Siebel Field Service Guide > Setting Up and Using Scheduling >

Creating Parameter Sets for Scheduling

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Scheduling.

Parameter sets hold key information that determines how the ABS and Optimizer operate. Parameter sets are associated with service regions in the Administration - Scheduling screen > Service Region List view. See Defining Service Regions for more information. Each service region uses one parameter set.

If the scheduling server starts without Optimizer or ABS parameters (see Table 28), the service region is not loaded for the Optimizer or the ABS, respectively. The log files (ApptBook_xxx.log and Optimizer_xxx.log in the log directory on the Siebel Server) specify which parameters are missing.

NOTE:  If a service region fails to load, you must restart the ABS or Optimizer. This does not require rebooting the computer.

Schedule Parameters

Table 28 lists the various scheduling parameters that can be used to specify a parameter set.

Table 28. Scheduling Parameters

Month Start Date


Number, 1-28

Determines what day the month starts on. Used for constraints that are defined in terms of months. Most users will set this to 1. The default value is 1.

Use Assignment Manager



Whether to submit the activity to Siebel Assignment Manager to receive a list of engineers capable of performing this work. This should be set to 1 to use the AM, unless all employees in a service region have the same skills or all are eligible to do all the jobs. The default value is 1.

Week Start Day


Number, 1-7

Determines what day the week starts on. Used for constraints that are defined in terms of weeks. Most users will set this to 1 (Sunday) or 2 (Monday). The default value is 1.

ABS - Activity Category


Order number for the Activity Category LOV.

When loading in activities into the ABS, only those with the specified category will be loaded. The default value is all categories. For example, to only load activities with a category of Repair Activity, do the following in the order shown:

  • Navigate to the Administration - Application screen > List of Values view.
  • Query for the LOV type, FS_ACTIVITY_CLASS.
  • Record the order number for the category you want to exclude (that is, Repair Activity).
  • Navigate to the Administration - Scheduling screen > Parameter Sets view.




  • Select the parameter set for the specified Service Region and add the Variable value, ABS - Activity Category. This value is taken from the Order field of the Repair Activity LOV. The value can be comma-separated if there is more than one category listed. As a result, the ABS only loads activities with the category Repair Activity and ignores activities with other categories.

ABS - Activity Status


Order number for the Activity Status LOV.

When loading activities into the ABS, those with the specified status are excluded. Recommended default: Cancelled. For example, to exclude activities with a Cancelled status, do the following in the order shown:

  • Find the order number of activities with a Cancelled status (the LOV type is EVENT_STATUS).
  • Add the parameter, ABS - Activity Status. This value is taken from the Order field of Cancelled Status LOV. The value can be comma separated if there is more than one status listed. As a result, the ABS does not load activities with a Cancelled status.

ABS - Days to End



When starting the ABS process, specifies how many days out the ABS should be booking appointments. It is always measured in number of days (not an absolute date) showing how far the schedule runs. Required for ABS.

ABS - Days to Start



When starting the ABS process, this number specifies how many days out the ABS should start booking appointments. It is always measured in number of days, not an absolute date. Required for ABS.

This parameter activates at 12 A.M., which means that if ABS - Days to Start is set to 1, the ABS starts booking appointments from midnight after the region was loaded (subject to the schedule used).

NOTE:  Activities that start in the past but end after the ABS - Days to Start value are still loaded to the ABS.

ABS - Default Number of Slots



Specifies how many choices (maximum number of appointment slots) are returned to the user. A higher number of slots gives more flexibility, but may slow the ABS, as it takes longer to search for more slots. The default value is 5.

ABS - Logging Level


Number, 1-4

Controls how much information is written to the ABS log stored on the server (ApptBook_xxx.log). The lowest level, 1, writes only basic information about the server activities, while the highest level, 4, writes detailed logs, showing all actions that occurred.

NOTE:  You must set the Appointment Booking and Optimization Execution event for the ApptBook component to 4 to generate log files when the ABS is loaded.

ABS - Range of Heuristic


Number, 1-3

Determines the time range that the selection heuristic uses:

1 - day

2 - week

3 - month

ABS - Selection Heuristic



Determines the logic used when finding time slots:

1 - Earliest First method.

2 - Resource Leveling method.

3 - Resource Loading method.

See Heuristics for the Appointment Booking System for more information about these methods.

ABS - Timeout


Number (minutes)

Sets how long time slots are locked (in minutes) after the user requests them, but has not chosen one. After this time, the slots are released and made available for booking by other users. This is important if the user closes the browser or loses a connection, so that the slots are again available.

Optimizer - Activity Category


Sequence number for the Activity Category LOV.

When loading in activities into the Optimizer, only those with the specified category will be loaded. The default value is all categories.

Optimizer - Activity Status


Sequence number for the Activity Status LOV.

When loading in activities into the Optimizer, those with the specified status are excluded. Recommended default: Cancelled.

Optimizer - Default Priority


Sequence number for the Activity Priority LOV.

Priority used if no priority is set for an activity.

Optimizer - Glued


Number (hours)

The period, in hours, from now in which the Optimizer treats the schedule as frozen. No activity may be scheduled during this time period.

Optimizer - Hard Latest Start



Whether the Latest Start value is considered a hard or soft constraint:

0 - Soft constraint

1 - Hard constraint

The default is 0.

Optimizer - Logging Level


Number, 1-4

This field controls how much information is written to the Optimizer log (Optimizer_xxx.log) stored on the server. The lowest level, 1, writes only basic information about the server activities, while the highest level, 4, writes detailed logs, showing all actions that occurred.

Optimizer - Optimize Heuristic


Number, 1-8

The heuristic used to improve the optimization solution:

1 - Greedy search

2 - Steepest search

3 - Greedy search followed by a Tabu search

4 - Steepest search followed by Tabu

5 - Greedy search followed by Fast GLS

6 - Steepest search followed by Fast GLS

7 - Greedy search followed by GTS

8 - Steepest search followed by GTS


GLS = Guided Local search

GTS = Guided Tabu search

See Heuristics for the Optimizer for more information about these methods.

Optimizer - Consider Parts



Whether the Optimizer should consider parts in an engineer's trunk inventory when considering the engineer for assignment to an activity:

0 - No
1 - Yes

Optimizer - Parts Period


Integer (hours)

If the Optimizer considers that a service engineer has the parts required to solve a problem, this parameter tells the Optimizer how far in advance to consider parts.

Optimizer - Save Interval


Integer (Minutes)

The interval for committing the optimized or partially optimized schedule to the database. Shorter values mean that the database is more up to date, but frequent updates may have an effect on performance.

Optimizer - Tardiness Cost


Number (Float)

The cash value, in $/hour, of violating the Optimizer - Hard Latest Start soft constraint.

Optimizer - Task Excl Cost



Penalty used in calculating the cost function if an activity is unscheduled.

Optimizer - Timeout


Minutes (Integer)

The maximum time in minutes for each optimization.

To define parameter sets

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Scheduling screen > Parameter Sets view.

    The Parameter Sets view provides the basic definition of the parameters that the ABS and the Optimizer use.

  2. Create a new record and complete the fields as appropriate.

    Make sure that you give the parameter set a meaningful name—for example, East Coast Parameters.

  3. Scroll down to the Parameters list and create a new record.

    The Parameters view defines each parameter in a parameter set.

  4. In the Variable Code field, select the appropriate parameter from the drop-down list.

    See Schedule Parameters for more information about the parameters that you can choose from.

  5. In the Variable Value field, enter a value for the parameter.

To view the service regions associated with a parameter set

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Scheduling screen > Parameter Sets view.
  2. Select a record in the Parameter Sets list.
  3. Click the Service Regions view tab.

    The Service Regions view contains read-only records listing the service regions that use a selected parameter set.

Siebel Field Service Guide