10 Configuring Implicit Capture

Implicit capture means that database changes are captured automatically and enqueued. Implicit capture can be accomplished with a capture process or with a synchronous capture. A capture process captures changes in the redo log, while a synchronous capture captures DML changes with an internal mechanism. Both capture processes and synchronous captures reformat the captured changes into logical change records (LCRs) and enqueue the LCRs into an ANYDATA queue.

The following topics describe configuring implicit capture:

Each task described in this chapter should be completed by an Oracle Streams administrator that has been granted the appropriate privileges, unless specified otherwise.

Configuring a Capture Process

You can create a capture process that captures changes either locally at the source database or remotely at a downstream database. If a capture process runs on a downstream database, then redo data from the source database is copied to the downstream database, and the capture process captures changes in redo data at the downstream database.

You can use any of the following procedures to create a local capture process:

Each of the procedures in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package creates a capture process with the specified name if it does not already exist, creates either a positive rule set or negative rule set for the capture process if the capture process does not have such a rule set, and can add table rules, schema rules, or global rules to the rule set.

The CREATE_CAPTURE procedure creates a capture process, but does not create a rule set or rules for the capture process. However, the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure enables you to specify an existing rule set to associate with the capture process, either as a positive or a negative rule set, a first SCN, and a start SCN for the capture process. To create a capture process that performs downstream capture, you must use the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure.

The following sections describe configuring a capture process:


When a capture process is started or restarted, it might need to scan redo log files with a FIRST_CHANGE# value that is lower than start SCN. Removing required redo log files before they are scanned by a capture process causes the capture process to abort. You can query the DBA_CAPTURE data dictionary view to determine the first SCN, start SCN, and required checkpoint SCN for a capture process. A capture process needs the redo log file that includes the required checkpoint SCN, and all subsequent redo log files. See "Capture Process Creation" for more information about the first SCN and start SCN for a capture process.


  • You can configure an entire Oracle Streams environment, including capture processes, using procedures in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package or Oracle Enterprise Manager

  • After creating a capture process, avoid changing the DBID or global name of the source database for the capture process. If you change either the DBID or global name of the source database, then the capture process must be dropped and re-created.

  • If Oracle Database Vault is installed, then the user who creates the capture process must be granted the BECOME USER system privilege. Granting this privilege to the user is not required if Oracle Database Vault is not installed. You can revoke the BECOME USER system privilege from the user after the capture process is created, if necessary.

  • To configure downstream capture, the source database must be an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later database.

See Also:

Preparing to Configure a Capture Process

The following tasks must be completed before you configure a capture process:

Configuring a Local Capture Process

The following sections describe using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package and the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to create a local capture process.

This section contains the following examples:

Example of Configuring a Local Capture Process Using DBMS_STREAMS_ADM

To configure a local capture process using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the tasks in "Preparing to Configure a Capture Process".

  2. Run the ADD_TABLE_RULES procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to create a local capture process:

        table_name         => 'hr.employees',
        streams_type       => 'capture',
        streams_name       => 'strm01_capture',
        queue_name         => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        include_dml        => TRUE,
        include_ddl        => TRUE,
        include_tagged_lcr => FALSE,
        source_database    => NULL,
        inclusion_rule     => TRUE);

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a capture process named strm01_capture. The capture process is created only if it does not already exist. If a new capture process is created, then this procedure also sets the start SCN to the point in time of creation.

    • Associates the capture process with an existing queue named streams_queue.

    • Creates a positive rule set and associates it with the capture process, if the capture process does not have a positive rule set, because the inclusion_rule parameter is set to TRUE. The rule set uses the SYS.STREAMS$_EVALUATION_CONTEXT evaluation context. The rule set name is system generated.

    • Creates two rules. One rule evaluates to TRUE for DML changes to the hr.employees table, and the other rule evaluates to TRUE for DDL changes to the hr.employees table. The rule names are system generated.

    • Adds the two rules to the positive rule set associated with the capture process. The rules are added to the positive rule set because the inclusion_rule parameter is set to TRUE.

    • Specifies that the capture process captures a change in the redo log only if the change has a NULL tag, because the include_tagged_lcr parameter is set to FALSE. This behavior is accomplished through the system-created rules for the capture process.

    • Creates a capture process that captures local changes to the source database because the source_database parameter is set to NULL. For a local capture process, you can also specify the global name of the local database for this parameter.

    • Prepares the hr.employees table for instantiation.

    • Enables supplemental logging for any primary key, unique key, bitmap index, and foreign key columns in the table.

  3. If necessary, complete the steps described in "After Configuring a Capture Process".

Example of Configuring a Local Capture Process Using DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM

To configure a local capture process using the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the tasks in "Preparing to Configure a Capture Process".

  2. Run the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to create a local capture process:

        queue_name         => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        capture_name       => 'strm02_capture',
        rule_set_name      => 'strmadmin.strm01_rule_set',
        start_scn          => NULL,
        source_database    => NULL,
        first_scn          => NULL);

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a capture process named strm02_capture. A capture process with the same name must not exist.

