Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Configuring Session Communications > Creating or Modifying a Communications Configuration >

Parameters for Communications Configurations

This section describes the configuration parameters for communications configurations and displays applicable default values. The following are the parameters for communications configurations:

  • AutoLogin. Specifies whether autologin is the global default setting for all agents in the communications configuration, or whether agents can set autologin:
    • If AutoLogin is set to TRUE, then autologin is in effect for all agents.
    • If AutoLogin is set to FALSE, then autologin is disabled for all agents. If the parameter is not defined, the default setting is FALSE.
    • If AutoLogin is set to UserPreference, then autologin is determined by the autologin setting (Auto Login to Call Center at Startup) in the agent's User Preferences screen (Communications options).

      If AutoLogin is either TRUE or FALSE, then agents cannot set the preference Auto Login to Call Center at Startup.

      For more information, see Setting Communications User Preferences and Configuring Communications Log In and Log Out.

  • AutoLoginCmd. Specifies which communications command for logging in is executed for each user's session, if AutoLogin is set to TRUE.

    For more information, see Setting Communications User Preferences and Configuring Communications Log In and Log Out.

  • BackupCommSessionMgr. Specifies the name of the backup Communications Session Manager component.

    The backup Communications Session Manager component can be accessed without agent interruption, in case the primary Communications Session Manager fails and does not restart.

    You must define this parameter if the backup Communications Session Manager component has a different name than "CommSessionMgr." Otherwise, it is optional. The value is the component alias (such as CommSessionMgr), not the component name (such as Communications Session Manager).

    If you are using a backup server for Communications Session Manager, then you define the parameters BackupCommSessionMgr, BackupRequestServer, BackupEnterpriseServer, and BackupGatewayAddress, as needed. These parameters fully identify the backup Communications Session Manager applicable to this communications configuration.

    The BackupRequestServer parameter is always required in order to support a backup Communications Session Manager.

    NOTE:  It is recommended that you run the backup Communications Session Manager and the Application Object Manager on Siebel Servers for which the Enterprise Servers (one or more) are served by the same Siebel Gateway Name Server. In this case, the BackupEnterpriseServer and BackupGatewayAddress parameters are optional.

  • BackupEnterpriseServer. Specifies the name of the Siebel Enterprise for the backup Communications Session Manager.

    You must define this parameter if the Siebel Servers supporting the backup Communications Session Manager and the Application Object Manager run within different Siebel Enterprise Servers. Otherwise, it is optional.

    For more information, see the description of the BackupCommSessionMgr parameter.

  • BackupGatewayAddress. Specifies the name of the Siebel Gateway Name Server applicable to the backup Communications Session Manager. The value is the Name Server machine name or IP address.

    Include the port number if the Siebel Gateway Name Server uses a port other than the default (2320). For example, mygateway:new_port_num.

    You must define this parameter if the Siebel Servers supporting the backup Communications Session Manager and the Application Object Manager run within Siebel Enterprise Servers that are served by different Siebel Gateway Name Servers. Otherwise, it is optional.

    For more information, see the description of the BackupCommSessionMgr parameter.

  • BackupRequestServer. Specifies the name of the Siebel Server on which the backup Communications Session Manager is running.

    You must define this parameter when running a backup Communications Session Manager. The BackupRequestServer parameter is always required in order to support a backup Communications Session Manager.

    For more information, see the description of the BackupCommSessionMgr parameter.

  • ChannelCleanupTimer. Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, that can help the Application Object Manager to clean up orphaned communications sessions, such as in the event of browser failure.

    If a communications message (for example, a new inbound call) is not successfully pushed from the Communications Session Manager to the Application Object Manager, then the value of ChannelCleanupTimer is compared to the number of seconds since the last successful push message was delivered to the agent's browser. If the number of seconds since the last successful push message was delivered is greater than the value of ChannelCleanupTimer, then the agent's communications session is considered to be orphaned. The session is terminated and communications session resources on the Application Object Manager are freed up for other uses.

