Siebel Energy Guide > Technical Reference for the Price Comparison Feature >

SmartScript for Price Comparison

The SIS OM SmartScript functionality can be conceptually broken into five parts:

  • Business component classes that invoke the SIS OM SmartScript
  • SIS OM SmartScripts (one standard and one high interactivity version)
  • SIS OM SmartScript engine classes
  • The EPC Admin VBC business component
  • SIS OM PC Workflows that use SmartScript answers collected by the SIS OM SmartScripts

This section describes all these parts followed by user property descriptions and a graphic showing the SmartScript text.

CAUTION:  The values described in this section should not be changed.

Business Component Classes

These business component classes are used to invoke the SIS OM SmartScript:

  • Method SISOMCreateQuote in class CSSSIABCQuote

    In Siebel eSales, this method is called using the Compare Price link on the Home page. Invoking this method from these standard interactivity applications invokes the standard interactivity SmartScript.

    In Siebel Energy, this method is invoked from the PC Price Comparison view. Invoking this method from this high interactivity application causes the high interactivity SmartScript to run.

    NOTE:  In Siebel Energy, this class is used by the Quote business component. When this method is invoked from the PC Price Comparison view, there is a link between the Opportunity and Quote business components, where the Opportunity is the parent. In this case, the current Opportunity row ID and Opportunity name are passed as input to the SmartScript when this method is called. The SmartScript then passes these values to the workflow that is invoked when the SmartScript Finish button is clicked.

  • Method SISOMRunPCReport in class CSSSISOMBCProductRelationship

    This method can be used to run the SIS OM SmartScript in report mode. The method is invoked when the CP Reports button from the Product Relationship view in Siebel Energy is clicked.

    NOTE:  This method should not be used when the application is in standard interactivity mode.

NOTE:  Both methods call the RunSmartScript method in the SIS OM PC Service business service to start the SIS OM SmartScript Engine.

SIS OM SmartScript

There are two versions of the SIS OM SmartScript.

SIS OM PC Comparison Smart Script - HI. This is the high interactivity version used in Siebel Energy.

SIS OM PC Comparison Smart Script - LI. This is the standard interactivity version used in Siebel eSales and Siebel Partner Relationship Management (Siebel PRM) for Siebel Energy.

NOTE:  In standard interactivity mode, SmartScript questions that use dynamic answers must be broken into separate SmartScript pages whenever the answer from one SmartScript is used as the input for the next SmartScript question.

SIS OM SmartScript Engine Classes

These two classes make up the SIS OM SmartScript Engine:

  • CSSSWESISOMFrameWebCallScriptPlayer, used by the SIS OM Smart Script Player Applet
  • CSSSISOMBCVCallScriptPlayer, used by the business component SIS OM Smart Script Player

NOTE:  When you configure using Siebel Tools, both engine classes and their associated applet and business component must be used together for SIS OM SmartScript Engine to work properly.

SIS OM PC Workflows

There are two SIS OM PC workflows provided out-of-the-box that are invoked by the SIS OM SmartScript.

SIS OM PC Competitive Pricing Report workflow. This workflow is invoked when the CP Reports button is clicked in the Product Relationship view in Siebel Energy.

SIS OM PC Comparison Process workflow. This workflow is called in Siebel Energy when the CP Reports button is clicked in the PC Price Comparison view. For Siebel eSales for Siebel Energy, this workflow is called from the Compare Price link on the Home page.

For more information on these workflows, see SIS OM PC Competitive Pricing Report Process Workflow and SIS OM PC Comparison Workflow.

EPC Admin Virtual Business Component

The EPC Admin virtual business component is used to specify data sources (that is, LOVs and business components) where SmartScript answers for a particular question can be found. For more information, see Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

SIS OM SmartScript Player User Properties

The following business component user properties, used by the SIS OM Smart Script Player business component, are used to enable the following SIS OM PC specific functionality.

Off Page Answer Branching

This set of user properties allows a SmartScript to branch to a different SmartScript page, using a SmartScript answer from another page.

SIS OM Branch Question. Specifies which SmartScript question contains the answer used for off page branching.

SIS OM Branch Answer. Specifies which SmartScript answer triggers branching. This value is in language independent code.

SIS OM Branch Answer LOV. Specifies the LOV used in conjunction with user property SIS OM Branch Answer to find the language dependent value.

SIS OM Branch Trigger Answer. The value of this user property is used to find the SmartScript question that contains the off answer branch. The SmartScript question must have this value specified as its default answer.

Dynamic Answers

This functionality allows the SmartScript to dynamically find, using a business service, the possible SmartScript answers for the Rate Plan and Supplier questions for both the electricity and gas questions.

