (row or DDL), then make sure this procedure only generates the appropriate rule.

Specifically, if you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for row LCRs, then specify TRUE for the include_dml parameter and FALSE for the include_ddl parameter. If you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for DDL LCRs, then specify FALSE for the include_dml parameter and TRUE for the include_ddl parameter.

See Also: Chapter 228, "Logical Change Record TYPEs"

Usage Notes

This procedure creates DML and DDL rules automatically based on include_dml and include_ddl parameter values, respectively. Each rule has a system-generated rule name that consists of the database name with a sequence number appended to it. The sequence number is used to avoid naming conflicts. If the database name plus the sequence number is too long, then the database name is truncated. A capture process, apply process, or messaging client uses the rules created for filtering.


The following is an example of a global rule condition created for DML changes:

(:dml.is_null_tag() = 'Y' and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'DBS1.NET' )


This procedure adds a message rule to the positive rule set for a propagation, or adds a message rule to the negative rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains the OUT parameter rule_name, and the other does not.


   message_type            IN   VARCHAR2,    
   rule_condition          IN   VARCHAR2,    
   streams_name            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,    
   source_queue_name       IN   VARCHAR2,    
   destination_queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,    
   inclusion_rule          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   rule_name               OUT  VARCHAR2,
   queue_to_queue          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);

   message_type            IN   VARCHAR2,    
   rule_condition          IN   VARCHAR2,    
   streams_name            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,    
   source_queue_name       IN   VARCHAR2,    
   destination_queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,    
   inclusion_rule          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   queue_to_queue          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-6 ADD_MESSAGE_PROPAGATION_RULE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The type of the message. The type can be an Oracle built-in type, such as VARCHAR2 or NUMBER, or it can be a user-defined type.

If the type is not an Oracle built-in type, then it is specified as [schema_name.]type_name. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

For example, to specify VARCHAR2, enter VARCHAR2(n), where n is the size specification. To specify a type named usr_msg in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.usr_msg for this parameter.

The following datatypes require a size specification: VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, and RAW.

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about data types


The rule condition for this message type. The rule variable name specified in the rule condition must be the following:


See Also: "Examples"


The name of the propagation. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified propagation does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL and a propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure uses this propagation.

If NULL and no propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure creates a propagation automatically with a system-generated name.


The name of the source queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the source queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a source queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the destination queue, including a database link, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name[@dblink_name], if the destination queue is in a remote database. The queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a destination queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema and use a database link named dbs2.net, enter strmadmin.streams_queue@dbs2.net for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If the database link is omitted, then the procedure uses the global name of the current database, and the source queue and destination queue must be in the same database.

Note: Connection qualifiers are not allowed.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure adds the rule to the positive rule set for the propagation.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure adds the rule to the negative rule set for the propagation.

In either case, the system creates the rule set if it does not exist.


Contains the rule name


If TRUE, then the propagation is a queue to queue propagation. A queue-to-queue propagation always has its own propagation job and uses a service for automatic failover when the destination queue is a buffered queue in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.

If FALSE or NULL, then the propagation is a queue-to-dblink propagation. A queue-to-dblink propagation can share a propagation job with other propagations that use the same database link and does not support automatic failover in an Oracle RAC environment.

This procedure cannot change the queue to queue property of an exiting propagation. If the specified propagation exists, then the procedure behaves in the following way for each setting:

  • If TRUE and the specified propagation is not a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If FALSE and the specified propagation is a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If NULL, then the procedure does not change the queue to queue property of the propagation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about queue-to-queue propagations

Usage Notes

This procedure configures propagation using the current user. Only one propagation is allowed between a particular source queue and destination queue.

When you use this procedure to create a rule set for a message rule, the new rule set does not have an evaluation context. If no evaluation context exists for the specified message type, then this procedure creates a new evaluation context and associates it with the new rule. The evaluation context also has a system-generated name. If you create new rules that use an existing message type, then the new rules use the existing evaluation context for the message type.

See Also:


Suppose the message type is VARCHAR2(128). Given this type, the following rule condition can be specified:

':msg = ''HQ'''

This rule condition evaluates to TRUE if a user message of type VARCHAR2(128) has HQ for its value.

Suppose the message type is usr_msg, and that this type has the following attributes: source_dbname, owner, name, and message. Given this type, the following rule condition can be specified:

':msg.source_dbname = ''DBS1.NET'' AND ' || ':msg.owner = ''HR'' AND  ' ||
':msg.name = ''EMPLOYEES'''

This rule condition evaluates to TRUE if a user message of type usr_msg has DBS1.NET for its source_dbname attribute, HR for its owner attribute, and EMPLOYEES for its name attribute.


The quotation marks in the preceding examples are all single quotation marks.


This procedure adds a message rule to a rule set of one of the following types of Oracle Streams clients:

  • Apply process rule for dequeuing user messages of a specific message type from a queue when the streams_type parameter is set to apply. See "Apply Process Rules for User Messages" for more information about such rules.

  • Messaging client rule dequeuing user messages of a specific message type from a queue when the streams_type parameter is set to dequeue. See "Messaging Client Rules for User Messages" for more information about such rules.

This procedure also creates the specified Oracle Streams client if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains the OUT parameter rule_name, and the other does not.


Currently, messaging clients cannot dequeue buffered messages.


   message_type    IN   VARCHAR2,    
   rule_condition  IN   VARCHAR2,    
   streams_type    IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name    IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,    
   queue_name      IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',    
   inclusion_rule  IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   rule_name       OUT  VARCHAR2);

   message_type    IN   VARCHAR2,    
   rule_condition  IN   VARCHAR2,    
   streams_type    IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name    IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,    
   queue_name      IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',    
   inclusion_rule  IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 130-7 ADD_MESSAGE_RULE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The type of the message. The type can be an Oracle built-in type, such as VARCHAR2 or NUMBER, or it can be a user-defined type.

If the type is not an Oracle built-in type, then it is specified as [schema_name.]type_name. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

For example, to specify VARCHAR2, enter VARCHAR2(n), where n is the size specification. To specify a type named usr_msg in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.usr_msg for this parameter.

The following datatypes require a size specification: VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, and RAW.

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about data types


The rule condition for this message type. The rule variable name specified in the rule condition must be the following:


See Also: "Examples"


The type of message consumer, either apply for apply process or dequeue for messaging client


The name of the Oracle Streams apply process or messaging client.

If the specified streams_type is apply, then specify the name of the apply process. Do not specify an owner. If the specified apply process does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically with a system-generated name.

If the specified streams_type is dequeue, then specify the messaging client. For example, if the user strmadmin is the messaging client, then specify strmadmin.

If NULL and a relevant apply process or messaging client for the queue exists, then the procedure uses the relevant apply process or messaging client. If NULL and multiple relevant apply processes or messaging clients for the queue exist, then the procedure raises an error.

If NULL and no Oracle Streams client of the specified streams_type exists for the queue, then the procedure creates an apply process or messaging client automatically with a system-generated name.

An apply process and a messaging client cannot have the same name.


The name of the local queue from which messages will be dequeued, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure adds the rule to the positive rule set for the apply process or messaging client.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure adds the rule to the negative rule set for the apply process or messaging client.

In either case, the system creates the rule set if it does not exist.


Contains the rule name

Usage Notes

If an apply process rule is added, then this procedure creates the apply process if it does not exist. An apply process created by this procedure can apply only user messages, and dequeued messages are sent to the message handler for the apply process. If a messaging client rule is added, then this procedure creates a messaging client if it does not exist.

When you use this procedure to create a rule set for a message rule, the new rule set does not have an evaluation context. If no evaluation context exists for the specified message type, then this procedure creates a new evaluation context and associates it with the new rule. The evaluation context also has a system-generated name. If you create new rules that use an existing message type, then the new rules use the existing evaluation context for the message type.

See Also:


Suppose the message type is VARCHAR2(128). Given this type, the following rule condition can be specified:

':msg = ''HQ'''

This rule condition evaluates to TRUE if a user message of type VARCHAR2(128) has HQ for its value.

Suppose the message type is usr_msg, and that this type has the following attributes: source_dbname, owner, name, and message. Given this type, the following rule condition can be specified:

':msg.source_dbname = ''DBS1.NET'' AND ' || ':msg.owner = ''HR'' AND  ' ||
':msg.name = ''EMPLOYEES'''

This rule condition evaluates to TRUE if a user message of type usr_msg has DBS1.NET for its source_dbname attribute, HR for its owner attribute, and EMPLOYEES for its name attribute.


The quotation marks in the preceding examples are all single quotation marks.


This procedure either adds schema rules to the positive rule set for a propagation, or adds schema rules to the negative rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains two OUT parameters, and the other does not.


   schema_name             IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_name       IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination_queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,
   include_dml             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database         IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dml_rule_name           OUT  VARCHAR2,
   ddl_rule_name           OUT  VARCHAR2,
   inclusion_rule          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition           IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_to_queue          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);

   schema_name             IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_name       IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination_queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,
   include_dml             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database         IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   inclusion_rule          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition           IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_to_queue          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-8 ADD_SCHEMA_PROPAGATION_RULES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the schema. For example, hr.


The name of the propagation. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified propagation does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL and a propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure uses this propagation.

If NULL and no propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure creates a propagation automatically with a system-generated name.


The name of the source queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the source queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a source queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the destination queue, including a database link, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name[@dblink_name], if the destination queue is in a remote database. The queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a destination queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema and use a database link named dbs2.net, enter strmadmin.streams_queue@dbs2.net for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If the database link is omitted, then the procedure uses the global name of the current database, and the source queue and destination queue must be in the same database.

Note: Connection qualifiers are not allowed.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DML changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DML rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DDL changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DDL rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding Oracle Streams tags to the generated rules. Therefore, these rules can evaluate to TRUE regardless of whether a logical change record (LCR) has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the propagation, then an LCR is always considered for propagation, regardless of whether it has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to TRUE is appropriate for a full (for example, standby) copy of a database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the propagation, then whether an LCR is discarded does not depend on the tag for the LCR.

If FALSE, then the procedure adds a condition to each generated rule that causes the rule to evaluate to TRUE only if an LCR has a NULL Oracle Streams tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the propagation, then an LCR is considered for propagation only when the LCR contains a NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to FALSE might be appropriate in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the propagation, then an LCR can be discarded only if it has a NULL tag.

In most cases, specify TRUE for this parameter if the inclusion_rule parameter is set to FALSE.

See Also: Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information about tags


The global name of the source database. The source database is where the change originated. If NULL, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding the source database to the generated rules.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.

Oracle recommends that you specify a source database for propagation rules.


If include_dml is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DML rule name.

If include_dml is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If include_ddl is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DDL rule name.

If include_ddl is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure adds the rules to the positive rule set for the propagation.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure adds the rules to the negative rule set for the propagation.

In either case, the system creates the rule set if it does not exist.


If non-NULL, appends the specified condition to the system-generated rule condition using an AND clause in the following way:

(system_condition) AND (and_condition)

The variable in the specified condition must be :lcr. For example, to specify that the schema rules generated by the procedure evaluate to TRUE only if the Oracle Streams tag is the hexadecimal equivalent of '02', specify the following condition:

:lcr.get_tag() = HEXTORAW(''02'')

The :lcr in the specified condition is converted to :dml or :ddl, depending on the rule that is being generated. If you are specifying an LCR member subprogram that is dependent on the LCR type (row or DDL), then make sure this procedure only generates the appropriate rule.

Specifically, if you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for row LCRs, then specify TRUE for the include_dml parameter and FALSE for the include_ddl parameter. If you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for DDL LCRs, then specify FALSE for the include_dml parameter and TRUE for the include_ddl parameter.

See Also: Chapter 228, "Logical Change Record TYPEs"


If TRUE, then the propagation is a queue to queue propagation. A queue-to-queue propagation always has its own propagation job and uses a service for automatic failover when the destination queue is a buffered queue in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.

If FALSE or NULL, then the propagation is a queue-to-dblink propagation. A queue-to-dblink propagation can share a propagation job with other propagations that use the same database link and does not support automatic failover in an Oracle RAC environment.

This procedure cannot change the queue to queue property of an exiting propagation. If the specified propagation exists, then the procedure behaves in the following way for each setting:

  • If TRUE and the specified propagation is not a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If FALSE and the specified propagation is a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If NULL, then the procedure does not change the queue to queue property of the propagation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about queue-to-queue propagations

Usage Notes

This procedure configures propagation using the current user. Only one propagation is allowed between a particular source queue and destination queue.

This procedure creates DML and DDL rules automatically based on include_dml and include_ddl parameter values, respectively. Each rule has a system-generated rule name that consists of the schema name with a sequence number appended to it. The sequence number is used to avoid naming conflicts. If the schema name plus the sequence number is too long, then the schema name is truncated. A propagation uses the rules created for filtering.

See Also:


The following is an example of a schema rule condition created for DML changes:

((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR') and :dml.is_null_tag() = 'Y' 
and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'DBS1.NET' )


This procedures adds rules to a rule set of one of the following types of Oracle Streams clients:

  • Capture process rules for capturing changes to a specified schema when the streams_type parameter is set to capture. See "Capture Process Rules for Changes in the Redo Log" for more information about these rules.

  • Apply process rules for applying logical change records (LCRs) in a queue that contain changes to a specified schema when the streams_type parameter is set to apply. The rules can specify that the LCRs must be from a particular source database. See "Apply Process Rules for LCRs" for more information about these rules.

  • Messaging client rules for dequeuing persistent LCRs from a queue that contain changes to a specified schema when the streams_type parameter is set to dequeue. The rules can specify that the LCRs must be from a particular source database. See "Messaging Client Rules for LCRs" for more information about these rules.

This procedure creates the specified capture process, apply process, or messaging client if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains two OUT parameters, and the other does not.


If you add schema rules to the positive rule set for a capture process, then make sure you add rules to the negative capture process rule set to exclude database objects in the schema that are not support by Oracle Streams. Query the DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED data dictionary view to determine which database objects are not supported by Oracle Streams. If unsupported database objects are not excluded, then capture errors will result.


Currently, messaging clients cannot dequeue buffered messages.


   schema_name         IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_type        IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name        IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name          IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   include_dml         IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl         IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr  IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database     IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dml_rule_name       OUT  VARCHAR2,
   ddl_rule_name       OUT  VARCHAR2,
   inclusion_rule      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition       IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);

   schema_name         IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_type        IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name        IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name          IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   include_dml         IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl         IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr  IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database     IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   inclusion_rule      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition       IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-9 ADD_SCHEMA_RULES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the schema. For example, hr.

You can specify a schema that does not yet exist, because Oracle Streams does not validate the existence of the schema.


The type of Oracle Streams client:

  • Specify capture for a capture process.

  • Specify apply for an apply process.

  • Specify dequeue for a messaging client.


The name of the capture process, apply process, or messaging client. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified Oracle Streams client does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL, if streams_type is capture or dequeue, and if one relevant capture process or messaging client for the queue exists, then the procedure uses the relevant Oracle Streams client. If no relevant Oracle Streams client exists for the queue, then the procedure creates an Oracle Streams client automatically with a system-generated name. If NULL and multiple Oracle Streams clients of the specified streams_type for the queue exist, then the procedure raises an error.

If NULL, if streams_type is apply, and if one relevant apply process exists, then the procedure uses the relevant apply process. The relevant apply process is identified in one of the following ways:

  • If one existing apply process has the source database specified in source_database and uses the queue specified in queue_name, then the procedure uses this apply process.

  • If source_database is NULL and one existing apply process is using the queue specified in queue_name, then the procedure uses this apply process.

If NULL and no relevant apply process exists, then the procedure creates an apply process automatically with a system-generated name. If NULL and multiple relevant apply processes exist, then the procedure raises an error.

An apply process and a messaging client cannot have the same name.


The name of the local queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

For capture process rules, this is the queue into which a capture process enqueues LCRs. For apply process rules, this is the queue from which an apply process dequeues messages. For messaging client rules, this is the queue from which a messaging client dequeues messages.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DML changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DML rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DDL changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DDL rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding Oracle Streams tags to the generated rules. Therefore, these rules can evaluate to TRUE regardless of whether a redo entry or LCR has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the process, then a redo entry is always considered for capture, and an LCR is always considered for apply, regardless of whether the redo entry or LCR has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to TRUE is appropriate for a full (for example, standby) copy of a database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the process, then whether a redo entry or LCR is discarded does not depend on the tag.

If FALSE, then the procedure adds a condition to each generated rule that causes the rule to evaluate to TRUE only if a redo entry or LCR has a NULL Oracle Streams tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the process, then a redo entry is considered for capture, and an LCR is considered for apply, only when the redo entry or LCR contains a NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to FALSE might be appropriate in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the process, then a redo entry or LCR can be discarded only if it has a NULL tag.

In most cases, specify TRUE for this parameter if the inclusion_rule parameter is set to FALSE.

See Also: Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information about tags


The global name of the source database. If NULL, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding the source database to the generated rules.

For capture process rules, specify NULL or the global name of the local database if you are creating a capture process locally at the source database. If you are adding rules to a downstream capture process rule set at a downstream database, then specify the source database of the changes that will be captured.

For apply process rules, specify the source database of the changes that will be applied by the apply process. The source database is the database where the changes originated. If an apply process applies captured messages, then the apply process can apply messages from only one capture process at one source database.

For messaging client rules, specify NULL if you do not want the rules created by this procedure to have a condition for the source database. Specify a source database if you want the rules created by this procedure to have a condition for the source database. The source database is part of the information in an LCR, and user-constructed LCRs might or might not have this information.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.


If include_dml is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DML rule name.

If include_dml is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If include_ddl is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DDL rule name.

If include_ddl is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure adds the rules to the positive rule set for the Oracle Streams client.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure adds the rules to the negative rule set for the Oracle Streams client.

In either case, the system creates the rule set if it does not exist.