    For example, if a message cannot be pushed, ChannelCleanupTimer is set to 60 (seconds), and if the last successful push message occurred 180 seconds ago, then this communications session will be terminated.

    NOTE:  It is recommended to define the ChannelCleanupTimer parameter if you are using the Push Keep Alive driver with your communications configuration. For more information, see Using Push Keep Alive Driver for Session Connections.

  • CheckPopupBeforeExecute. Specifies whether a screen pop is generated only after an agent has closed a pending pop-up window.

    A pop-up window is pending after an agent has initiated an action that displays a pop-up window and before the agent has completed and closed the window. A screen pop is likely to be disruptive to an agent's workflow if it occurs during this time:

    • If CheckPopupBeforeExecute is set to TRUE, then a screen pop will not be generated for an agent if a pop-up window is pending. This parameter is TRUE by default.
    • If FALSE, a screen pop may be generated regardless of any pending pop-up.
  • CommSessionMgr. Specifies the name of the Communications Session Manager component applicable to this communications configuration.

    Define this parameter when the Communications Session Manager is running on a different machine than the Siebel Server on which the Application Object Manager is running.

    You must define this parameter if your Communications Session Manager component has a different name than "CommSessionMgr." Otherwise, it is optional. The value is the component alias (such as CommSessionMgr), not the component name (such as Communications Session Manager).

    You define the CommSessionMgr, RequestServer, EnterpriseServer, and GatewayAddress parameters, as needed. These parameters fully identify the Communications Session Manager applicable to this communications configuration. The RequestServer parameter is always required in order to run Communications Session Manager on a designated machine.

    NOTE:  It is recommended that you run Communications Session Manager and the Application Object Manager on Siebel Servers for which the Enterprise Servers (one or more) are served by the same Siebel Gateway Name Server. In this case, the EnterpriseServer and GatewayAddress parameters are optional.

    NOTE:  If Siebel Server Load Balancing is enabled, you generally run Communications Session Manager on all of the load-balanced machines (where Application Object Manager is running). If Communications Session Manager must be disabled on any of these machines, then you must run it on another machine and specify its location using the parameters described here.

    If you are also running a backup Communications Session Manager, see also the descriptions for the BackupCommConfigMgr parameter and related parameters.

    See also Administering Communications Session Manager.

  • ConnectString. Specifies the connect string to indicate the name of a remote instance of a server such as a CTI middleware server.

    For more information, see Configuring Remote Transfers and Conferences.

  • DialingFilter.RuleN. Used by the Siebel application to manipulate telephone numbers for voice calls made, transferred, or made in a conference call.

    Specifies a set of phone-number translation rules that are invoked when the Lookup or PhoneTypeLookup keyword is specified in macro-expanded text in a communications command for the voice channel (using Siebel CTI).

    The first set of numbers is searched for. If there is a match, the searched numbers are translated to the numbers after the -> symbols. For example:


    This filter rule takes a ten-digit domestic phone number (for example) and translates it into four digits for dialing an internal extension.

    For more information, see Working with Dialing Filters and Using Macro Expansion for Character Fields.

  • EnterpriseServer. Specifies the name of the Siebel Enterprise Server for the Siebel Server on which the applicable Communications Session Manager is running.

    You must define this parameter if the Siebel Servers supporting Communications Session Manager and Application Object Manager components run within different Siebel Enterprise Servers. Otherwise, it is optional.

    For more information, see the description of the CommSessionMgr parameter.

  • GatewayAddress. Specifies the name of the Siebel Gateway Name Server for the Siebel Server on which the applicable Communications Session Manager is running. The value is the Name Server machine name or IP address.

    Include the port number if the Siebel Gateway Name Server uses a port other than the default (2320). For example, mygateway:new_port_num.