    • Associates the capture process with an existing queue named streams_queue.

    • Associates the capture process with an existing rule set named strm01_rule_set. This rule set is the positive rule set for the capture process.

    • Creates a capture process that captures local changes to the source database because the source_database parameter is set to NULL. For a local capture process, you can also specify the global name of the local database for this parameter.

    • Specifies that the Oracle database determines the start SCN and first SCN for the capture process because both the start_scn parameter and the first_scn parameter are set to NULL.

    • If no other capture processes that capture local changes are running on the local database, then the BUILD procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package is run automatically. Running this procedure extracts the data dictionary to the redo log, and a LogMiner data dictionary is created when the capture process is started for the first time.

  3. If necessary, complete the steps described in "After Configuring a Capture Process".

Example of Configuring a Local Capture Process with Non-NULL Start SCN

This example runs the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to create a local capture process with a start SCN set to 223525. This example assumes that there is at least one local capture process at the database, and that this capture process has taken at least one checkpoint. You can always specify a start SCN for a new capture process that is equal to or greater than the current SCN of the source database. If you want to specify a start SCN that is lower than the current SCN of the database, then the specified start SCN must be higher than the lowest first SCN for an existing local capture process that has been started successfully at least once and has taken at least one checkpoint.

You can determine the first SCN for existing capture processes, and whether these capture processes have taken a checkpoint, by running the following query:


Your output looks similar to the following:

------------------------------ ---------- ------------------
CAPTURE_SIMP                       223522             230825

These results show that the capture_simp capture process has a first SCN of 223522. Also, this capture process has taken a checkpoint because the MAX_CHECKPOINT_SCN value is non-NULL. Therefore, the start SCN for the new capture process can be set to 223522 or higher.

To configure a local capture process with a non-NULL start SCN, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the tasks in "Preparing to Configure a Capture Process".

  2. Run the following procedure to create the capture process:

        queue_name         => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        capture_name       => 'strm05_capture',
        rule_set_name      => 'strmadmin.strm01_rule_set',
        start_scn          => 223525,
        source_database    => NULL,
        first_scn          => NULL);

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a capture process named strm05_capture. A capture process with the same name must not exist.

    • Associates the capture process with an existing queue named streams_queue.

    • Associates the capture process with an existing rule set named strm01_rule_set. This rule set is the positive rule set for the capture process.

    • Specifies 223525 as the start SCN for the capture process. The new capture process uses the same LogMiner data dictionary as one of the existing capture processes. Oracle Streams automatically chooses which LogMiner data dictionary to share with the new capture process. Because the first_scn parameter was set to NULL, the first SCN for the new capture process is the same as the first SCN of the existing capture process whose LogMiner data dictionary was shared. In this example, the existing capture process is capture_simp.

    • Creates a capture process that captures local changes to the source database because the source_database parameter is set to NULL. For a local capture process, you can also specify the global name of the local database for this parameter.


    If no local capture process exists when the procedure in this example is run, then the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.BUILD procedure is run automatically during capture process creation to extract the data dictionary into the redo log. The first time the new capture process is started, it uses this redo data to create a LogMiner data dictionary. In this case, a specified start_scn parameter value must be equal to or higher than the current database SCN.
  3. If necessary, complete the steps described in "After Configuring a Capture Process".

See Also:

Configuring a Downstream Capture Process

This section describes preparing for a downstream capture process and configuring a real-time or archived-log downstream capture process.

This section contains these topics:

Preparing to Transmit Redo Data to a Downstream Database

The steps in this section are required to prepare the source database to transmit its redo data to the downstream database, and to prepare the downstream database to accept that redo data. These steps are required whenever you configure downstream capture process.

Complete the following steps to prepare to transmit redo data to a downstream database:

  1. Complete the tasks in "Preparing to Configure a Capture Process".

  2. Configure Oracle Net so that the source database can communicate with the downstream database.

  3. Configure authentication at both databases to support the transfer of redo data.

    Redo transport sessions are authenticated using either the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol or a remote login password file. If the source database has a remote login password file, then copy it to the appropriate directory on the downstream capture database system. The password file must be the same at the source database and the downstream capture database.

    See Also:

    Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for detailed information about authentication requirements for redo transport
  4. At the source database, set the following initialization parameters to configure redo transport services to transmit redo data from the source database to the downstream database:

    • LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n - Configure at least one LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter to transmit redo data to the downstream database. To do this, set the following attributes of this parameter:

      • SERVICE - Specify the network service name of the downstream database.

      • ASYNC or SYNC - Specify a redo transport mode.

        The advantage of specifying ASYNC is that it results in little or no effect on the performance of the source database. If the source database is running Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later, then ASYNC is recommended to avoid affecting source database performance if the downstream database or network is performing poorly.

        The advantage of specifying SYNC is that redo data is sent to the downstream database faster then when ASYNC is specified. Also, specifying SYNC AFFIRM results in behavior that is similar to MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY standby protection mode. Note that specifying an ALTER DATABASE STANDBY DATABASE TO MAXIMIZE AVAILABILITY SQL statement has no effect on an Oracle Streams capture process.