If non-NULL, appends the specified condition to the system-generated rule condition using an AND clause in the following way:

(system_condition) AND (and_condition)

The variable in the specified condition must be :lcr. For example, to specify that the schema rules generated by the procedure evaluate to TRUE only if the Oracle Streams tag is the hexadecimal equivalent of '02', specify the following condition:

:lcr.get_tag() = HEXTORAW(''02'')

The :lcr in the specified condition is converted to :dml or :ddl, depending on the rule that is being generated. If you are specifying an LCR member subprogram that is dependent on the LCR type (row or DDL), then make sure this procedure only generates the appropriate rule.

Specifically, if you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for row LCRs, then specify TRUE for the include_dml parameter and FALSE for the include_ddl parameter. If you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for DDL LCRs, then specify FALSE for the include_dml parameter and TRUE for the include_ddl parameter.

See Also: Chapter 228, "Logical Change Record TYPEs"

Usage Notes

This procedure creates DML and DDL rules automatically based on include_dml and include_ddl parameter values, respectively. Each rule has a system-generated rule name that consists of the schema name with a sequence number appended to it. The sequence number is used to avoid naming conflicts. If the schema name plus the sequence number is too long, then the schema name is truncated. A capture process, apply process, or messaging client uses the rules created for filtering.


The following is an example of a schema rule condition created for DML changes:

((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR') and :dml.is_null_tag() = 'Y' 
and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'DBS1.NET' )


This procedures adds propagation rules that propagate the logical change records (LCRs) related to a subset of the rows in the specified table in a source queue to a destination queue, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains three OUT parameters, and the other does not.


   table_name               IN   VARCHAR2,
   dml_condition            IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_name        IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination_queue_name   IN   VARCHAR2,
   include_tagged_lcr       IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database          IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   insert_rule_name         OUT  VARCHAR2,
   update_rule_name         OUT  VARCHAR2,
   delete_rule_name         OUT  VARCHAR2,
   queue_to_queue           IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);

   table_name               IN   VARCHAR2,
   dml_condition            IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_name        IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination_queue_name   IN   VARCHAR2,
   include_tagged_lcr       IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database          IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_to_queue           IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-10 ADD_SUBSET_PROPAGATION_RULES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the table specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

The specified table must exist in the same database as the propagation. Also, the specified table cannot have any LOB, LONG, or LONG RAW columns currently or in the future.


The subset condition. Specify this condition similar to the way you specify conditions in a WHERE clause in SQL.

For example, to specify rows in the hr.employees table where the salary is greater than 4000 and the job_id is SA_MAN, enter the following as the condition:

' salary > 4000 and job_id = ''SA_MAN'' '

Note: The quotation marks in the preceding example are all single quotation marks.


The name of the propagation. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified propagation does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL and a propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure uses this propagation.

If NULL and no propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure creates a propagation automatically with a system-generated name.


The name of the source queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the source queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a source queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the destination queue, including a database link, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name[@dblink_name], if the destination queue is in a remote database. The queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a destination queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema and use a database link named dbs2.net, enter strmadmin.streams_queue@dbs2.net for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If the database link is omitted, then the procedure uses the global name of the current database, and the source queue and destination queue must be in the same database.

Note: Connection qualifiers are not allowed.


If TRUE, then an LCR is always considered for propagation, regardless of whether it has a non-NULL tag. This setting is appropriate for a full (for example, standby) copy of a database.

If FALSE, then an LCR is considered for propagation only when the LCR contains a NULL tag. A setting of FALSE is often specified in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database.

See Also: Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information about tags


The global name of the source database. The source database is where the change originated. If NULL, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding the source database to the generated rules.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.

Oracle recommends that you specify a source database for propagation rules.


Contains the system-generated INSERT rule name. This rule handles inserts, as well as updates that must be converted into inserts.


Contains the system-generated UPDATE rule name. This rule handles updates that remain updates.


Contains the system-generated DELETE rule name. This rule handles deletes, as well as updates that must be converted into deletes


If TRUE, then the propagation is a queue to queue propagation. A queue-to-queue propagation always has its own propagation job and uses a service for automatic failover when the destination queue is a buffered queue in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.

If FALSE or NULL, then the propagation is a queue-to-dblink propagation. A queue-to-dblink propagation can share a propagation job with other propagations that use the same database link and does not support automatic failover in an Oracle RAC environment.

This procedure cannot change the queue to queue property of an exiting propagation. If the specified propagation exists, then the procedure behaves in the following way for each setting:

  • If TRUE and the specified propagation is not a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If FALSE and the specified propagation is a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If NULL, then the procedure does not change the queue to queue property of the propagation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about queue-to-queue propagations

Usage Notes

This procedure configures propagation using the current user. Only one propagation is allowed between a particular source queue and destination queue.

Running this procedure generates three rules for the specified propagation: one for INSERT statements, one for UPDATE statements, and one for DELETE statements. For INSERT and DELETE statements, only row LCRs that satisfy the condition specified for the dml_condition parameter are propagated. For UPDATE statements, the following variations are possible:

  • If both the new and old values in a row LCR satisfy the specified dml_condition, then the row LCR is propagated without any changes.

  • If neither the new or old values in a row LCR satisfy the specified dml_condition, then the row LCR is not propagated.

  • If the old values for a row LCR satisfy the specified dml_condition, but the new values do not, then the update row LCR is converted into a delete row LCR.

  • If the new values for a row LCR satisfy the specified dml_condition, but the old values do not, then the update row LCR is converted to an insert row LCR.

When an update is converted into an insert or a delete, it is called row migration.

A propagation uses the rules created for filtering. If the propagation does not have a positive rule set, then the procedure creates a positive rule set automatically, and the rules for propagating changes to the table are added to the positive rule set. A subset rule can be added to positive rule set only, not to a negative rule set. Other rules in an existing positive rule set for the propagation are not affected. Additional rules can be added using either the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package or the DBMS_RULE_ADM package.

Rules for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are created automatically when you run this procedure, and these rules are given a system-generated rule name. Each rule has a system-generated rule name that consists of the table name with a sequence number appended to it. The sequence number is used to avoid naming conflicts. If the table name plus the sequence number is too long, then the table name is truncated. The ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure is overloaded, and the system-generated rule names for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are returned.

When you create propagation subset rules for a table, you should create an unconditional supplemental log group at the source database with all the columns in the table. Supplemental logging is required if an update must be converted to an insert. The propagation rule must have all the column values to be able to perform this conversion correctly.


Subset rules should only reside in positive rule sets. You should not add subset rules to negative rule sets. Doing so might have unpredictable results because row migration would not be performed on LCRs that are not discarded by the negative rule set.

See Also:


The following is an example of a rule condition created for filtering a row LCR containing an update operation when the dml_condition is region_id = 2, the table_name is hr.regions, and the source_database is dbs1.net:

:dml.get_object_owner()='HR' AND :dml.get_object_name()='REGIONS' 
AND :dml.is_null_tag()='Y' AND :dml.get_source_database_name()='DBS1.NET' 
AND :dml.get_command_type()='UPDATE' 
AND (:dml.get_value('NEW','"REGION_ID"') IS NOT NULL) 
AND (:dml.get_value('OLD','"REGION_ID"') IS NOT NULL) 
AND (:dml.get_value('OLD','"REGION_ID"').AccessNumber()=2) 
AND (:dml.get_value('NEW','"REGION_ID"').AccessNumber()=2)


This procedure adds rules to a rule set of one of the following types of Oracle Streams clients:

  • Capture process rules for capturing changes to a subset of rows in a specified table when the streams_type parameter is set to capture. See "Capture Process Rules for Changes in the Redo Log" for more information about these rules.

  • Synchronous capture rules for capturing changes to a subset of rows in a specified table when the streams_type parameter is set to sync_capture. See "Synchronous Capture Rules for DML Changes to Tables" for more information about these rules.

  • Apply process rules for applying logical change records (LCRs) in a queue that contain changes to a subset of rows in a specified table when the streams_type parameter is set to apply. The rules can specify that the LCRs must be from a particular source database. See "Apply Process Rules for LCRs" for more information about these rules.

  • Messaging client rules for dequeuing persistent LCRs from a queue that contain changes to a subset of rows in a specified table when the streams_type parameter is set to dequeue. The rules can specify that the LCRs must be from a particular source database. See "Messaging Client Rules for LCRs" for more information about these rules.

This procedure creates the specified capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains three OUT parameters, and the other does not.


Currently, messaging clients cannot dequeue buffered messages.


   table_name          IN   VARCHAR2,
   dml_condition       IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_type        IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'apply',
   streams_name        IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name          IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   include_tagged_lcr  IN   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database     IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   insert_rule_name    OUT  VARCHAR2,
   update_rule_name    OUT  VARCHAR2,
   delete_rule_name    OUT  VARCHAR2);

   table_name          IN   VARCHAR2,
   dml_condition       IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_type        IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'apply',
   streams_name        IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name          IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   include_tagged_lcr  IN   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database     IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-11 ADD_SUBSET_RULES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the table specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

The specified table must exist in the same database as the capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client. Also, the specified table cannot have any LOB, LONG, or LONG RAW columns currently or in the future.


The subset condition. Specify this condition similar to the way you specify conditions in a WHERE clause in SQL.

For example, to specify rows in the hr.employees table where the salary is greater than 4000 and the job_id is SA_MAN, enter the following as the condition:

' salary > 4000 and job_id = ''SA_MAN'' '

Note: The quotation marks in the preceding example are all single quotation marks.


The type of Oracle Streams client:

  • Specify capture for a capture process.

  • Specify sync_capture for a synchronous capture.

  • Specify apply for an apply process.

  • Specify dequeue for a messaging client.


The name of the capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified Oracle Streams client does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL, if streams_type is capture, sync_capture, or dequeue, and if one relevant capture process, synchronous capture, or messaging client for the queue exists, then the procedure uses the relevant Oracle Streams client. If no relevant Oracle Streams client exists for the queue, then the procedure creates an Oracle Streams client automatically with a system-generated name. If NULL and multiple Oracle Streams clients of the specified streams_type for the queue exist, then the procedure raises an error.

If NULL, if streams_type is apply, and if one relevant apply process exists, then the procedure uses the relevant apply process. The relevant apply process is identified in one of the following ways:

  • If one existing apply process has the source database specified in source_database and uses the queue specified in queue_name, then the procedure uses this apply process.

  • If source_database is NULL and one existing apply process is using the queue specified in queue_name, then the procedure uses this apply process.

If NULL and no relevant apply process exists, then the procedure creates an apply process automatically with a system-generated name. If NULL and multiple relevant apply processes exist, then the procedure raises an error.

An apply process and a messaging client cannot have the same name.


The name of the local queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

For capture process or synchronous capture rules, this is the queue into which a capture process or synchronous capture enqueues LCRs. For apply process rules, this is the queue from which an apply process dequeues messages. For messaging client rules, this is the queue from which a messaging client dequeues messages.


If TRUE, then the Oracle Streams client performs its action regardless of the tag:

  • A redo entry is always considered for capture by a capture process, regardless of whether the redo entry has a non-NULL tag.

  • A change is always considered for capture by a synchronous capture, regardless of whether the session that makes the change has a non-NULL tag.

  • An LCR is always considered for apply by an apply process or dequeue by a messaging client, regardless of whether redo entry or LCR has a non-NULL tag.

If FALSE, then an Oracle Streams client performs its action only when the tag is NULL:

  • A redo entry is considered for capture by a capture process only when the redo entry contains a NULL tag.

  • A change is considered for capture by a synchronous capture only when the session that makes the change has a NULL tag.

  • An LCR is considered for apply by an apply process or dequeue by a messaging client only if the LCR contains a NULL tag.

A setting of FALSE is often specified in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database.

See Also: Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information about tags


The global name of the source database. If NULL, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding the source database to the generated rules.

For capture process rules, specify NULL or the global name of the local database if you are creating a capture process locally at the source database. If you are adding rules to a downstream capture process rule set at a downstream database, then specify the source database of the changes that will be captured.

For synchronous capture rules, specify the name of the local database.

For apply process rules, specify the source database of the changes that will be applied by the apply process. The source database is the database where the changes originated. If an apply process applies captured messages, then the apply process can apply messages from only one capture process at one source database.

For messaging client rules, specify NULL if you do not want the rules created by this procedure to have a condition for the source database. Specify a source database if you want the rules created by this procedure to have a condition for the source database. The source database is part of the information in an LCR, and user-constructed LCRs might or might not have this information.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.


Contains the system-generated INSERT rule name. This rule handles inserts, as well as updates that must be converted into inserts.


Contains the system-generated UPDATE rule name. This rule handles updates that remain updates.


Contains the system-generated DELETE rule name. This rule handles deletes, as well as updates that must be converted into deletes

Usage Notes

Running this procedure generates three rules for the specified capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client: one for INSERT statements, one for UPDATE statements, and one for DELETE statements. For INSERT and DELETE statements, only DML changes that satisfy the condition specified for the dml_condition parameter are captured, applied, or dequeued. For UPDATE statements, the following variations are possible:

  • If both the new and old values in a DML change satisfy the specified dml_condition, then the DML change is captured, applied, or dequeued without any changes.

  • If neither the new or old values in a DML change satisfy the specified dml_condition, then the DML change is not captured, applied, or dequeued.

  • If the old values for a DML change satisfy the specified dml_condition, but the new values do not, then the DML change is converted into a delete.

  • If the new values for a DML change satisfy the specified dml_condition, but the old values do not, then the DML change is converted to an insert.

When an update is converted into an insert or a delete, it is called row migration.

A capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client uses the rules created for filtering. If the Oracle Streams client does not have a positive rule set, then this procedure creates a positive rule set automatically, and adds the rules for the table to the positive rule set. A subset rule can be added to positive rule set only, not to a negative rule set. Other rules in an existing rule set for the process are not affected. Additional rules can be added using either the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package or the DBMS_RULE_ADM package.

Rules for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are created automatically when you run this procedure, and these rules are given a system-generated rule name. Each rule has a system-generated rule name that consists of the table name with a sequence number appended to it. The sequence number is used to avoid naming conflicts. If the table name plus the sequence number is too long, then the table name is truncated. The ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure is overloaded, and the system-generated rule names for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are returned.


Subset rules should only reside in positive rule sets. You should not add subset rules to negative rule sets. Doing so might have unpredictable results because row migration would not be performed on LCRs that are not discarded by the negative rule set.


The following is an example of a rule condition created for filtering DML changes containing an update operation when the dml_condition is region_id = 2, the table_name is hr.regions, and the source_database is dbs1.net:

:dml.get_object_owner()='HR' AND :dml.get_object_name()='REGIONS' 
AND :dml.is_null_tag()='Y' AND :dml.get_source_database_name()='DBS1.NET' 
AND :dml.get_command_type()='UPDATE' 
AND (:dml.get_value('NEW','"REGION_ID"') IS NOT NULL) 
AND (:dml.get_value('OLD','"REGION_ID"') IS NOT NULL) 
AND (:dml.get_value('OLD','"REGION_ID"').AccessNumber()=2) 
AND (:dml.get_value('NEW','"REGION_ID"').AccessNumber()=2)


This procedures adds table rules to the positive rule set for a propagation, or adds table rules to the negative rule set for a propagation, and creates the specified propagation if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains two OUT parameters, and the other does not.


   table_name              IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_name       IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination_queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,
   include_dml             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database         IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dml_rule_name           OUT  VARCHAR2,
   ddl_rule_name           OUT  VARCHAR2,
   inclusion_rule          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition           IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_to_queue          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);

   table_name              IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name            IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_name       IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination_queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,
   include_dml             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl             IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database         IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   inclusion_rule          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition           IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_to_queue          IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-12 ADD_TABLE_PROPAGATION_RULES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the table specified as [schema_name.]table_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the propagation. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified propagation does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL and a propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure uses this propagation.

If NULL and no propagation exists for the same source queue and destination queue (including database link), then the procedure creates a propagation automatically with a system-generated name.


The name of the source queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the source queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a source queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the destination queue, including a database link, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name[@dblink_name], if the destination queue is in a remote database. The queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a destination queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema and use a database link named dbs2.net, enter strmadmin.streams_queue@dbs2.net for this parameter.

If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If the database link is omitted, then the procedure uses the global name of the current database, and the source queue and destination queue must be in the same database.

Note: Connection qualifiers are not allowed.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DML changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DML rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a rule for DDL changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DDL rule. NULL is not permitted.

The generated rule evaluates to TRUE for any DDL change that operates on the table or on an object that is part of the table, such as an index or trigger on the table. The rule evaluates to FALSE for any DDL change that either does not refer to the table or refers to the table in a subordinate way. For example, the rule evaluates to FALSE for changes that create synonyms or views based on the table. The rule also evaluates to FALSE for a change to a PL/SQL subprogram that refers to the table.


If TRUE, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding Oracle Streams tags to the generated rules. Therefore, these rules can evaluate to TRUE regardless of whether a logical change record (LCR) has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the propagation, then an LCR is always considered for propagation, regardless of whether it has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to TRUE is appropriate for a full (for example, standby) copy of a database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the propagation, then whether an LCR is discarded does not depend on the tag for the LCR.

If FALSE, then the procedure adds a condition to each generated rule that causes the rule to evaluate to TRUE only if an LCR has a NULL Oracle Streams tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the propagation, then an LCR is considered for propagation only when the LCR contains a NULL tag. If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to FALSE might be appropriate in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the propagation, then an LCR can be discarded only if it has a NULL tag.

In most cases, specify TRUE for this parameter if the inclusion_rule parameter is set to FALSE.

See Also: Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information about tags


The global name of the source database. The source database is where the change originated. If NULL, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding the source database to the generated rules.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.

Oracle recommends that you specify a source database for propagation rules.


If include_dml is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DML rule name.

If include_dml is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If include_ddl is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DDL rule name.

If include_ddl is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure adds the rules to the positive rule set for the propagation.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure adds the rules to the negative rule set for the propagation.

In either case, the system creates the rule set if it does not exist.


If non-NULL, appends the specified condition to the system-generated rule condition using an AND clause in the following way:

(system_condition) AND (and_condition)

The variable in the specified condition must be :lcr. For example, to specify that the table rules generated by the procedure evaluate to TRUE only if the Oracle Streams tag is the hexadecimal equivalent of '02', specify the following condition:

:lcr.get_tag() = HEXTORAW(''02'')

The :lcr in the specified condition is converted to :dml or :ddl, depending on the rule that is being generated. If you are specifying an LCR member subprogram that is dependent on the LCR type (row or DDL), then make sure this procedure only generates the appropriate rule.

Specifically, if you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for row LCRs, then specify TRUE for the include_dml parameter and FALSE for the include_ddl parameter. If you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for DDL LCRs, then specify FALSE for the include_dml parameter and TRUE for the include_ddl parameter.

See Also: Chapter 228, "Logical Change Record TYPEs"


If TRUE, then the propagation is a queue to queue propagation. A queue-to-queue propagation always has its own propagation job and uses a service for automatic failover when the destination queue is a buffered queue in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.

If FALSE or NULL, then the propagation is a queue-to-dblink propagation. A queue-to-dblink propagation can share a propagation job with other propagations that use the same database link and does not support automatic failover in an Oracle RAC environment.

This procedure cannot change the queue to queue property of an exiting propagation. If the specified propagation exists, then the procedure behaves in the following way for each setting:

  • If TRUE and the specified propagation is not a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If FALSE and the specified propagation is a queue to queue propagation, then the procedure raises an error.

  • If NULL, then the procedure does not change the queue to queue property of the propagation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about queue-to-queue propagations

Usage Notes

This procedure configures propagation using the current user. Only one propagation is allowed between a particular source queue and destination queue.

This procedure creates DML and DDL rules automatically based on include_dml and include_ddl parameter values, respectively. Each rule has a system-generated rule name that consists of the table name with a sequence number appended to it. The sequence number is used to avoid naming conflicts. If the table name plus the sequence number is too long, then the table name is truncated. A propagation uses the rules created for filtering.

See Also:


The following is an example of a table rule condition created for filtering DML statements:

(((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR' and :dml.get_object_name() = 'LOCATIONS')) 
and :dml.is_null_tag() = 'Y' and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'DBS1.NET' )


This procedure adds rules to a rule set of one of the following types of Oracle Streams clients:

  • Capture process rules for capturing changes to a specified table when the streams_type parameter is set to capture. See "Capture Process Rules for Changes in the Redo Log" for more information about these rules.

  • Synchronous capture rules for capturing changes to a specified table when the streams_type parameter is set to sync_capture. See "Synchronous Capture Rules for DML Changes to Tables" for more information about these rules.

  • Apply process rules for applying logical change records (LCRs) in a queue that contain changes to a specified table when the streams_type parameter is set to apply. The rules can specify that the LCRs must be from a particular source database. See "Apply Process Rules for LCRs" for more information about these rules.

  • Messaging client rules for dequeuing persistent LCRs from a queue that contain changes to a specified table when the streams_type parameter is set to dequeue. The rules can specify that the LCRs must be from a particular source database. See "Messaging Client Rules for LCRs" for more information about these rules.

This procedure creates the specified capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client if it does not exist.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains two OUT parameters, and the other does not.


Currently, messaging clients cannot dequeue buffered messages.


   table_name          IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_type        IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name        IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name          IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   include_dml         IN   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl         IN   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr  IN   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database     IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   dml_rule_name       OUT  VARCHAR2,
   ddl_rule_name       OUT  VARCHAR2,
   inclusion_rule      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition       IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);

   table_name          IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_type        IN   VARCHAR2,
   streams_name        IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name          IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   include_dml         IN   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
   include_ddl         IN   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_tagged_lcr  IN   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
   source_database     IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   inclusion_rule      IN   BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   and_condition       IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-13 ADD_TABLE_RULES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the table specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

You can specify a table that does not yet exist, because Oracle Streams does not validate the existence of the table.


The type of Oracle Streams client:

  • Specify capture for a capture process.

  • Specify sync_capture for a synchronous capture.

  • Specify apply for an apply process.

  • Specify dequeue for a messaging client.


The name of the capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified Oracle Streams client does not exist, then the procedure creates it automatically.

If NULL, if streams_type is capture, sync_capture, or dequeue, and if one relevant capture process, synchronous capture, or messaging client for the queue exists, then the procedure uses the relevant Oracle Streams client. If no relevant Oracle Streams client exists for the queue, then the procedure creates an Oracle Streams client automatically with a system-generated name. If NULL and multiple Oracle Streams clients of the specified streams_type for the queue exist, then the procedure raises an error.

If NULL, if streams_type is apply, and if one relevant apply process exists, then the procedure uses the relevant apply process. The relevant apply process is identified in one of the following ways:

  • If one existing apply process has the source database specified in source_database and uses the queue specified in queue_name, then the procedure uses this apply process.

  • If source_database is NULL and one existing apply process is using the queue specified in queue_name, then the procedure uses this apply process.

If NULL and no relevant apply process exists, then the procedure creates an apply process automatically with a system-generated name. If NULL and multiple relevant apply processes exist, then the procedure raises an error.

An apply process and a messaging client cannot have the same name.


The name of the local queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the queue, and the queue must be ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

For capture process or synchronous capture rules, this is the queue into which a capture process or synchronous capture enqueues LCRs. For apply process rules, this is the queue from which an apply process dequeues messages. For messaging client rules, this is the queue from which a messaging client dequeues messages.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a DML rule for DML changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DML rule. NULL is not permitted.


If TRUE, then the procedure creates a DDL rule for DDL changes. If FALSE, then the procedure does not create a DDL rule. NULL is not permitted.

The generated rule evaluates to TRUE for any DDL change that operates on the table or on an object that is part of the table, such as an index or trigger on the table. The rule evaluates to FALSE for any DDL change that either does not refer to the table or refers to the table in a subordinate way. For example, the rule evaluates to FALSE for changes that create synonyms or views based on the table. The rule also evaluates to FALSE for a change to a PL/SQL subprogram that refers to the table.


If TRUE, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding Oracle Streams tags to the generated rules. Therefore, these rules can evaluate to TRUE regardless of whether a redo entry, session, or LCR has a non-NULL tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for the Oracle Streams client, then the Oracle Streams client performs its action regardless of the tag:

  • A redo entry is always considered for capture by a capture process, regardless of whether the redo entry has a non-NULL tag.

  • A change is always considered for capture by a synchronous capture, regardless of whether the session that makes the change has a non-NULL tag.

  • An LCR is always considered for apply by an apply process or dequeue by a messaging client, regardless of whether redo entry or LCR has a non-NULL tag.

If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to TRUE is appropriate for a full (for example, standby) copy of a database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the Oracle Streams client, then whether a database change is discarded does not depend on the tag.

If FALSE, then the procedure adds a condition to each generated rule that causes the rule to evaluate to TRUE only if a redo entry, session, or LCR has a NULL Oracle Streams tag. If the rules are added to the positive rule set for an Oracle Streams client, then the Oracle Streams client performs its action only when the tag is NULL:

  • A redo entry is considered for capture by a capture process only when the redo entry contains a NULL tag.

  • A change is considered for capture by a synchronous capture only when the session that makes the change has a NULL tag.

  • An LCR is considered for apply by an apply process or dequeue by a messaging client only if the LCR contains a NULL tag.

If the rules are added to a positive rule set, then setting this parameter to FALSE might be appropriate in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database. If the rules are added to the negative rule set for the Oracle Streams client, then a database change can be discarded only if it has a NULL tag.

A setting of FALSE is often specified in update-anywhere configurations to avoid sending a change back to its source database.

In most cases, specify TRUE for this parameter if the inclusion_rule parameter is set to FALSE.

See Also: Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information about tags


The global name of the source database. If NULL, then the procedure does not add a condition regarding the source database to the generated rules.

For capture process rules, specify NULL or the global name of the local database if you are creating a capture process locally at the source database. If you are adding rules to a downstream capture process rule set at a downstream database, then specify the source database of the changes that will be captured.

For synchronous capture rules, specify the name of the local database.

For apply process rules, specify the source database of the changes that will be applied by the apply process. The source database is the database where the changes originated. If an apply process applies captured messages, then the apply process can apply messages from only one capture process at one source database.

For messaging client rules, specify NULL if you do not want the rules created by this procedure to have a condition for the source database. Specify a source database if you want the rules created by this procedure to have a condition for the source database. The source database is part of the information in an LCR, and user-constructed LCRs might or might not have this information.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.


If include_dml is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DML rule name.

If include_dml is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If include_ddl is TRUE, then this parameter contains the DDL rule name.

If include_ddl is FALSE, then this parameter contains a NULL.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure adds the rules to the positive rule set for the Oracle Streams client.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure adds the rules to the negative rule set for the Oracle Streams client. A synchronous capture cannot have a negative rule set. Specifying FALSE for a synchronous capture raises an error.

In either case, the system creates the rule set if it does not exist.


If non-NULL, appends the specified condition to the system-generated rule condition using an AND clause in the following way:

(system_condition) AND (and_condition)

The variable in the specified condition must be :lcr. For example, to specify that the table rules generated by the procedure evaluate to TRUE only if the Oracle Streams tag is the hexadecimal equivalent of '02', specify the following condition:

:lcr.get_tag() = HEXTORAW(''02'')

The :lcr in the specified condition is converted to :dml or :ddl, depending on the rule that is being generated. If you are specifying an LCR member subprogram that is dependent on the LCR type (row or DDL), then make sure this procedure only generates the appropriate rule.

Specifically, if you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for row LCRs, then specify TRUE for the include_dml parameter and FALSE for the include_ddl parameter. If you specify an LCR member subprogram that is valid only for DDL LCRs, then specify FALSE for the include_dml parameter and TRUE for the include_ddl parameter.

See Also: Chapter 228, "Logical Change Record TYPEs"

Usage Notes

This procedure creates DML and DDL rules automatically based on include_dml and include_ddl parameter values, respectively. Each rule has a system-generated rule name that consists of the table name with a sequence number appended to it. The sequence number is used to avoid naming conflicts. If the table name plus the sequence number is too long, then the table name is truncated. A capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, or messaging client uses the rules created for filtering.


The following is an example of a table rule condition created for DML changes:

(((:dml.get_object_owner() = 'HR' and :dml.get_object_name() = 'LOCATIONS')) 
and :dml.is_null_tag() = 'Y' and :dml.get_source_database_name() = 'DBS1.NET' )


This procedure removes an Oracle Streams replication configuration that was set up by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures in this package. This procedure either remove the configuration directly, or it can generate a script that removes the configuration.

Run this procedure at the capture database. The capture database is the database that captures changes made to the source database.


When the CLEANUP_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure is run, the parameter values must match the parameter values specified when the corresponding PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures were run, except for the values of the following parameters: perform_actions, script_name, and script_directory_object.


   maintain_mode           IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database    IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions         IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name        IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name              IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table       IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name        IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user        IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional          IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   change_global_name      IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE);


Table 130-14 CLEANUP_INSTANTIATION_SETUP Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


Specify one of the following:

  • GLOBAL to clean up the Oracle Streams configuration that maintained the entire database in both the source and destination databases

  • TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES to cleanup the Oracle Streams configuration that maintained a set of tablespaces at both the source and destination database


If maintain_mode is set to TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES, then specify the local tablespace set to be cloned at the destination database and maintained by Oracle Streams.

The tablespaces in the tablespace set must exist at the source database, but these tablespaces must not exist at the destination database.

A directory object must exist for each directory that contains the datafiles for the tablespace set. The user who invokes this procedure must have READ privilege on these directory objects.

If maintain_mode is set to GLOBAL, then specify an empty tablespace set.

Regardless of the maintain_mode setting, an error is raised if the tablespace_names parameter is not set or is set to NULL.

See Also: TABLESPACE_SET Table Type


The global name of the source database.

If NULL, then the procedure uses the global name of the local database.


The global name of the destination database. A database link from the local database to the destination database with the same name as the global name of the destination database must exist and must be accessible to the user who runs the procedure.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


If TRUE, then this procedure performs the necessary actions to clean up the Oracle Streams configuration directly.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not perform the necessary actions to clean up the Oracle Streams configuration directly.

Specify FALSE when this procedure is generating a script that you can edit and then run. The procedure raises an error if you specify FALSE and either of the following parameters is NULL:

  • script_name

  • script_directory_object


If non-NULL and the perform_actions parameter is FALSE, then specify the name of the script generated by this procedure. The script contains all of the statements used to clean up the Oracle Streams configuration. If a file with the specified script name exists in the specified directory for the script_directory_object parameter, then the statements are appended to the existing file.

If non-NULL and the perform_actions parameter is TRUE, then this procedure generates the specified script and performs the actions to clean up the Oracle Streams configuration directly.

If NULL and the perform_actions parameter is TRUE, then this procedure directly performs the actions to clean up the Oracle Streams configuration without generating a script.

If NULL and the perform_actions parameter is FALSE, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the local computer system into which the generated script is placed.

If the script_name parameter is NULL, then this parameter is ignored, and this procedure does not generate a script.

If NULL and the script_name parameter is non-NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The name of the capture processes configured to capture changes in the Oracle Streams configuration. Do not specify an owner.

If NULL, then the procedure automatically identifies the capture processes with system-generated names created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures.


The name of the queue table for each queue used by a capture process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_table_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue_table. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If NULL, then the procedure automatically identifies the capture queue tables with system-generated names created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures.


The name of each queue used by a capture process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue.

If the schema is not specified, then the queue table owner is the default. The queue owner automatically has privileges to perform all queue operations on the queue.

If NULL, then the procedure automatically identifies the capture queues with system-generated names created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures.


The name of the user who has ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue at the source database. This user is a secure queue user of the queue.


The name of the propagations configured to propagate changes in the Oracle Streams configuration. Do not specify an owner.

If NULL, then the procedure automatically identifies the propagations with system-generated names created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures.


The name of the apply processes configured to apply changes in the Oracle Streams configuration. Do not specify an owner.

If NULL, then the procedure automatically identifies the apply processes with system-generated names created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures.


The name of the queue table for each queue used by an apply process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_table_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue_table. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If NULL, then the procedure automatically identifies the apply queue tables with system-generated names created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures.


The name of each queue used by an apply process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue.

If the schema is not specified, then the queue table owner is the default. The queue owner automatically has privileges to perform all queue operations on the queue.

If NULL, then the procedure automatically identifies the apply queues with system-generated names created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures.


The name of the user who has ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue at the destination database. This user is a secure queue user of the queue.


Specify TRUE if the Oracle Streams replication configuration is bi-directional between the database specified in source_database and the database specified in destination_database.

Specify FALSE if the Oracle Streams replication configuration is one way replication from the current database to the database specified in destination_database.


If TRUE, then the procedure changes the global name of the database specified in destination_database to match the global name of the current database.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not change the global name of the database specified in destination_database.


This procedure either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which deletes a column from a row logical change record (LCR) that satisfies the specified rule.

For the transformation to be performed when the specified rule evaluates to TRUE, the rule must be in the positive rule set of an Oracle Streams client. Oracle Streams clients include capture processes, synchronous captures, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients.


  • The DELETE_COLUMN procedure supports the same datatypes supported by Oracle Streams capture processes.

  • Declarative transformations can transform row LCRs only. These row LCRs can be captured by a capture process, captured by a synchronous capture, or constructed and enqueued by an application. Therefore, a DML rule must be specified when you run this procedure. If a DDL is specified, then the procedure raises an error.


   rule_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
   table_name    IN  VARCHAR2,
   column_name   IN  VARCHAR2,
   value_type    IN  VARCHAR2   DEFAULT '*',
   step_number   IN  NUMBER     DEFAULT 0,
   operation     IN  VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'ADD');


Table 130-15 DELETE_COLUMN Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the rule, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

For example, to specify a rule in the hr schema named employees12, enter hr.employees12. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the table from which the column is deleted in the row LCR, specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the column deleted from each row LCR that satisfies the rule.


Specify 'NEW' to delete the column from the new values in the row LCR.

Specify 'OLD' to delete the column from the old values in the row LCR.

Specify '*' to delete the column from both the old and new values in the row LCR.


The order of execution of the transformation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about transformation ordering


Specify 'ADD' to add the transformation to the rule.

Specify 'REMOVE' to remove the transformation from the rule.

Usage Notes

When 'REMOVE' is specified for the operation parameter, all of the delete column declarative rule-based transformations for the specified rule are removed that match the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number parameters. Nulls specified for these parameters act as wildcards. The following table lists the behavior of the DELETE_COLUMN procedure when one or more of these parameters is NULL:

table_name column_name step_number Result
NULL NULL NULL Remove all delete column transformations for the specified rule.
NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all delete column transformations with the specified step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all delete column transformations with the specified column_name and step_number for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all delete column transformations with the specified table_name and step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all delete column transformations with the specified column_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all delete column transformations with the specified table_name and column_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL NULL Remove all delete column transformations with the specified table_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all delete column transformations with the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number for the specified rule.


Returns the tracking label for the current session.




This procedure gets information about the system change number (SCN) values to use for Oracle Streams capture and apply processes in an Oracle Streams replication environment. This information can be used for the following purposes:

  • To recover transactions after point-in-time recovery is performed on a source database in a multiple source Oracle Streams environment

  • To run flashback queries for the corresponding SCN at a source database and destination database in an Oracle Streams single source replication environment

    See Also:

    Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for information about point-in-time recovery and flashback queries in an Oracle Streams replication environment


   apply_name             IN  VARCHAR2,
   src_pit_scn            IN  NUMBER,
   dest_instantiation_scn OUT NUMBER,
   dest_start_scn         OUT NUMBER,
   dest_skip_txn_ids      OUT DBMS_UTILITY.NAME_ARRAY);


Table 130-16 GET_SCN_MAPPING Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


Name of the apply process which applies logical change records (LCRs) from the source database. The procedure raises an error if the specified apply process does not exist.


The SCN at the source database.

For point-in-time recovery, specify the point-in-time recovery SCN at the source database.

If the specified SCN is greater than the source commit SCN of the last applied transaction, then NULL is returned for both dest_start_scn and dest_instantiation_scn. In this case, no values can be returned for these parameters because the corresponding transaction has not been applied at the destination database yet.


The SCN at the destination database that corresponds to the specified src_pit_scn at the source database.

For point-in-time recovery, use this value for the instantiation SCNs at the source database during recovery.


For point in time recovery, the SCN to use for the start_scn parameter for the recovery capture process.


Transaction IDs of transactions that were skipped at the dest_instantiation_scn because the apply process was applying nondependent transactions out of order.

For point in time recovery, these transaction IDs should be ignored by the recovery apply process.

This parameter is relevant only if the commit_serialization for the apply process that applied these transactions was set to none, and the transactions were applied out of order.


This procedure configures an Oracle Streams environment that replicates changes at the database level between two databases. This procedure can either configure the environment directly, or it can generate a script that configures the environment.

Run this procedure at the capture database. The capture database is the database that captures changes made to the source database.


  • This procedure automatically excludes database objects that are not supported by Oracle Streams from the replication environment by adding rules to the negative rule set of each capture and apply process. Query the DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED data dictionary view to determine which database objects are not supported by Oracle Streams. If unsupported database objects are not excluded, then capture errors will result.

  • If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE, then do not allow data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) changes to the destination database while the MAINTAIN_GLOBAL procedure, or the script generated by the procedure, is running. This restriction does not apply to the source database.

  • A capture process never captures changes in the SYS, SYSTEM, or CTXSYS schemas. This procedure does not configure replication for these schemas.

See Also:

"Procedures That Configure an Oracle Streams Replication Environment" for more information about this procedure


   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database              IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions              IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dump_file_name               IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name                 IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table          IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name                   IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   log_file                     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl                  IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   instantiation                IN INTEGER   DEFAULT 


See Also:

"Common Parameters for the Configuration Procedures" for descriptions of the procedure parameters

Table 130-17 MAINTAIN_GLOBAL Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the source database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file is placed. This file remains in this directory after the procedure completes.

This parameter is ignored if instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL_NETWORK or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE. In this case, specify NULL for the source_directory_object parameter.

If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the destination database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file is transferred.

If the source database and destination database are running on the same computer system, then the source and destination directories must be different.

This parameter is ignored if instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL_NETWORK or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE. In these cases, specify NULL for the destination_directory_object parameter.

If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The name of the Data Pump export dump file. If a file with the specified file name exists in the specified directory for the source_directory_object or destination_directory_object parameter, then the procedure raises an error.


If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL, then the export dump file name is generated by the system. In this case, the export dump file name is expatnn.dmp, where nn is a sequence number. The sequence number is increased to produce an export dump file with a unique name in the source directory.


The name of the Data Pump export log file. This log file is placed in the same directory as the Data Pump export dump file.


If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL, then the log file name is the same name as the export dump file name with an extension of .clg.


Specify whether to perform instantiation and, if instantiation is performed, the type of instantiation:

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL performs a full Data Pump export at the source database and a Data Pump import of the export dump file at the destination database. The instantiation SCN is set for the shared database objects during import. If the instantiation parameter is set to this value, then the user who runs this procedure must have EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package.

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL_NETWORK performs a full network Data Pump import. A network import means that Data Pump performs the import without using an export dump file. The instantiation SCN is set for the shared database objects during import. If the instantiation parameter is set to this value, then a database link from the destination database to the source database with the same name as the global name of the source database must exist and must be accessible to the user who runs the procedure.

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE does not perform an instantiation. This setting is valid only if the perform_actions parameter is set to FALSE, and the procedure generates a configuration script. In this case, the configuration script does not perform an instantiation and does not set the instantiation SCN for each shared database object. Instead, you must perform the instantiation and ensure that instantiation SCN values are set properly. If you use the RMAN DUPLICATE or CONVERT DATABASE command for database instantiation, then the destination database cannot be the capture database.

If this parameter is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_FULL_NETWORK, then the database objects being instantiated must exist at the source database.

If an instantiated database object does not exist at the destination database, then it is imported at the destination database, including its supplemental logging specifications from the source database and its supporting database objects, such as indexes and triggers. However, if the database object already exists at the destination database before instantiation, then it is not imported at the destination database. Therefore, the supplemental logging specifications from the source database are not specified for the database object at the destination database, and the supporting database objects are not imported.


This procedure configures an Oracle Streams environment that replicates changes to specified schemas between two databases. This procedure can either configure the environment directly, or it can generate a script that configures the environment.

Run this procedure at the capture database. The capture database is the database that captures changes made to the source database.

This procedure is overloaded. One schema_names parameter is type VARCHAR2 and the other schema_name parameters is type DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY. These parameters enable you to enter the list of schemas in different ways and are mutually exclusive.


  • This procedure automatically excludes database objects that are not supported by Oracle Streams in the schemas from the replication environment by adding rules to the negative rule set of each capture and apply process. Query the DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED data dictionary view to determine which database objects are not supported by Oracle Streams. If unsupported database objects are not excluded, then capture errors will result.

  • If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE, then do not allow data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) changes to the shared database objects at the destination database while the MAINTAIN_SCHEMAS procedure, or the script generated by the procedure, is running. This restriction does not apply to the source database.

See Also:

"Procedures That Configure an Oracle Streams Replication Environment" for more information about this procedure


   schema_names                 IN VARCHAR2,
   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database              IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions              IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dump_file_name               IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name                 IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table          IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name                   IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   log_file                     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl                  IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   instantiation                IN INTEGER   DEFAULT 

   schema_names                 IN DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY,
   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database              IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions              IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dump_file_name               IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name                 IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table          IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name                   IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   log_file                     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl                  IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   instantiation                IN INTEGER   DEFAULT 


See Also:

"Common Parameters for the Configuration Procedures" for descriptions of the procedure parameters that are not in Table 130-18

Table 130-18 MAINTAIN_SCHEMAS Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The schemas to be configured for replication and maintained by Oracle Streams after configuration. The schemas can be specified in the following ways:

  • Comma-delimited list of type VARCHAR2

  • A PL/SQL index-by table of type DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY, where each element is the name of a schema. The first schema should be in position 1. The last position must be NULL.

If a specified schema does not exist at the source database, then the procedure raises an error. If this parameter is set to NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the source database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file is placed. This file remains in this directory after the procedure completes.

This parameter is ignored if instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA_NETWORK or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE. In this case, specify NULL for the source_directory_object parameter.

If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the destination database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file is transferred.

If the source database and destination database are running on the same computer system, then the source and destination directories must be different.

This parameter is ignored if instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA_NETWORK or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE. In this case, specify NULL for the destination_directory_object parameter.

If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA, then the procedure raises an error.


The name of the Data Pump export dump file. If a file with the specified file name exists in the specified directory for the source_directory_object or destination_directory_object parameter, then the procedure raises an error.


If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA, then the export dump file name is generated by the system. In this case, the export dump file name is expatnn.dmp, where nn is a sequence number. The sequence number is increased to produce an export dump file with a unique name in the source directory.


The name of the user who requires ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue at the source database. This user also is configured as a secure queue user of the queue. The queue user cannot grant these privileges to other users because they are not granted with the GRANT option.

If NULL, then the procedure does not grant any privileges. You can also grant queue privileges to the appropriate users using the DBMS_AQADM package.


The name of the Data Pump export log file. This log file is placed in the same directory as the Data Pump export dump file.


If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA, then the log file name is the same name as the export dump file name with an extension of .clg.


Specify whether to perform instantiation and, if instantiation is performed, the type of instantiation:

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA performs a full Data Pump export at the source database and a Data Pump import of the export dump file at the destination database. The instantiation SCN is set for the shared database objects during import. If the instantiation parameter is set to this value, then the user who runs this procedure must have EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package.

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA_NETWORK performs a full network Data Pump import. A network import means that Data Pump performs the import without using an export dump file. The instantiation SCN is set for the shared database objects during import. If the instantiation parameter is set to this value, then a database link from the destination database to the source database with the same name as the global name of the source database must exist and must be accessible to the user who runs the procedure.

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE does not perform an instantiation. This setting is valid only if the perform_actions parameter is set to FALSE, and the procedure generates a configuration script. In this case, the configuration script does not perform an instantiation and does not set the instantiation SCN for each shared database object. Instead, you must perform the instantiation and ensure that instantiation SCN values are set properly.

If this parameter is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA_NETWORK, then the database objects being instantiated must exist at the source database.

If an instantiated database object does not exist at the destination database, then it is imported at the destination database, including its supplemental logging specifications from the source database and its supporting database objects, such as indexes and triggers. However, if the database object already exists at the destination database before instantiation, then it is not imported at the destination database. Therefore, the supplemental logging specifications from the source database are not specified for the database object at the destination database, and the supporting database objects are not imported.


This procedure clones a simple tablespace from a source database at a destination database and uses Oracle Streams to maintain this tablespace at both databases. This procedure can either perform these actions directly, or it can generate a script that performs these actions. Run this procedure at the source database.


This procedure is deprecated. It is replaced by the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TTS procedure.


   tablespace_name              IN VARCHAR2,
   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   setup_streams                IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE);


Table 130-19 MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The local simple tablespace to be cloned at the destination database and maintained by Oracle Streams.

The tablespace must exist at the source database, but it must not exist at the destination database.

A directory object must exist for the directory that contains the datafile for the tablespace. The user who invokes this procedure must have READ privilege on this directory object.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the source database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file and the datafile for the cloned tablespace are placed. These files remain in this directory after the procedure completes.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the destination database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file and the datafile for the cloned tablespace are transferred.

If the source database and destination database are running on the same computer system, then the source and destination directories must be different.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The global name of the destination database. A database link from the source database to the destination database with the same name as the global name of the destination database must exist.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


If TRUE, then the procedure performs the necessary actions to maintain the tablespace directly.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not perform the necessary actions to maintain the tablespace directly.

Specify FALSE when this procedure is generating a script that you can edit and then run. The procedure raises an error if you specify FALSE and either of the following parameters is NULL:

  • script_name

  • script_directory_object


If non-NULL and the setup_streams parameter is FALSE, then specify the name of the script generated by this procedure. The script contains all of the statements used to maintain the specified tablespace. If a file with the specified script name exists in the specified directory for the script_directory_object parameter, then the procedure appends the statements to the existing file.

If non-NULL and the setup_streams parameter is TRUE, then this procedure generates the specified script and performs the actions to maintain the specified tablespace directly.

If NULL and the setup_streams parameter is TRUE, then this procedure does not generate a script and performs the actions to maintain the specified tablespace directly.

If NULL and the setup_streams parameter is FALSE, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the local computer system into which the generated script is placed.

If the script_name parameter is NULL, then the procedure ignores this parameter and does not generate a script.

If NULL and the script_name parameter is non-NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


Specify TRUE to configure bi-directional replication between the current database and the database specified in destination_database. Both databases are configured as source and destination databases, a capture and apply process is configured at both databases, and propagations are configured between the databases to propagate messages.

Specify FALSE to configure one way replication from the current database to the database specified in destination_database. A capture process is configured at the current database, a propagation is configured to propagate messages from the current database to the destination database, and an apply process is configured at the destination database.

Usage Notes

The specified tablespace must be a simple tablespace. A simple tablespace is a single, self-contained tablespace that uses only one datafile. A self-contained tablespace has no references from the tablespace pointing outside of the tablespace. For example, if an index in the tablespace is for a table in a different tablespace, then the tablespace is not self-contained. This procedure cannot be used for a non simple tablespace or a set of tablespaces.

DDL Changes Not Maintained

This procedure does not configure the Oracle Streams environment to maintain DDL changes to the tablespace nor to the database objects in the tablespace. For example, the Oracle Streams environment is not configured to replicate ALTER TABLESPACE statements on the tablespace, nor is it configured to replicate ALTER TABLE statements on tables in the tablespace. You can configure the Oracle Streams environment to maintain DDL changes manually or modify generated scripts to achieve this.

Additional Documentation for this Procedure

The documentation in the following sections applies to the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE procedure:

Requirements for Running this Procedure

Meet the following requirements when run the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE procedure:

  • Run the procedure at the source database.

  • Both databases must be open during configuration. If the procedure is generating a script only, then the database specified in the destination_database parameter does not need to be open when you run the procedure, but both databases must be open when you run the generated script.

  • The user who runs this procedure should be granted DBA role. This user must have the necessary privileges to complete the following actions:

    • Create ANYDATA queues, capture processes, propagations, and apply processes.

    • Specify supplemental logging

    • Run subprograms in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM and DBMS_AQADM packages.

    • Access the database specified in the destination_database parameter through a database link. This database link should have the same name as the global name of the destination database.

    • Run subprograms in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package

    • The necessary privileges to run the CLONE_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package at the source database. See CLONE_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE Procedure for the list of required privileges.

    • The necessary privileges to run the ATTACH_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package at the destination database. See ATTACH_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE Procedure for the list of required privileges.

    To ensure that the user who runs this procedure has the necessary privileges, you should configure an Oracle Streams administrator at each database, and each database link should be should be created in the Oracle Streams administrator's schema.

  • If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE, then the corresponding user at the destination database must be able to use a database link to access the source database. This database link should have the same name as the global name of the source database.

  • Each specified directory object must be created using the SQL statement CREATE DIRECTORY, and the user who invokes this procedure must have READ and WRITE privilege on each one.

  • The databases configured by this procedure must be Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later databases when this procedure is run under the following conditions:

    • The procedure is run at an Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later database.

    • The setup_streams parameter is set to TRUE to configure the Oracle Streams replication environment directly.

  • The databases configured by this procedure must be Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later databases when this procedure is run under the following conditions:

    • The procedure is run at an Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later database.

    • The setup_streams parameter is set to FALSE in this procedure, and the replication environment is configured with a generated script.

    If the script configures an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 database, then the script must be modified so that it does not configure features that are available only in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later, such as queue-to-queue propagation.

  • If the procedure is run at an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 database, then the databases configured by the procedure must be Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later databases.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for information about configuring an Oracle Streams administrator

Default Values for Parameters Excluded From the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE Procedure

This procedure uses the default values for the parameters in the MAINTAIN_TABLESPACES procedure that do not exist in the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE procedure. For example, this procedure creates a capture process at the source database named capture, because that is the default value for the capture_name parameter in the MAINTAIN_TABLESPACES procedure.

Configuration Progress and Recoverability

When this procedure is run with the setup_streams parameter set to TRUE, metadata about its configuration actions is recorded in the following data dictionary views: DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS, and DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS. If the procedure stops because it encounters an error, then you can use the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure to complete the configuration after you correct the conditions that caused the error.


When this procedure is run with the setup_streams parameter set to FALSE, these views are not populated. Also, the views are not populated when a script generated by this procedure is run.


This procedure clones a simple tablespace from a source database at a destination database and uses Oracle Streams to maintain this tablespace at both databases. This procedure can either perform these actions directly, or it can generate a script that performs these actions.

Run this procedure at the capture database. The capture database is the database that captures changes made to the source database.


  • This procedure automatically excludes database objects that are not supported by Oracle Streams in the tablespace from the replication environment by adding rules to the negative rule set of each capture and apply process. Query the DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED data dictionary view to determine which database objects are not supported by Oracle Streams. If unsupported database objects are not excluded, then capture errors will result.

  • This procedure replaces the deprecated MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE procedure.

See Also:

"Procedures That Configure an Oracle Streams Replication Environment" for more information about this procedure


   tablespace_name              IN VARCHAR2,
   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database              IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions              IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE);


See Also:

"Common Parameters for the Configuration Procedures" for descriptions of the procedure parameters that are not in Table 130-20

Table 130-20 MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TTS Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The local simple tablespace to be cloned at the destination database and maintained by Oracle Streams.

The tablespace must exist at the source database, but it must not exist at the destination database.

A directory object must exist for the directory that contains the datafile for the tablespace. The user who invokes this procedure must have READ privilege on this directory object.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the source database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file and the datafile for the cloned tablespace are placed. These files remain in this directory after the procedure completes.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the destination database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file and the datafile for the cloned tablespace are transferred.

If the source database and destination database are running on the same computer system, then the source and destination directories must be different.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

Usage Notes

The specified tablespace must be a simple tablespace. A simple tablespace is a single, self-contained tablespace that uses only one datafile. A self-contained tablespace has no references from the tablespace pointing outside of the tablespace. For example, if an index in the tablespace is for a table in a different tablespace, then the tablespace is not self-contained. This procedure cannot be used for a non simple tablespace or a set of tablespaces.

DDL Changes Not Maintained

This procedure does not configure the Oracle Streams environment to maintain DDL changes to the tablespace nor to the database objects in the tablespace. For example, the Oracle Streams environment is not configured to replicate ALTER TABLESPACE statements on the tablespace, nor is it configured to replicate ALTER TABLE statements on tables in the tablespace. You can configure the Oracle Streams environment to maintain DDL changes manually or modify generated scripts to achieve this.

Additional Privileges Required by the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TTS Procedure

In addition to the required privileges described in "Requirements for Running These Procedures", the user who runs the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TTS procedure must have the necessary privileges to complete the following actions:

  • Run subprograms in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package

  • The necessary privileges to run the CLONE_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package at the source database. See CLONE_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE Procedure for the list of required privileges.

  • The necessary privileges to run the ATTACH_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package at the destination database. See ATTACH_SIMPLE_TABLESPACE Procedure for the list of required privileges.

Default Values for Parameters Excluded From the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TTS Procedure

This procedure uses the default values for the parameters in the MAINTAIN_TTS procedure that do not exist in the MAINTAIN_SIMPLE_TTS procedure. For example, this procedure automatically generates the capture process name, because NULL is the default value for the capture_name parameter in the MAINTAIN_TTS procedure, and the procedure generates the capture process name when NULL is specified for capture_name.


This procedure configures an Oracle Streams environment that replicates changes to specified tables between two databases. This procedure can either configure the environment directly, or it can generate a script that configures the environment.

Run this procedure at the capture database. The capture database is the database that captures changes made to the source database.

This procedure is overloaded. One table_names parameter is type VARCHAR2 and the other table_name parameters is type DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY. These parameters enable you to enter the list of tables in different ways and are mutually exclusive.


If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE, then do not allow data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) changes to the shared database objects at the destination database while the MAINTAIN_TABLES procedure, or the script generated by the procedure, is running. This restriction does not apply to the source database.

See Also:

"Procedures That Configure an Oracle Streams Replication Environment" for more information about this procedure


   table_names                  IN VARCHAR2,
   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database              IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions              IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dump_file_name               IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name                 IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table          IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name                   IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   log_file                     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl                  IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   instantiation                IN INTEGER   DEFAULT 

   table_names                  IN DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY,
   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database              IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions              IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dump_file_name               IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name                 IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table          IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name                   IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   log_file                     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl                  IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   instantiation                IN INTEGER   DEFAULT 


See Also:

"Common Parameters for the Configuration Procedures" for descriptions of the procedure parameters that are not in Table 130-21

Table 130-21 MAINTAIN_TABLES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The tables to be configured for replication and maintained by Oracle Streams after configuration. The tables can be specified in the following ways:

  • Comma-delimited list of type VARCHAR2

  • A PL/SQL index-by table of type DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY, where each element is the name of a table. The first table should be in position 1. The last position must be NULL.

Each table should be specified as [schema_name.]table_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If a specified table does not exist at the source database, then the procedure raises an error. If this parameter is set to NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the source database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file is placed. This file remain in this directory after the procedure completes.

This parameter is ignored if instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE_NETWORK or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE. In this case, specify NULL for the source_directory_object parameter.

If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the destination database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file is transferred.

If the source database and destination database are running on the same computer system, then the source and destination directories must be different.

This parameter is ignored if instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE_NETWORK or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE. In this case, specify NULL for the destination_directory_object parameter.

If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE, then the procedure raises an error.


The name of the Data Pump export dump file. If a file with the specified file name exists in the specified directory for the source_directory_object or destination_directory_object parameter, then the procedure raises an error.


If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE, then the export dump file name is generated by the system. In this case, the export dump file name is expatnn.dmp, where nn is a sequence number. The sequence number is increased to produce an export dump file with a unique name in the source directory.


The name of the user who requires ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue at the source database. This user also is configured as a secure queue user of the queue. The queue user cannot grant these privileges to other users because they are not granted with the GRANT option.

If NULL, then the procedure does not grant any privileges. You can also grant queue privileges to the appropriate users using the DBMS_AQADM package.


The name of the Data Pump export log file. This log file is placed in the same directory as the Data Pump export dump file.


If NULL and instantiation is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE, then the log file name is the same name as the export dump file name with an extension of .clg.


Specify whether to perform instantiation and, if instantiation is performed, the type of instantiation:

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE performs a full Data Pump export at the source database and a Data Pump import of the export dump file at the destination database. If the instantiation parameter is set to this value, then the user who runs this procedure must have EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package.

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE_NETWORK performs a full network Data Pump import. A network import means that Data Pump performs the import without using an export dump file. If the instantiation parameter is set to this value, then a database link from the destination database to the source database with the same name as the global name of the source database must exist and must be accessible to the user who runs the procedure.

DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_NONE does not perform an instantiation. This setting is valid only if the perform_actions parameter is set to FALSE, and the procedure generates a configuration script. In this case, the configuration script does not perform an instantiation and does not set the instantiation SCN for each shared database object. Instead, you must perform the instantiation and ensure that instantiation SCN values are set properly.

If this parameter is set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_TABLE_NETWORK, then the tables being instantiated must exist at the source database.

If an instantiated database object does not exist at the destination database, then it is imported at the destination database, including its supplemental logging specifications from the source database and its supporting database objects, such as indexes and triggers. However, if the database object already exists at the destination database before instantiation, then it is not imported at the destination database. Therefore, the supplemental logging specifications from the source database are not specified for the database object at the destination database, and the supporting database objects are not imported.

Also, if an instantiated table does not exist at the destination database, then this procedure sets the instantiation SCN for the table. However, if an instantiated table already exist at the destination database before instantiation, then this procedure does not set the instantiation SCN for the table. In this case, you must set the instantiation SCN for the table manually after the procedure completes.


This procedure clones a set of tablespaces from a source database at a destination database and uses Oracle Streams to maintain these tablespaces at both databases. This procedure can either perform these actions directly, or it can generate a script that performs these actions. Run this procedure at the source database.


This procedure is deprecated. It is replaced by the MAINTAIN_TTS procedure.


   tablespace_names             IN DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACE_ADM.TABLESPACE_SET,
   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   setup_streams                IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dump_file_name               IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   source_queue_table           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue_table',
   source_queue_name            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   source_queue_user            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   destination_queue_table      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue_table',
   destination_queue_name       IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   destination_queue_user       IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name                 IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'capture',
   propagation_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name                   IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   log_file                     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl                  IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE);


Table 130-22 MAINTAIN_TABLESPACES Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The local tablespace set to be cloned at the destination database and maintained by Oracle Streams.

The tablespaces in the tablespace set must exist at the source database, but these tablespaces must not exist at the destination database.

A directory object must exist for each directory that contains the datafiles for the tablespace set. The user who invokes this procedure must have READ privilege on these directory objects.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

See Also: TABLESPACE_SET Table Type


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the source database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file and the datafiles that comprise the cloned tablespace set are placed. These files remain in this directory after the procedure completes.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the destination database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file and the datafiles that comprise the cloned tablespace set are transferred.

If the source database and destination database are running on the same computer system, then the source and destination directories must be different.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The global name of the destination database. A database link from the source database to the destination database with the same name as the global name of the destination database must exist and must be accessible to the user who runs the procedure.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


If TRUE, then the procedure performs the necessary actions to maintain the tablespaces directly.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not perform the necessary actions to maintain the tablespaces directly.

Specify FALSE when this procedure is generating a script that you can edit and then run. The procedure raises an error if you specify FALSE and either of the following parameters is NULL:

  • script_name

  • script_directory_object


If non-NULL and the setup_streams parameter is FALSE, then specify the name of the script generated by this procedure. The script contains all of the statements used to maintain the specified tablespace set. If a file with the specified script name exists in the specified directory for the script_directory_object parameter, then the procedure appends the statements to the existing file.

If non-NULL and the setup_streams parameter is TRUE, then this procedure generates the specified script and performs the actions to maintain the specified tablespace directly.

If NULL and the setup_streams parameter is TRUE, then this procedure does not generate a script and performs the actions to maintain the specified tablespace set directly.

If NULL and the setup_streams parameter is FALSE, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the local computer system into which the generated script is placed.

If the script_name parameter is NULL, then the procedure ignores this parameter and does not generate a script.

If NULL and the script_name parameter is non-NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The name of the Data Pump export dump file that contains the specified tablespace set. If a file with the specified file name exists in the specified directory for the source_directory_object or destination_directory_object parameter, then the procedure raises an error.

If NULL, then the export dump file name is generated by the system. In this case, the export dump file name is expatnn.dmp, where nn is a sequence number. The sequence number is increased to produce an export dump file with a unique name in the source directory.


The name of the queue table for the queue at the source database, specified as [schema_name.]queue_table_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue_table. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the queue at the source database that will function as the ANYDATA queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue.

If the schema is not specified, then the queue table owner is the default. The queue owner automatically has privileges to perform all queue operations on the queue.


The name of the user who requires ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue at the source database. This user also is configured as a secure queue user of the queue. The queue user cannot grant these privileges to other users because they are not granted with the GRANT option.

If NULL, then the procedure does not grant any privileges. You can also grant queue privileges to the appropriate users using the DBMS_AQADM package.


The name of the queue table for the queue at the destination database, specified as [schema_name.]queue_table_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue_table. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the queue at the destination database that will function as the ANYDATA queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue.

If the schema is not specified, then the queue table owner is the default. The queue owner automatically has privileges to perform all queue operations on the queue.


The name of the user who requires ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue at the destination database. This user also is configured as a secure queue user of the queue. The queue user cannot grant these privileges to other users because they are not granted with the GRANT option.

If NULL, then the procedure does not grant any privileges. You can also grant queue privileges to the appropriate users using the DBMS_AQADM package.


The name of each capture process configured to capture changes to the database objects in the tablespace set. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified name matches the name of an existing capture process, then the procedure uses the existing capture process and adds the rules for capturing changes to the database objects in the tablespace set to the positive capture process rule set.

Note: The capture process name cannot be altered after the capture process is created.


The name of each propagation configured to propagate changes to the database objects in the tablespace set. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified name matches the name of an existing propagation, then the procedure uses the existing propagation and adds the rules for propagating changes to the database objects in the tablespace set to the positive propagation rule set.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for each propagation it creates.

Note: The propagation name cannot be altered after the propagation is created.


The name of each apply process configured to apply changes to the database objects in the tablespace set. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified name matches the name of an existing apply process, then the procedure uses the existing apply process and adds the rules for applying changes to the database objects in the tablespace set to the positive apply process rule set.

The specified name must not match the name of an existing messaging client at the destination database.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for each apply process it creates.

Note: The apply process name cannot be altered after the apply process is created.


The name of the Data Pump export log file. This log file is placed in the same directory as the Data Pump export dump file.

If NULL, then the log file name is the same name as the export dump file name with an extension of .clg.


Specify TRUE to configure bi-directional replication between the current database and the database specified in destination_database. Both databases are configured as source and destination databases, a capture and apply process is configured at both databases, and propagations are configured between the databases to propagate messages.

Specify FALSE to configure one way replication from the current database to the database specified in destination_database. A capture process is configured at the current database, a propagation is configured to propagate messages from the current database to the destination database, and an apply process is configured at the destination database.


Specify TRUE to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment that maintains both DML and DDL changes.

Specify FALSE to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment that maintains DML changes only. When this parameter is set to FALSE, DDL changes, such as ALTER TABLE, will not be replicated.

Usage Notes

The specified set of tablespaces must be self-contained. In this context "self-contained" means that there are no references from inside the set of tablespaces pointing outside of the set of tablespaces. For example, if a partitioned table is partially contained in the set of tablespaces, then the set of tablespaces is not self-contained.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about self-contained tablespace sets

Additional Documentation for this Procedure

The documentation in the following sections applies to the MAINTAIN_TABLESPACES procedure:

Requirements for Running this Procedure

Meet the following requirements when run the MAINTAIN_TABLESPACES procedure:

  • Run the procedure at the source database.

  • Both databases must be open during configuration. If the procedure is generating a script only, then the database specified in the destination_database parameter does not need to be open when you run the procedure, but both databases must be open when you run the generated script.

  • The user who runs this procedure should be granted DBA role. This user must have the necessary privileges to complete the following actions:

    • Create ANYDATA queues, capture processes, propagations, and apply processes.

    • Specify supplemental logging

    • Run subprograms in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM and DBMS_AQADM packages.

    • Access the database specified in the destination_database parameter through a database link. This database link should have the same name as the global name of the destination database.

    • Run subprograms in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package

    • The necessary privileges to run the CLONE_TABLESPACES procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package at the source database. See CLONE_TABLESPACES Procedure for the list of required privileges.

    • The necessary privileges to run the ATTACH_TABLESPACES procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package at the destination database. See ATTACH_TABLESPACES Procedure for the list of required privileges.

    To ensure that the user who runs this procedure has the necessary privileges, you should configure an Oracle Streams administrator at each database, and each database link should be should be created in the Oracle Streams administrator's schema.

  • If the bi_directional parameter is set to TRUE, then the corresponding user at the destination database must be able to use a database link to access the source database. This database link should have the same name as the global name of the source database.

  • Each specified directory object must be created using the SQL statement CREATE DIRECTORY, and the user who invokes this procedure must have READ and WRITE privilege on each one.

  • The databases configured by this procedure must be Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later databases when this procedure is run under the following conditions:

    • The procedure is run at an Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later database.

    • The setup_streams parameter is set to TRUE to configure the Oracle Streams replication environment directly.

  • The databases configured by this procedure must be Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later databases when this procedure is run under the following conditions:

    • The procedure is run at an Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later database.

    • The setup_streams parameter is set to FALSE in this procedure, and the replication environment is configured with a generated script.

    If the script configures an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 database, then the script must be modified so that it does not configure features that are available only in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later, such as queue-to-queue propagation.

  • If the procedure is run at an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 database, then the databases configured by the procedure must be Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later databases.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for information about configuring an Oracle Streams administrator

Configuration Progress and Recoverability

When this procedure is run with the setup_streams parameter set to TRUE, metadata about its configuration actions is recorded in the following data dictionary views: DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS, and DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS. If the procedure stops because it encounters an error, then you can use the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure to complete the configuration after you correct the conditions that caused the error.


When this procedure is run with the setup_streams parameter set to FALSE, these views are not populated. Also, the views are not populated when a script generated by this procedure is run.


This procedure clones a set of tablespaces from a source database at a destination database and uses Oracle Streams to maintain these tablespaces at both databases. This procedure can either perform these actions directly, or it can generate a script that performs these actions.

Run this procedure at the capture database. The capture database is the database that captures changes made to the source database.


  • This procedure automatically excludes database objects that are not supported by Oracle Streams in the tablespaces from the replication environment by adding rules to the negative rule set of each capture and apply process. Query the DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED data dictionary view to determine which database objects are not supported by Oracle Streams. If unsupported database objects are not excluded, then capture errors will result.

  • This procedure replaces the deprecated MAINTAIN_TABLESPACES procedure.

See Also:

"Procedures That Configure an Oracle Streams Replication Environment" for more information about this procedure


   tablespace_names             IN DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACE_ADM.TABLESPACE_SET,
   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database              IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions              IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   dump_file_name               IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name                 IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table          IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name                   IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table            IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   log_file                     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional               IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl                  IN BOOLEAN   DEFAULT FALSE);


See Also:

"Common Parameters for the Configuration Procedures" for descriptions of the procedure parameters that are not in Table 130-23

Table 130-23 MAINTAIN_TTS Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The local tablespace set to be cloned at the destination database and maintained by Oracle Streams.

The tablespaces in the tablespace set must exist at the source database, but these tablespaces must not exist at the destination database.

A directory object must exist for each directory that contains the datafiles for the tablespace set. The user who invokes this procedure must have READ privilege on these directory objects.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

See Also: TABLESPACE_SET Table Type


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the source database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file and the datafiles that comprise the cloned tablespace set are placed. These files remain in this directory after the procedure completes.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the computer system running the destination database into which the generated Data Pump export dump file and the datafiles that comprise the cloned tablespace set are transferred.

If the source database and destination database are running on the same computer system, then the source and destination directories must be different.

If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


The name of the Data Pump export dump file that contains the specified tablespace set. If a file with the specified file name exists in the specified directory for the source_directory_object or destination_directory_object parameter, then the procedure raises an error.

If NULL, then the export dump file name is generated by the system. In this case, the export dump file name is expatnn.dmp, where nn is a sequence number. The sequence number is increased to produce an export dump file with a unique name in the source directory.


The name of the Data Pump export log file. This log file is placed in the same directory as the Data Pump export dump file.

If NULL, then the log file name is the same name as the export dump file name with an extension of .clg.

Usage Notes

The specified set of tablespaces must be self-contained. In this context "self-contained" means that there are no references from inside the set of tablespaces pointing outside of the set of tablespaces. For example, if a partitioned table is partially contained in the set of tablespaces, then the set of tablespaces is not self-contained.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about self-contained tablespace sets

Additional Privileges Required by the MAINTAIN_TTS Procedure

In addition to the required privileges described in "Requirements for Running These Procedures", the user who runs the MAINTAIN_TTS procedure must have the necessary privileges to complete the following actions:

  • Run subprograms in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package

  • The necessary privileges to run the CLONE_TABLESPACES procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package at the source database. See CLONE_TABLESPACES Procedure for the list of required privileges.

  • The necessary privileges to run the ATTACH_TABLESPACES procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_TABLESPACES_ADM package at the destination database. See ATTACH_TABLESPACES Procedure for the list of required privileges.


This procedure merges a stream that is flowing from one capture process with a stream that is flowing from another capture process.

Typically, this procedure is used to merge two streams that were split using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure in this package. The SPLIT_STREAMS procedure clones components of the original stream when it splits the streams. Therefore, the information in this section uses the following terminology:

  • The stream before it was split off has the original queue, original capture process, and original propagation.

  • The stream that was split off by the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure has a cloned queue, cloned capture process, and cloned propagation.

This procedure is called by the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure. The MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure determines whether the streams are within a user-specified merge threshold so that the streams can be merged safely. If the streams are not within the merge threshold, then the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure does nothing. Typically, it is best to run the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure instead of running the MERGE_STREAMS procedure directly.

However, you can choose to run the MERGE_STREAMS procedure directly when the following conditions are met:

  • The problem at the destination of the split stream has been corrected, and the destination queue can accept changes.

  • The cloned capture process used by the split stream is started and is capturing changes.

  • The apply process at the destination database is applying the changes captured by the cloned capture process.

  • The CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME in the GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE view of the cloned capture process has caught up to, or nearly caught up to, the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME of the original capture process. The cloned capture process might never completely catch up to the original capture process. Therefore, you can merge the split stream when the cloned capture process has nearly caught up to the original capture process.

The MERGE_STREAMS procedure performs the following actions:

  1. Stops the cloned capture process.

  2. Stops the original capture process.

  3. Copies the cloned propagation back to the original propagation. The propagation has the same name as the original propagation after it is copied back.

  4. Starts the original capture process from the lower SCN value of these two SCN values:

    • The acknowledged SCN of the cloned propagation.

    • The lowest acknowledged SCN of the other propagations that propagate changes captured by the original capture process.

    When the original capture process is started, it might recapture changes that it already captured, or it might capture changes that were already captured by the cloned capture process. In either case, the relevant apply processes will discard any duplicate changes they receive.

  5. Drops the cloned propagation.

  6. Drops the cloned capture process.

  7. Drops the cloned queue.


   cloned_propagation_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
   propagation_name         IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name               IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   perform_actions          IN  BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name              IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-24 MERGE_STREAMS Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the cloned propagation used by the stream that was split off from the original stream using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. The name of the cloned propagation also identifies the cloned queue and capture process used by the cloned propagation.

You must specify an existing propagation name. Do not specify an owner.


The name of the propagation that is merged back to the original stream.

If NULL, then the name of the original propagation in the original stream is used. Specify NULL only if the streams were split using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure.

Specify a non-NULL value if you want to use a name that is different than the original propagation name or if you are merging two streams that were not split by the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. See "Usage Notes" for more information.

If a non-NULL value is specified, then an error is raised under either of the following conditions:

  • The queue specified in the queue_name parameter does not exist.

  • The queue specified in the queue_name parameter exists but is not used by a capture process.


The name of the queue that is the source queue for the propagation that is merged back.

If NULL, then the existing, original queue is the source queue for the propagation that is merged back. Specify NULL only if the streams were split using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure.

Specify a non-NULL value if you are merging two streams that were not split by the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. Specify the name of the existing queue used by the capture process that will capture changes in the merged stream. See "Usage Notes" for more information.


If TRUE, then the procedure performs the necessary actions to merge the streams directly.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not perform the necessary actions to merge the streams directly.

Specify FALSE when this procedure is generating a script that you can edit and then run. The procedure raises an error if you specify FALSE and either of the following parameters is NULL:

  • script_name

  • script_directory_object


If non-NULL and the perform_actions parameter is FALSE, then specify the name of the script generated by this procedure. The script contains all of the statements used to merge the streams. If a file with the specified script name exists in the specified directory for the script_directory_object parameter, then the procedure appends the statements to the existing file.

If non-NULL and the perform_actions parameter is TRUE, then the procedure generates the specified script and performs the actions to split the stream directly.

If NULL and the perform_actions parameter is TRUE, then the procedure performs the actions to merge the streams directly and does not generate a script.

If NULL and the perform_actions parameter is FALSE, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the local computer system into which the generated script is placed.

If the script_name parameter is NULL, then the procedure ignores this parameter and does not generate a script.

If NULL and the script_name parameter is non-NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

Usage Notes

You can use the MERGE_STREAMS procedure to merge two streams that were not split using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. Merging streams in this way can save resources and improve performance when a single database is running two or more capture processes.


This procedure determines whether the original capture process and the cloned capture process are within the specified merge threshold. If they are within the merge threshold, then this procedure runs the MERGE_STREAMS procedure to merge the two streams.

Typically, this procedure is used to merge two streams that were split using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure in this package. The SPLIT_STREAMS procedure clones components of the original stream when it splits the streams. Therefore, the information in this section uses the following terminology:

  • The stream before it was split off has the original queue, original capture process, and original propagation.

  • The stream that was split off by the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure has a cloned queue, cloned capture process, and cloned propagation.

If the auto_merge_threshold parameter was set to a positive number in the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure that split the streams, then a merge job runs the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure automatically according to its schedule. The schedule name is specified for the schedule_name parameter, and the merge job name is specified for the merge_job_name parameter when the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure is run automatically. The merge job and its schedule were created by the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure.

If the auto_merge_threshold parameter was set to NULL or 0 (zero) in the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure that split the streams, then you can run the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure manually. In this case, it is not run automatically.

See Also:


   cloned_propagation_name        IN VARCHAR2,
   propagation_name               IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name                     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   merge_threshold                IN NUMBER,
   schedule_name                  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   merge_job_name                 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-25 MERGE_STREAMS_JOB Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the cloned propagation used by the stream that was split off from the original stream using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. The name of the cloned propagation also identifies the cloned queue and capture process used by the cloned propagation.

You must specify an existing propagation name. Do not specify an owner.


The name of the propagation that is merged back to the original stream.

If NULL, then the name of the original propagation in the original stream is used. Specify NULL only if the streams were split using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure.

Specify a non-NULL value if you want to use a name that is different than the original propagation name or if you are merging two streams that were not split by the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. See "Usage Notes" for more information.

If a non-NULL value is specified, then an error is raised under either of the following conditions:

  • The queue specified in the queue_name parameter does not exist.

  • The queue specified in the queue_name parameter exists but is not used by a capture process.


The name of the queue that is the source queue for the propagation that is merged back.

If NULL, then the existing, original queue is the source queue for the propagation that is merged back. Specify NULL only if the streams were split using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure.

Specify a non-NULL value if you are merging two streams that were not split by the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. Specify the name of the existing queue used by the capture process that will capture changes in the merged stream. See "Usage Notes" for more information.


The merge threshold in seconds.

The value of the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME column for each capture process in the GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE dynamic performance view determines whether or not the streams are merged.

Specifically, if the difference, in seconds, between the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME of the cloned capture process and the original capture process is less than or equal to the value specified for this parameter, then this procedure runs the MERGE_STREAMS procedure to merge the streams. If the difference is greater than the value specified by this parameter, then this procedure does nothing.


The name of the schedule for the merge job.

If NULL, then no schedule name is specified. Typically, you set this parameter to NULL when the auto_merge_threshold parameter was set to NULL or 0 (zero) in the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure that split the streams.

Specify NULL if you run this procedure manually.


The name of the job that merges the streams.

If NULL, then no merge job name is specified. Typically, you set this parameter to NULL when the auto_merge_threshold parameter was set to NULL or 0 (zero) in the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure that split the streams.

Specify NULL if you run this procedure manually.

Usage Notes

You can use the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure to merge two streams that were not split using the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. Merging streams in this way can save resources and improve performance when a single database is running two or more capture processes.

After the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure completes, you can query the DBA_CAPTURE and DBA_PROPAGATION views to determine whether the streams were merged. If the streams were merged, then the cloned capture process and cloned propagation do not appear in these views.

If the streams were merged and the schedule_name and merge_job_name parameters were non-NULL, then the specified schedule and merge job are deleted automatically.


This procedure performs the actions required after instantiation to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment.

Run this procedure at the capture database. The capture database is the database that captures changes made to the source database.

To complete the Oracle Streams replication configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Run the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure at the source database.

  2. Perform any necessary instantiation actions.

  3. Run the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure at the source database.

Typically, the Oracle Streams replication environment configured using these steps serves one of the following purposes:

  • Replicates changes to shared database objects to keep the database objects synchronized at different databases.

  • Replicates changes to database objects during a database maintenance operation, such migrating a database to a different platform. In this case, use the CLEANUP_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure to remove the replication environment after the maintenance operation is complete.


When the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure is run, the parameter values must match the parameter values specified when the corresponding PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure was run, except for the values of the following parameters: perform_actions, script_name, script_directory_object, and start_processes.


A capture process never captures changes in the SYS, SYSTEM, or CTXSYS schemas. This procedure does not configure replication for these schemas.

See Also:


   maintain_mode           IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database    IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions         IN BOOLEAN         DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name             IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name            IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table     IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name      IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user      IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name        IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name              IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table       IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name        IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user        IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional          IN BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl             IN BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE,
   start_processes         IN BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE,
   instantiation_scn       IN NUMBER          DEFAULT NULL,
   exclude_schemas         IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   exclude_flags           IN BINARY_INTEGER  DEFAULT NULL);


See Also:

"Common Parameters for the Configuration Procedures" for descriptions of the procedure parameters that are not in Table 130-26

Table 130-26 POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


Specify one of the following:

  • GLOBAL to maintain the entire database by configuring replication between the local database and the database specified in the destination_database parameter

  • TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES to maintain a set of tablespaces by configuring replication between the local database and the database specified in the destination_database parameter


If maintain_mode is set to TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES, then specify the local tablespace set to be cloned at the destination database and maintained by Oracle Streams.

The tablespaces in the tablespace set must exist at the source database, but these tablespaces must not exist at the destination database.

Also, a directory object must exist for each directory that contains the datafiles for the tablespace set. The user who invokes this procedure must have READ privilege on these directory objects.

If maintain_mode is set to GLOBAL, then specify an empty tablespace set.

Regardless of the maintain_mode setting, an error is raised if the tablespace_names parameter is not set or is set to NULL.

See Also: TABLESPACE_SET Table Type


If TRUE, then the procedure starts each capture process and apply process. Any disabled capture or apply process created by the PRE_INSTANTITAION_SETUP procedure also is started.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not start any capture processes or apply processes.


Specify the instantiation SCN for the database objects at the destination database if the instantiation SCN was not set during instantiation. The instantiation SCN is not set automatically during RMAN instantiations, but the correct instantiation SCN value should be determined during an RMAN instantiation. See the Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for more information.

Specify NULL if the instantiation SCN was set for the database objects at the destination database during instantiation. The instantiation SCN can be set during export/import instantiations.


A comma-delimited list of schemas to exclude from the Oracle Streams configuration. Schema rules are added to the negative rule sets of each capture process to exclude these schemas.

Specify an asterisk (*) to exclude all of the schemas in the database.

If NULL, then the procedure does not exclude any schemas in the database.

This parameter is valid only if the MAINTAIN_MODE parameter is set to GLOBAL. If the MAINTAIN_MODE parameter is set to TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES, then the procedure ignores this parameter.


Specify what is excluded from the replication configuration in the schemas specified by the exclude_schemas parameter. This parameter works the same way in the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP and POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedures. See "Usage Notes" for the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure for more information.

Usage Notes

The following sections contain usage notes for this procedure.

Self-Contained Tablespace Sets

If the maintain_mode parameter is set to TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES, then the specified set of tablespaces must be self-contained. In this context "self-contained" means that there are no references from inside the set of tablespaces pointing outside of the set of tablespaces. For example, if a partitioned table is partially contained in the set of tablespaces, then the set of tablespaces is not self-contained.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about self-contained tablespace sets

Destination Database Renamed During RMAN Database Instantiation

If the maintain_mode parameter is set to GLOBAL, then database instantiation is required before running the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure. If the RMAN DUPLICATE or RMAN CONVERT DATABASE command is used for database instantiation, then the global name of the destination database can be renamed to the global name of the source database during instantiation. In this case, before you run the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure, complete the following steps:

  1. Rename the global name of the destination database back to the name specified in the destination_database parameter.

  2. At the destination database, drop and recreate any loopback database links that existed on the source and were cloned on the destination database. For example, suppose the source database dbs1.net has a database link that refers to itself. Suppose the destination database is dbs2.net. At the destination database, drop and recreate this database link as a loopback database link that refers to itself (dbs2.net).

  3. At the destination database, drop any database links that were cloned from the source database and are from the source database to the destination database. For example, if the source database is dbs1.net and the destination database is dbs2.net, then drop any database links on the destination database that are from dbs1.net to dbs2.net.

  4. Create a database link from the destination database to the source database with the same name as the global name of the source database. The database link must be accessible to the Oracle Streams administrator at the destination database.

    This database link is required because the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure runs the SET_GLOBAL_INSTANTIATION_SCN procedure in the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package at the destination database, and the SET_GLOBAL_INSTANTIATION_SCN procedure requires the database link. The instantiation SCN is set to the value specified in the instantiation_scn parameter of the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure.


When the RMAN DUPLICATE or CONVERT DATABASE command is used for database instantiation, the destination database cannot be the capture database.

Oracle Streams Components Removed From the Destination Database

If the maintain_mode parameter is set to GLOBAL, then database instantiation is required before running the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure. During database instantiation, Oracle Streams components created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure, such as Oracle Streams clients and queues, can be copied from the source database to the destination database. The POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure removes the Stream components created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure from the destination database.

In some cases, rule sets and rules created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure might not be removed from the destination database. The POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure does not associate these rule sets and rules with any Stream clients in the destination database. Optionally, you can remove these rule sets and rules from the destination database after the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure, or the script generated by the procedure, completes.


The POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure only removes Oracle Streams components that were created by the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure. It does not remove Oracle Streams components that were created in a different way.


This procedure performs the actions required before instantiation to configure an Oracle Streams replication environment.

Run this procedure at the capture database. The capture database is the database that captures changes made to the source database.

To complete the Oracle Streams replication configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Run the PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure at the database that will be the source database in the Stream replication environment.

  2. Perform any necessary instantiation actions.

  3. Run the POST_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure at the source database.

Typically, the Oracle Streams replication environment configured using these steps serves one of the following purposes:

  • Replicates changes to shared database objects to keep the database objects synchronized at different databases.

  • Replicates changes to database objects during a database maintenance operation, such migrating a database to a different platform. In this case, use the CLEANUP_INSTANTIATION_SETUP procedure to remove the replication environment after the maintenance operation is complete.


  • A capture process never captures changes in the SYS, SYSTEM, or CTXSYS schemas. This procedure does not configure replication for these schemas.

  • When the RMAN DUPLICATE or CONVERT DATABASE command is used for database instantiation, the destination database cannot be the capture database.

See Also:


   maintain_mode           IN VARCHAR2,
   source_database         IN VARCHAR2,
   destination_database    IN VARCHAR2,
   perform_actions         IN BOOLEAN         DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name             IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_name            IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_table     IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_name      IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   capture_queue_user      IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   propagation_name        IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_name              IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_table       IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_name        IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   apply_queue_user        IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   bi_directional          IN BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE,
   include_ddl             IN BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE,
   start_processes         IN BOOLEAN         DEFAULT FALSE,
   exclude_schemas         IN VARCHAR2        DEFAULT NULL,
   exclude_flags           IN BINARY_INTEGER  DEFAULT NULL);


See Also:

"Common Parameters for the Configuration Procedures" for descriptions of the procedure parameters that are not in Table 130-27

Table 130-27 PRE_INSTANTIATION_SETUP Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


Specify one of the following:

  • GLOBAL to maintain the entire database by configuring replication between the local database and the database specified in the destination_database parameter

  • TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES to maintain a set of tablespaces by configuring replication between the local database and the database specified in the destination_database parameter


If maintain_mode is set to TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES, then specify the local tablespace set to be cloned at the destination database and maintained by Oracle Streams.

The tablespaces in the tablespace set must exist at the source database, but these tablespaces must not exist at the destination database.

Also, a directory object must exist for each directory that contains the datafiles for the tablespace set. The user who invokes this procedure must have READ privilege on these directory objects.

If maintain_mode is set to GLOBAL, then specify an empty tablespace set.

Regardless of the maintain_mode setting, an error is raised if the tablespace_names parameter is not set or is set to NULL.

See Also: TABLESPACE_SET Table Type


The name of the queue table for each queue used by a capture process, specified as [schema_name.]queue_table_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue_table. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If NULL, then the system generates a name for the queue table of each queue used by a capture process, and the current user is the owner of each queue table.


If TRUE, then the procedure starts each capture process and apply process.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not start any capture processes or apply processes.


A comma-delimited list of schemas to exclude from the Oracle Streams configuration. Schema rules are added to the negative rule sets of each capture process to exclude these schemas.

Specify an asterisk (*) to exclude all of the schemas in the database.

If NULL, then the procedure does not exclude any schemas in the database.

This parameter is valid only if the MAINTAIN_MODE parameter is set to GLOBAL. If the MAINTAIN_MODE parameter is set to TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES, then the procedure ignores this parameter.


Specify what to exclude from the replication configuration in the schemas specified by the exclude_schemas parameter. See "Usage Notes" for more information.

Usage Notes

The following sections contain usage notes for this procedure.

Self-Contained Tablespace Sets

If the maintain_mode parameter is set to TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES, then the specified set of tablespaces must be self-contained. In this context "self-contained" means that there are no references from inside the set of tablespaces pointing outside of the set of tablespaces. For example, if a partitioned table is partially contained in the set of tablespaces, then the set of tablespaces is not self-contained.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about self-contained tablespace sets

The exclude_flags Parameter

Specify one of the following values:

  • DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.EXCLUDE_FLAGS_FULL to exclude changes to the schemas and all of the database objects in the schemas

  • DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.EXCLUDE_FLAGS_UNSUPPORTED to exclude changes to the database objects that are not supported by Oracle Streams in the schemas

If both of these values are specified, then the procedure raises an error.

In addition to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.EXCLUDE_FLAGS_FULL or DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.EXCLUDE_FLAGS_UNSUPPORTED, specify one or both of the following values:

  • DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.EXCLUDE_FLAGS_DML to exclude data manipulation language (DML) changes made to the excluded database objects

  • DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.EXCLUDE_FLAGS_FULL to exclude data definition language (DDL) changes made to the excluded database objects

Use the plus sign (+) to specify more than one of these values. For example, to maintain DML changes to the tables in a schemas specified by the exclude_schemas parameter but exclude DDL changes to these schemas and the database objects in these schemas, specify the following for this parameter:


To exclude DML and DDL changes made to unsupported database objects in the schemas specified by the exclude_schemas parameter, specify the following for this parameter:


Rules for the excluded database objects are added to the negative rule set of each capture process. Therefore, changes to the excluded database objects will not be captured and replicated.

This parameter is valid only if the maintain_mode parameter is set to GLOBAL and the exclude_schemas parameter is set to a non-NULL value. If the maintain_mode parameter is set to GLOBAL and the exclude_schemas parameter is set to a NULL, then the procedure ignores this parameter. If the maintain_mode parameter is set to TRANSPORTABLE TABLESPACES, then this the procedure ignores this parameter and excludes any database objects in the specified tablespace set that are not supported by Oracle Streams from the Oracle Streams configuration automatically.

Also, if schemas are specified in the exclude_schemas parameter, but the exclude_flags parameter is set to NULL, then the procedure does not add any rules to the negative rule set of any capture process, and the procedure includes the schemas specified in the exclude_schemas parameter in the replication environment.


This procedure removes all Oracle Streams data dictionary information at the local database for the specified object. You can use this procedure to remove Oracle Streams metadata that is not needed currently and will not be needed in the future.


   source_database     IN  VARCHAR2,
   source_object_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
   source_object_type  IN  VARCHAR2);


Table 130-28 PURGE_SOURCE_CATALOG Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The global name of the source database containing the object.

If you do not include the domain name, then the procedure appends it to the database name automatically. For example, if you specify DBS1 and the domain is .NET, then the procedure specifies DBS1.NET automatically.


The name of the object specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


Type of the object. Currently, TABLE is the only possible object type.

Usage Notes

The global name of the source database containing the object must be specified for the source_database parameter. If the current database is not the source database for the object, then the procedure removes data dictionary information about the object from the current database, not the source database.

For example, suppose changes to the hr.employees table at the dbs1.net source database are being applied to the hr.employees table at the dbs2.net destination database. Also, suppose hr.employees at dbs2.net is not a source at all. In this case, specifying dbs2.net as the source_database for this table results in an error. However, specifying dbs1.net as the source_database for this table while running the PURGE_SOURCE_CATALOG procedure at the dbs2.net database removes data dictionary information about the table at dbs2.net.

Do not run this procedure at a database if either of the following conditions are true:

  • Logical change records (LCRs) captured by the capture process for the object are or might be applied locally without reinstantiating the object.

  • LCRs captured by the capture process for the object are or might be forwarded by the database without reinstantiating the object.


    These conditions do not apply to LCRs that were not created by the capture process. That is, these conditions do not apply to user-created LCRs.


This procedure provides options for an Oracle Streams replication configuration operation that stopped because it encountered an error. This procedure either rolls forward the operation, rolls back the operation, or purges all of the metadata about the operation.

This procedure only can perform these actions for replication configuration operations being done by one of the following procedures:

When these procedures configure the replication environment directly (not by generating a script), information about the configuration actions is stored in the following data dictionary views when the procedure is running:

The data dictionary views are populated at the database where the replication configuration procedure is run. When one of these procedures completes successfully, metadata about the configuration operation is purged from these views. However, when one of these procedures encounters an error and stop, metadata about the configuration operation remains in these views. In this case, you can either roll forward, roll back, or purge the metadata about the operation using the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure. If you choose to roll forward the operation, then correct conditions that caused the errors reported in DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS before proceeding.

Run the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure at the database where the replication configuration procedure was run.


To run the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure, both databases must be Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later databases.


   script_id       IN  RAW,
   operation_mode  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'FORWARD');


Table 130-29 RECOVER_OPERATION Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The operation id of the procedure invocation that is being rolled forward, rolled back, or purged. Query the SCRIPT_ID column of the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT data dictionary view to determine the operation id.


If FORWARD, then the procedure rolls forward the operation. Specify FORWARD to try to complete the operation.

If ROLLBACK, then the procedure rolls back all of the actions performed in the operation. If the rollback is successful, then the procedure purges all of the metadata about the operation.

If PURGE, then the procedure purges all of the metadata about the operation without rolling the operation back.


This procedure removes the specified ANYDATA queue.

Specifically, this procedure performs the following actions:

  1. Waits until all current enqueue and dequeue transactions commit.

  2. Stops the queue, which means that no further enqueues into the queue or dequeues from the queue are allowed.

  3. Drops the queue.

  4. If the drop_unused_queue_table parameter is set to TRUE, then drops the queue table if it is empty and no other queues are using it.

  5. If the cascade parameter is set to TRUE, then drops all of the Oracle Streams clients that are using the queue.


    The specified queue must be a ANYDATA queue.


   queue_name               IN  VARCHAR2,
   cascade                  IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
   drop_unused_queue_table  IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 130-30 REMOVE_QUEUE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the queue to remove, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


If TRUE, then the procedure drops any Oracle Streams clients that use the queue.

If FALSE, then the procedure raises an error if there are any Oracle Streams clients that use the queue. Before you run this procedure with the cascade parameter set to FALSE, make sure no Oracle Streams clients are using the queue currently.


If TRUE and the queue table for the queue is empty, then the procedure drops the queue table. The queue table is not dropped if it contains any messages or if it is used by another queue.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not drop the queue table.


This procedure removes the specified rule or all rules from the rule set associated with the specified capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, propagation, or messaging client.

If this procedure results in an empty positive rule set for a messaging client, then the procedure drops the messaging client automatically.


If a rule was automatically created by the system, and you want to drop the rule, then you should use this procedure to remove the rule instead of the DBMS_RULE_ADM.DROP_RULE procedure. If you use the DBMS_RULE_ADM.DROP_RULE procedure, then some metadata about the rule might remain.


   rule_name         IN  VARCHAR2,
   streams_type      IN  VARCHAR2,
   streams_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
   drop_unused_rule  IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
   inclusion_rule    IN  BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 130-31 REMOVE_RULE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the rule to remove, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. If NULL, then the procedure removes all rules from the specified capture process, synchronous capture, apply process, propagation, or messaging client rule set.

For example, to specify a rule in the hr schema named prop_rule1, enter hr.prop_rule1. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The type of Oracle Streams client:

  • Specify capture for a capture process.

  • Specify sync_capture for a synchronous capture.

  • Specify propagation for a propagation.

  • Specify apply for an apply process.

  • Specify dequeue for a messaging client.


The name of the Oracle Streams client, which can be a capture process, synchronous capture, propagation, apply process, or messaging client. Do not specify an owner.

If the specified Oracle Streams client does not exist, but there is metadata in the data dictionary that associates the rule with this client, then the procedure removes the metadata.

If the specified Oracle Streams client does not exist, and there is no metadata in the data dictionary that associates the rule with this client, then the procedure raises an error.


If TRUE and the rule is not in any rule set, then the procedure drops the rule from the database.

If TRUE and the rule exists in any rule set, then the procedure does not drop the rule from the database.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not drop the rule from the database.


If inclusion_rule is TRUE, then the procedure removes the rule from the positive rule set for the Oracle Streams client.

If inclusion_rule is FALSE, then the procedure removes the rule from the negative rule set for the Oracle Streams client.


This procedure removes the Oracle Streams configuration at the local database.



Usage Notes

Specifically, this procedure performs the following actions at the local database:

  • Drops all capture processes

  • If any tables have been prepared for instantiation, then aborts preparation for instantiation for the table using the ABORT_TABLE_INSTANTIATION procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package

  • If any schemas have been prepared for instantiation, then aborts preparation for instantiation for the schema using the ABORT_SCHEMA_INSTANTIATION procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package

  • If the database has been prepared for instantiation, then aborts preparation for instantiation for the database using the ABORT_GLOBAL_INSTANTIATION procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package

  • Drops propagations that were created using either the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package or the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package. Before a propagation is dropped, its propagation job is disabled. Does not drop propagations that were created using the DBMS_AQADM package.

  • Disables all propagation jobs used by propagations

  • Drops all apply processes. If there are apply errors in the error queue for an apply process, then this procedure deletes these apply errors before it drops the apply process.

  • Removes specifications for DDL handlers used by apply processes, but does not delete the PL/SQL procedures used by these handlers

  • Removes specifications for message handlers used by apply processes, but does not delete the PL/SQL procedures used by these handlers

  • Removes specifications for precommit handlers used by apply processes, but does not delete the PL/SQL procedures used by these handlers

  • Removes the instantiation SCN and ignore SCN for each apply object and schema and for the entire database

  • Removes messaging clients

  • Unsets message notification specifications that were set using the SET_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package

  • Removes specifications for DML handlers and error handlers, but does not delete the PL/SQL procedures used by these handlers

  • Removes update conflict handlers

  • Removes specifications for substitute key columns for apply tables

  • Drops rule sets and rules that were created using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package.

  • Drops unused rule sets that were used by capture processes, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients, and removes the rules in these rule sets. These rules and rule sets are removed regardless of whether they were created using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package or the DBMS_RULE_ADM package.

This procedure stops capture processes and apply processes before it drops them.

This procedure does not drop rule sets or rules if they meet both of the following conditions:

  • The rule sets or rules were created using the DBMS_RULE_ADM package.

  • The rule sets or rules were not used by a capture process, propagation, apply process, or messaging client.


Running this procedure is dangerous. You should run this procedure only if you are sure you want to remove the entire Oracle Streams configuration at a database.


  • Running this procedure repeatedly does not cause errors. If the procedure fails to complete, then you can run it again.

  • This procedure commits multiple times.

See Also:


This procedure either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which renames a column in a row logical change record (LCR) that satisfies the specified rule.

For the transformation to be performed when the specified rule evaluates to TRUE, the rule must be in the positive rule set of an Oracle Streams client. Oracle Streams clients include capture processes, synchronous captures, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients.


  • The RENAME_COLUMN procedure supports the same datatypes supported by Oracle Streams capture processes.

  • Declarative transformations can transform row LCRs only. These row LCRs can be captured by a capture process, captured by a synchronous capture, or constructed and enqueued by an application. Therefore, a DML rule must be specified when you run this procedure. If a DDL is specified, then the procedure raises an error.


   rule_name         IN  VARCHAR2,
   table_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
   from_column_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
   to_column_name    IN  VARCHAR2,
   value_type        IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT '*',
   step_number       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT 0,
   operation         IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'ADD');


Table 130-32 RENAME_COLUMN Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the rule, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

For example, to specify a rule in the hr schema named employees12, enter hr.employees12. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the table in which the column is renamed in the row LCR, specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the column to be renamed in each row LCR that satisfies the rule.


The new name of the column in each row LCR that satisfies the rule.


Specify 'NEW' to rename the column in the new values in the row LCR.

Specify 'OLD' to rename the column in the old values in the row LCR.

Specify '*' to rename the column in both the old and new values in the row LCR.


The order of execution of the transformation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about transformation ordering


Specify 'ADD' to add the transformation to the rule.

Specify 'REMOVE' to remove the transformation from the rule.

Usage Notes

When 'REMOVE' is specified for the operation parameter, all of the rename column declarative rule-based transformations for the specified rule are removed that match the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number parameters. Nulls specified for these parameters act as wildcards. The following table lists the behavior of the RENAME_COLUMN procedure when one or more of these parameters is NULL:

table_name from_column_name to_column_name step_number Result
NULL NULL NULL NULL Remove all rename column transformations for the specified rule.
NULL NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified step_number for the specified rule.
NULL NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified to_column_name and step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified table_name and step_number for the specified rule.
NULL NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified column_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified table_name and column_name for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL NULL NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified table_name for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all rename column transformations with the specified table_name, column_name, and step_number for the specified rule.


This procedure either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which renames a schema in a row logical change record (LCR) that satisfies the specified rule.

For the transformation to be performed when the specified rule evaluates to TRUE, the rule must be in the positive rule set of an Oracle Streams client. Oracle Streams clients include capture processes, synchronous captures, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients.


Declarative transformations can transform row LCRs only. These row LCRs can be captured by a capture process, captured by a synchronous capture, or constructed and enqueued by an application. Therefore, a DML rule must be specified when you run this procedure. If a DDL is specified, then the procedure raises an error.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about declarative rule-based transformations


   rule_name         IN  VARCHAR2,
   from_schema_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
   to_schema_name    IN  VARCHAR2,
   step_number       IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT 0,
   operation         IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'ADD');


Table 130-33 RENAME_SCHEMA Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the rule, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

For example, to specify a rule in the hr schema named employees12, enter hr.employees12. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the schema to be renamed in each row LCR that satisfies the rule.


The new name of the schema in each row LCR that satisfies the rule.


The order of execution of the transformation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about transformation ordering


Specify 'ADD' to add the transformation to the rule.

Specify 'REMOVE' to remove the transformation from the rule.

Usage Notes

When 'REMOVE' is specified for the operation parameter, all of the rename schema declarative rule-based transformations for the specified rule are removed that match the specified from_schema_name, to_schema_name, and step_number parameters. Nulls specified for these parameters act as wildcards. The following table lists the behavior of the RENAME_SCHEMA procedure when one or more of these parameters is NULL:

from_schema_name to_schema_name step_number Result
NULL NULL NULL Remove all rename schema transformations for the specified rule.
NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all rename schema transformations with the specified step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all rename schema transformations with the specified to_schema_name and step_number for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all rename schema transformations with the specified from_schema_name and step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename schema transformations with the specified to_schema_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename schema transformations with the specified from_schema_name and to_schema_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL NULL Remove all rename schema transformations with the specified from_schema_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all rename schema transformations with the specified from_schema_name, to_schema_name, and step_number for the specified rule.


This procedure either adds or removes a declarative rule-based transformation which renames a table in a row logical change record (row LCR) that satisfies the specified rule.

For the transformation to be performed when the specified rule evaluates to TRUE, the rule must be in the positive rule set of an Oracle Streams client. Oracle Streams clients include capture processes, synchronous captures, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients.


Declarative transformations can transform row LCRs only. These row LCRs can be captured by a capture process, captured by a synchronous capture, or constructed and enqueued by an application. Therefore, a DML rule must be specified when you run this procedure. If a DDL is specified, then the procedure raises an error.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about declarative rule-based transformations


   rule_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
   from_table_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
   to_table_name    IN  VARCHAR2,
   step_number      IN  NUMBER    DEFAULT 0,
   operation        IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'ADD');


Table 130-34 RENAME_TABLE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the rule, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name. If NULL, then the procedure raises an error.

For example, to specify a rule in the hr schema named employees12, enter hr.employees12. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the table to be renamed in each row LCR that satisfies the rule, specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, hr.employees. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The new name of the table in each row LCR that satisfies the rule, specified as [schema_name.]object_name. For example, humres.staff.

The transformation can rename the table only, the schema only, or the table and the schema. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The order of execution of the transformation.

See Also: Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about transformation ordering


Specify 'ADD' to add the transformation to the rule.

Specify 'REMOVE' to remove the transformation from the rule.

Usage Notes

When 'REMOVE' is specified for the operation parameter, all of the rename table declarative rule-based transformations for the specified rule are removed that match the specified from_table_name, to_table_name, and step_number parameters. Nulls specified for these parameters act as wildcards. The following table lists the behavior of the RENAME_TABLE procedure when one or more of these parameters is NULL:

from_table_name to_table_name step_number Result
NULL NULL NULL Remove all rename table transformations for the specified rule.
NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all rename table transformations with the specified step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all rename table transformations with the specified to_table_name and step_number for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL non-NULL Remove all rename table transformations with the specified from_table_name and step_number for the specified rule.
NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename table transformations with the specified to_table_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL NULL Remove all rename table transformations with the specified from_table_name and to_table_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL NULL NULL Remove all rename table transformations with the specified from_table_name for the specified rule.
non-NULL non-NULL non-NULL Remove all rename table transformations with the specified from_table_name, to_table_name, and step_number for the specified rule.


This procedure sets a notification for messages that can be dequeued by a specified Oracle Streams messaging client from a specified queue. A notification is sent when a message is enqueued into the specified queue and the specified messaging client can dequeue the message because the message satisfies its rule sets.


  • Currently, messaging clients cannot dequeue buffered messages.

  • The DBMS_AQ package can also configure notifications. The DBMS_AQ package provides some notification features that are not available in DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package, such as buffered message notifications and notification grouping by time.


   streams_name          IN  VARCHAR2,
   notification_action   IN  VARCHAR2,
   notification_type     IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'PROCEDURE',
   notification_context  IN  ANYDATA      DEFAULT NULL,
   include_notification  IN  BOOLEAN      DEFAULT TRUE,
   queue_name            IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT 'streams_queue');


Table 130-35 SET_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the Oracle Streams messaging client. Do not specify an owner.

For example, if the user strmadmin is the messaging client, then specify strmadmin.


The action to be performed on message notification. Specify one of the following:

  • For URL notifications, specify a URL without the prefix http://.

    For example, to specify the URL http://www.company.com:8080, enter the following:

  • For email notifications, specify an email address.

    For example, to specify an the email address xyz@company.com, enter the following:

  • For PL/SQL procedure notifications, specify an existing user-defined PL/SQL procedure in the form [schema_name.]procedure_name. If the schema_name is not specified, then the user who invokes the SET_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION procedure is the default. The procedure must be a PLSQLCALLBACK data structure.

    For example, to specify a procedure named notify_orders in the oe schema, enter the following:


See Also: Examples for more information about message notification procedures


The type of notification. Specify one of the following:

  • HTTP if you specified a URL for notification_action

  • MAIL if you specified an email address for notification_action

  • PROCEDURE if you specified a user-defined procedure for notification_action

The type must match the specification for the notification_action parameter.


The context of the notification. The context must be specified using RAW datatype information. For example, to specify the hexidecimal equivalent of 'FF', enter the following:


The notification context is passed the PL/SQL procedure in procedure notifications and is not relevant for mail or HTTP notifications.


If TRUE, then the procedure adds this notification for the specified streams_name and queue_name. That is, specifying TRUE turns on the notification for the streams_name and queue_name.

If FALSE, then the procedure removes this notification for the specified streams_name and queue_name. That is, specifying FALSE turns off the notification for the streams_name and queue_name. If you specify FALSE, then this procedure ignores any specified values for the notification_action or notification_context parameters.


The name of a local ANYDATA queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the queue. The specified queue must be a ANYDATA queue.

For example, to specify a queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

Usage Notes

You can specify one of the following types of notifications:

  • An email address to which message notifications are sent. When a relevant message is enqueued into the queue, an email with the message properties is mailed to the specified email address.

  • A PL/SQL procedure to be invoked on a notification. When a relevant message is enqueued into the queue, the specified PL/SQL procedure is invoked with the message properties. This PL/SQL procedure can dequeue the message.

  • An HTTP URL to which the notification is posted. When a relevant message is enqueued into the queue, a notification with the message properties is posted to the specified URL specified.

A client does not need to be connected to the database to receive a notification.

If you register for email notifications, then you should use the DBMS_AQELM package to set the host name and port name for the SMTP server that will be used by the database to send email notifications. If required, then you should set the send-from email address, which is set by the database as the sent from field. You need a Java-enabled database to use this feature.

If you register for HTTP notifications, you might want to use the DBMS_AQELM package to set the host name and port number for the proxy server and a list of no-proxy domains that will be used by the database to post HTTP notifications.

Each notification is an AQXmlNotification, which includes of the following:


If you use a message notification procedure, then this PL/SQL procedure must have the following signature:

PROCEDURE procedure_name(
  context  IN  ANYDATA,
  reginfo  IN  SYS.AQ$_REG_INFO,
  descr    IN  SYS.AQ$_DESCRIPTOR);

Here, procedure_name stands for the name of the procedure. The procedure is a PLSQLCALLBACK data structure that specifies the user-defined PL/SQL procedure to be invoked on message notification.

The following is a simple example of a notification procedure that dequeues a message of type oe.user_msg using the message identifier and consumer name sent by the notification. To complete the example, first create the type:

  object_name    VARCHAR2(30),
  object_owner   VARCHAR2(30),
  message        VARCHAR2(50));

Next, create the procedure:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE oe.notification_dequeue(
  context  ANYDATA, 
  reginfo  SYS.AQ$_REG_INFO, 
  descr    SYS.AQ$_DESCRIPTOR)
  dequeue_options     DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T; 
  message_properties  DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T; 
  message_handle      RAW(16); 
  message             ANYDATA; 
  oe_message          oe.user_msg; 
  rc                  PLS_INTEGER; 
  -- Get the message identifier and consumer name from the descriptor 
  dequeue_options.msgid := descr.msg_id; 
  dequeue_options.consumer_name := descr.consumer_name; 
  -- Dequeue the message 
    queue_name         => descr.queue_name, 
    dequeue_options    => dequeue_options, 
    message_properties => message_properties, 
    payload            => message, 
    msgid              => message_handle);
  rc := message.getobject(oe_message); 

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information about PLSQLCALLBACK data structures


Sets the tracking label for logical change records (LCRs) produced by the current session. This procedure affects only the current session. Any LCRs produced by the current session are tracked, including captured LCRs and persistent LCRs.


The tracking label set by this procedure does not track non-LCR messages.


   tracking_label IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'Streams_tracking',


Table 130-36 SET_MESSAGE_TRACKING Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The label used to track the LCRs produced by the session.

Set this parameter to NULL to stop message tracking in the current session.

The size limit for a label is 4,000 bytes.


If DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ACTION_MEMORY is specified, then the LCRs are tracked in memory, and the V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING dynamic performance view is populated with information about the LCRs.

If DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ACTION_TRACE is specified, then the LCRs are tracked in the trace files of each database that processes the LCRs.

The values specified for this parameter are enumerated constants. Enumerated constants must be prefixed with the package name.


This procedure sets or removes the transformation function name for a custom rule-based transformation.


   rule_name           IN  VARCHAR2,
   transform_function  IN  VARCHAR2);


Table 130-37 SET_RULE_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the rule whose rule-based transformation function you are setting or removing, specified as [schema_name.]rule_name.

For example, to specify a rule in the hr schema named prop_rule1, enter hr.prop_rule1. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


Either the name of the transformation function to be used in the rule-based transformation for the rule or NULL.

If you specify a transformation function name, then specify an existing function in one of the following forms:

  • [schema_name.]function_name

  • [schema_name.]package_name.function_name

If the function is in a package, then you must specify the package_name. For example, to specify a function in the transform_pkg package in the hr schema named executive_to_management, enter hr.transform_pkg.executive_to_management. An error is returned if the specified procedure does not exist.

If the schema_name is not specified, then the user who invokes the rule-based transformation function is the default.

If you specify NULL, then the SET_RULE_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION procedure removes the current custom rule-based transformation from the rule.

Usage Notes

The following sections contain usage notes for this procedure:

Transformation Function Signature

A custom rule-based transformation function always operates on one message, but it can return one message or many messages. A custom rule-based transformation function that returns one message is a one-to-one transformation function. A one-to-one transformation function must have the following signature:

FUNCTION user_function (
   parameter_name   IN  ANYDATA)

Here, user_function stands for the name of the function and parameter_name stands for the name of the parameter passed to the function. The parameter passed to the function is an ANYDATA encapsulation of a message, and the function must return an ANYDATA encapsulation of a message.

A custom rule-based transformation function that can return more than one message is a one-to-many transformation function. A one-to-many transformation function must have the following signature:

FUNCTION user_function (
   parameter_name  IN  ANYDATA)

Here, user_function stands for the name of the function and parameter_name stands for the name of the parameter passed to the function. The parameter passed to the function is an ANYDATA encapsulation of a message, and the function must return an array that contains zero or more ANYDATA encapsulations of a message. If the array contains zero ANYDATA encapsulations of a message, then the original message is discarded.

The STREAMS$_ANYDATA_ARRAY type is an Oracle-supplied type that has the following definition:

   AS VARRAY(2147483647) of ANYDATA

The following restrictions apply to custom rule-based transformations that use one-to-many functions:

  • Rules that are associated with one-to-many functions are supported for Oracle Streams capture processes only. These rules must not be added to rule sets used by other Oracle Streams clients, including propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients.

  • One-to-many functions only can operate on row logical change records (row LCRs). They cannot operate on DDL LCRs.

  • Row LCRs returned by a one-to-many function cannot contain piecewise LOB, LONG, or LONG RAW operations.

  • The one-to-many function must return row LCRs in the correct order. The order of row LCRs in the array (starting from index 1) is the order that the row LCRs will be executed in the transaction.

When an apply process dequeues row LCRs that are the result of a transformation by a one-to-many function, the apply process uses the instantiation SCN of the LCR passed to the one-to-many function for all of row LCRs.


  • An error is raised if a one-to-one or one-to-many transformation function returns NULL.

  • Only one custom rule-based transformation can be specified for a particular rule. You cannot specify both a one-to-one and a one-to-many transformation function for the same rule.

  • For any LCR constructed and returned by a custom rule-based transformation, the source_database_name, transaction_id, and scn parameter values must match the values in the original LCR. Oracle automatically specifies the values in the original LCR for these parameters, even if an attempt is made to construct LCRs with different values.

Rule Action Context

This procedure modifies the specified rule's action context to specify the transformation. A rule's action context is optional information associated with a rule that is interpreted by the client of the rules engine after the rule evaluates to TRUE for a message. The client of the rules engine can be a user-created application or an internal feature of Oracle, such as Oracle Streams. The Oracle Streams clients include capture processes, synchronous captures, propagations, apply processes, and messaging clients. The information in an action context is an object of type SYS.RE$NV_LIST, which consists of a list of name-value pairs.

A custom rule-based transformation in Oracle Streams always consists of the following name-value pair in an action context:

  • If the function is a one-to-one transformation function, then the name is STREAMS$_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION. If the function is a one-to-many transformation function, then the name is STREAMS$_ARRAY_TRANS_FUNCTION.

  • The value is a ANYDATA instance containing a PL/SQL function name specified as a VARCHAR2. This function performs the transformation.

User Who Calls the Transformation Function

The user that calls the transformation function must have EXECUTE privilege on the function. The following list describes which user calls the transformation function:

  • If a transformation is specified for a rule used by a capture process, then the user who calls the transformation function is the capture user for the capture process.

  • If a transformation is specified for a rule used by a synchronous capture, then the user who calls the transformation function is the capture user for the synchronous capture.

  • If a transformation is specified for a rule used by a propagation, then the user who calls the transformation function is the owner of the source queue for the propagation.

  • If a transformation is specified on a rule used by an apply process, then the user who calls the transformation function is the apply user for the apply process.

  • If a transformation is specified on a rule used by a messaging client, then the user who calls the transformation function is the user who invokes the messaging client.

Function Verification

This procedure does not verify that the specified transformation function exists. If the function does not exist, then an error is raised when an Oracle Streams client tries to invoke the transformation function.

SET_UP_QUEUE Procedure

This procedure creates a queue table and a ANYDATA queue.


   queue_table     IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue_table',
   storage_clause  IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   queue_name      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'streams_queue',
   queue_user      IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   comment         IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);


Table 130-38 SET_UP_QUEUE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the queue table specified as [schema_name.]queue_table_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue_table. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If the queue table owner is not specified, then the procedure specifies the user who runs this procedure automatically as the queue table owner.

Queue table names can be a maximum of 24 bytes.


The storage clause for queue table

The storage parameter is included in the CREATE TABLE statement when the queue table is created. You can specify any valid table storage clause.

If a tablespace is not specified here, then the procedure creates the queue table and all its related objects in the default user tablespace of the user who runs this procedure. If a tablespace is specified here, then the procedure creates the queue table and all its related objects in the tablespace specified in the storage clause.

If NULL, then the procedure uses the storage characteristics of the tablespace in which the queue table is created.

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about storage clauses


The name of the queue that will function as the ANYDATA queue, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. For example, strmadmin.streams_queue.

If the schema is not specified, then the procedure uses the queue table owner. The owner of the queue table must also be the owner of the queue. The queue owner automatically has privileges to perform all queue operations on the queue.

If the schema is not specified for this parameter, and the queue table owner is not specified in queue_table, then the current user is the default.

Queue names can be a maximum of 24 bytes.


The name of the user who requires ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges for the queue. This user also is configured as a secure queue user of the queue. The queue user cannot grant these privileges to other users because they are not granted with the GRANT option.

If NULL, then the procedure does not grant any privileges. You can also grant queue privileges to the appropriate users using the DBMS_AQADM package.


The comment for the queue

Usage Notes

Set up includes the following actions:

  • If the specified queue table does not exist, then this procedure runs the CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure in the DBMS_AQADM package to create the queue table with the specified storage clause. If this procedure creates the queue table, then it creates a multiple consumer ANYDATA queue that is both a secure queue and a transactional queue.

    Also, if the database is Oracle Database 10g release 2 or later, the sort_list setting in CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE is set to commit_time. If the database is a release prior to Oracle Database 10g release 2, the sort_list setting in CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE is set to enq_time.

  • If the specified queue table already exists, then the queue uses the properties of the existing queue table.

  • If the specified queue name does not exist, then this procedure runs the CREATE_QUEUE procedure in the DBMS_AQADM package to create the queue.

  • This procedure starts the queue.

  • If a queue user is specified, then this procedure configures this user as a secure queue user of the queue and grants ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE privileges on the queue to the specified queue user.

    To configure the queue user as a secure queue user, this procedure creates an Advanced Queuing agent with the same name as the user name, if one does not already exist. If an agent with this name already exists and is associated with the queue user only, then it is used. SET_UP_QUEUE then runs the ENABLE_DB_ACCESS procedure in the DBMS_AQADM package, specifying the agent and the user.


  • To enqueue messages into and dequeue messages from a queue, a queue user must have EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_STREAMS_MESSAGING package or the DBMS_AQ package. The SET_UP_QUEUE procedure does not grant this privilege.

  • If the agent that SET_UP_QUEUE tries to create already exists and is associated with a user other than the user specified by queue_user, then the procedure raises an error. In this case, rename or remove the existing agent, and retry SET_UP_QUEUE.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about secure queue users


This procedure splits one stream flowing from a capture process off from all of the other streams flowing from the capture process.

This procedure is intended for an Oracle Streams replication environment in which a capture process captures changes that are propagated to two or more destination databases. When one destination of a propagation stops accepting the captured changes, the changes remain in the capture process queue. The queue can grow and begin to spill messages to the hard disk, degrading the performance of the Oracle Streams environment. A destination might stop accepting changes for several reasons. For example, the destination database might be down.

Specifically, this procedure performs the following actions:

  1. Creates a new queue at the database running the capture process. The new queue is called the cloned queue because it is a clone of the queue used by the original stream. The new queue will be used by the new, cloned capture process, and it will be the source queue for the new, cloned propagation.

  2. Creates a new propagation that propagates messages from the source queue created in Step 1 to the existing destination queue. The new propagation is called the cloned propagation because it is a clone of the propagation used by the original stream. The cloned propagation uses the same rule set as the original propagation.

  3. Stops the capture process.

  4. Queries the acknowledge SCN for the original propagation. The acknowledged SCN is the last SCN acknowledged by the apply process that applies the changes sent by the propagation.

  5. Creates a new capture process. The new capture process is called the cloned capture process because it is a clone of the capture process used by the original stream. The procedure sets the start SCN for the cloned capture process to the value of the acknowledged SCN queried in Step 4. The cloned capture process uses the same rule set as the original capture process.

  6. Drops the original propagation.

  7. Starts the original capture process with the start SCN set to the acknowledged SCN queried in Step 4.

  8. If the auto_merge_threshold parameter is set to a positive number, then creates an Oracle Scheduler job to run the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure at set intervals according to its schedule. When the two streams are within the specified merge threshold, the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure runs the MERGE_STREAMS procedure to merge the streams automatically.

After the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure has finished running, the cloned capture process is disabled. When the problem at the destination database is solved, and the destination queue can accept changes, you should start the cloned capture process using the START_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.


If the original capture process is a downstream capture process, then you must configure the cloned capture process to read the redo log from the source database before you start the cloned capture process.

See Also:


   propagation_name         IN      VARCHAR2,
   cloned_propagation_name  IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   cloned_queue_name        IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   cloned_capture_name      IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   perform_actions          IN      BOOLEAN   DEFAULT TRUE,
   script_name              IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   script_directory_object  IN      VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
   auto_merge_threshold     IN      NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
   schedule_name            IN OUT  VARCHAR2,
   merge_job_name           IN OUT  VARCHAR2);


Table 130-39 SPLIT_STREAMS Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the propagation that cannot send messages to its destination queue. The specified propagation is the propagation for the stream that is being split off from the other streams. You must specify an existing propagation name. Do not specify an owner.


The name of the new propagation created by this procedure for the stream that is split off. If NULL, then the system generates a propagation name.


The name of the new queue created by this procedure for the stream that is split off. If NULL, then the system generates a queue name.


The name of the new capture process created by this procedure for the stream that is split off. If NULL, then the system generates a capture process name.


If TRUE, then the procedure performs the necessary actions to split the stream directly.

If FALSE, then the procedure does not perform the necessary actions to split the stream directly.

Specify FALSE when this procedure is generating a script that you can edit and then run. The procedure raises an error if you specify FALSE and either of the following parameters is NULL:

  • script_name

  • script_directory_object


If non-NULL and the perform_actions parameter is FALSE, then specify the name of the script generated by this procedure. The script contains all of the statements used to split the stream. If a file with the specified script name exists in the specified directory for the script_directory_object parameter, then the procedure appends the statements to the existing file.

If non-NULL and the perform_actions parameter is TRUE, then the procedure generates the specified script and performs the actions to split the stream directly.

If NULL and the perform_actions parameter is TRUE, then the procedure performs the actions to split the stream directly and does not generate a script.

If NULL and the perform_actions parameter is FALSE, then the procedure raises an error.


The directory object for the directory on the local computer system into which the generated script is placed.

If the script_name parameter is NULL, then the procedure ignores this parameter and does not generate a script.

If NULL and the script_name parameter is non-NULL, then the procedure raises an error.


If a positive number is specified, then the stream that was split off is automatically merged back into all of the other streams flowing from the capture process by an Oracle Scheduler job. The job runs the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure at set intervals according to its schedule. The value of the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME column for each capture process in the GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE dynamic performance view determines when the streams are merged. Specifically, if the difference, in seconds, between CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME of the cloned capture process and the original capture process is less than or equal to the value specified for the auto_merge_threshold parameter, then the two streams are merged automatically. The cloned capture process must be started before the split stream can be merged back with the original stream.

If NULL or 0 (zero) is specified, then the split stream is not merged back with the original stream automatically. To merge the split stream with the original stream, run the MERGE_STREAM procedure manually when the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME of the cloned capture process catches up to, or nearly catches up to, the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME of the original capture process.

The CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME records the time when a captured change was recorded in the redo log.


The Oracle Scheduler schedule name, specified as [schema_name.]schedule_name. For example, strmadmin.merge_schedule. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If auto_merge_threshold is a non-NULL positive number, then the schedule is used by the job that will automatically merge the streams at the appropriate time. You can specify a schedule name if you want to adhere to naming conventions or if you want to track the schedule more easily.

If NULL and auto_merge_threshold is a non-NULL positive number, then the system generates a schedule name.

If auto_merge_threshold is NULL or 0 (zero), then this parameter must be NULL.

If this procedure creates a schedule, the schedule starts when the procedure completes. You can modify the schedule to control how often the merge job is run.

If an existing schedule name is specified, an error is raised.


The Oracle Scheduler job name, specified as [schema_name.]merge_job_name. For example, strmadmin.merge_job. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.

If auto_merge_threshold is a non-NULL positive number, then the job will automatically merge the streams at the appropriate time. Specify a merge job name if you want to adhere to naming conventions or if you want to track the job more easily.

If NULL and auto_merge_threshold is a non-NULL positive number, then the system generates a job name.

If auto_merge_threshold is NULL or 0 (zero), then this parameter must be NULL.

If an existing job name is specified, an error is raised.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about Oracle Scheduler