SIS OM PC Service Name. Name of the business service that contains the methods used to get the Rate Plan (Get Area Rate Plan Names) and the Supplier (Get Area Supplier Names). The value of this user property should not be changed.

SIS OM Question Service Type. Specifies which question is used to get the Service Type (Electricity or Gas). The Service Type is used as input to the Get Area Rate Plan Names and Get Area Supplier Names methods.

SIS OM Question Electric Service Area. Specifies which SmartScript question contains the electricity Service Area question. The Service Area is used as input to the Get Area Rate Plan Names and Get Area Supplier Names methods.

SIS OM Question Electric Supplier Name. Specifies which SmartScript question contains the electricity Supplier Name question. The answers displayed by this SmartScript question come from calling the SIS OM PC Service business service's method and Get Area Supplier Names.

SIS OM Question Electric Rate Plan. Specifies which SmartScript question contains the electricity Rate Plan question. The answers displayed by this SmartScript question come from calling the SIS OM PC Service business service's Get Area Rate Plan Names method.

NOTE:  This method takes the Supplier Name, as well as the Service Type and Service Area, as input, so the Supplier Name SmartScript question must come before the Rate Plan question for a particular Service Type.

SIS OM Question Gas Service Area. Specifies which SmartScript question contains the gas Service Area question. The Service Area is used as input to the Get Area Rate Plan Names and Get Area Supplier Names methods.

SIS OM Question Gas Supplier Name. Specifies which SmartScript question contains the gas Supplier Name question. The answers displayed by this SmartScript question come from calling the SIS OM PC Service business service's method and Get Area Supplier Names.

SIS OM Question Gas Rate Plan. Specifies which SmartScript question contains the gas Rate Plan question. The answers displayed by this SmartScript question come from calling the SIS OM PC Service business service's Get Area Rate Plan Names method.

NOTE:  This method takes the Supplier Name, as well as the Service Type and Service Area, as input, so the Supplier Name SmartScript question must come before the Rate Plan question for a particular Service Type.

Report Mode

These user properties are used when the SmartScript is in report mode. The SmartScript is in report mode when the SmartScript is invoked from the Relationship view New button (method invoked SISOMRunPCReport using class CSSSISOMBCProductRelationship).

SIS OM Report Mode: No Answer Validation #. Specifies which SmartScript questions do not need to be answered when in report mode. If a SmartScript question is left blank and it uses this user property, then the system will operate as if All SmartScript answers were selected for this question.

SIS OM Report Mode: On Finish View. Specifies which view is displayed after the report workflow is started.

SIS OM Report Mode: SIS OM Finish Workflow. Specifies which workflow is called to generate the report when the SmartScript Finish button is clicked.

General User Properties

SIS OM Finish Workflow. Specifies which workflow is called when the SmartScript Finish button is clicked.

SIS OM Pricing Calculator Business Service

For more information on this business service, see SIS OM Pricing Calculator Business Service.

The following user properties are broken down by business service methods.

CP Report Create Quotes Method

The following user properties are used by the CP Report Create Quotes method, which is used to create the data set used when generating a report.

Dual Fuel Service Type. Specifies the language independent code used to specify the dual fuel Service Type.

Service Type Question Name. Specifies which SmartScript question in the SmartScript answer table contains the Service Type.

Electric Region Question Name. Specifies which SmartScript question in the SmartScript answer table contains the electricity Region (Service Area).

Electric Service Type. Specifies the language independent code used to specify the electricity Service Type.

Electric Supplier Question Name. Specifies which SmartScript question in the SmartScript answer table contains the electricity Supplier.

Electric Tariff Question Name. Specifies which SmartScript question in the SmartScript answer table contains the electricity Tariff (Rate Plan).

Gas Region Question Name. Specifies which SmartScript question in the SmartScript answer table contains the electricity Region (Service Area).

Gas Service Type. Specifies the language independent code used to specify the gas Service Type.

Gas Supplier Question Name. Specifies which SmartScript question in the SmartScript answer table contains the gas Supplier.

Gas Tariff Question Name. Specifies which SmartScript question in the SmartScript answer table contains the gas Tariff (Rate Plan).

Run SmartScript Method

The following user properties are used by the Run SmartScript method as defaults if these values are not specified as input to this method.

SIS OM ScriptName - HI. Specifies the default SIS OM SmartScript to run if the application is in high interactivity mode.

SIS OM ScriptName - LI. Specifies the default SIS OM SmartScript to run if the application is in standard interactivity mode.

SIS OM ViewName. Specifies the default view that contains the SIS OM SmartScript Engine.

Figure 21 shows the SmartScript text for the Price Comparison feature.

Figure 21.  SmartScript Workflow for Price Comparison
Click for full size image
Siebel Energy Guide