      • NOREGISTER - Specify this attribute so that the location of the archived redo log files is not recorded in the downstream database control file.


      • TEMPLATE - If you are configuring an archived-log downstream capture process, then specify a directory and format template for archived redo logs at the downstream database. The TEMPLATE attribute overrides the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter settings at the downstream database. The TEMPLATE attribute is valid only with remote destinations. Ensure that the format uses all of the following variables at each source database: %t, %s, and %r.

        Do not specify the TEMPLATE attribute if you are configuring a real-time downstream capture process.

      • DB_UNIQUE_NAME - The unique name of the downstream database. Use the name specified for the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter at the downstream database.

      The following example is a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n setting that specifies a downstream database for a real-time downstream capture process:


      The following example is a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n setting that specifies a downstream database for an archived-log downstream capture process:



      Specify a value for the TEMPLATE attribute that keeps log files from a remote source database separate from local database log files. In addition, if the downstream database contains log files from multiple source databases, then the log files from each source database should be kept separate from each other.
    • LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n - Set this initialization parameter that corresponds with the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter for the downstream database to ENABLE.

      For example, if the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 initialization parameter is set for the downstream database, then set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_2 parameter in the following way:

    • LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG - Set the DB_CONFIG attribute in this initialization parameter to include the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the source database and the downstream database.

      For example, if the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the source database is dbs1, and the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the downstream database is dbs2, then specify the following parameter:


      By default, the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter enables a database to both send and receive redo.

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Reference and Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for more information about these initialization parameters
  5. At the downstream database, set the DB_CONFIG attribute in the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG initialization parameter to include the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the source database and the downstream database.

    For example, if the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the source database is dbs1, and the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the downstream database is dbs2, then specify the following parameter:


    By default, the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter enables a database to both send and receive redo.

  6. If you reset any initialization parameters while the instance is running at a database in Step 4 or Step 5, then you might want to reset them in the initialization parameter file as well, so that the new values are retained when the database is restarted.

    If you did not reset the initialization parameters while the instance was running, but instead reset them in the initialization parameter file in Step 4 or Step 5, then restart the database. The source database must be open when it sends redo log files to the downstream database, because the global name of the source database is sent to the downstream database only if the source database is open.

  7. Complete the steps in one of the following sections:

Configuring a Real-Time Downstream Capture Process

To create a capture process that performs downstream capture, you must use the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure. The example in this section describes creating a real-time downstream capture process that uses a database link to the source database. However, a real-time downstream capture process might not use a database link.

This example assumes the following:

  • The source database is dbs1.example.com and the downstream database is dbs2.example.com.

  • The capture process that will be created at dbs2.example.com uses the streams_queue.

  • The capture process will capture DML changes to the hr.departments table.

This section contains the following topics:


Only one real-time downstream capture process can exist at a downstream database.

See Also:

"Downstream Capture" for conceptual information about real-time downstream capture
Adding a Standby Redo Log at the Downstream Database

Complete the following steps to add a standby redo log at the downstream database:

  1. Complete the steps in "Preparing to Transmit Redo Data to a Downstream Database".

  2. At the downstream database, set the following initialization parameters to configure archiving of the redo data generated locally:

    • Set at least one archive log destination in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter to either a directory or to the flash recovery area on the computer system running the downstream database. To do this, set the following attributes of this parameter:

      • LOCATION - Specify either a valid path name for a disk directory or USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST. Each destination that specifies the LOCATION attribute must specify either a unique directory path name or USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST. This is the local destination for archived redo log files generated by the local database.


      The following example is a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n setting for the locally generated redo data at the real-time downstream capture database:


      A real-time downstream capture configuration should keep archived standby redo log files separate from archived online redo log files from the downstream database. Specify ONLINE_LOGFILE instead of ALL_LOGFILES for the redo log type in the VALID_FOR attribute to accomplish this.

      You can specify other attributes in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter if necessary.

    • Set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n initialization parameter that corresponds with the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter previously set in this step to ENABLE.

      For example, if the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 initialization parameter is set, then set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_1 parameter in the following way:

  3. At the downstream database, set the following initialization parameters to configure the downstream database to receive redo data from the source database and write the redo data to the standby redo log at the downstream database:

    • Set at least one archive log destination in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter to either a directory or to the flash recovery area on the computer system running the downstream database. To do this, set the following attributes of this parameter:

      • LOCATION - Specify either a valid path name for a disk directory or USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST. Each destination that specifies the LOCATION attribute must specify either a unique directory path name or USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST. This is the local destination for archived redo log files written from the standby redo logs. Log files from a remote source database should be kept separate from local database log files.


      The following example is a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n setting for the redo data received from the source database at the real-time downstream capture database:


      You can specify other attributes in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter if necessary.

    • Set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n initialization parameter that corresponds with the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter previously set in this step to ENABLE.

      For example, if the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 initialization parameter is set for the downstream database, then set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_2 parameter in the following way:


    See Also:

    Oracle Database Reference and Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for more information about these initialization parameters
  4. If you reset any initialization parameters while an instance was running at a database in Step 2 or 3, then you might want to reset them in the relevant initialization parameter file as well, so that the new values are retained when the database is restarted.

    If you did not reset the initialization parameters while an instance was running, but instead reset them in the initialization parameter file in Step 2 or 3, then restart the database. The source database must be open when it sends redo data to the downstream database, because the global name of the source database is sent to the downstream database only if the source database is open.

  5. Create the standby redo log files.


    The following steps outline the general procedure for adding standby redo log files to the downstream database. The specific steps and SQL statements used to add standby redo log files depend on your environment. For example, in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environment, the steps are different. See Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for detailed instructions about adding standby redo log files to a database.
    1. In SQL*Plus, connect to the source database dbs1.example.com as an administrative user.

      See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

    2. Determine the log file size used on the source database. The standby log file size must exactly match (or be larger than) the source database log file size. For example, if the source database log file size is 500 MB, then the standby log file size must be 500 MB or larger. You can determine the size of the redo log files at the source database (in bytes) by querying the V$LOG view at the source database.

      For example, query the V$LOG view:

    3. Determine the number of standby log file groups required on the downstream database. The number of standby log file groups must be at least one more than the number of online log file groups on the source database. For example, if the source database has two online log file groups, then the downstream database must have at least three standby log file groups. You can determine the number of source database online log file groups by querying the V$LOG view at the source database.

      For example, query the V$LOG view:

    4. In SQL*Plus, connect to the downstream database dbs2.example.com as an administrative user.

    5. Use the SQL statement ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE to add the standby log file groups to the downstream database.

      For example, assume that the source database has two online redo log file groups and is using a log file size of 500 MB. In this case, use the following statements to create the appropriate standby log file groups:

         ('/oracle/dbs/slog3a.rdo', '/oracle/dbs/slog3b.rdo') SIZE 500M;
         ('/oracle/dbs/slog4.rdo', '/oracle/dbs/slog4b.rdo') SIZE 500M;
         ('/oracle/dbs/slog5.rdo', '/oracle/dbs/slog5b.rdo') SIZE 500M;
    6. Ensure that the standby log file groups were added successfully by running the following query:


      You output should be similar to the following:

      ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ----------
               3          0          0 YES UNASSIGNED
               4          0          0 YES UNASSIGNED
               5          0          0 YES UNASSIGNED
Creating a Real-Time Downstream Capture Process

This section contains an example that runs the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to create a real-time downstream capture process at the dbs2.example.com downstream database that captures changes made to the dbs1.example.com source database. The capture process in this example uses a database link to dbs1.example.com for administrative purposes.

Complete the following steps:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect to the downstream database dbs2.example.com as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  2. Create the database link from dbs2.example.com to dbs1.example.com. For example, if the user strmadmin is the Oracle Streams administrator on both databases, then create the following database link:

    CREATE DATABASE LINK dbs1.example.com CONNECT TO strmadmin 
       IDENTIFIED BY password
       USING 'dbs1.example.com';

    This example assumes that an Oracle Streams administrator exists at the source database dbs1.example.com. If no Oracle Streams administrator exists at the source database, then the Oracle Streams administrator at the downstream database should connect to a user who allows remote access by an Oracle Streams administrator. You can enable remote access for a user by specifying the user as the grantee when you run the GRANT_REMOTE_ADMIN_ACCESS procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_AUTH package at the source database.

  3. Run the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure to create the capture process:

        queue_name         => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        capture_name       => 'real_time_capture',
        rule_set_name      => NULL,
        start_scn          => NULL,
        source_database    => 'dbs1.example.com',
        use_database_link  => TRUE,
        first_scn          => NULL,
        logfile_assignment => 'implicit');

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a capture process named real_time_capture at the downstream database dbs2.example.com. A capture process with the same name must not exist.

    • Associates the capture process with an existing queue on dbs2.example.com named streams_queue.

    • Specifies that the source database of the changes that the capture process will capture is dbs1.example.com.

    • Specifies that the capture process uses a database link with the same name as the source database global name to perform administrative actions at the source database.

    • Specifies that the capture process accepts redo data implicitly from dbs1.example.com. Therefore, the capture process scans the standby redo log at dbs2.example.com for changes that it must capture. If the capture process falls behind, then it scans the archived redo log files written from the standby redo log.

    This step does not associate the capture process real_time_capture with any rule set. A rule set will be created and associated with the capture process in a later step.

    If no other capture process at dbs2.example.com is capturing changes from the dbs1.example.com source database, then the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.BUILD procedure is run automatically at dbs1.example.com using the database link. Running this procedure extracts the data dictionary at dbs1.example.com to the redo log, and a LogMiner data dictionary for dbs1.example.com is created at dbs2.example.com when the capture process real_time_capture is started for the first time at dbs2.example.com.