    You must define this parameter if the Siebel Servers supporting Communications Session Manager and Application Object Manager components run within Siebel Enterprise Servers that are served by different Siebel Gateway Name Servers. Otherwise, it is optional.

    For more information, see the description of the CommSessionMgr parameter.

  • MaxCommToolbars. Specifies the number of instances of the Siebel application, for each agent, for which communications session capability can be enabled at one time—that is, for which the communications toolbar can be active.

    If this parameter is not defined, the applicable value is 1; only one communications toolbar can be active at one time for each agent. It is generally advised to leave this parameter set to 1, so that communications events are received by one Siebel application instance only.

    If an agent is running multiple Siebel application instances (for which communications would otherwise be enabled), the number of active communications toolbars cannot exceed the value of this parameter. If the maximum has been reached, and another Siebel application instance is started, the communications toolbar is not displayed in the new instance.

    By using the Reset Active Session Count command, an agent can reset communications session capabilities. An agent may need to use this command, for example, following a browser hang. In such a scenario, the Communications Session Manager may internally retain an agent session that is unavailable to the agent, and does not allow any new agent session that exceeds the value of MaxCommToolbars.

    After using Reset Active Session Count, the next time the agent starts a Siebel application instance, the communications toolbar will be enabled.

    To access this command, an agent chooses Tools > Communications > Reset Active Session Count from the application-level menu, or uses the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F8.

    The Reset Active Session Count command is configured in Siebel Tools and should not be modified. The shortcut may be modified, if you want.

    The command is available when the user is defined as an agent within a valid configuration and the Enable Communication parameter is TRUE for the agent's application.

  • MultiTenancy. Specifies whether or not organization-visibility rules are applied:
    • If MultiTenancy is set to FALSE (the default), then organization-visibility rules will not be applied. Use this setting if your Siebel implementation does not use the multitenancy (multiple organization) feature.
    • If the parameter is set to TRUE, then organization-visibility rules apply. Use this setting if your Siebel implementation uses multitenancy.

      For more information, see Supporting Multitenancy.

  • PreferenceLoginCmd. Specifies which communications command is executed when the agent clicks the Login button in the Agent Queues list, located in the Communications options of the User Preferences screen.

    The default value is PreferenceLoginCmd.

    For more information, see Setting Communications User Preferences and Configuring Communications Log In and Log Out.

  • PreferenceLogoutCmd. Specifies which communications command is executed when the agent clicks the Logout button in the Agent Queues list, located in the Communications options of the User Preferences screen.

    The default value is PreferenceLogoutCmd.

    For more information, see Setting Communications User Preferences and Configuring Communications Log In and Log Out.

  • RequestServer. Specifies the name of the Siebel Server on which the applicable Communications Session Manager is running.

    You must define this parameter when the Communications Session Manager is running on a different machine than the Siebel Server on which the Application Object Manager is running.

    For more information, see the description of the CommSessionMgr parameter.

  • RestoreScreenOnWorkResumed. Specifies whether or not the screen state is restored when a suspended work item of any channel is resumed:
    • If this parameter is set to TRUE, then the screen state is restored when a work item of any channel is resumed. This parameter is TRUE by default.
    • If this parameter is set to FALSE, then the screen state is not restored when a work item of any channel is resumed.
  • UpdateChannelStatusTable. Channel status data is logged for display in the All Channel Items view only if the UpdateChannelStatusTable configuration parameter is set to TRUE.

    By default, this parameter is set to TRUE.

    In a large call center, setting this parameter to TRUE may have performance implications: the Siebel Database is updated as communications activity occurs, and the database is queried each time a manager or administrator displays or refreshes the All Channel Items view. For more information, see Viewing Communications Status Data.

  • UQConfigurationName. Specifies the name of the Siebel Universal Queuing configuration to use for agents specified for this communications configuration.

    The Siebel Universal Queuing configuration is defined in the Administration - UQ screen.

    For more information about configurations for Siebel Universal Queuing, see Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide.

Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide