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Setting Up the Siebel-SharePoint Integration Web Service 

It is the Siebel-SharePoint Integration Web Service which handles the interaction between the Siebel application and the Sharepoint application.

The following procedure describes how to copy the files you need for the Siebel-SharePoint Integration Web Service from the Addin directory and how to set up the Integration Web Service as a Web site on your SharePoint server.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Siebel Collaboration.

To set up the Siebel-SharePoint Integration Web Service

  1. Set up the Siebel-SharePoint Integration directory:
    1. Create a new directory on the SharePoint server to use as the Siebel-SharePoint Integration directory.

      For example, C:\Siebel\SharePointIntegration.

    2. Copy the contents of the \integrationwebservice directory:
      • From the addin\sharepoint directory (on your SharePoint server)
      • To the Siebel-SharePoint Integration directory you created in Step a

              For example, to C:\Siebel\SharePointIntegration.

    3. Verify that the Siebel-SharePoint Integration directory contains these files and directories:
      • web.config
      • siebelsharepointintegration.asmx
      • bin\SiebelSharePointIntegration.dll
  2. Identify a domain user account in Active Directory to be used by the Siebel-SharePoint Integration Web Service.

    This is the account that the Siebel-SharePoint Integration Web Service runs under in IIS. In addition, this account is used for accessing the SQL database.

    Alternatively, you can create a new domain user account in Active Directory. For example, create a domain user called SiebelSharePointIntegrationUser.

  3. If your SharePoint application is using a remote SQL Server database (instead of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine), give this domain user the role of db_owner for these SQL databases (which are used by the SharePoint Server):
    • SPS_Config_db
    • _SITE
  4. Add the domain user to the IIS_WPG group on the SharePoint server.

    This gives the user access to the Siebel-SharePoint Integration Web Service.

  5. In Internet Information Services (IIS), create a new application pool.

    For example, create an application pool called SiebelSPInt with these parameters:

    • Application Pool Id: SiebelSPInt
    • Application Pool Settings: Use the default settings for new application pool.
    • In the Identity tab of the Properties window set:
      • Configurable: selected
      • User Name: SiebelSharepointIntegrationUser
  6. In Internet Information Services (IIS), create a new Web site that allows anonymous access and uses the application pool created in Step 5 and the directory in Step 1.

    For example, create a Web site with these parameters:

    • Name: Siebel SharePoint Integration
    • Port: 2330
    • Home Directory: C:\Siebel\SharePointIntegration
    • Allow anonymous access: selected
    • Application Pool: SiebelSPInt
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      In this example, after completing the preceding steps, you have created the Siebel-SharePoint Integration Web Service which has a URI of:

      TIP:   Make a note of the URI, you enter it again when Setting Up Inbound and Outbound Web Services for Siebel Collaboration.

Siebel Collaboration Guide