    If multiple capture processes at dbs2.example.com are capturing changes from the dbs1.example.com source database, then the new capture process real_time_capture uses the same LogMiner data dictionary for dbs1.example.com as one of the existing archived-log capture process. Oracle Streams automatically chooses which LogMiner data dictionary to share with the new capture process.


    • Only one real-time downstream capture process is allowed at a single downstream database.

    • During the creation of a downstream capture process, if the first_scn parameter is set to NULL in the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure, then the use_database_link parameter must be set to TRUE. Otherwise, an error is raised.

  4. Set the downstream_real_time_mine capture process parameter to Y:

        capture_name => 'real_time_capture',
        parameter    => 'downstream_real_time_mine',
        value        => 'Y');
  5. Create the positive rule set for the capture process and add a rule to it:

        table_name          =>  'hr.departments',
        streams_type        =>  'capture',
        streams_name        =>  'real_time_capture',
        queue_name          =>  'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        include_dml         =>  TRUE,
        include_ddl         =>  FALSE,
        include_tagged_lcr  =>  FALSE,
        source_database     =>  'dbs1.example.com',
        inclusion_rule      =>  TRUE);

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a rule set at dbs2.example.com for capture process real_time_capture. The rule set has a system-generated name. The rule set is the positive rule set for the capture process because the inclusion_rule parameter is set to TRUE.

    • Creates a rule that captures DML changes to the hr.departments table, and adds the rule to the positive rule set for the capture process. The rule has a system-generated name. The rule is added to the positive rule set for the capture process because the inclusion_rule parameter is set to TRUE.

    • Prepares the hr.departments table at dbs1.example.com for instantiation using the database link created in Step 2.

    • Enables supplemental logging for any primary key, unique key, bitmap index, and foreign key columns in the table.

  6. Connect to the source database dbs1.example.com as an administrative user with the necessary privileges to switch log files.

  7. Archive the current log file at the source database:


    Archiving the current log file at the source database starts real time mining of the source database redo log.

  8. If necessary, complete the steps described in "After Configuring a Capture Process".

Configuring an Archived-Log Downstream Capture Process

This section describes configuring an archived-log downstream capture process that either assigns log files implicitly or explicitly.

This section contains these topics:

Configuring an Archived-Log Downstream Capture Process that Assigns Logs Implicitly

To create a capture process that performs downstream capture, you must use the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure. The example in this section describes creating an archived-log downstream capture process that uses a database link to the source database for administrative purposes.

This example assumes the following:

  • The source database is dbs1.example.com and the downstream database is dbs2.example.com.

  • The capture process that will be created at dbs2.example.com uses the streams_queue owned by strmadmin.

  • The capture process will capture DML changes made to the hr.departments table at dbs1.example.com.

  • The capture process assigns log files implicitly. That is, the downstream capture process automatically scans all redo log files added by redo transport services or manually from the source database to the downstream database.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the steps in "Preparing to Transmit Redo Data to a Downstream Database".

  2. In SQL*Plus, connect to the downstream database dbs2.example.com as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  3. Create the database link from dbs2.example.com to dbs1.example.com. For example, if the user strmadmin is the Oracle Streams administrator on both databases, then create the following database link:

    CREATE DATABASE LINK dbs1.example.com CONNECT TO strmadmin
       IDENTIFIED BY password
       USING 'dbs1.example.com';

    This example assumes that an Oracle Streams administrator exists at the source database dbs1.example.com. If no Oracle Streams administrator exists at the source database, then the Oracle Streams administrator at the downstream database should connect to a user who allows remote access by an Oracle Streams administrator. You can enable remote access for a user by specifying the user as the grantee when you run the GRANT_REMOTE_ADMIN_ACCESS procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_AUTH package at the source database.

  4. Run the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure to create the capture process:

        queue_name         => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        capture_name       => 'strm04_capture',
        rule_set_name      => NULL,
        start_scn          => NULL,
        source_database    => 'dbs1.example.com',
        use_database_link  => TRUE,
        first_scn          => NULL,
        logfile_assignment => 'implicit');

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a capture process named strm04_capture at the downstream database dbs2.example.com. A capture process with the same name must not exist.

    • Associates the capture process with an existing queue on dbs2.example.com named streams_queue.

    • Specifies that the source database of the changes that the capture process will capture is dbs1.example.com.

    • Specifies that the capture process accepts new redo log files implicitly from dbs1.example.com. Therefore, the capture process scans any new log files copied from dbs1.example.com to dbs2.example.com for changes that it must capture.

    This step does not associate the capture process strm04_capture with any rule set. A rule set will be created and associated with the capture process in the next step.

    If no other capture process at dbs2.example.com is capturing changes from the dbs1.example.com source database, then the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.BUILD procedure is run automatically at dbs1.example.com using the database link. Running this procedure extracts the data dictionary at dbs1.example.com to the redo log, and a LogMiner data dictionary for dbs1.example.com is created at dbs2.example.com when the capture process is started for the first time at dbs2.example.com.

    If multiple capture processes at dbs2.example.com are capturing changes from the dbs1.example.com source database, then the new capture process uses the same LogMiner data dictionary for dbs1.example.com as one of the existing capture process. Oracle Streams automatically chooses which LogMiner data dictionary to share with the new capture process.


    During the creation of a downstream capture process, if the first_scn parameter is set to NULL in the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure, then the use_database_link parameter must be set to TRUE. Otherwise, an error is raised.

    See Also:

  5. Create the positive rule set for the capture process and add a rule to it:

        table_name          =>  'hr.departments',
        streams_type        =>  'capture',
        streams_name        =>  'strm04_capture',
        queue_name          =>  'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        include_dml         =>  TRUE,
        include_ddl         =>  FALSE,
        include_tagged_lcr  =>  FALSE,
        source_database     =>  'dbs1.example.com',
        inclusion_rule      =>  TRUE);

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a rule set at dbs2.example.com for capture process strm04_capture. The rule set has a system-generated name. The rule set is a positive rule set for the capture process because the inclusion_rule parameter is set to TRUE.

    • Creates a rule that captures DML changes to the hr.departments table, and adds the rule to the rule set for the capture process. The rule has a system-generated name. The rule is added to the positive rule set for the capture process because the inclusion_rule parameter is set to TRUE.

  6. If necessary, complete the steps described in "After Configuring a Capture Process".

Configuring an Archived-Log Downstream Capture Process that Assigns Logs Explicitly

To create a capture process that performs downstream capture, you must use the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure. This section describes creating an archived-log downstream capture process that assigns redo log files explicitly. That is, you must use the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package, FTP, or some other method to transfer redo log files from the source database to the downstream database, and then you must register these redo log files with the downstream capture process manually.

In this example, assume the following:

  • The source database is dbs1.example.com and the downstream database is dbs2.example.com.

  • The capture process that will be created at dbs2.example.com uses the streams_queue.

  • The capture process will capture DML changes to the hr.departments table.

  • The capture process does not use a database link to the source database for administrative actions.

  • The archived redo log files will not be transferred to the downstream capture database automatically by redo transport services. Instead, each file will be transferred manually.

Complete the following steps:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect to the source database dbs1.example.com as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    If you do not use a database link from the downstream database to the source database, then an Oracle Streams administrator must exist at the source database.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  2. If there is no capture process at dbs2.example.com that captures changes from dbs1.example.com, then perform a build of the dbs1.example.com data dictionary in the redo log. This step is optional if a capture process at dbs2.example.com is already configured to capture changes from the dbs1.example.com source database.

      scn  NUMBER;
        first_scn => scn);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('First SCN Value = ' || scn);
    First SCN Value = 409391

    This procedure displays the valid first SCN value for the capture process that will be created at dbs2.example.com. Make a note of the SCN value returned because you will use it when you create the capture process at dbs2.example.com.

    If you run this procedure to build the data dictionary in the redo log, then when the capture process is first started at dbs2.example.com, it will create a LogMiner data dictionary using the data dictionary information in the redo log.

  3. Prepare the hr.departments table for instantiation:

         table_name           =>  'hr.departments',
         supplemental_logging =>  'keys');

    Primary key supplemental logging is required for the hr.departments table because this example creates a capture processes that captures changes to this table. Specifying keys for the supplemental_logging parameter in the PREPARE_TABLE_INSTANTIATION procedure enables supplemental logging for any primary key, unique key, bitmap index, and foreign key columns in the table.

  4. Determine the current SCN of the source database:

      iscn  NUMBER;         -- Variable to hold instantiation SCN value
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Current SCN: ' || iscn);

    You can use the returned SCN as the instantiation SCN for destination databases that will apply changes to the hr.departments table that were captured by the capture process being created. In this example, assume the returned SCN is 1001656.

  5. Connect to the downstream database dbs2.example.com as the Oracle Streams administrator.

  6. Run the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure to create the capture process and specify the value obtained in Step 2 for the first_scn parameter:

        queue_name         => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        capture_name       => 'strm05_capture',
        rule_set_name      => NULL,
        start_scn          => NULL,
        source_database    => 'dbs1.example.com',
        use_database_link  => FALSE,
        first_scn          => 409391, -- Use value from Step 2
        logfile_assignment => 'explicit');

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a capture process named strm05_capture at the downstream database dbs2.example.com. A capture process with the same name must not exist.

    • Associates the capture process with an existing queue on dbs2.example.com named streams_queue.

    • Specifies that the source database of the changes that the capture process will capture is dbs1.example.com.

    • Specifies that the first SCN for the capture process is 409391. This value was obtained in Step 2. The first SCN is the lowest SCN for which a capture process can capture changes. Because a first SCN is specified, the capture process creates a new LogMiner data dictionary when it is first started, regardless of whether there are existing LogMiner data dictionaries for the same source database.

    • Specifies new redo log files from dbs1.example.com must be assigned to the capture process explicitly. After a redo log file has been transferred to the computer running the downstream database, you assign the log file to the capture process explicitly using the following DDL statement:

      ALTER DATABASE REGISTER LOGICAL LOGFILE file_name FOR capture_process;

      Here, file_name is the name of the redo log file and capture_process is the name of the capture process that will use the redo log file at the downstream database. You must add redo log files manually if the logfile_assignment parameter is set to explicit.

    This step does not associate the capture process strm05_capture with any rule set. A rule set will be created and associated with the capture process in the next step.

    See Also:

  7. Create the positive rule set for the capture process and add a rule to it:

        table_name          =>  'hr.departments',
        streams_type        =>  'capture',
        streams_name        =>  'strm05_capture',
        queue_name          =>  'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        include_dml         =>  TRUE,
        include_ddl         =>  FALSE,
        include_tagged_lcr  =>  FALSE,
        source_database     =>  'dbs1.example.com',
        inclusion_rule      =>  TRUE);

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a rule set at dbs2.example.com for capture process strm05_capture. The rule set has a system-generated name. The rule set is a positive rule set for the capture process because the inclusion_rule parameter is set to TRUE.

    • Creates a rule that captures DML changes to the hr.departments table, and adds the rule to the rule set for the capture process. The rule has a system-generated name. The rule is added to the positive rule set for the capture process because the inclusion_rule parameter is set to TRUE.

  8. After the redo log file at the source database dbs1.example.com that contains the first SCN for the downstream capture process is archived, transfer the archived redo log file to the computer running the downstream database. The BUILD procedure in Step 2 determined the first SCN for the downstream capture process. If the redo log file is not yet archived, you can run the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE statement on the database to archive it.

    You can run the following query at dbs1.example.com to identify the archived redo log file that contains the first SCN for the downstream capture process:

    COLUMN NAME HEADING 'Archived Redo Log|File Name' FORMAT A50

    Transfer the archived redo log file with a FIRST_CHANGE# that matches the first SCN returned in Step 2 to the computer running the downstream capture process.

  9. Connect to the downstream database dbs2.example.com as an administrative user.

  10. Assign the transferred redo log file to the capture process. For example, if the redo log file is /oracle/logs_from_dbs1/1_10_486574859.dbf, then issue the following statement:

       '/oracle/logs_from_dbs1/1_10_486574859.dbf' FOR 'strm05_capture';
  11. If necessary, complete the steps described in "After Configuring a Capture Process".

After Configuring a Capture Process

If you plan to configure propagations and apply processes that process logical change records (LCRs) captured by the new capture process, then perform the configuration in the following order:

  1. Create the queues that will be required by propagations and apply processes. See "Configuring Queues".

  2. Create all of the propagations that will propagate LCRs captured by the new capture process. See "Creating Oracle Streams Propagations Between ANYDATA Queues".

  3. Create all of the apply processes that will dequeue LCRs captured by the new capture process. See "Overview of Apply Process Creation". Configure each apply process to apply captured LCRs.

  4. Instantiate the tables for which the new capture process captures changes at all destination databases. See the Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for detailed information about instantiation.

  5. Start the apply processes that will process LCRs captured by the new capture process. See "Starting an Apply Process".

  6. Start the new capture process. See "Starting a Capture Process".


Other configuration steps might be required for your Oracle Streams environment. For example, some Oracle Streams environments include transformations, apply handlers, and conflict resolution.

Configuring Synchronous Capture

You can use any of the following procedures to create a synchronous capture:

Both of the procedures in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package create a synchronous capture with the specified name if it does not already exist, create a positive rule set for the synchronous capture if it does not exist, and can add table rules or subset rules to the rule set.

The CREATE_SYNC_CAPTURE procedure creates a synchronous capture, but does not create a rule set or rules for the synchronous capture. However, the CREATE_SYNC_CAPTURE procedure enables you to specify an existing rule set to associate with the synchronous capture, and it enables you to specify a capture user other than the default capture user.

The following sections describe configuring a synchronous capture:


  • To create a synchronous capture, a user must be granted DBA role.

  • If Oracle Database Vault is installed, then the user who creates the synchronous capture must be granted the BECOME USER system privilege. Granting this privilege to the user is not required if Oracle Database Vault is not installed. You can revoke the BECOME USER system privilege from the user after the synchronous capture is created, if necessary.

Preparing to Configure a Synchronous Capture

The following tasks must be completed before you configure a synchronous capture:

Configuring a Synchronous Capture Using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package

When you run the ADD_TABLE_RULES or ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure to create a synchronous capture, set the streams_type parameter in these procedures to sync_capture. A rule created by the ADD_TABLE_RULES procedure instructs the synchronous capture to capture all DML changes to the table. A rule created by the ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure instructs the synchronous capture to capture a subset of the DML changes to the table.

This example assumes the following:

  • The source database is dbs1.example.com.

  • The synchronous capture that will be created uses the strmadmin.streams_queue.

  • The synchronous capture that will be created captures the results of DML changes made to the hr.departments table.

  • The capture user for the synchronous capture that will be created is the Oracle Streams administrator strmadmin.

Complete the following steps to create a synchronous capture using the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package:

  1. Complete the tasks in "Preparing to Configure a Synchronous Capture".

  2. In SQL*Plus, connect to the dbs1.example.com database as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  3. Run the ADD_TABLE_RULES or ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure to create a synchronous capture. For example:

        table_name   => 'hr.departments',
        streams_type => 'sync_capture',
        streams_name => 'sync_capture',
        queue_name   => 'strmadmin.streams_queue');

    This procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a synchronous capture named sync_capture at the source database.

    • Enables the synchronous capture. A synchronous capture cannot be disabled.

    • Associates the synchronous capture with the existing strmadmin.streams_queue queue.

    • Creates a positive rule set for the synchronous capture. The rule set has a system-generated name.

    • Creates a rule that captures DML changes to the hr.departments table, and adds the rule to the positive rule set for the synchronous capture. The rule has a system-generated name.

    • Configure the user who runs the procedure as the capture user for the synchronous capture.

    • Prepares the specified table for instantiation by running the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.PREPARE_SYNC_INSTANTIATION function for the table automatically.

  4. If necessary, complete the steps described in "After Configuring a Synchronous Capture".


When the ADD_TABLE_RULES or the ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure adds rules to a synchronous capture rule set, the procedure must obtain an exclusive lock on the specified table. If there are outstanding transactions on the specified table, then the procedure waits until it can obtain a lock.

Configuring a Synchronous Capture Using the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM Package

This section contains an example that runs procedures in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package and DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to configure a synchronous capture.

This example assumes the following:

  • The source database is dbs1.example.com.

  • The synchronous capture that will be created uses the strmadmin.streams_queue.

  • The synchronous capture that will be created uses an existing rule set named sync01_rule_set in the strmadmin schema. See "Creating a Rule Set".

  • The synchronous capture that will be created captures the results of a subset of the DML changes made to the hr.departments table.

  • The capture user for the synchronous capture that will be created is hr. The hr user must have privileges to enqueue into the streams_queue.

Complete the following steps to create a synchronous capture using the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package:

  1. Complete the tasks in "Preparing to Configure a Synchronous Capture".

  2. In SQL*Plus, connect to the dbs1.example.com database as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  3. Run the CREATE_SYNC_CAPTURE procedure to create a synchronous capture. For example:

        queue_name    => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
        capture_name  => 'sync01_capture',
        rule_set_name => 'strmadmin.sync01_rule_set',
        capture_user  => 'hr');

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a synchronous capture named sync01_capture. A synchronous capture with the same name must not exist.

    • Enables the synchronous capture. A synchronous capture cannot be disabled.

    • Associates the synchronous capture with an existing queue named streams_queue.

    • Associates the synchronous capture with an existing rule set named sync01_rule_set in the strmadmin schema.

    • Configures hr as the capture user for the synchronous capture.

  4. Run the ADD_TABLE_RULES or ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure to add a rule to the synchronous capture rule set. For example, run the ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure to instruct the synchronous capture to capture a subset of the DML changes to the hr.departments table:

        table_name          => 'hr.departments',
        dml_condition       => 'department_id=1700',
        streams_type        => 'sync_capture',
        streams_name        => 'sync01_capture',
        queue_name          => 'streams_queue',
        include_tagged_lcr  =>  FALSE);

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Adds subset rules to the rule set for the synchronous capture named sync01_capture at the source database dbs1.example.com. The subset rules instruct the synchronous capture to capture changes to rows with department_id equal to 1700. The synchronous capture does not capture changes to other rows in the table.

    • Prepares the hr.departments table for instantiation by running the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.PREPARE_SYNC_INSTANTIATION function for the table automatically.

    • Specifies that the synchronous capture captures a change only if the session that makes the change has a NULL tag, because the include_tagged_lcr parameter is set to FALSE. This behavior is accomplished through the system-created rules for the synchronous capture.

  5. If necessary, complete the steps described in "After Configuring a Synchronous Capture".


When the CREATE_SYNC_CAPTURE procedure creates a synchronous capture, the procedure must obtain an exclusive lock on each table for which it will capture changes. The rules in the specified rule set for the synchronous capture determine these tables. Similarly, when the ADD_TABLE_RULES or the ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure adds rules to a synchronous capture rule set, the procedure must obtain an exclusive lock on the specified table. In these cases, if there are outstanding transactions on a table for which the synchronous capture will capture changes, then the procedure waits until it can obtain a lock.

After Configuring a Synchronous Capture

If you configured propagations and apply processes that process LCRs captured by the new synchronous capture, then complete the following steps:

  1. Instantiate the tables for which the new synchronous capture captures changes at all destination databases. See the Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for detailed information about instantiation.

  2. Start the apply processes that will process LCRs captured by the synchronous capture. See "Starting an Apply Process".


Other configuration steps might be required for your Oracle Streams environment. For example, some Oracle Streams environments include transformations, apply handlers, and conflict resolution.